// Get a list of question controls filtered by the specific question type & set of questions
		private IEnumerable<DropDownEntityControlType> GetDropDownEntityControls(AimDropDownEntityType dropDownType, List<TemplateQuestion> questionList)
			string codeTypeDescription = StringValueOf(dropDownType);
			foreach (DropDownEntityControlType control in this.GetDropDownEntityControls(dropDownType))
				foreach (TemplateQuestion templateQuestion in questionList)
					if (GetLabelForQuestion(templateQuestion.Name, codeTypeDescription) == control.Label)
						yield return control;
		private static string GetTagName(AimDropDownEntityType ddeType)
			return StringValueOf(ddeType).Replace(" ", "");
		// Get a list of question controls filtered by the specific question type
		private IEnumerable<DropDownEntityControlType> GetDropDownEntityControls(AimDropDownEntityType dropDownType)
			string tagName = GetTagName(dropDownType);
			foreach (Control control in this.Controls)
				if (control != null && control is DropDownEntityControlType && string.Equals((string)control.Tag, tagName))
					yield return (DropDownEntityControlType)control;
		private void AddNewDropDownEntityControls(List<TemplateQuestion> dataList, ref int controlCnt, ref int startPtY, ref string currentHeading, AimDropDownEntityType ddeType, bool isIndented)
			int startPtX = isIndented ? 25 : 3; // move X to the right if indentation is desired
			string codeTypeDescription = StringValueOf(ddeType);
			string controlTag = GetTagName(ddeType);
			foreach (TemplateQuestion question in dataList)
				// Add Heading
				string questionHeading = GetQuestionHeading(question.Name);
				if (questionHeading != currentHeading)
					Label lblHeading = new Label();
					lblHeading.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
			//		lblHeading.AutoSize = true;
					lblHeading.AutoEllipsis = true;
					lblHeading.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(startPtX, startPtY);
					lblHeading.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
					lblHeading.Font = new Font(lblHeading.Font.FontFamily, lblHeading.Font.Size + 3F, FontStyle.Bold);
					lblHeading.Text = questionHeading ?? "Empty Heading";
					//lblHeading.BackColor = SystemColors.MenuHighlight;
					//lblHeading.ForeColor = SystemColors.MenuText;
					lblHeading.Size = new Size(this.Width - this.Margin.Horizontal - C_VerticalScrollbarWidth - (isIndented ? 20 : 0), lblHeading.Height);
					startPtY += lblHeading.Height + 3;

					currentHeading = questionHeading;

				// Add Question Drop Down
				DropDownEntityControlType ddEnt = new DropDownEntityControlType(GetLabelForQuestion(question.Name, codeTypeDescription), question.Codes, question.Description, question.Codes.Count > 1, question.AllowMultipleAnswers);
				ddEnt.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
				ddEnt.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(startPtX, startPtY);
				ddEnt.Name = "dddEnt" + controlCnt;
				ddEnt.Size = new Size(this.Width - this.Margin.Horizontal - C_VerticalScrollbarWidth - (isIndented ? 20 : 0), ddEnt.Height);
				ddEnt.TabIndex = controlCnt;
				ddEnt.Tag = controlTag; // "ImagingObservationCharacteristic";
				ddEnt.SelectedAnswerChanged += OnSelectedFeatureChanged;
				// Do not display controls with a single answer, that will be selected by default
				if (question.Codes.Count > 1)
					startPtY += ddEnt.Height + 3;
					ddEnt.Visible = false;