public void node_and_direct_test_in_graph()
            var graph = new AffectedGraph();

            graph.AddNode(new AffectedGraphNode(displayName: "display",
                                                isInterface: false,
                                                isTest: false,
                                                isRootNode: true,
                                                name: "A name",
                                                fullName: "fullnamecode",
                                                assembly: "foo.dll",
                                                type: "Type",
                                                testDescriptors: new List <TestDescriptor>(),
                                                isChange: false, inTestAssembly: false, complexity: 0));
            graph.AddNode(new AffectedGraphNode(displayName: "display",
                                                isInterface: false,
                                                isTest: true,
                                                isRootNode: true,
                                                name: "A name",
                                                fullName: "fullnametest",
                                                assembly: "foo.dll",
                                                type: "Type",
                                                testDescriptors: new List <TestDescriptor>(),
                                                isChange: false, inTestAssembly: true, complexity: 0));
            graph.AddConnection("fullnamecode", "fullnametest", false);
            var classifier = new TestPathsGraphRiskClassifier();

            Assert.AreEqual(100, classifier.CalculateRiskFor(graph));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void a_connection_can_be_added_between_two_valid_nodes()
            var g = new AffectedGraph();

            g.AddNode(new AffectedGraphNode("foo", false, false, false, "name", "bar::foo", "assembly", "type", new List <TestDescriptor>(), false, false, 0));
            g.AddNode(new AffectedGraphNode("foo", false, false, false, "name", "bar::foo2", "assembly", "type", new List <TestDescriptor>(), false, false, 0));
            g.AddConnection("bar::foo2", "bar::foo", false);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, g.AllConnections().Count());
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void when_root_node_get_root_node_returns_root_node()
            var g    = new AffectedGraph();
            var root = new AffectedGraphNode("foo", false, false, true, "name", "bar::foo", "assembly", "type", new List <TestDescriptor>(), false, false, 0);

            g.AddNode(new AffectedGraphNode("foo", false, false, false, "name", "bar::foo2", "assembly", "type", new List <TestDescriptor>(), false, false, 0));
            Assert.AreEqual(root, g.GetRootNode());
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void when_no_root_node_get_root_node_returns_null()
            var g = new AffectedGraph();

            g.AddNode(new AffectedGraphNode("foo", false, false, false, "name", "bar::foo", "assembly", "type", new List <TestDescriptor>(), false, false, 0));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void adding_a_null_node_does_not_add_node()
            var g = new AffectedGraph();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, g.AllNodes().Count());
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void a_connection_from_a_non_existant_node_does_not_add_connection()
            var g = new AffectedGraph();

            g.AddNode(new AffectedGraphNode("foo", false, false, false, "name", "bar::foo", "assembly", "type", new List <TestDescriptor>(), false, false, 0));
            g.AddConnection("somethingnon-existant", "bar::foo", false);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, g.AllConnections().Count());
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void a_node_can_be_added()
            var g = new AffectedGraph();

            g.AddNode(new AffectedGraphNode("foo", false, false, false, "name", "bar::foo", "assembly", "type", new List <TestDescriptor>(), false, false, 0));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, g.AllNodes().Count());
            Assert.AreEqual("foo", g.AllNodes().First().DisplayName);
            Assert.AreEqual("bar::foo", g.AllNodes().First().FullName);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void nodes_from_both_graphs_get_added_to_output()
            var graph1 = new AffectedGraph();

            graph1.AddNode(new AffectedGraphNode("test1", false, false, false, "test", "test12", "assembly", "type", new List <TestDescriptor>(), false, false, 0));
            var graph2 = new AffectedGraph();

            graph2.AddNode(new AffectedGraphNode("test1", false, false, false, "test", "test123", "assembly", "type", new List <TestDescriptor>(), false, false, 0));
            var merged = graph1.Merge(graph2);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, merged.AllNodes().Count());
        public void single_node_in_graph_that_is_not_a_test()
            var graph = new AffectedGraph();

            graph.AddNode(new AffectedGraphNode(displayName: "display",
                                                isInterface: false,
                                                isTest: false,
                                                isRootNode: true,
                                                name: "A name",
                                                fullName: "name",
                                                assembly: "foo.dll",
                                                type: "Type",
                                                testDescriptors: new List <TestDescriptor>(),
                                                isChange: false, inTestAssembly: false, complexity: 0));
            var classifier = new TestPathsGraphRiskClassifier();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, classifier.CalculateRiskFor(graph));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void single_node_nodein_graph_that_is_a_covered_test()
            var graph = new AffectedGraph();

            graph.AddNode(new AffectedGraphNode(displayName: "display",
                                                isInterface: false,
                                                isTest: true,
                                                isRootNode: true,
                                                name: "A name",
                                                fullName: "name",
                                                assembly: "foo.dll",
                                                type: "Type",
                                                testDescriptors: new List <TestDescriptor>(),
                                                isChange: false,
                                                inTestAssembly: false,
                                                complexity: 0));
            var classifier = new CoverageDistanceAndComplexityGraphRiskClassifier();

            Assert.AreEqual(100, classifier.CalculateRiskFor(graph));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static AffectedGraph BuildGraphFor(IEnumerable <IEnumerable <string> > paths)
            bool first = true;
            var  ret   = new AffectedGraph();

            foreach (var path in paths)
                string last = null;
                foreach (var node in path)
                    if (!ret.ContainsNode(node))
                        ret.AddNode(new AffectedGraphNode(node, false, false, first, node, node, "", "", new List <TestDescriptor>(), false, false, 0));
                        first = false;
                    if (last != null)
                        ret.AddConnection(last, node, false);
                    last = node;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private void FillAfferentGraph(string fullName, Dictionary<string, bool> cutPoints, AffectedGraph graph, MemberReference parent, int depth, TypeDefinition inheritedTypeContext, bool inVirtual, List<string> breadCrumbs, GenericContext genericContext, bool inSelf)
            WriteWalkerDebug(fullName, depth);
            if (TryBreadCrumbsPrune(fullName, depth, breadCrumbs))
                if (parent != null)
                    WriteWalkerDebug("truncating but adding connection to " + fullName, depth);
                    graph.AddConnection(parent.GetCacheName(), fullName, false);
            if (TryCutPointPrune(fullName, depth, cutPoints))
                if (parent != null)

                    WriteWalkerDebug("bread crumbs truncating but adding connection to " + fullName, depth);
                    graph.AddConnection(parent.GetCacheName(), fullName, false);
            var efferentEntry = _cache.TryGetEfferentCouplingNode(fullName);
            var afferentEntry = _cache.TryGetEfferentCouplingNode(fullName);
            MethodDefinition currentDefinition = null;
            if (efferentEntry != null)
                TypeReference parentType = null;
                if (parent != null) parentType = parent.DeclaringType;
                var definition = efferentEntry.MemberReference.DeclaringType.ThreadSafeResolve();
                if (TryInterfacePrune(fullName, depth, breadCrumbs, efferentEntry, parentType, definition)) return;
                if (TryInheritancePrune(fullName, depth, breadCrumbs, inVirtual, definition, inheritedTypeContext)) {return;}
                inheritedTypeContext = GetNewTypeContext(inheritedTypeContext, definition);
                currentDefinition = efferentEntry.MemberReference as MethodDefinition;
                if (currentDefinition != null)
                    if(currentDefinition.DeclaringType == null) {}
                    if (parent is FieldReference && currentDefinition.IsConstructor)
            var touse = afferentEntry ?? efferentEntry;
            WriteWalkerDebug("adding node " + fullName, depth);
            var newnode = GetGraphNode(fullName, touse, parent == null, false);
            if (parent != null)
                 graph.AddConnection(parent.GetCacheName(), newnode.FullName, false);    
            if(currentDefinition != null)
                RecurseSynonyms(depth, cutPoints, inheritedTypeContext, currentDefinition, graph, breadCrumbs, genericContext);
            RecurseAfferentCouplings(fullName, depth, cutPoints, inVirtual, inheritedTypeContext, graph, parent, breadCrumbs, genericContext);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void GetEfferentGraph(string parent, string fullName, IDictionary<string, bool> cutOffs, List<ChangeContext> found, AffectedGraph graph, bool isRootNode, TypeDefinition originalContext)
            var entry = _cache.TryGetEfferentCouplingNode(fullName);
            var afferent = _cache.TryGetAfferentCouplingNode(fullName);
            if (isRootNode)
                entry = entry ?? afferent; 
                found.Add(new ChangeContext(fullName, null));
                graph.AddNode(GetGraphNode(fullName, entry, true, true));
                if (entry != null && entry.MemberReference != null)
                    var refer = entry.MemberReference as MethodReference;
                    if (refer != null && _testStrategies.IsTest(refer))
            //TODO Greg this hamstrings some stuff but should work better in most cases
            //I think we only really need statics past here but need to look it over a bit.

            WriteWalkerDebug("checking " + fullName, 0);
            if (entry == null)
                WriteWalkerDebug("efferent entry is null", 0);
                if (afferent != null && afferent.MemberReference is MethodReference) return; //Leaf node to a method call
            if(afferent == null)
                WriteWalkerDebug("afferent entry is null", 0);
            if (afferent != null)
                var memref = afferent.MemberReference as MethodReference;
                MethodDefinition def = null;
                if (memref != null)
                    def = memref.ThreadSafeResolve();
                if (!isRootNode && def != null)
                    if (def.IsGetter) return;
                    if (def.DeclaringType.IsInterface) return; //don't recurse forward on interface calls
                    if (!def.HasThis) return;
                var reference = afferent.MemberReference as FieldReference; //Leaf node to a field reference
                if (reference != null)
                    graph.AddNode(GetGraphNode(fullName, afferent, isRootNode, false));
                    if (parent != null)
                        graph.AddConnection(parent, fullName, true);

                    found.Add(new ChangeContext(fullName, originalContext));

            if (entry == null) return;
            graph.AddNode(GetGraphNode(fullName, entry, isRootNode, false));
            if (parent != null)
                graph.AddConnection(parent, fullName, true);
            foreach (var current in entry.Couplings)
                if (cutOffs.ContainsKey(current.To)) continue;
                if (current.IgnoreWalk) continue;
                if (current.ActualReference is MethodReference && !current.IsSelfCall) continue;
                cutOffs.Add(current.To, true);
                GetEfferentGraph(fullName, current.To, cutOffs, found, graph, false, originalContext);