private Vector3 Alignment(AgentBoid boid)
        // Set velocity to zero.
        Vector3 alignment =;
        int     iterator  = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < flockSize; i++)
            // Returns the distance between a and b.
            // Use this to find the distance between a boid and it's neighbour.
            float distance = Vector3.Distance(boids[i].transform.localPosition, boid.transform.localPosition);
            // If the distance between the two is greater than zero and less than the radius
            // defined in the AgentBoid script, then:
            if (distance > 0 && distance < boid.neighbourRad)
                // Set the velocity.
                alignment += boids[i].boidRB.velocity;
        // Return the alignment. Do not forget to normalize this!
        if (iterator > 0)
            return((alignment / (flockSize - 1)).normalized);
    private Vector3 Separation(AgentBoid boid)
        Vector3 separation =;
        int     iterator   = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < flockSize; i++)
            // Returns the distance between a and b.
            // Use this to find the distance between a boid and it's neighbour.
            float distance = Vector3.Distance(boids[i].transform.localPosition, boid.transform.localPosition);
            if (distance > 0 && distance < boid.separationBound)
                separation -= (boids[i].transform.localPosition - boid.transform.localPosition).normalized / distance;
        // Return the separation vector. Do not forget to normalize this!
        if (iterator > 0)
            return((separation / (flockSize - 1)).normalized);
    private Vector3 Cohesion(AgentBoid boid)
        Vector3 cohesion =;
        int     iterator = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < flockSize; i++)
            // Returns the distance between a and b.
            // Use this to find the distance between a boid and it's neighbour.
            float distance = Vector3.Distance(boids[i].transform.localPosition, boid.transform.localPosition);
            if (distance > 0 && distance < boid.neighbourRad)
                // Set the velocity.
                cohesion += boids[i].transform.localPosition;
        // Return the cohesion vector. Do not forget to normalize this!
        if (iterator > 0)
            return(((cohesion / (flockSize - 1)) - boid.transform.localPosition).normalized);
    private void FixedUpdate()
        for (int i = 0; i < flockSize; i++)
            // Select an individual boid.
            AgentBoid boid = boids[i];
            // If the boid is not equal to null and the rigidbody is not equal to null:
            if (boid != null && boid.boidRB != null)
                // Set the rules of the Reynolds algorithm by accessing the corresponding functions.
                Vector3 parsedAlignment  = Alignment(boid) * alignmentWeight * Time.deltaTime;
                Vector3 parsedCohesion   = Cohesion(boid) * cohesionWeight * Time.deltaTime;
                Vector3 parsedSeparation = Separation(boid) * separationWeight * Time.deltaTime;

                // Where the magic happens. Sum the vectors together.
                boid.boidRB.velocity += (parsedAlignment + parsedCohesion + parsedSeparation);