public void Execute(int search, VehicleRequestDTO request) { var vehicle = AiContext.Vehicles .Find(search); if (vehicle == null || vehicle.IsDeleted == 1) { throw new EntityNotFoundException("Vehicle"); } var existingBrand = AiContext.Brands .Find(request.BrandId); if (existingBrand == null) { throw new EntityNotFoundException("Brand"); } var existingVehType = AiContext.VehicleTypes .Find(request.VehicleTypeId); if (existingVehType == null) { throw new EntityNotFoundException("Vehicle type"); } vehicle.Automatic = request.Automatic.HasValue ? request.Automatic.Value : false; vehicle.Model = request.Model; vehicle.CostPerDay = request.CostPerDay; vehicle.BrandId = request.BrandId; vehicle.VehicleTypeId = request.VehicleTypeId; vehicle.FuelTankCapacity = request.FuelTankCapacity; vehicle.Color = request.Color; vehicle.ModifiedAt = DateTime.Now; AiContext.SaveChanges(); }
public override UtilityPick EvaluateAbsoluteUtility(AiContext context) { if (evaluatedParamName != AiContextVariable.None) { var averageScores = GetSumScores(context); if (averageScores != null) { var considerationsCount = (float)considerations.Count; var maxIdx = -1; var maxAvg = 0f; for (var i = 0; i < averageScores.Length; i++) { var score = averageScores[i]; score /= considerationsCount; if (score > maxAvg) { maxAvg = score; maxIdx = i; } } return(new UtilityPick(this, ActionWeight * maxAvg, maxIdx)); } } return(null); }
protected override bool GetBranch(AiContext context) { var canMove = moveFinder.Find(Unit, context); Unit.NextMove = moveFinder.MoveInfo; return(canMove); }
public List <float> Evaluate(AiContext context, int len = 1) { var pick = new List <float>(); if (evaluatedContextVariable != AiContextVariable.None) { if (context.GetParameter(evaluatedContextVariable) is List <float> evaluatedParams) { for (var i = 0; i < evaluatedParams.Count; i++) { pick.Add(EvaluateAt(evaluatedParams[i])); } } else { if (context.GetParameter(evaluatedContextVariable) is float evaluatedParam) { pick = new List <float>(); var score = EvaluateAt(evaluatedParam); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { pick.Add(score); } } } } return(pick); }
public void Execute(int request) { var rent = AiContext.Rents .Find(request); if (rent == null || rent.IsDeleted == 1) { throw new EntityNotFoundException("Rent"); } //Only rents in progress can be stopped if (rent.StatusId != 10) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); } var vehicle = AiContext.Vehicles .Find(rent.VehicleId); vehicle.Rented = false; vehicle.ModifiedAt = DateTime.Now; rent.StatusId = 11; rent.ModifiedAt = DateTime.Now; AiContext.SaveChanges(); _emailSender.Body = "Your rent has ended, thank you for using our service!"; _emailSender.Subject = "Rent reservation"; _emailSender.ToEmail = rent.Email; _emailSender.Send(); }
public override IDecisionTreeNode MakeDecision(AiContext context) { var decisionCommand = new WaitForAlliesToMoveCommand(Unit, context); context.InsertCommand(Zero, decisionCommand); return(this); }
public void Execute(int search, ExtraAddonRequestDTO request) { var extra = AiContext.ExtraAddons .Find(search); if (extra == null || extra.IsDeleted == 1) { throw new EntityNotFoundException("Extra Add-on"); } var existingName = AiContext.ExtraAddons .Where(x => x.Name == request.Name) .Where(x => x.Id != extra.Id) .Where(x => x.IsDeleted == 0) .FirstOrDefault(); if (existingName != null) { throw new EntityExistsException("Extra Add-on"); } var extraUpdate = new ExtraAddon(); extra.Name = request.Name; extra.Price = request.Price; extra.ModifiedAt = DateTime.Now; AiContext.SaveChanges(); }
public override void Execute(AiContext context, UtilityPick pick) { _lastInvokedTime = Time.time; _invokedTimes++; _inExecution = true; actionTask?.Invoke(context, pick); }
public FinishMoveCommand(AiContext context, IUnit unit, Coord to, IEventBus bus) { this.context = context; this.unit = unit; = to; this.bus = bus; }
public override IDecisionTreeNode MakeDecision(AiContext context) { var decisionCommand = new MakeDecisionCommand(Unit, context, MoveDiffTime); context.InsertCommand(MoveDiffTime, decisionCommand); Bus.Raise(new IdleEvent(Unit.Coord)); return(this); }
protected override bool GetBranch(AiContext context) { var target = Unit.ArrivingTargets.MinBy(u => u.TimeWhenDecisionWillBeExecuted); var timeToArrive = target.TimeWhenDecisionWillBeExecuted - context.CurrentTime; Unit.ChangeTargetTo(target); return(timeToArrive < StraightMoveTime ? true : false); }
public override IDecisionTreeNode MakeDecision(AiContext context) { var(coord, time) = Unit.NextMove; new StartMoveCommand(context, Unit, coord, time, Bus).Execute(); context.InsertCommand(time, new FinishMoveCommand(context, Unit, coord, Bus)); context.InsertCommand(time, new MakeDecisionCommand(Unit, context, time)); return(this); }
public override IDecisionTreeNode MakeDecision(AiContext context) { var time = Unit.Target.TimeWhenDecisionWillBeExecuted - context.CurrentTime; context.InsertCommand(time, new MakeDecisionCommand(Unit, context, time)); Bus.Raise(new IdleEvent(Unit.Coord)); return(this); }
public void GoToTarget(AiContext context, UtilityPick pick) { var hitGameObject =; var owner = context.owner as NpcMainScript; if (owner != null) { owner._agent.SetDestination(hitGameObject.transform.position); } }
public override IDecisionTreeNode MakeDecision(AiContext context) { context.InsertCommand(Zero, new ApplyDamageCommand(Unit, context, Bus)); //inserting to heap because units can attack at the same time context.InsertCommand(Unit.TimeToFinishAttackAnimation, new FinishAttackCommand(Unit, Bus)); var time = Max(Unit.AttackSpeedTime, Unit.TimeToFinishAttackAnimation); context.InsertCommand(time, new MakeDecisionCommand(Unit, context, time)); return(this); }
public StartMoveCommand(AiContext context, IUnit unit, Coord newCoord, F32 duration, IEventBus bus) { this.context = context; startingTime = context.CurrentTime; this.unit = unit; this.newCoord = newCoord; this.duration = duration; this.bus = bus; }
public override UtilityPick Select(AiContext context, List <AbstractUtilityAction> actions) { var utilities = new List <UtilityWeights>(); foreach (var action in actions) { UtilityPick utility = action.EvaluateAbsoluteUtility(context); if (utility != null && utility.Score > 0f) { utilities.Add(new UtilityWeights(utility.Score, utility)); } } var count = utilities.Count; if (count > 0) { utilities.Sort((first, second) => first.Rank.CompareTo(second.Rank)); var std = utilities.GetStd(); var sum = 0f; var minWeight = float.PositiveInfinity; var maxWeight = 0f; var selected = new List <UtilityWeights>(); foreach (var u in utilities) { if (u.Rank < std) { continue; } selected.Add(u); sum += u.Rank; } foreach (var u in selected) { u.Weight = u.Rank / sum; if (u.Weight > maxWeight) { maxWeight = u.Weight; } if (u.Weight < minWeight) { minWeight = u.Weight; } } // TODO: Weights are equal to 1 on the first run ?? var rand = Random.Range(minWeight, maxWeight); return(utilities.Find(u => u.Weight >= rand).UAction); } return(null); }
public override IDecisionTreeNode MakeDecision(AiContext context) { var units = context.EnemyUnits(Unit.Player); //TODO: check if it's moving and if so record that in unit var target = Unit.FindNearestTarget(units); Unit.ChangeTargetTo(target); context.InsertCommand(Zero, new MakeDecisionCommand(Unit, context, Zero)); return(this); }
public void Execute(int request) { var extra = AiContext.ExtraAddons.Find(request); if (extra == null || extra.IsDeleted == 1) { throw new EntityNotFoundException("Extra Add-on"); } extra.IsDeleted = 1; AiContext.SaveChanges(); }
public void Execute(int request) { var brand = AiContext.Brands.Find(request); if (brand == null || brand.IsDeleted == 1) { throw new EntityNotFoundException("Brand"); } brand.IsDeleted = 1; AiContext.SaveChanges(); }
public override IDecisionTreeNode MakeDecision(AiContext context) { Unit.StartAttack(context.CurrentTime); context.InsertCommand(Unit.AttackAnimationHitTime, new MakeDecisionCommand(Unit, context, Unit.AttackAnimationHitTime)); Bus.Raise(new RotateEvent(Unit.Coord, Unit.Target.Coord)); Bus.Raise(new StartAttackEvent(Unit.Coord)); return(this); }
public void Execute(int request) { var user = AiContext.Users.Find(request); if (user == null || user.IsDeleted == 1) { throw new EntityNotFoundException("User"); } user.IsDeleted = 1; AiContext.SaveChanges(); }
public void Execute(int request) { var vehType = AiContext.VehicleTypes .Find(request); if (vehType == null || vehType.IsDeleted == 1) { throw new EntityNotFoundException("Vehicle type"); } vehType.IsDeleted = 1; AiContext.SaveChanges(); }
public void GoToCover(AiContext context, UtilityPick pick) { if (pick.UtilityAction is PickerAction picker) { var choices = context.GetParameter(picker.evaluatedParamName) as List <Vector3>; var owner = context.owner as NpcMainScript; if (pick.SelectorIdx != -1) { owner._agent.SetDestination(choices[pick.SelectorIdx]); } } }
public void Execute(int request) { var location = AiContext.Locations .Find(request); if (location == null || location.IsDeleted == 1) { throw new EntityNotFoundException("Location"); } location.IsDeleted = 1; AiContext.SaveChanges(); }
public void Execute(int request, UserUpdatePasswordRequest pass) { var user = AiContext.Users.Find(request); if (user == null || user.IsDeleted == 1) { throw new EntityNotFoundException("User"); } user.Password = pass.Password; user.ModifiedAt = DateTime.Now; AiContext.SaveChanges(); }
public BattleSimulationDebugController(BattleSimulation simulation, BattleSimulationUI ui, AiContext context, PlayerContext playerContext, PlayerPresenterContext playerPresenterContext, RealtimeBattleSimulationController realtimeBattleSimulationController, BattleSimulationPresenter simulationPresenter) { this.simulation = simulation; this.ui = ui; this.context = context; this.playerContext = playerContext; this.playerPresenterContext = playerPresenterContext; this.realtimeBattleSimulationController = realtimeBattleSimulationController; this.simulationPresenter = simulationPresenter; }
public void Execute(int search, CustomerRequestDTO request) { var customer = AiContext.Customers.Find(search); if (customer == null || customer.IsDeleted == 1) { throw new EntityNotFoundException("Customer"); } customer.FirstName = request.FirstName; customer.LastName = request.LastName; customer.Email = request.Email; customer.PhoneNumber = request.PhoneNumber; customer.Birthday = request.Birthday; customer.ModifiedAt = DateTime.Now; AiContext.SaveChanges(); }
public override float Qualify(AiContext context, List <ContextConsideration> considerations) { var product = 1f; foreach (var consideration in considerations) { if (consideration.isEnabled) { product *= consideration.Evaluate(context); } } var modificationFactor = 1f - 1f / considerations.Count; var makeUpValue = (1f - product) * modificationFactor; return(product + makeUpValue * product); }
public void Execute(int request) { var role = AiContext.Roles.Find(request); if (role == null || role.IsDeleted == 1) { throw new EntityNotFoundException("Role"); } role.IsDeleted = 1; role.ModifiedAt = DateTime.UtcNow; var users = AiContext.Users .Where(u => u.RoleId == request); foreach (var user in users) { user.RoleId = 8; } AiContext.SaveChanges(); }