public static AdjustmentModel GetAdjustmentRaisedBy(string token, int raisedby, out string error)
            string          url = APIHelper.Baseurl + "/adjustment/raisedby" + raisedby;
            AdjustmentModel adm = APIHelper.Execute <AdjustmentModel>(token, url, out error);

        public static AdjustmentModel GetAdjustmentbyAdjId(string token, int adjid, out string error)
            string          url = APIHelper.Baseurl + "/adjustment/" + adjid;
            AdjustmentModel adm = APIHelper.Execute <AdjustmentModel>(token, url, out error);

        public static AdjustmentModel GetAdjustmentByDate(string token, DateTime date, out string error)
            string          url = APIHelper.Baseurl + "/adjustment/issuedate/" + date;
            AdjustmentModel adm = APIHelper.Execute <AdjustmentModel>(token, url, out error);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static int SaveAdjustmentModel(AdjustmentModel adjustmentModel, string Mode)
            string strExecution = "[fwd].[uspManageAdvAdj]";
            int    result       = 0;

            using (DbQuery oDq = new DbQuery(strExecution))
                oDq.AddVarcharParam("@Mode", 1, Mode);
                oDq.AddIntegerParam("@pk_AdvAdjID", adjustmentModel.AdjustmentPk);
                oDq.AddIntegerParam("@fk_CompanyID", adjustmentModel.CompanyID);

                oDq.AddIntegerParam("@fk_JobID", Convert.ToInt32(adjustmentModel.JobNo));
                oDq.AddVarcharParam("@DorC", 1, adjustmentModel.DOrC);
                oDq.AddIntegerParam("@fk_PartyID", Convert.ToInt32(adjustmentModel.DebtorOrCreditorName));

                oDq.AddVarcharParam("@AdjustmentNo", 60, adjustmentModel.AdjustmentNo);
                oDq.AddDateTimeParam("@AdjustmentDate", adjustmentModel.AdjustmentDate);
                oDq.AddIntegerParam("@AdvanceID", adjustmentModel.AdvanceID);
                // oDq.AddVarcharParam("@Adjustments", int.MaxValue, Utilities.Utilities.ConvertDTOToXML<InvoiceJobAdjustment>("Root", "Adjustment", adjustmentModel.LstInvoiceJobAdjustment));
                oDq.AddVarcharParam("@Adjustments", int.MaxValue, Utilities.GeneralFunctions.SerializeWithXmlTag(adjustmentModel.LstInvoiceJobAdjustment).Replace("?<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?>", ""));

                oDq.AddIntegerParam("@UserID", adjustmentModel.UserID);

                oDq.AddIntegerParam("@Result", result, QueryParameterDirection.Output);

                var pk_AdvAdjInvID = Convert.ToInt32(oDq.GetScalar());
                result = Convert.ToInt32(oDq.GetParaValue("@Result"));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Lambda to fetch character by name from character table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pRequest">Incoming API Gateway request object, used to pull parameter from url</param>
        /// <param name="pContext">Incoming Lambda Context object, not used currently</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public APIGatewayProxyResponse FunctionHandler(APIGatewayProxyRequest pRequest, ILambdaContext pContext)
            if (pRequest.Headers.Keys.Contains("warmup"))
            var vResponse = HttpHelper.HandleError("[GetAdjustmentsById] Unknown Backend error", 500);

                if (pRequest != null && pRequest.PathParameters != null && pRequest.PathParameters.Count > 0)
                    //We need to retrieve the ClientId for multitenancy purposes
                    var vClientId = pRequest.Headers["clientid"];

                    int vId = int.Parse(pRequest.PathParameters["id"]);
                    using (opendkpContext vDatabase = new opendkpContext())
                        var vResult = vDatabase.Adjustments
                                      .First(x => x.ClientId.Equals(vClientId) && x.IdAdjustment == vId);
                        var vAdjustment = new AdjustmentModel(vResult);
                        vResponse = HttpHelper.HandleResponse(vAdjustment, 200, true);
            catch (Exception vException)
                vResponse = HttpHelper.HandleError(string.Format("[GetAdjustmentsById] {0}", vException.Message), 500);

        public static AdjustmentModel UpdateAdjustment(string token, AdjustmentModel ajm, out string error)
            error = "";
            string url          = APIHelper.Baseurl + "/adjustment/update";
            string objectstring = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajm);

            ajm = APIHelper.Execute <AdjustmentModel>(token, objectstring, url, out error);
        public IHttpActionResult CreateAdjustment(AdjustmentModel adj)
            string          error = "";
            AdjustmentModel adjm  = AdjustmentRepo.CreateAdjustment(adj, out error);

            if (error != "" || adjm == null)
                return(Content(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, error));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        // Convert From Auto Generated DB Model to APIModel
        private static AdjustmentModel ConvertDBtoAPIAdjust(adjustment adj)
            List <AdjustmentDetailModel> adjdm = new List <AdjustmentDetailModel>();

            foreach (adjustmentdetail adjd in adj.adjustmentdetails)
                adjdm.Add(new AdjustmentDetailModel(adjd.adjid, adjd.itemid, adjd.item.description, adjd.adjustedqty, adjd.reason,, adjd.item.uom));
            AdjustmentModel adjm = new AdjustmentModel(adj.adjid, adj.raisedby, adj.user.fullname, adj.raisedto, adj.user1.fullname, adj.issueddate, adj.status, adjdm);

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public ActionResult HistoryDetail(int id)
            AdjustmentModel ajm = new AdjustmentModel();

                List <AdjustmentModel> adjlist = TempData["history"] as List <AdjustmentModel>;
                ajm = adjlist.Where(x => x.Adjid == id).FirstOrDefault();
                ViewBag.adjustment = ajm;
            catch (Exception ex) {
                RedirectToAction("Index", "Error", new { error = ex.Message });
        public IHttpActionResult GetAdjustmentbyAdjId(int adjid)
            string          error = "";
            AdjustmentModel adj   = AdjustmentRepo.GetAdjustmentByID(adjid, out error);

            if (error != "" || adj == null)
                if (error == ConError.Status.NOTFOUND)
                    return(Content(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Adjustment Not Found"));
                return(Content(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, error));
        public IHttpActionResult UpdateAdjustment(AdjustmentModel adj)
            string          error = "";
            AdjustmentModel adjm  = AdjustmentRepo.UpdateAdjustment(adj, out error);

            if (error != "" || adjm == null)
                if (error == ConError.Status.NOTFOUND)
                    return(Content(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Adjustment Not Found"));
                return(Content(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, error));
        public ActionResult Approve(int id)
            string token = GetToken();

                AdjustmentModel adj = APIAdjustment.GetAdjustmentbyAdjId(token, id, out string error);
                adj.Status = ConAdjustment.Active.APPROVED;
                APIAdjustment.UpdateAdjustment(token, adj, out error);
            catch (Exception ex)
                RedirectToAction("Index", "Error", new { error = ex.Message });
        public List <WCFInventoryAdjustmentDetailModel> AdjustmentDetailList(string id)
            List <WCFInventoryAdjustmentDetailModel> rd = new List <WCFInventoryAdjustmentDetailModel>();
            List <Adjustment_Details> adjList           = work.GetViewAdjustmentDetailList(id);

            List <AdjustmentModel> modelList = new List <AdjustmentModel>();

            foreach (Adjustment_Details i in adjList)
                AdjustmentModel model = new AdjustmentModel(i);
            foreach (AdjustmentModel s in modelList)
                WCFInventoryAdjustmentDetailModel item = new WCFInventoryAdjustmentDetailModel(s.CatName, s.QuantityAdjusted.ToString(), s.CostAdjusted.ToString(), s.Reason);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        //find Adjusment by id
        public static AdjustmentModel GetAdjustmentByID(int adjid, out string error)
            LUSSISEntities entities = new LUSSISEntities();

            error = "";

            adjustment      adj  = new adjustment();
            AdjustmentModel adjm = new AdjustmentModel();

                adj  = entities.adjustments.Where(a => a.adjid == adjid).FirstOrDefault <adjustment>();
                adjm = ConvertDBtoAPIAdjust(adj);
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                error = ConError.Status.NOTFOUND;
            catch (Exception e)
                error = e.Message;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        //Create new Adjustment
        public static AdjustmentModel CreateAdjustment(AdjustmentModel adjm, out string error)
            error = "";
            LUSSISEntities entities = new LUSSISEntities();
            adjustment     adj      = new adjustment();

                adj.raisedby   = adjm.Raisedby;
                adj.issueddate = adjm.Issueddate;
                adj.status     = ConAdjustment.Active.PENDING;
                List <AdjustmentDetailModel> adjds = adjm.Adjds;

                //check item price
                foreach (AdjustmentDetailModel adjd in adjds)
                    adj.raisedto = 0;
                    SupplierItemModel supp  = SupplierItemRepo.GetSupplierItemByItemId(adjd.Itemid, out error);
                    double?           price = Math.Abs((Int32)adjd.Adjustedqty) * supp.Price;

                    //Check total price of each item to consider who to report to
                    if (price >= ConAdjustment.Active.REPORTMANAGER)
                        user user = entities.users.Where(u => u.role == ConUser.Role.MANAGER).First();
                        adj.raisedto = user.userid;
                        user user = entities.users.Where(u => u.role == ConUser.Role.SUPERVISOR).First();
                        adj.raisedto = user.userid;
                adj = entities.adjustments.Add(adj);

                foreach (AdjustmentDetailModel adjdm in adjds)
                    adjustmentdetail adjd = new adjustmentdetail
                        adjid       = adj.adjid,
                        itemid      = adjdm.Itemid,
                        adjustedqty = adjdm.Adjustedqty,
                        reason      = adjdm.Reason
                    adjd = entities.adjustmentdetails.Add(adjd);

                adjm = GetAdjustmentByID(adj.adjid, out error);

                NotificationModel nom = new NotificationModel();
                nom.Deptid   = DepartmentRepo.GetDepartmentByUserid(adj.raisedto ?? default(int), out error).Deptid;
                nom.Role     = UserRepo.GetUserByUserID(adj.raisedto ?? default(int)).Role;
                nom.Title    = "New Adjustment";
                nom.NotiType = ConNotification.NotiType.Adjustment;
                nom.ResID    = adj.adjid;
                nom.Remark   = "A new adjustment has been raised by clerk!";
                nom          = NotificationRepo.CreatNotification(nom, out error);
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                error = ConError.Status.NOTFOUND;
            catch (Exception e)
                error = e.Message;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public int SaveAdjustmentModel(AdjustmentModel adjustmentModel, string Mode)
     return(AdvAdjustmentDAL.SaveAdjustmentModel(adjustmentModel, Mode));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        //Update Adjustment
        public static AdjustmentModel UpdateAdjustment(AdjustmentModel adjm, out string error)
            error = "";
            LUSSISEntities entities = new LUSSISEntities();

            NotificationModel nom = new NotificationModel();

            adjustment adj = new adjustment();

                adj            = entities.adjustments.Where(a => a.adjid == adjm.Adjid).First <adjustment>();
                adj.raisedby   = adjm.Raisedby;
                adj.raisedto   = adjm.Raisedto;
                adj.issueddate = adjm.Issueddate;
                adj.status     = adjm.Status;
                nom.Remark     = "The Adjustment Voucher has been Rejected!";

                if (adj.status == ConAdjustment.Active.APPROVED)
                    nom.Remark = "The Adjustment Voucher has been Approved!";

                List <AdjustmentDetailModel> adjustds = AdjustmentDetailRepo.GetAdjustmentDetailByAdjID(adj.adjid, out error);
                foreach (AdjustmentDetailModel adjustd in adjustds)
                    InventoryModel inventm = InventoryRepo.GetInventoryByItemid(adjustd.Itemid, out error);
                    inventory      invent  = entities.inventories.Where(i => i.invid == inventm.Invid).First <inventory>();
                    invent.stock += adjustd.Adjustedqty;

                    InventoryTransactionModel invtm = new InventoryTransactionModel();

                    invtm.InvID     = invent.invid;
                    invtm.ItemID    = invent.itemid;
                    invtm.Qty       = adjustd.Adjustedqty;
                    invtm.TransType = ConInventoryTransaction.TransType.ADJUSTMENT;
                    invtm.TransDate = DateTime.Now;
                    invtm.Remark    = adjustd.Reason;

                    invtm = InventoryTransactionRepo.CreateInventoryTransaction(invtm, out error);

                adjm = GetAdjustmentByID(adj.adjid, out error);

                nom.Deptid   = DepartmentRepo.GetDepartmentByUserid(adj.raisedto ?? default(int), out error).Deptid;
                nom.Role     = UserRepo.GetUserByUserID(adj.raisedby ?? default(int)).Role;
                nom.Title    = "Adjustment Approval";
                nom.NotiType = ConNotification.NotiType.Adjustment;
                nom.ResID    = adj.adjid;
                nom          = NotificationRepo.CreatNotification(nom, out error);
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                error = ConError.Status.NOTFOUND;
            catch (Exception e)
                error = e.Message;