public void IncorporateNewDay(AgentDay day) { int key = day.goalFruitHarvest; if (avgWoods.ContainsKey(key)) { //recalculate total //would be int but for rounding, could maybe keep track of totals as int float totalWoodSoFar = avgWoods[key] * numTries[key]; totalWoodSoFar += day.numsHarvested[GoalType.Wood]; numTries[key] += 1; avgWoods[key] = totalWoodSoFar / numTries[key]; } else { //Add entry into both dictionaries numTries.Add(key, 1); avgWoods.Add(key, day.numsHarvested[GoalType.Wood]); } //Update highest/lowest highestGoalTried = (int)Mathf.Max(day.numsHarvested[GoalType.Fruit], highestGoalTried); lowestGoalTried = (int)Mathf.Min(day.numsHarvested[GoalType.Fruit], lowestGoalTried); determineAllocationCandidates(); }
public void AgentIsDone(GameObject agent) { //If there were multiple agents, track doneness here //When all are done, increment day and replenish forest //Increment date date++; //Print summary to Unity console //TODO: Make activityLog and daysLog private and delete code below once this kind of //logging is no longer useful. AgentDay lastLog = ac.activityLog.daysLog.Last(); int lastDate =; //Should be same as date int lastGoal = lastLog.goalFruitHarvest; float trees = lastLog.numsHarvested[GoalType.Wood]; float mangoes = lastLog.numsHarvested[GoalType.Fruit]; Debug.Log( "On day " + lastDate.ToString() + ", agent harvested " + trees.ToString() + " trees and " + mangoes.ToString() + " mangoes. By going for " + lastGoal.ToString() + " mangoes." ); ReplenishPhase(); }
public void AddDay(AgentDay day) { daysLog.Add(day); }