public async void GetAddressByIdAsync_Returns_One_Address(int id)
            //get the first Contact
            var address     = _addresses.FirstOrDefault <Address>();
            var expectedDto = _mapper.Map <AddressDTO>(address);

            //specify the mockRepo return
            _mockRepository.Setup(repo => repo.GetOneByAsync(co => co.Id == id)).ReturnsAsync(address);

            //instantiate the controller, and call the method
            var controller = new AddressesController(_mockRepository.Object, _mapper, _logger);

            //Call the SUT method
            var actionResult = await controller.GetAddressByIdAsync(id);

            //Assert the result

            //convert ActionResult to OkObjectResult to get its Value
            var result = Assert.IsType <OkObjectResult>(actionResult.Result);
            //get the ObjectResult.Value
            var actualDTO = result.Value as AddressDTO;

            //use FluentAssertions to compare Reference types
            actualDTO.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expectedDto, options => options.ComparingByMembers <AddressDTO>());