Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void MultiComputationsPivot()
            #region multicomputations pivot
            var inputList  = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => new { Key = i / 5, Value = i }).ToList();
            var outputList = new List <string>();

            StreamProcessRunner.CreateAndExecuteAsync(inputList, rootStream =>
                .CrossApplyEnumerable("list elements", config => config)
                .Pivot("simple count", i => i.Key, i => new
                    Id    = i.Key,
                    Count = AggregationOperators.Count(),
                    Sum   = AggregationOperators.Sum(i.Value),
                    First = AggregationOperators.First(i.Value),
                    Last  = AggregationOperators.Last(i.Value),
                    Max   = AggregationOperators.Max(i.Value),
                    Min   = AggregationOperators.Min(i.Value),
                    Avg   = AggregationOperators.Avg(i.Value),
                .Select("transform into string", SimpleSerializeToString)
                .ThroughAction("collect values", outputList.Add);

            var expectedList = new[] {
                "FirstValue:{ Key = 0, Value = 0 },Key:0,Aggregation:{ Id = 0, Count = 5, Sum = 10, First = 0, Last = 4, Max = 4, Min = 0, Avg = 2 }",
                "FirstValue:{ Key = 1, Value = 5 },Key:1,Aggregation:{ Id = 0, Count = 5, Sum = 35, First = 5, Last = 9, Max = 9, Min = 5, Avg = 7 }"
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(expectedList, outputList);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void MultiColumnsMultiComputationsPivot()
            var inputList  = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => new { Key = i / 5, Value = i, Col = i % 2 }).OrderBy(i => i.Key).ToList();
            var outputList = new List <string>();

            #region multicolumns multicomputations pivot
            StreamProcessRunner.CreateAndExecuteAsync(inputList, rootStream =>
                .CrossApplyEnumerable("list elements", config => config)
                .EnsureSorted("ensure sorted", i => i.Key)
                .Pivot("simple count", i => new
                    Id         = i.Key,
                    EvensCount = AggregationOperators.Count().For(i.Col == 0),
                    EvensSum   = AggregationOperators.Sum(i.Value).For(i.Col == 0),
                    EvensFirst = AggregationOperators.First(i.Value).For(i.Col == 0),
                    EvensLast  = AggregationOperators.Last(i.Value).For(i.Col == 0),
                    EvensMax   = AggregationOperators.Max(i.Value).For(i.Col == 0),
                    EvensMin   = AggregationOperators.Min(i.Value).For(i.Col == 0),
                    EvensAvg   = AggregationOperators.Avg(i.Value).For(i.Col == 0),
                    OddsCount  = AggregationOperators.Count().For(i.Col == 1),
                    OddsSum    = AggregationOperators.Sum(i.Value).For(i.Col == 1),
                    OddsFirst  = AggregationOperators.First(i.Value).For(i.Col == 1),
                    OddsLast   = AggregationOperators.Last(i.Value).For(i.Col == 1),
                    OddsMax    = AggregationOperators.Max(i.Value).For(i.Col == 1),
                    OddsMin    = AggregationOperators.Min(i.Value).For(i.Col == 1),
                    OddsAvg    = AggregationOperators.Avg(i.Value).For(i.Col == 1),
                .Select("transform into string", SimpleSerializeToString)
                .ThroughAction("collect values", outputList.Add);

            var expectedList = new[] {
                "FirstValue:{ Key = 0, Value = 0, Col = 0 },Key:0,Aggregation:{ Id = 0, EvensCount = 3, EvensSum = 6, EvensFirst = 0, EvensLast = 4, EvensMax = 4, EvensMin = 0, EvensAvg = 2, OddsCount = 2, OddsSum = 4, OddsFirst = 1, OddsLast = 3, OddsMax = 3, OddsMin = 1, OddsAvg = 2 }",
                "FirstValue:{ Key = 1, Value = 5, Col = 1 },Key:1,Aggregation:{ Id = 0, EvensCount = 2, EvensSum = 14, EvensFirst = 6, EvensLast = 8, EvensMax = 8, EvensMin = 6, EvensAvg = 7, OddsCount = 3, OddsSum = 21, OddsFirst = 5, OddsLast = 9, OddsMax = 9, OddsMin = 5, OddsAvg = 7 }"
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(expectedList, outputList);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void DefineProcess(IStream <MyConfig> rootStream)
            var outputFileResourceS     = rootStream.Select("open output file", i => new StreamWriter(i.DestinationFilePath));
            var outputCategoryResourceS = rootStream.Select("open output category file", i => new StreamWriter(i.CategoryDestinationFilePath));

            var parsedLineS = rootStream
                              .CrossApplyFolderFiles("get folder files", i => i.InputFolderPath, i => i.InputFilesSearchPattern)
                              .CrossApplyTextFile("parse input file", new InputFileRowMapper(), (i, p) => { p.FileName = i; return(p); });

            var parsedTypeLineS = rootStream
                                  .Select("get input file type path", i => i.TypeFilePath)
                                  .CrossApplyTextFile("parse type input file", new TypeFileRowMapper());

            var joinedLineS = parsedLineS
                              .Lookup("join types to file", parsedTypeLineS, i => i.TypeId, i => i.Id, (l, r) => new { l.Id, r.Name, l.FileName, r.Category });

            var categoryStatistics = joinedLineS
                                     .Pivot("create statistic for categories", i => i.Category, i => new { Count = AggregationOperators.Count(), Total = AggregationOperators.Sum(i.Id) })
                                     .Select("create output category data", i => new OutputCategoryRow {
                Category = i.Key, AmountOfEntries = i.Aggregation.Count, TotalAmount = i.Aggregation.Total
                                     .ToTextFile("write category statistics to file", outputCategoryResourceS, new OutputCategoryRowMapper());

            joinedLineS.Select("create output data", i => new OutputFileRow {
                Id = i.Id, Name = i.Name, FileName = i.FileName
            .ToTextFile("write to output file", outputFileResourceS, new OutputFileRowMapper())
            .ToAction("write to console", i => Console.WriteLine($"{i.FileName}:{i.Id}-{i.Name}"));