Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void Aquire(AdvancementSquare advSq)     // Advancement square now covers cell - display proper color & tint.
     Debug.Log("Cell.Aquire() - add to list and display proper color & tint.");
     Debug.Log("Number of AdvSqs = " + advSqs.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void Divest(AdvancementSquare advSq) // Advancement square no longer covers cell - display last color & tint.
     Debug.Log("Cell.Divest() - extract from list and display last color & tint.");
     advSqs.Remove(advSq);         // TODO: Trap for error - advSq not in list.
     Debug.Log("Number of AdvSqs = " + advSqs.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    // Partial public interface for highlighting rook advancement squares:
    public IEnumerator ClearAdvSqByPerimeter(AdvancementSquare advSq)
        for (int perimeter = advSq.perimeters.Count - 1; perimeter >= 0; perimeter--)
            if (debug)
                print("^^^ Coroutine: clear perimeter " + (perimeter + 1));

            for (int i = 0; i < advSq.perimeters[perimeter].Length; i++)
                Vector3Int sq = advSq.perimeters[perimeter][i];

                // Skip squares off the board.
                if (IsOffBoard(sq, chessBoard.size))


            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f));            // TODO: put advSqByPerimeter speed under player control.
Ejemplo n.º 4
    // Called by HighLightSquareByGrid.SetSrcDstSquares().
    public bool AdvSq(Vector3Int srcSquare, Vector3Int dstSquare)
        bool validAdvSq = true;

        this.srcSquare = srcSquare;
        this.dstSquare = dstSquare;
        print("AdvSq: " + srcSquare + " / " + dstSquare);
        perimeter = 0;

        bool sameX = srcSquare.x == dstSquare.x;
        bool sameY = srcSquare.y == dstSquare.y;
        bool sameZ = srcSquare.z == dstSquare.z;

        if ((sameX && sameY) || (sameX && sameZ) || (sameY && sameZ))
            print("Linear rook move.");
            if (sameX && sameY)
                print("Rook vertical linear move, Z varies.");
            else if (sameX && sameZ)
                print("Rook horizontal linear move, Y varies.");
            else if (sameY && sameZ)
                print("Rook horizontal linear move, X varies.");
            //print("Number of perimeters = " + advSq.Perims);
        else if (sameX || sameY || sameZ)
            print("Quadrant rook move.");
            if (sameZ)
                advSq = new RookAdvSqQuad("Horizontal", srcSquare, dstSquare);
                print("Rook Horizontal plane, advancement square number of perimeters = " + advSq.Perims);
            else if (sameX)
                advSq = new RookAdvSqQuad("RightVertical", srcSquare, dstSquare);
                print("Rook RightVertical plane, advancement square number of perimeters = " + advSq.Perims);
            else if (sameY)
                advSq = new RookAdvSqQuad("LeftVertical", srcSquare, dstSquare);
                print("Rook LeftVertical plane, advancement square number of perimeters = " + advSq.Perims);
            doneShowing = false;
            print("Not in a rook plane.");
            validAdvSq = false;

Ejemplo n.º 5
    public IEnumerator ShowAdvSqByPerimeter(AdvancementSquare advSq)
        for (int perimeter = 0; perimeter <= advSq.perimeters.Count; perimeter++)
            if (debug)
                print("^^^ Coroutine: show perimeter " + (perimeter + 1));

            int prevPerimeter = perimeter - 1;
            int currPerimeter = perimeter;

            // Flatten ripple tilt of previous perimeter.
            if (perimeter > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < advSq.perimeters[prevPerimeter].Length; i++)
                    Vector3Int sq = advSq.perimeters[prevPerimeter][i];

                    // Skip squares off the board.
                    if (IsOffBoard(sq, chessBoard.size))
                    chessBoard.cells[sq.x, sq.y, sq.z].square.transform.rotation = new Quaternion(0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);                     // Flatten.

            // Highlight and ripple tilt current perimeter.
            if (perimeter < advSq.perimeters.Count)
                float xPos = (dstSquare.x > srcSquare.x) ? 0.1f : -0.1f;
                float yPos = (dstSquare.y > srcSquare.y) ? 0.1f : -0.1f;

                for (int i = 0; i < advSq.perimeters[currPerimeter].Length; i++)
                    Vector3Int sq = advSq.perimeters[currPerimeter][i];

                    // Skip squares off the board.
                    if (IsOffBoard(sq, chessBoard.size))
                    chessBoard.cells[sq.x, sq.y, sq.z].square.transform.rotation = new Quaternion(4.0f, yPos, 0.0f, xPos);                     // Rotate.

                    HighlightSquare(sq.x, sq.y, sq.z, DetCellToSrc(srcSquare, sq, rookColor));

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.2f));            // TODO: put advSqByPerimeter speed under player control.
Ejemplo n.º 6
    private void ColorAndTint()
        if (advSqs.Count > 0)
            int lastIndex           = advSqs.Count - 1;
            AdvancementSquare advSq = advSqs[lastIndex];

            // TODO: Determine plane type (Rook, Bishop, Duke).
            // TODO: Determine square type (black, white).
            // TODO: Find cell in perimeter, determine whether point, line, or quad.
            // TODO: Color and tint appropriately.
            // TODO: Restore color to originalColor (white/black).
Ejemplo n.º 7
    AdvancementSquare CreateAdvSq(Vector3Int srcSq, Vector3Int dstSq)
        AdvancementSquare        advSq  = null;
        List <AdvancementSquare> advSqs = new List <AdvancementSquare>();

        string plane = planesSelection.selectedPlane.text;

        if (planesSelection.rookPlanes.Contains(plane))
            if ((advSq = highlightRookPlanes.AdvSq(srcSq, dstSq)) != null)
                List <AdvancementSquare> testAdvSqs = new List <AdvancementSquare>();

Ejemplo n.º 8
    void SetSrcDstSquares()     // Src/dst looks correct, complete & concise 9/28/19, but advSqs are wip.
        Color srcColor = Color.yellow;
        Color dstColor = Color.magenta;

        Ray        ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);  // From camera to mouse.
        RaycastHit hit;

        if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))           // Ray hit a GameObject (square, piece, etc.).
            Vector3Int raycastSquare = FindRaycastSquare(hit);

            // Click marks source square.
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1))
                if (srcSquare == nullSquare)                                // Fresh srcSq.
                    if (dstSquare == raycastSquare)                         // Overrides dstSq.
                        dstSquare = Unhighlight(raycastSquare);
                        print("Overrides dstSq.");
                    srcSquare = Highlight(raycastSquare, srcColor);
                    if (dstSquare != nullSquare)
                        print("Show new advSq.");
                    lastAdvSqLocked = false;
                else if (raycastSquare == srcSquare)                        // Toggle srcSq.
                    srcSquare = Unhighlight(srcSquare);
                    if (dstSquare != nullSquare)
                        print("Revert last advSq.");
                else                                                        // Move srcSq.
                    srcSquare = Unhighlight(srcSquare);
                    if (dstSquare == raycastSquare)                             // Lock advSq (srcSq ontop of dstSq).
                        print("Lock last advSq.");
                        lastAdvSqLocked = true;
                        srcSquare = Highlight(raycastSquare, srcColor);
                        if (dstSquare != nullSquare)
                            // Mock code until can return a new advancement square:
                            AdvancementSquare first  = new AdvancementSquare();
                            AdvancementSquare second = new AdvancementSquare();

                            // Mock code, is only returning 'Different':
                            MetaSet metaSet = AdvancementSquare.AreAdSqsMetaSet(first, second);
                            if (metaSet == MetaSet.SubSet || metaSet == MetaSet.SuperSet || metaSet == MetaSet.ShiftSet)
                                print("Resize or shift advSq");
                            else if (metaSet == MetaSet.Null)
                                if (!lastAdvSqLocked)
                                    print("Clear last advSq.");
                            else if (metaSet == MetaSet.Different)
                                if (!lastAdvSqLocked)
                                    print("Clear last advSq.");
                                print("Show next advSq.");
                                lastAdvSqLocked = false;
                            else if (metaSet == MetaSet.Identical)
                                print("Identical should never happen - Do nothing.");

            // Click marks destination square.
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
                if (dstSquare == nullSquare)                                // Fresh dstSq.
                    if (srcSquare == raycastSquare)                         // Overrides srcSq.
                        srcSquare = Unhighlight(srcSquare);
                        print("Overrides srcSq.");
                    dstSquare = Highlight(raycastSquare, dstColor);
                    if (srcSquare != nullSquare)
                        print("Show new advSq.");
                        AdvancementSquare advSq = CreateAdvSq(srcSquare, dstSquare);
                        if (advSq != null)
                        print("  Size of advSqs = " + advSqs.Count);
                    lastAdvSqLocked = false;
                else if (raycastSquare == dstSquare)                            // Toggle dstSq.
                    dstSquare = Unhighlight(dstSquare);
                    if (srcSquare != nullSquare)
                        print("Revert last advSq.");
                        int prevAdvSqIndex = advSqs.Count - 1;
                else                                                                                            // Move dstSq.
                    if (srcSquare == raycastSquare)                                     // Lock advSq (dstSq ontop of srcSq).
                        print("Lock last advSq.");
                        bool line = false;
                        highlightRookPlanes.HighlightSquare(dstSquare, line);
                        dstSquare       = nullSquare;
                        lastAdvSqLocked = true;
                        dstSquare = Highlight(raycastSquare, dstColor);
                        if (srcSquare != nullSquare)
                            // Mock code until can return a new advancement square:
                            AdvancementSquare first  = new AdvancementSquare();
                            AdvancementSquare second = new AdvancementSquare();

                            // Mock code, is only returning 'Different':
                            MetaSet metaSet = AdvancementSquare.AreAdSqsMetaSet(first, second);
                            if (metaSet == MetaSet.SubSet || metaSet == MetaSet.SuperSet)
                                print("Resize advSq (extend or contract perimeters).");
                            else if (metaSet == MetaSet.Null)
                                if (!lastAdvSqLocked)
                                    print("Clear last advSq.");
                            else if (metaSet == MetaSet.Different)
                                int prevAdvSqIndex       = advSqs.Count - 1;
                                AdvancementSquare advSq1 = advSqs[prevAdvSqIndex];
                                AdvancementSquare advSq2 = CreateAdvSq(srcSquare, dstSquare);
                                if (advSq2 != null)
                                if (lastAdvSqLocked)
                                    print("Show next advSq.");
                                    print("Clear previous advSq and show next advSq.");
                                    StartCoroutine(highlightRookPlanes.ClearShowAdvSqsByPerimeter(advSq1, advSq2));
                                    lastAdvSqLocked = false;
                            else if (metaSet == MetaSet.Identical)
                                print("Do nothing.");
        else           // Clear src & dst squares off the board.
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1))
                if (srcSquare != nullSquare)
                    srcSquare = Unhighlight(srcSquare);
                    print("Lock last advSq.");
                    lastAdvSqLocked = true;
                if (srcSquare == nullSquare && dstSquare == nullSquare)
                    print("--- Clear all advancement squares off the board.");
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
                if (dstSquare != nullSquare)
                    dstSquare = Unhighlight(dstSquare);
                    print("Lock last advSq.");
                    lastAdvSqLocked = true;
                if (srcSquare == nullSquare && dstSquare == nullSquare)
                    print("--- Clear all advancement squares off the board.");
Ejemplo n.º 9
 static public MetaSet AreAdSqsMetaSet(AdvancementSquare first, AdvancementSquare second)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    // Called by HighLightSquareByGrid.SetSrcDstSquares().
    // TODO: Change to return List<>.
    public AdvancementSquare AdvSq(Vector3Int srcSquare, Vector3Int dstSquare)
        List <AdvancementSquare> advSqs = new List <AdvancementSquare>();

        this.srcSquare = srcSquare;
        this.dstSquare = dstSquare;
        print("AdvSq: " + srcSquare + " / " + dstSquare);

        bool sameX = srcSquare.x == dstSquare.x;
        bool sameY = srcSquare.y == dstSquare.y;
        bool sameZ = srcSquare.z == dstSquare.z;

        if ((sameX && sameY) || (sameX && sameZ) || (sameY && sameZ))
            print("Linear rook move.");
            AdvancementSquare advSqR1;
            AdvancementSquare advSqR2 = null;
            if (sameX && sameY)
                advSqR1 = new RookAdvSqRect("RightVertical", srcSquare, dstSquare);
                print("Rook right vertical linear move, Y varies; number of perimeters = " + advSqR1.Perims);
                //advSqR2 = new RookAdvSqRect("LeftVertical", srcSquare, dstSquare);
                //print("Rook left vertical linear move, Z varies; number of perimeters = " + advSqR2.Perims);
            else if (sameX && sameZ)
                advSqR1 = new RookAdvSqRect("Horizontal", srcSquare, dstSquare);
                print("Rook horizontal linear move, Y varies; number of perimeters = " + advSqR1.Perims);
                //advSqR2 = new RookAdvSqRect("RightVertical", srcSquare, dstSquare);
                //print("Rook right vertical linear move, Y varies; number of perimeters = " + advSqR2.Perims);
            else if (sameY && sameZ)
                advSqR1 = new RookAdvSqRect("LeftVertical", srcSquare, dstSquare);
                print("Rook left vertical linear move, X varies; number of perimeters = " + advSqR1.Perims);
                //advSqR2 = new RookAdvSqRect("Horizontal", srcSquare, dstSquare);
                //print("Rook horizontal linear move, X varies; number of perimeters = " + advSqR2.Perims);
                advSqR1 = null;
                advSqR2 = null;
            if (advSqR1 != null)
            if (advSqR2 != null)
        else if (sameX || sameY || sameZ)
            print("Quadrant rook move.");
            AdvancementSquare advSq;
            if (sameZ)
                advSq = new RookAdvSqQuad("Horizontal", srcSquare, dstSquare);
                print("Rook Horizontal plane, advancement square number of perimeters = " + advSq.Perims);
            else if (sameX)
                advSq = new RookAdvSqQuad("RightVertical", srcSquare, dstSquare);
                print("Rook RightVertical plane, advancement square number of perimeters = " + advSq.Perims);
            else if (sameY)
                advSq = new RookAdvSqQuad("LeftVertical", srcSquare, dstSquare);
                print("Rook LeftVertical plane, advancement square number of perimeters = " + advSq.Perims);
                advSq = null;
            if (advSq != null)
            print("Not in a rook plane.");
            //validAdvSq = false;