Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void PrintVariables(_Worksheet _sheet, int _row, int _counter, Variable variable)
            var function     = Globals.ExcelAddIn.Application.WorksheetFunction;
            int numberOfBins = model.useBins && model.bins > 0 ? model.bins : (int)function.RoundUp(Math.Sqrt(function.Count(variable.getRange())), 0);

            // Write the needed data to the sheet.
            for (int bin = 0; bin < numberOfBins; bin++)
                var column = 1;
                var range  = variable.getRange().Address(true, true, true);
                _sheet.Cells[_row, column++] = "Bin #" + bin;
                _sheet.WriteFunction(_row, column, bin == 0 ? "MIN(" + range + ")" : AddressConverter.CellAddress(_row - 1, column + 1)); column++;
                _sheet.WriteFunction(_row, column, AddressConverter.CellAddress(_row, column - 1) + "+" + "ROUND((MAX(" + range + ")-MIN(" + range + "))/" + numberOfBins + ",0)"); column++;
                _sheet.Cells[_row, column] = "=(" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(_row, column - 2) + "+" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(_row, column - 1) + ")/2"; column++;
                _sheet.WriteFunction(_row, column, "COUNTIF(" + range + ",\"<=\"&" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(_row, column - 2) + ")-COUNTIF(" + range + ",\"<\"&" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(_row, column - 3) + ")"); column++;
                _sheet.WriteFunction(_row, column, AddressConverter.CellAddress(_row, column - 1) + "/" + "COUNT(" + range + ")"); column++;
                _sheet.WriteFunction(_row, column, AddressConverter.CellAddress(_row, column - 1) + "/" + "ROUND((MAX(" + range + ")-MIN(" + range + "))/" + numberOfBins + ",0)");

            // Create the chart.
            var charts      = (ChartObjects)_sheet.ChartObjects();
            var chartObject = charts.Add(400, 225 * _counter, 100 * numberOfBins, 200);
            var chart       = chartObject.Chart;

            chart.ChartType = XlChartType.xlColumnClustered;
            chart.ChartWizard(Title: "Histogram - " + variable.name, HasLegend: false);
            var seriesCollection = (SeriesCollection)chart.SeriesCollection();

            var series = seriesCollection.Add(_sheet.Range[_sheet.Cells[_row - numberOfBins, 5], _sheet.Cells[_row - 1, 5]]);

            series.ChartType = XlChartType.xlColumnClustered;
            series.XValues   = _sheet.Range[_sheet.Cells[_row - numberOfBins, 4], _sheet.Cells[_row - 1, 4]];
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void ConvertWorkerViewModel_WhenValidViewModel_ReturnEntity()
            var adrConv = new AddressConverter();
            var compConv = new CompetenceConverter();
            var converter = new WorkerConverter(adrConv,compConv,new ImageConverter());

            var viewModel = new WorkerViewModel
                FirstName = "Filip",
                LastName = "Skurniak",
                Pesel = "632964328947",
                RelianceRating = 10,
                WorkerCompetences = new List<CompetenceViewModel>()
                    new CompetenceViewModel
                        Id = 100
            var entity = new Worker();

            converter.ConvertViewModelToEntity(viewModel, entity);

            Assert.AreEqual(entity.FirstName, viewModel.FirstName);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public void onClick()
        float lat = (float)AddressConverter.Locate(inputText.text).Latitude;
        float lon = (float)AddressConverter.Locate(inputText.text).Longitude;

        CreatePin(lat, lon);
        void AddressCombobox_GotFocus(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (_dropdown == null)
                _dropdown = new Popup();
                _dropdown.AllowsTransparency = true;
                _dropdown.MouseLeave        += _dropdown_MouseLeave;
                _dropdown.MouseEnter        += _dropdown_MouseEnter;
                var addrpop = new AddressPopup();
                addrpop.Effect = new DropShadowEffect
                    ShadowDepth = 3
                addrpop.SelectedCallback = (v) =>
                    _dropdown.IsOpen = false;
                    this.Text        = v;
                    this.ToolTip     = AddressConverter.AddressCodeToAddress(v);
                _dropdown.Child = addrpop;

            var ele = sender as FrameworkElement;
            var pos = ele.PointToScreen(new Point(0, this.ActualHeight));

            _dropdown.VerticalOffset   = pos.Y;
            _dropdown.HorizontalOffset = pos.X;
            _dropdown.IsOpen           = true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the alpha value of the mean confidence interval.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="row">The row in which the mean confidence level is in.</param>
 /// <param name="column">The column in which the mean confidence level is in.</param>
 public void SetMeanAlpha(int row, int column)
     MeanAlpha = "1 - " + AddressConverter.CellAddress(row, column);
     MeanConfidenceInterval = "CONFIDENCE.T(" + MeanAlpha + "," + StandardDeviation + "," + Count + ")";
     MeanLowerLimit         = Mean + "-" + MeanConfidenceInterval;
     MeanUpperLimit         = Mean + "+" + MeanConfidenceInterval;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the alpha value of the standard deviation confidence interval.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="row">The row in which the standard deviation confidence level is in.</param>
 /// <param name="column">The column in which the standard deviation confidence level is in.</param>
 public void SetStandardDeviationAlpha(int row, int column)
     StandardDeviationAlpha = "1 - " + AddressConverter.CellAddress(row, column);
     StandardDeviationConfidenceIntervalLowerLimit = "CHISQ.INV(1-(" + StandardDeviationAlpha + ")/2," + DegreesOfFreedom + ")";
     StandardDeviationConfidenceIntervalUpperLimit = "CHISQ.INV((" + StandardDeviationAlpha + ")/2," + DegreesOfFreedom + ")";
     StandardDeviationLowerLimit = StandardDeviation + "*SQRT((" + DegreesOfFreedom + ")/" + StandardDeviationConfidenceIntervalLowerLimit + ")";
     StandardDeviationUpperLimit = StandardDeviation + "*SQRT((" + DegreesOfFreedom + ")/" + StandardDeviationConfidenceIntervalUpperLimit + ")";
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public void Execute()
     foreach (var item in _entries)
         var newaddr = AddressConverter.To2Offset(item.Address);
         PCSX2_RAM.WriteInteger(newaddr, item.Value);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public async Task <AddressViewModel> GetAddressByIdAsync(int id, CancellationToken ct = default(CancellationToken))
            var addressViewModel = AddressConverter.Convert(await _addressRepository.GetByIdAsync(id, ct));

            addressViewModel.UserName =
                _userRepository.GetByIdAsync(addressViewModel.UserId, ct).Result.Name +
                _userRepository.GetByIdAsync(addressViewModel.UserId, ct).Result.Surname;

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void Can_read_null()
            AddressConverter converter = new AddressConverter();
            JsonReader       reader    = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(""));

            Address result = converter.ReadJson(reader, typeof(Address), null, false, JsonSerializer.CreateDefault());

            Assert.AreEqual(null, result);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public AddressViewModel GetAddressById(int id)
            var addressViewModel = AddressConverter.Convert(_addressRepository.GetById(id));

            addressViewModel.userName =
                _userRepository.GetById(addressViewModel.userId).Name +

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public Address GetAddress(int id)
            IList <DbParameter> parameters = new List <DbParameter>()
                new MySqlParameter("@id", id)

            DataRow row = _dbContext.GetDataRow(Tables.Address.Select, parameters);

        private Address GetCurrentAddress()
            var dao       = new AddressDao();
            var converter = new AddressConverter();
            var address   = converter.Convert(dao.GetByDraftee(DrafteeId));

            if (address == null)
                address           = new Address();
                address.DrafteeId = DrafteeId;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                var adress = new IPv4Address(Ipv4TextBox.Text);
                IPv6_Addresse.Text        = AddressConverter.IPv4toIPv6(adress);
                Binary_Addresse_Copy.Text = AddressConverter.IPtoBinary(Ipv4TextBox.Text);
            catch (Exception ex)
                TextBlock txtBlock = new TextBlock();
                txtBlock.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap;

                IPv6_Addresse.Text = "Bitte geben sie eine ordentliche IPv4 Addresse ein!";
Ejemplo n.º 14
 private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
         var adress = new IPv4Address(IPBox.Text);
         IPv6Label.Content = AddressConverter.IPv4toIPv6(adress);
     catch (Exception ex)
         TextBlock txtBlock = new TextBlock();
         txtBlock.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap;
         txtBlock.Text         = ex.Message;
         IPv6Label.Content     = txtBlock;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void ConvertAddressEntity_WhenValidEntity_ReturnViewModel()
            var converter = new AddressConverter();
            var viewModel = new Address
                Street = "Washington Street",
                ZipCode = "61-422",
                Number = 25,
                Id = 1,
                ApartmentNumber = 22
            var entity = new AddressViewModel();

            converter.ConvertEntityToViewModel(viewModel, entity);

            Assert.AreEqual(entity.Street, viewModel.Street);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void SearchHeartBlock(int offset)
            int HeartBlock = 0;
            int barPointer = 0;

            HeartBlock = AddressConverter.To2Offset(
                    BitConverter.GetBytes(0x0000 + _ucm), offset));
            Console.WriteLine("Found possible HeartBlock at " + HeartBlock.ToString("X8"));
            WriteToLog("Found possible HeartBlock at " + HeartBlock.ToString("X8"));

            barPointer = AddressConverter.To2Offset(PCSX2_RAM.ReadInteger(HeartBlock + 16));
            if (IsBARPointer(barPointer))
                Console.WriteLine("BAR pointer at " + barPointer.ToString("X8"));
                WriteToLog("BAR pointer at " + barPointer.ToString("X8"));
                SearchHeartBlock(HeartBlock + 4);
        protected virtual GetTaxRequest BuildGetTaxRequestUnbilled(POOrder order)
            if (order == null)
                throw new PXArgumentException(nameof(order));

            Vendor   vend = (Vendor)Base.vendor.View.SelectSingleBound(new object[] { order });
            Location loc  = (Location)Base.location.View.SelectSingleBound(new object[] { order });

            IAddressBase fromAddress = GetFromAddress(order);
            IAddressBase toAddress   = GetToAddress(order);

            if (fromAddress == null)
                throw new PXException(Messages.FailedGetFromAddressSO);

            if (toAddress == null)
                throw new PXException(Messages.FailedGetToAddressSO);

            GetTaxRequest request = new GetTaxRequest();

            request.CompanyCode        = CompanyCodeFromBranch(order.TaxZoneID, order.BranchID);
            request.CurrencyCode       = order.CuryID;
            request.CustomerCode       = vend.AcctCD;
            request.OriginAddress      = AddressConverter.ConvertTaxAddress(fromAddress);
            request.DestinationAddress = AddressConverter.ConvertTaxAddress(toAddress);
            request.DocCode            = string.Format("PO.{0}.{1}", order.OrderType, order.OrderNbr);
            request.DocDate            = order.OrderDate.GetValueOrDefault();
            request.LocationCode       = GetExternalTaxProviderLocationCode(order);

            int mult = 1;

            request.CustomerUsageType = loc.CAvalaraCustomerUsageType;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loc.CAvalaraExemptionNumber))
                request.ExemptionNo = loc.CAvalaraExemptionNumber;

            request.DocType = TaxDocumentType.PurchaseOrder;

            PXSelectBase <POLine> select = new PXSelectJoin <POLine,
                                                             LeftJoin <InventoryItem, On <POLine.FK.InventoryItem>,
                                                                       LeftJoin <Account, On <Account.accountID, Equal <InventoryItem.salesAcctID> > > >,
                                                             Where <POLine.orderType, Equal <Current <POOrder.orderType> >, And <POLine.orderNbr, Equal <Current <POOrder.orderNbr> > > >,
                                                             OrderBy <Asc <POLine.lineNbr> > >(Base);

            foreach (PXResult <POLine, InventoryItem, Account> res in select.View.SelectMultiBound(new object[] { order }))
                POLine        tran         = (POLine)res;
                InventoryItem item         = (InventoryItem)res;
                Account       salesAccount = (Account)res;

                if (tran.UnbilledAmt > 0)
                    var line = new TaxCartItem();
                    line.Index              = tran.LineNbr ?? 0;
                    line.Amount             = mult * tran.CuryUnbilledAmt.GetValueOrDefault();
                    line.Description        = tran.TranDesc;
                    line.OriginAddress      = AddressConverter.ConvertTaxAddress(GetFromAddress(order, tran));
                    line.DestinationAddress = AddressConverter.ConvertTaxAddress(GetToAddress(order, tran));
                    line.ItemCode           = item.InventoryCD;
                    line.Quantity           = tran.BaseUnbilledQty.GetValueOrDefault();
                    line.Discounted         = request.Discount > 0;
                    line.RevAcct            = salesAccount.AccountCD;

                    line.TaxCode = tran.TaxCategoryID;


Ejemplo n.º 18
        public static int ReadStringsTable(byte[] bytes, int startingIndex, int stringsPerEntry, AddressConverter converter, Action <int, string[]> processTableEntry)
            var strings = new List <string>();

            var pos             = startingIndex;
            var numTableEntries = ConvertByteArrayToInt32(bytes, pos);

            pos += 4;

            for (var entry = 0; entry < numTableEntries; ++entry)
                var offset = converter(ConvertByteArrayToInt32(bytes, pos));
                pos += 4;

                for (var j = 0; j < stringsPerEntry; ++j)
                    pos += ReadNullTerminatedString(bytes, pos, out var str);
                processTableEntry(offset, strings.ToArray());

            return(pos - startingIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void ReadMoveset(Moveset mset)
            Console.WriteLine("ReadMoveset Method - " + mset.ANBAddress.ToString("x8") + " - " + mset.Name);
            WriteToLog("ReadMoveset Method - " + mset.ANBAddress.ToString("x8") + " - " + mset.Name);
            int startBarOff = 0;

            startBarOff = AddressConverter.To2Offset(mset.ANBAddress + 20);

            MovesetAnimation manim = new MovesetAnimation();

            manim.Address  = startBarOff + 4;
            manim.Value    = PCSX2_RAM.ReadInteger(manim.Address);
            mset.Animation = manim;

            MovesetEffect meffect = new MovesetEffect();

            meffect.Address = startBarOff + 20;
            meffect.Value   = PCSX2_RAM.ReadInteger(meffect.Address);

            meffect.BoneStructure         = new MovesetEffectBoneStructure();
            meffect.BoneStructure.Address = startBarOff + 32;
            meffect.BoneStructure.Value   = PCSX2_RAM.ReadInteger(meffect.BoneStructure.Address);

            //Wth can effects have a 0 value??
            if (meffect.Value != 0)
                //Read Effect Data Modifiers (name according to Xaddgx)
                List <MovesetEffectDataModifierRaw> modifiers = new List <MovesetEffectDataModifierRaw>();
                int    startOfDataModifiers = AddressConverter.To2Offset(meffect.Value);
                string tempDataMod          = string.Empty;
                int    countertemp          = 1;
                while (tempDataMod != "BAR")
                    Console.WriteLine("Reading effect data modifier - " + startOfDataModifiers.ToString("X8"));
                    WriteToLog("Reading effect data modifier - " + startOfDataModifiers.ToString("X8"));
                    MovesetEffectDataModifierRaw mod = new MovesetEffectDataModifierRaw();
                    mod.Address       = startOfDataModifiers;
                    mod.Value         = PCSX2_RAM.ReadInteger(AddressConverter.To2Offset(startOfDataModifiers));
                    mod.DisplayNumber = countertemp;

                    startOfDataModifiers += 4;
                    tempDataMod = PCSX2_RAM.ReadString(startOfDataModifiers);

                meffect.DataModifiers = modifiers;

            //Parsing that into Effect Casters (name according to SoraikoSan)
            //if (meffect.Value != 0)
            //    ECasterList eclist = new ECasterList();
            //    eclist.Children = new List<ECaster>();
            //    var start = AddressConverter.To2Offset(meffect.Value);
            //    eclist.Header = PCSX2_RAM.ReadBytes(start, 4);
            //    eclist.Group1Entries = Convert.ToInt32(eclist.Header[0]);
            //    eclist.Group2Entries = Convert.ToInt32(eclist.Header[1]);
            //    start += 4;

            //    for(int i = 0; i<eclist.Group1Entries; i++)
            //    {
            //        ECaster ec = new ECaster();
            //        ec.StartAddress = start;
            //        ec.Group = ECasterGroup.Group1;
            //        ec.StartAnimationFrame = PCSX2_RAM.ReadShort(start);
            //        ec.EndAnimationFrame = PCSX2_RAM.ReadShort(start + 2);
            //        ec.EffectType = PCSX2_RAM.ReadBytes(start + 4, 1)[0];
            //        Group1Effects eff = (Group1Effects)ec.EffectType;
            //        var addbytes = PCSX2_RAM.ReadBytes(start + 5, 1)[0];
            //        if (addbytes > 0)
            //        {
            //            ec.AdditionalBytes = PCSX2_RAM.ReadBytes(start+6, addbytes*2);
            //        }
            //        ec.Length = 6 + (addbytes * 2);

            //        eclist.Children.Add(ec);

            //        start += ec.Length;
            //    }

            //    for (int j = 0; j<eclist.Group2Entries; j++)
            //    {
            //        ECaster ec = new ECaster();
            //        ec.StartAddress = start;
            //        ec.Group = ECasterGroup.Group2;
            //        ec.StartAnimationFrame = PCSX2_RAM.ReadShort(start);
            //        ec.EffectType = PCSX2_RAM.ReadBytes(start + 2, 1)[0];
            //        Group2Effects ec2 = (Group2Effects)ec.EffectType;
            //        var addbytes = PCSX2_RAM.ReadBytes(start + 3, 1)[0];
            //        if (addbytes > 0)
            //        {
            //            ec.AdditionalBytes = PCSX2_RAM.ReadBytes(start + 4, addbytes * 2);
            //        }

            //        ec.Length = 4 + (addbytes * 2);
            //        eclist.Children.Add(ec);

            //        start += ec.Length;
            //    }
            //    meffect.EffectCasterList = eclist;
            mset.Effect = meffect;

Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void createOneWayAnova(List <Variable> variables)
            _Worksheet sheet = WorksheetHelper.NewWorksheet("One-Way ANOVA");

            sheet.Cells[1, 1]  = "ANOVA Summary";
            sheet.Cells[2, 1]  = "Total Sample Size";
            sheet.Cells[3, 1]  = "Grand Mean";
            sheet.Cells[4, 1]  = "Pooled Std Dev";
            sheet.Cells[5, 1]  = "Pooled Variance";
            sheet.Cells[6, 1]  = "Number of Samples";
            sheet.Cells[7, 1]  = "Confidence Level";
            sheet.Cells[9, 1]  = "ANOVA Sample Stats";
            sheet.Cells[10, 1] = "Sample Size";
            sheet.Cells[11, 1] = "Sample Mean";
            sheet.Cells[12, 1] = "Sample Std Dev";
            sheet.Cells[13, 1] = "Sample Variance";
            sheet.Cells[14, 1] = "Pooling Weight";
            sheet.Cells[17, 1] = "One-Way ANOVA Table";
            sheet.Cells[18, 1] = "Between Variation";
            sheet.Cells[19, 1] = "Within Variation";
            sheet.Cells[20, 1] = "Total Variation";
            sheet.Cells[23, 1] = "Confidence Interval Tests";

            sheet.Cells[16, 2] = "Sum of";
            sheet.Cells[17, 2] = "Squares";
            sheet.Cells[16, 3] = "Degrees of";
            sheet.Cells[17, 3] = "Freedom";
            sheet.Cells[16, 4] = "Mean";
            sheet.Cells[17, 4] = "Squares";
            sheet.Cells[17, 5] = "F-Ratio";
            sheet.Cells[17, 6] = "p-Value";
            sheet.Cells[22, 2] = "Difference";
            sheet.Cells[23, 2] = " of Means";

            int col = 1;

            foreach (Variable variable in variables)
                var range = variable.getRange().Address(true, true, true);
                sheet.Cells[9, col] = variable.name;
                sheet.WriteFunction(10, col, "COUNT(" + range + ")");
                sheet.WriteFunction(11, col, "AVERAGE(" + range + ")");
                sheet.WriteFunction(12, col, "STDEV.S(" + range + ")");
                sheet.WriteFunction(13, col, "VAR.S(" + range + ")");

            sheet.WriteFunction(2, 2, "SUM(" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(10, 2, false, false) + ":" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(10, col, false, false) + ")");
            sheet.WriteFunction(3, 2, "SUMPRODUCT(" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(10, 2, false, false) + ":" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(10, col, false, false) + "," + AddressConverter.CellAddress(11, 2, false, false) + ":" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(11, col, false, false) + ")/" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(2, 2, false, false));
            sheet.Cells[6, 2] = variables.Count;
            sheet.Cells[7, 2] = model.confidenceLevel;
            ((Range)sheet.Cells[7, 2]).NumberFormat = "0.00%";

            col = 1;
            foreach (Variable variable in variables)
                sheet.WriteFunction(14, col, "(" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(10, col, false, false) + "-1)/(B2-B6)");

            sheet.WriteFunction(5, 2, "SUMPRODUCT(" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(13, 2, false, false) + ":" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(13, col, false, false) + "," + AddressConverter.CellAddress(14, 2, false, false) + ":" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(14, col, false, false) + ")");
            sheet.WriteFunction(4, 2, "SQRT(" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(5, 2, false, false) + ")");

            sheet.WriteFunction(18, 2, "SUMPRODUCT(" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(10, 2, false, false) + ":" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(10, col, false, false) + ",(" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(11, 2, false, false) + ":" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(11, col, false, false) + "-B3)^2)");
            sheet.WriteFunction(19, 2, "(B2-" + variables.Count + ")*B5");
            sheet.WriteFunction(20, 2, "B18+B19");

            sheet.Cells[18, 3] = variables.Count - 1;
            sheet.WriteFunction(19, 3, "B2-" + variables.Count);
            sheet.WriteFunction(20, 3, "C18+C19");

            sheet.WriteFunction(18, 4, "B18/C18");
            sheet.WriteFunction(19, 4, "B19/C19");
            sheet.WriteFunction(18, 5, "D18/D19");
            sheet.WriteFunction(18, 6, "F.DIST.RT(E18,C18,C19)");

            int row = 24;
            int c   = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < variables.Count; i++)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < variables.Count; j++)
                    Variable var1 = variables[i];
                    Variable var2 = variables[j];
                    sheet.Cells[row, 1] = var1.name + " - " + var2.name;
                    sheet.WriteFunction(row, 2, AddressConverter.CellAddress(11, i + 2, false, false) + "-" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(11, j + 2, false, false));
                    col = 3;
                    if (model.noCorrection)
                        sheet.WriteFunction(row, col++, AddressConverter.CellAddress(row, 2, false, false) + "-(ABS(T.INV((1-B7)/2,C19)))*SQRT(D19*(1/" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(10, i + 2, false, false) + "+1/" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(10, j + 2, false, false) + "))");
                        sheet.WriteFunction(row, col++, AddressConverter.CellAddress(row, 2, false, false) + "+(ABS(T.INV((1-B7)/2,C19)))*SQRT(D19*(1/" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(10, i + 2, false, false) + "+1/" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(10, j + 2, false, false) + "))");
                    if (model.bonferroni)
                        sheet.WriteFunction(row, col++, AddressConverter.CellAddress(row, 2, false, false) + "-(ABS(T.INV(((1-B7)/(B6*(B6-1)/2))/2,C19)))*SQRT(D19*(1/" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(10, i + 2, false, false) + "+1/" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(10, j + 2, false, false) + "))");
                        sheet.WriteFunction(row, col++, AddressConverter.CellAddress(row, 2, false, false) + "+(ABS(T.INV(((1-B7)/(B6*(B6-1)/2))/2,C19)))*SQRT(D19*(1/" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(10, i + 2, false, false) + "+1/" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(10, j + 2, false, false) + "))");
                    if (model.scheffe)
                        sheet.WriteFunction(row, col++, AddressConverter.CellAddress(row, 2, false, false) + "-SQRT((B6-1)*F.INV.RT(1-B7,B6-1,C19))*SQRT(D19*(1/" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(10, i + 2, false, false) + "+1/" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(10, j + 2, false, false) + "))");
                        sheet.WriteFunction(row, col, AddressConverter.CellAddress(row, 2, false, false) + "+SQRT((B6-1)*F.INV.RT(1-B7,B6-1,C19))*SQRT(D19*(1/" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(10, i + 2, false, false) + "+1/" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(10, j + 2, false, false) + "))");

            col = 3;
            if (model.noCorrection)
                sheet.Cells[22, col] = "No Correction";
                sheet.Range[AddressConverter.CellAddress(22, col, false, false), AddressConverter.CellAddress(22, col + 1, false, false)].Merge();
                sheet.Cells[23, col]     = "Lower";
                sheet.Cells[23, col + 1] = "Upper";
                sheet.Range[AddressConverter.CellAddress(23, col, false, false), AddressConverter.CellAddress(23, col + 1, false, false)].Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom].LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlDouble;
                sheet.Range[AddressConverter.CellAddress(24, col, false, false), AddressConverter.CellAddress(23 + c, col, false, false)].Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeLeft].LineStyle   = XlLineStyle.xlDot;
                col += 2;
            if (model.bonferroni)
                sheet.Cells[22, col] = "Bonferroni";
                sheet.Range[AddressConverter.CellAddress(22, col, false, false), AddressConverter.CellAddress(22, col + 1, false, false)].Merge();
                sheet.Cells[23, col]     = "Lower";
                sheet.Cells[23, col + 1] = "Upper";
                sheet.Range[AddressConverter.CellAddress(23, col, false, false), AddressConverter.CellAddress(23, col + 1, false, false)].Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom].LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlDouble;
                sheet.Range[AddressConverter.CellAddress(24, col, false, false), AddressConverter.CellAddress(23 + c, col, false, false)].Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeLeft].LineStyle   = XlLineStyle.xlDot;
                col += 2;
            if (model.scheffe)
                sheet.Cells[22, col] = "Scheffe";
                sheet.Range[AddressConverter.CellAddress(22, col, false, false), AddressConverter.CellAddress(22, col + 1, false, false)].Merge();
                sheet.Cells[23, col]     = "Lower";
                sheet.Cells[23, col + 1] = "Upper";
                sheet.Range[AddressConverter.CellAddress(23, col, false, false), AddressConverter.CellAddress(23, col + 1, false, false)].Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom].LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlDouble;
                sheet.Range[AddressConverter.CellAddress(24, col, false, false), AddressConverter.CellAddress(23 + c, col, false, false)].Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeLeft].LineStyle   = XlLineStyle.xlDot;

            ((Range)sheet.Cells[1, 1]).EntireColumn.AutoFit();
            ((Range)sheet.Cells[1, 2]).EntireColumn.AutoFit();
            ((Range)sheet.Cells[1, 3]).EntireColumn.AutoFit();
            ((Range)sheet.Cells[1, 4]).EntireColumn.AutoFit();
            ((Range)sheet.Cells[1, 5]).EntireColumn.AutoFit();
            ((Range)sheet.Cells[1, 6]).EntireColumn.AutoFit();
            ((Range)sheet.Cells[1, 7]).EntireColumn.AutoFit();
            ((Range)sheet.Cells[1, 8]).EntireColumn.AutoFit();
            sheet.Range["B1", "J200"].Cells.HorizontalAlignment = XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter;
            sheet.Range["A1", "B1"].Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom].LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlDouble;
            sheet.Range["A9", AddressConverter.CellAddress(9, variables.Count + 1, false, false)].Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom].LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlDouble;
            sheet.Range["A17", "F17"].Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom].LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlDouble;
            sheet.Range["A23", "B17"].Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom].LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlDouble;
            sheet.Range["B3", "B5"].NumberFormat = "0.0000";
            sheet.Range["B11", AddressConverter.CellAddress(14, variables.Count + 1, false, false)].NumberFormat = "0.000";
            sheet.Range["B18", "B20"].NumberFormat = "0.0000";
            sheet.Range["D18", "E19"].NumberFormat = "0.0000";
            sheet.Range["B24", AddressConverter.CellAddress(23 + c, 2, false, false)].NumberFormat = "0.0000";
            sheet.Range["C24", AddressConverter.CellAddress(23 + c, 8, false, false)].NumberFormat = "0.000000";
            sheet.Range["C24", AddressConverter.CellAddress(23 + c, 8, false, false)].Cells.HorizontalAlignment = XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight;
            Globals.ExcelAddIn.Application.ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = false;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void createChiKwadraatPlot(DataSet dataSet)
            string range = model.range.Replace("$", null);

            //string range = model.range;
            //string[] splitted = range.Split(':');

            string first  = range.Split(':')[0];
            string second = range.Split(':')[1];

            /*if (splitted[0].Length > 4)
             * {
             *  int i = splitted[0].Length;
             *  first = splitted[0][1] + Convert.ToString(splitted[0][3]);
             *  int j = 4;
             *  while (j < i)
             *  {
             *      first = first + Convert.ToString(splitted[0][j]);
             *      j++;
             *  }
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  first = splitted[0][1] + Convert.ToString(splitted[0][3]);
             * }
             * if (splitted[1].Length > 4)
             * {
             *  int i = splitted[1].Length;
             *  second = splitted[1][1] + Convert.ToString(splitted[1][3]);
             *  int j = 4;
             *  while (j < i)
             *  {
             *      second = second + Convert.ToString(splitted[1][j]);
             *      j++;
             *  }
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  second = splitted[1][1] + Convert.ToString(splitted[1][3]);
             * }*/

            _Worksheet sheet       = WorksheetHelper.NewWorksheet("Chi Square");
            Range      from        = dataSet.getWorksheet().Range[first, second];
            int        rangeWidth  = from.Columns.Count;
            int        rangeHeight = from.Rows.Count;

            //original Counts

            sheet.Cells[2, 1] = "Original Counts";
            //sheet.get_Range("A2").Cells.HorizontalAlignment = XlHAlign.xlHAlignFill;
            sheet.get_Range("A2", AddressConverter.CellAddress(2, rangeWidth + 2, false, false)).Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom].LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlDouble;

            Range to = sheet.Range[sheet.Cells[3, 2], sheet.Cells[3, 2].offset(rangeHeight, rangeWidth)];


            int col = 2;

            while (col < rangeWidth + 2)
                int    row = 3;
                double sum = 0;
                while (row < rangeHeight + 3)
                    sum += Convert.ToDouble((sheet.Cells[row, col] as Range).Value);
                sheet.Cells[3 + rangeHeight, col] = sum;
            sheet.Cells[2, col] = "Total";

            int roww = 3;

            while (roww < rangeHeight + 4)
                int    coll = 2;
                double summ = 0;
                while (coll < rangeWidth + 2)
                    summ += Convert.ToDouble((sheet.Cells[roww, coll] as Range).Value);
                sheet.Cells[roww, 2 + rangeWidth] = summ;
            sheet.Cells[roww - 1, 1] = "Total";

            // percentage of Rows
            sheet.Cells[rangeHeight + 6, 1] = "Percentage of Rows";
            sheet.get_Range("A2", AddressConverter.CellAddress(rangeHeight + 6, rangeWidth + 1, false, false)).Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom].LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlDouble;
            int rowb = rangeHeight + 7;

            while (rowb < rangeHeight + rangeHeight + 7)
                int cola = 2;
                while (cola < rangeWidth + 2)
                    double proda = 0;
                    proda = Convert.ToDouble((sheet.Cells[rowb - rangeHeight - 4, cola] as Range).Value) / Convert.ToDouble((sheet.Cells[rowb - rangeHeight - 4, rangeWidth + 2] as Range).Value);
                    sheet.Cells[rowb, cola] = Math.Round(proda * 100, 2);
                    //sheet.Range[rowb, cola].NumberFormat = "0.00%";


            //Percentage of Colums
            sheet.Cells[rangeHeight + rangeHeight + 9, 1] = "Percentage of Colums";
            sheet.get_Range("A2", AddressConverter.CellAddress(2 * rangeHeight + 9, rangeWidth + 1, false, false)).Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom].LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlDouble;
            int rowd = rangeHeight + rangeHeight + 10;

            while (rowd < rangeHeight + rangeHeight + rangeHeight + 10)
                int colc = 2;
                while (colc < rangeWidth + 2)
                    double prodc = 0;
                    prodc = Convert.ToDouble((sheet.Cells[rowd - rangeHeight - rangeHeight - 7, colc] as Range).Value) / Convert.ToDouble((sheet.Cells[3 + rangeHeight, colc] as Range).Value);
                    sheet.Cells[rowd, colc] = Math.Round(prodc * 100, 2);
                    //sheet.Range[rowd, colc].NumberFormat = "0.00%";


            // Expected Counts
            sheet.Cells[3 * (rangeHeight) + 12, 1] = "Expected Counts";
            sheet.get_Range("A2", AddressConverter.CellAddress(3 * rangeHeight + 12, rangeWidth + 1, false, false)).Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom].LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlDouble;
            int rowe = 3 * rangeHeight + 13;

            while (rowe < 4 * (rangeHeight) + 13)
                int cole = 2;
                while (cole < rangeWidth + 2)
                    double prode = 0;
                    prode = Convert.ToDouble((sheet.Cells[rangeHeight + 3, cole] as Range).Value)
                            * Convert.ToDouble((sheet.Cells[rowe - 3 * (rangeHeight) - 10, rangeWidth + 2] as Range).Value)
                            / Convert.ToDouble((sheet.Cells[rangeHeight + 3, rangeWidth + 2] as Range).Value);
                    sheet.Cells[rowe, cole] = prode;

            //distance ftom expected
            sheet.Cells[4 * rangeHeight + 15, 1] = "Distance from Expected";
            sheet.get_Range("A2", AddressConverter.CellAddress(4 * rangeHeight + 15, rangeWidth + 1, false, false)).Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom].LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlDouble;
            int rowf = 4 * rangeHeight + 16;

            while (rowf < 5 * rangeHeight + 16)
                int colf = 2;
                while (colf < rangeWidth + 2)
                    double prodf      = 0;
                    double tussenprod = Convert.ToDouble((sheet.Cells[rowf - 4 * rangeHeight - 13, colf] as Range).Value)
                                        - Convert.ToDouble((sheet.Cells[rowf - rangeHeight - 3, colf] as Range).Value);
                    prodf = Math.Pow(tussenprod, 2)
                            / Convert.ToDouble((sheet.Cells[rowf - rangeHeight - 3, colf] as Range).Value);

                    sheet.Cells[rowf, colf] = Math.Round(prodf, 4);

            //chi square dings
            sheet.Cells[5 * rangeHeight + 18, 1] = "Chi-Square Statistic";
            sheet.Cells[5 * rangeHeight + 19, 1] = "CHi-Square";
            sheet.Cells[5 * rangeHeight + 20, 1] = "p-value";
            sheet.get_Range("A2", AddressConverter.CellAddress(5 * rangeHeight + 18, 2, false, false)).Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom].LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlDouble;
            int    rowg = 4 * rangeHeight + 16;
            double som  = 0;

            while (rowg < 5 * rangeHeight + 16)
                int colg = 2;
                while (colg < rangeWidth + 2)
                    som += Convert.ToDouble((sheet.Cells[rowg, colg] as Range).Value);

            sheet.Cells[5 * rangeHeight + 19, 2] = som;
            sheet.Cells[5 * rangeHeight + 20, 2] = sheet.Application.WorksheetFunction.ChiSq_Dist(som, (rangeHeight - 1) * (rangeWidth - 1), false);

            ((Range)sheet.Cells[1, 1]).EntireColumn.AutoFit();
            //((Range)sheet.Cells[1, 2]).EntireColumn.AutoFit();
            //((Range)sheet.Cells[1, 3]).EntireColumn.AutoFit();
            //((Range)sheet.Cells[1, 4]).EntireColumn.AutoFit();
            //((Range)sheet.Cells[1, 5]).EntireColumn.AutoFit();
            //((Range)sheet.Cells[1, 6]).EntireColumn.AutoFit();
            //((Range)sheet.Cells[1, 7]).EntireColumn.AutoFit();
            //((Range)sheet.Cells[1, 8]).EntireColumn.AutoFit();
            //((Range)sheet.Cells[1, 9]).EntireColumn.AutoFit();
            //((Range)sheet.Cells[1, 10]).EntireColumn.AutoFit();

            // Merge Headers
            sheet.Range[sheet.Cells[1, 2], sheet.Cells[1, rangeWidth + 2]].Merge();
            sheet.Range[sheet.Cells[rangeHeight + 5, 2], sheet.Cells[rangeHeight + 5, rangeWidth + 1]].Merge();
            sheet.Range[sheet.Cells[2 * rangeHeight + 8, 2], sheet.Cells[2 * rangeHeight + 8, rangeWidth + 1]].Merge();
            sheet.Range[sheet.Cells[3 * rangeHeight + 11, 2], sheet.Cells[3 * rangeHeight + 11, rangeWidth + 1]].Merge();
            sheet.Range[sheet.Cells[4 * rangeHeight + 14, 2], sheet.Cells[4 * rangeHeight + 14, rangeWidth + 1]].Merge();

            // Build Headers
            var header = "";

            if (model.hasRowTitle)
                header += "Rows: {0}";
            if (model.hasRowTitle && model.hasColTitle)
                header += " / ";
            if (model.hasColTitle)
                header += "Columns: {1}";

            header = String.Format(header, model.rowTitle, model.colTitle);

            // Fill in Headers
            sheet.Cells[1, 2] = header;
            sheet.Cells[rangeHeight + 5, 2]      = header;
            sheet.Cells[2 * rangeHeight + 8, 2]  = header;
            sheet.Cells[3 * rangeHeight + 11, 2] = header;
            sheet.Cells[4 * rangeHeight + 14, 2] = header;

            // Center Headers
            sheet.Cells[1, 2].HorizontalAlignment = XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter;
            sheet.Cells[rangeHeight + 5, 2].HorizontalAlignment      = XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter;
            sheet.Cells[2 * rangeHeight + 8, 2].HorizontalAlignment  = XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter;
            sheet.Cells[3 * rangeHeight + 11, 2].HorizontalAlignment = XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter;
            sheet.Cells[4 * rangeHeight + 14, 2].HorizontalAlignment = XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter;

            // Row and column titles
            if (model.hasRowColHeaders)
                String[] rowTitles = new String[rangeHeight];
                String[] colTitles = new String[rangeWidth];

                for (int i = 0; i < rangeHeight; i++)
                    rowTitles[i] = dataSet.getWorksheet().Range[first].Offset[i, -1].Value;

                for (int i = 0; i < rangeWidth; i++)
                    colTitles[i] = dataSet.getWorksheet().Range[first].Offset[-1, i].Value;

                for (int i = 0; i < rangeHeight; i++)
                    sheet.Cells[3 + i, 1] = rowTitles[i];
                    sheet.Cells[7 + rangeHeight + i, 1]      = rowTitles[i];
                    sheet.Cells[10 + 2 * rangeHeight + i, 1] = rowTitles[i];
                    sheet.Cells[13 + 3 * rangeHeight + i, 1] = rowTitles[i];
                    sheet.Cells[16 + 4 * rangeHeight + i, 1] = rowTitles[i];

                for (int i = 0; i < rangeWidth; i++)
                    sheet.Cells[2, 2 + i] = colTitles[i];
                    sheet.Cells[6 + rangeHeight, 2 + i]      = colTitles[i];
                    sheet.Cells[9 + 2 * rangeHeight, 2 + i]  = colTitles[i];
                    sheet.Cells[12 + 3 * rangeHeight, 2 + i] = colTitles[i];
                    sheet.Cells[15 + 4 * rangeHeight, 2 + i] = colTitles[i];
        protected GetTaxRequest BuildGetTaxRequest(FSServiceOrder order)
            if (order == null)
                throw new PXArgumentException(ErrorMessages.ArgumentNullException);

            BAccount cust = (BAccount)PXSelect <BAccount,
                                                Where <BAccount.bAccountID, Equal <Required <BAccount.bAccountID> > > > .
                            Select(Base, order.BillCustomerID);

            Location loc = (Location)PXSelect <Location,
                                               Where <Location.bAccountID, Equal <Required <Location.bAccountID> >, And <Location.locationID, Equal <Required <Location.locationID> > > > > .
                           Select(Base, order.BillCustomerID, order.BillLocationID);

            IAddressBase addressFrom = GetFromAddress();
            IAddressBase addressTo   = GetToAddress(order);

            if (addressFrom == null)
                throw new PXException(PX.Objects.CR.Messages.FailedGetFromAddressSO);

            if (addressTo == null)
                throw new PXException(PX.Objects.CR.Messages.FailedGetToAddressSO);

            GetTaxRequest request = new GetTaxRequest();

            request.CompanyCode        = CompanyCodeFromBranch(order.TaxZoneID, Base.Accessinfo.BranchID);
            request.CurrencyCode       = order.CuryID;
            request.CustomerCode       = cust.AcctCD;
            request.OriginAddress      = AddressConverter.ConvertTaxAddress(addressFrom);
            request.DestinationAddress = AddressConverter.ConvertTaxAddress(addressTo);
            request.DocCode            = $"CR.{order.SOID}";
            request.DocDate            = order.OrderDate.GetValueOrDefault();

            int mult = 1;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loc.CAvalaraCustomerUsageType))
                request.CustomerUsageType = loc.CAvalaraCustomerUsageType;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loc.CAvalaraExemptionNumber))
                request.ExemptionNo = loc.CAvalaraExemptionNumber;

            request.DocType = TaxDocumentType.SalesOrder;

            PXSelectBase <FSSODet> select = new PXSelectJoin <FSSODet,
                                                              LeftJoin <InventoryItem, On <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <FSSODet.inventoryID> >,
                                                                        LeftJoin <Account, On <Account.accountID, Equal <InventoryItem.salesAcctID> > > >,
                                                              Where <FSSODet.sOID, Equal <Current <FSServiceOrder.sOID> > >,
                                                              OrderBy <Asc <FSSODet.lineNbr> > >(Base);

            foreach (PXResult <FSSODet, InventoryItem, Account> res in select.View.SelectMultiBound(new object[] { order }))
                FSSODet       tran         = (FSSODet)res;
                InventoryItem item         = (InventoryItem)res;
                Account       salesAccount = (Account)res;

                var line = new TaxCartItem();
                line.Index              = tran.LineNbr ?? 0;
                line.Amount             = mult * tran.CuryBillableTranAmt.GetValueOrDefault();
                line.Description        = tran.TranDesc;
                line.DestinationAddress = request.DestinationAddress;
                line.OriginAddress      = request.OriginAddress;
                line.ItemCode           = item.InventoryCD;
                line.Quantity           = Math.Abs(tran.BillableQty.GetValueOrDefault());
                line.Discounted         = request.Discount > 0;
                line.RevAcct            = salesAccount.AccountCD;
                line.TaxCode            = tran.TaxCategoryID;


Ejemplo n.º 23
 public async Task <List <AddressViewModel> > GetAddressesByUserIdAsync(int id, CancellationToken ct = default(CancellationToken))
     return(AddressConverter.ConvertList(await _addressRepository.GetByUserIdAsync(id, ct)));
        protected virtual GetTaxRequest BuildGetTaxRequest(ARCashSale invoice)
            if (invoice == null)
                throw new PXArgumentException(nameof(invoice), ErrorMessages.ArgumentNullException);

            Customer cust = (Customer)Base.customer.View.SelectSingleBound(new object[] { invoice });
            Location loc  = (Location)Base.location.View.SelectSingleBound(new object[] { invoice });

            GetTaxRequest request = new GetTaxRequest();

            request.CompanyCode  = CompanyCodeFromBranch(invoice.TaxZoneID, invoice.BranchID);
            request.CurrencyCode = invoice.CuryID;
            request.CustomerCode = cust.AcctCD;
            IAddressBase fromAddress = GetFromAddress(invoice);
            IAddressBase toAddress   = GetToAddress(invoice);

            if (fromAddress == null)
                throw new PXException(Messages.FailedGetFrom);

            if (toAddress == null)
                throw new PXException(Messages.FailedGetTo);

            request.OriginAddress      = AddressConverter.ConvertTaxAddress(fromAddress);
            request.DestinationAddress = AddressConverter.ConvertTaxAddress(toAddress);
            request.DocCode            = $"AR.{invoice.DocType}.{invoice.RefNbr}";
            request.DocDate            = invoice.DocDate.GetValueOrDefault();
            request.LocationCode       = GetExternalTaxProviderLocationCode(invoice);
            request.CustomerUsageType  = invoice.AvalaraCustomerUsageType;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loc.CAvalaraExemptionNumber))
                request.ExemptionNo = loc.CAvalaraExemptionNumber;

            request.DocType = GetTaxDocumentType(invoice);
            Sign sign = GetDocumentSign(invoice);

            PXSelectBase <ARTran> select = new PXSelectJoin <ARTran,
                                                             LeftJoin <InventoryItem, On <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <ARTran.inventoryID> >,
                                                                       LeftJoin <Account, On <Account.accountID, Equal <ARTran.accountID> > > >,
                                                             Where <ARTran.tranType, Equal <Current <ARCashSale.docType> >,
                                                                    And <ARTran.refNbr, Equal <Current <ARCashSale.refNbr> >,
                                                                         And <Where <ARTran.lineType, NotEqual <SOLineType.discount>, Or <ARTran.lineType, IsNull> > > > >,
                                                             OrderBy <Asc <ARTran.tranType, Asc <ARTran.refNbr, Asc <ARTran.lineNbr> > > > >(Base);

            request.Discount = GetDocDiscount().GetValueOrDefault();
            DateTime?taxDate = invoice.OrigDocDate;

            foreach (PXResult <ARTran, InventoryItem, Account> res in select.View.SelectMultiBound(new object[] { invoice }))
                ARTran        tran         = (ARTran)res;
                InventoryItem item         = (InventoryItem)res;
                Account       salesAccount = (Account)res;

                var line = new TaxCartItem();
                line.Index              = tran.LineNbr ?? 0;
                line.Amount             = sign * tran.CuryTranAmt.GetValueOrDefault();
                line.Description        = tran.TranDesc;
                line.DestinationAddress = request.DestinationAddress;
                line.OriginAddress      = request.OriginAddress;
                line.ItemCode           = item.InventoryCD;
                line.Quantity           = Math.Abs(tran.Qty.GetValueOrDefault());
                line.Discounted         = request.Discount > 0;
                line.RevAcct            = salesAccount.AccountCD;
                line.TaxCode            = tran.TaxCategoryID;

                if (tran.OrigInvoiceDate != null)
                    taxDate = tran.OrigInvoiceDate;


            if (invoice.DocType == ARDocType.CashReturn && invoice.OrigDocDate != null)
                request.TaxOverride.Reason          = Messages.ReturnReason;
                request.TaxOverride.TaxDate         = taxDate.Value;
                request.TaxOverride.TaxOverrideType = TaxOverrideType.TaxDate;

        protected virtual GetTaxRequest BuildGetTaxRequest(CAAdj invoice)
            if (invoice == null)
                throw new PXArgumentException(nameof(invoice), ErrorMessages.ArgumentNullException);

            GetTaxRequest request = new GetTaxRequest();

            request.CompanyCode  = CompanyCodeFromBranch(invoice.TaxZoneID, invoice.BranchID);
            request.CurrencyCode = invoice.CuryID;
            request.CustomerCode = "N/A";
            IAddressBase fromAddress = GetToAddress(invoice);
            IAddressBase toAddress   = fromAddress;

            if (fromAddress == null)
                throw new PXException(Messages.FailedGetFrom);

            if (toAddress == null)
                throw new PXException(Messages.FailedGetTo);

            request.OriginAddress      = AddressConverter.ConvertTaxAddress(fromAddress);
            request.DestinationAddress = AddressConverter.ConvertTaxAddress(toAddress);
            request.DocCode            = $"CA.{invoice.AdjRefNbr}";
            request.DocDate            = invoice.TranDate.GetValueOrDefault();
            request.LocationCode       = GetExternalTaxProviderLocationCode(invoice);
            Location branchLoc = GetBranchLocation(invoice);

            if (branchLoc != null)
                request.CustomerUsageType = branchLoc.CAvalaraCustomerUsageType;
                request.ExemptionNo       = branchLoc.CAvalaraExemptionNumber;

            request.DocType = TaxDocumentType.PurchaseInvoice;
            int mult = 1;

            if (invoice.DrCr == CADrCr.CADebit)
                request.DocType = TaxDocumentType.SalesInvoice;
                request.DocType = TaxDocumentType.PurchaseInvoice;

            PXSelectBase <CASplit> select = new PXSelectJoin <CASplit,
                                                              LeftJoin <InventoryItem, On <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <CASplit.inventoryID> > >,
                                                              Where <CASplit.adjRefNbr, Equal <Current <CAAdj.adjRefNbr> > >,
                                                              OrderBy <Asc <CASplit.adjRefNbr, Asc <CASplit.lineNbr> > > >(Base);

            foreach (PXResult <CASplit, InventoryItem> res in select.View.SelectMultiBound(new object[] { invoice }))
                CASplit       tran = (CASplit)res;
                InventoryItem item = (InventoryItem)res;

                var line = new TaxCartItem
                    Index              = tran.LineNbr ?? 0,
                    Amount             = mult * tran.CuryTranAmt.GetValueOrDefault(),
                    Description        = tran.TranDesc,
                    DestinationAddress = request.DestinationAddress,
                    OriginAddress      = request.OriginAddress,
                    ItemCode           = item.InventoryCD,
                    Quantity           = Math.Abs(tran.Qty.GetValueOrDefault()),
                    Discounted         = request.Discount > 0,
                    TaxCode            = tran.TaxCategoryID,


Ejemplo n.º 26
 public AddressService(DALFacade facade)
     _facade = facade;
     _conv   = new AddressConverter();
        protected virtual GetTaxRequest BuildGetTaxRequest(CROpportunity order)
            if (order == null)
                throw new PXArgumentException(nameof(order));

            BAccount cust = (BAccount)PXSelect <BAccount,
                                                Where <BAccount.bAccountID, Equal <Required <BAccount.bAccountID> > > > .
                            Select(Base, order.BAccountID);

            Location loc = (Location)PXSelect <Location,
                                               Where <Location.bAccountID, Equal <Required <Location.bAccountID> >, And <Location.locationID, Equal <Required <Location.locationID> > > > > .
                           Select(Base, order.BAccountID, order.LocationID);

            IAddressBase addressFrom = GetFromAddress();
            IAddressBase addressTo   = GetToAddress(order);

            if (addressFrom == null)
                throw new PXException(Messages.FailedGetFromAddressCR);

            if (addressTo == null)
                throw new PXException(Messages.FailedGetToAddressCR);

            GetTaxRequest request = new GetTaxRequest();

            request.CompanyCode        = CompanyCodeFromBranch(order.TaxZoneID, Base.Accessinfo.BranchID);
            request.CurrencyCode       = order.CuryID;
            request.CustomerCode       = cust?.AcctCD;
            request.OriginAddress      = AddressConverter.ConvertTaxAddress(addressFrom);
            request.DestinationAddress = AddressConverter.ConvertTaxAddress(addressTo);
            request.DocCode            = $"CR.{order.OpportunityID}";
            request.DocDate            = order.CloseDate.GetValueOrDefault();
            request.Discount           = order.CuryLineDocDiscountTotal.GetValueOrDefault();

            int mult = 1;

            if (loc != null)
                request.CustomerUsageType = loc.CAvalaraCustomerUsageType;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loc?.CAvalaraExemptionNumber))
                request.ExemptionNo = loc.CAvalaraExemptionNumber;

            request.DocType = TaxDocumentType.SalesOrder;

            PXSelectBase <CROpportunityProducts> select = new PXSelectJoin <CROpportunityProducts,
                                                                            LeftJoin <InventoryItem, On <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <CROpportunityProducts.inventoryID> >,
                                                                                      LeftJoin <Account, On <Account.accountID, Equal <InventoryItem.salesAcctID> > > >,
                                                                            Where <CROpportunityProducts.quoteID, Equal <Current <CROpportunity.quoteNoteID> > >,
                                                                            OrderBy <Asc <CROpportunityProducts.lineNbr> > >(Base);

            foreach (PXResult <CROpportunityProducts, InventoryItem, Account> res in select.View.SelectMultiBound(new object[] { order }))
                CROpportunityProducts tran = (CROpportunityProducts)res;
                InventoryItem         item = (InventoryItem)res;
                Account salesAccount       = (Account)res;

                var line = new TaxCartItem();
                line.Index              = tran.LineNbr ?? 0;
                line.Amount             = mult * tran.CuryAmount.GetValueOrDefault();
                line.Description        = tran.Descr;
                line.DestinationAddress = request.DestinationAddress;
                line.OriginAddress      = request.OriginAddress;
                line.ItemCode           = item.InventoryCD;
                line.Quantity           = Math.Abs(tran.Qty.GetValueOrDefault());
                line.Discounted         = request.Discount > 0;
                line.RevAcct            = salesAccount.AccountCD;
                line.TaxCode            = tran.TaxCategoryID;


Ejemplo n.º 28
        public virtual CommitTaxRequest BuildCommitTaxRequestWithFrt(ARInvoice invoice)
            if (invoice == null)
                throw new PXArgumentException(nameof(invoice), ErrorMessages.ArgumentNullException);

            Customer cust = (Customer)Base.customer.View.SelectSingleBound(new object[] { invoice });

            CR.Location loc = (CR.Location)Base.location.View.SelectSingleBound(new object[] { invoice });

            CommitTaxRequest request = new CommitTaxRequest();

            request.CompanyCode       = Base1.CompanyCodeFromBranch(invoice.TaxZoneID, invoice.BranchID);
            request.CurrencyCode      = invoice.CuryID;
            request.CustomerCode      = cust.AcctCD;
            request.TaxRegistrationID = loc?.TaxRegistrationID;
            IAddressBase fromAddress = Base1.GetFromAddress(invoice);
            IAddressBase toAddress   = Base1.GetToAddress(invoice);

            if (fromAddress == null)
                throw new PXException(Messages.FailedGetFrom);

            if (toAddress == null)
                throw new PXException(Messages.FailedGetTo);

            request.OriginAddress      = AddressConverter.ConvertTaxAddress(fromAddress);
            request.DestinationAddress = AddressConverter.ConvertTaxAddress(toAddress);
            request.DocCode            = $"AR.{invoice.DocType}.{invoice.RefNbr}";
            request.DocDate            = invoice.DocDate.GetValueOrDefault();
            request.LocationCode       = GetExternalTaxProviderLocationCode <ARTran, ARTran.FK.Invoice.SameAsCurrent, ARTran.siteID>(invoice);
            request.CustomerUsageType  = invoice.AvalaraCustomerUsageType;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(invoice.ExternalTaxExemptionNumber))
                request.ExemptionNo = invoice.ExternalTaxExemptionNumber;

            request.DocType = Base1.GetTaxDocumentType(invoice);
            Sign sign = Base1.GetDocumentSign(invoice);

            PXSelectBase <ARTran> select = new PXSelectJoin <ARTran, LeftJoin <InventoryItem, On <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <ARTran.inventoryID> >,
                                                                               LeftJoin <Account, On <Account.accountID, Equal <ARTran.accountID> > > >,
                                                             Where <ARTran.tranType, Equal <Current <ARInvoice.docType> >,
                                                                    And <ARTran.refNbr, Equal <Current <ARInvoice.refNbr> >,
                                                                         And <Where <ARTran.lineType, NotEqual <SOLineType.discount>, Or <ARTran.lineType, IsNull> > > > >,
                                                             OrderBy <Asc <ARTran.tranType, Asc <ARTran.refNbr, Asc <ARTran.lineNbr> > > > >(Base);

            request.Discount = Base.Document.Current.CuryDiscTot.GetValueOrDefault();
            DateTime?taxDate = invoice.OrigDocDate;

            bool applyRetainage = Base.ARSetup.Current?.RetainTaxes != true && invoice.IsOriginalRetainageDocument();

            /// <summary>
            /// Add the following condition and logic per Jira [IP-23]
            /// </summary>>
            string taxCategory = (Base as SOInvoiceEntry).FreightDetails.Current?.TaxCategoryID;

            if (invoice.CuryFreightTot > 0 && GL.Branch.PK.Find(Base, Base.Accessinfo.BranchID).CountryID == Country_US && invoice.TaxZoneID == TaxCloud && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(taxCategory))
                var line = new TaxCartItem();
                line.Index              = short.MinValue;
                line.Quantity           = 1;
                line.UOM                = "EA";
                line.Amount             = sign * invoice.CuryFreightTot.GetValueOrDefault();
                line.Description        = PXMessages.LocalizeNoPrefix(SO.Messages.FreightDesc);
                line.DestinationAddress = request.DestinationAddress;
                line.OriginAddress      = request.OriginAddress;
                line.ItemCode           = "N/A";
                line.Discounted         = false;
                line.TaxCode            = taxCategory;


            foreach (PXResult <ARTran, InventoryItem, Account> res in select.View.SelectMultiBound(new object[] { invoice }))
                ARTran        tran         = (ARTran)res;
                InventoryItem item         = (InventoryItem)res;
                Account       salesAccount = (Account)res;

                var line = new TaxCartItem();
                line.Index              = tran.LineNbr ?? 0;
                line.Amount             = sign * (tran.CuryTranAmt.GetValueOrDefault() + (applyRetainage ? tran.CuryRetainageAmt.GetValueOrDefault() : 0m));
                line.Description        = tran.TranDesc;
                line.DestinationAddress = AddressConverter.ConvertTaxAddress(Base1.GetToAddress(invoice, tran));
                line.OriginAddress      = AddressConverter.ConvertTaxAddress(Base1.GetFromAddress(invoice, tran));
                line.ItemCode           = item.InventoryCD;
                line.Quantity           = Math.Abs(tran.Qty.GetValueOrDefault());
                line.UOM        = tran.UOM;
                line.Discounted = tran.LineType != SOLineType.Freight && request.Discount > 0;
                line.RevAcct    = salesAccount.AccountCD;

                line.TaxCode           = tran.TaxCategoryID;
                line.CustomerUsageType = tran.AvalaraCustomerUsageType;

                if (tran.OrigInvoiceDate != null)
                    taxDate = tran.OrigInvoiceDate;


            if (applyRetainage)
                var line = new TaxCartItem();
                line.Index              = invoice.LineCntr.GetValueOrDefault() + 1;
                line.Amount             = Sign.Minus * sign * invoice.CuryLineRetainageTotal.GetValueOrDefault();
                line.Description        = PXMessages.LocalizeFormatNoPrefix(AP.Messages.RetainageForTransactionDescription, GetLabel.For <ARDocType>(invoice.DocType), invoice.RefNbr);
                line.DestinationAddress = request.DestinationAddress;
                line.OriginAddress      = request.OriginAddress;
                line.ItemCode           = "Retainage";
                line.Discounted         = false;
                line.NonTaxable         = true;


            if ((invoice.DocType == ARDocType.CreditMemo || invoice.DocType == ARDocType.CashReturn) && invoice.OrigDocDate != null)
                request.TaxOverride.Reason          = Messages.ReturnReason;
                request.TaxOverride.TaxDate         = taxDate.Value;
                request.TaxOverride.TaxOverrideType = TaxOverrideType.TaxDate;
                sign = Sign.Minus;

Ejemplo n.º 29
        protected GetTaxRequest BuildGetTaxRequestWithFRTCate <TLineAmt, TLineQty, TDocDiscount>(SOOrder order, string docCode, string debugMethodName)
            where TLineAmt : IBqlField
            where TLineQty : IBqlField
            where TDocDiscount : IBqlField
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


            if (order == null)
                throw new PXArgumentException(nameof(order));

            Customer cust = (Customer)Base.customer.View.SelectSingleBound(new object[] { order });
            Location loc  = (Location)Base.location.View.SelectSingleBound(new object[] { order });

            IAddressBase fromAddress = GetFromAddress(order);
            IAddressBase toAddress   = GetToAddress(order);

            Debug.Print($"{DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay} Select Customer, Location, Addresses in {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} millisec");

            if (fromAddress == null)
                throw new PXException(Messages.FailedGetFromAddressSO);

            if (toAddress == null)
                throw new PXException(Messages.FailedGetToAddressSO);

            GetTaxRequest request = new GetTaxRequest();

            request.CompanyCode        = Base1.CompanyCodeFromBranch(order.TaxZoneID, order.BranchID);
            request.CurrencyCode       = order.CuryID;
            request.CustomerCode       = cust.AcctCD;
            request.TaxRegistrationID  = loc?.TaxRegistrationID;
            request.OriginAddress      = AddressConverter.ConvertTaxAddress(fromAddress);
            request.DestinationAddress = AddressConverter.ConvertTaxAddress(toAddress);
            request.DocCode            = docCode;
            request.DocDate            = order.OrderDate.GetValueOrDefault();
            request.LocationCode       = GetExternalTaxProviderLocationCode <SOLine, SOLine.FK.Order.SameAsCurrent, SOLine.siteID>(order);

            Sign docSign = Sign.Plus;

            request.CustomerUsageType = order.AvalaraCustomerUsageType;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.ExternalTaxExemptionNumber))
                request.ExemptionNo = order.ExternalTaxExemptionNumber;

            SOOrderType orderType = (SOOrderType)Base.soordertype.View.SelectSingleBound(new object[] { order });

            if (orderType.DefaultOperation == SOOperation.Receipt)
                request.DocType = TaxDocumentType.ReturnOrder;
                docSign         = Sign.Minus;
                request.DocType = TaxDocumentType.SalesOrder;

            PXSelectBase <SOLine> select = new PXSelectJoin <SOLine, LeftJoin <InventoryItem, On <SOLine.FK.InventoryItem>,
                                                                               LeftJoin <Account, On <Account.accountID, Equal <SOLine.salesAcctID> > > >,
                                                             Where <SOLine.orderType, Equal <Current <SOOrder.orderType> >,
                                                                    And <SOLine.orderNbr, Equal <Current <SOOrder.orderNbr> > > >,
                                                             OrderBy <Asc <SOLine.orderType,
                                                                           Asc <SOLine.orderNbr,
                                                                                Asc <SOLine.lineNbr> > > > >(Base);

            PXCache documentCache = Base.Caches[typeof(SOOrder)];

            request.Discount = (documentCache.GetValue <TDocDiscount>(order) as decimal?) ?? 0m;

            Stopwatch sw2 = new Stopwatch();


            // Add additional condition to skip the calculation including the freight amount. Per YJ's request.
            if (order.CuryFreightTot > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.FreightTaxCategoryID))
                var line = new TaxCartItem();
                line.Index              = short.MinValue;
                line.Quantity           = 1;
                line.UOM                = "EA";
                line.Amount             = docSign * order.CuryFreightTot.GetValueOrDefault();
                line.Description        = PXMessages.LocalizeNoPrefix(Messages.FreightDesc);
                line.DestinationAddress = request.DestinationAddress;
                line.OriginAddress      = request.OriginAddress;
                line.ItemCode           = "N/A";
                line.Discounted         = false;
                line.TaxCode            = order.FreightTaxCategoryID;


            PXCache lineCache = Base.Caches[typeof(SOLine)];

            foreach (PXResult <SOLine, InventoryItem, Account> res in select.View.SelectMultiBound(new object[] { order }))
                SOLine        tran             = (SOLine)res;
                InventoryItem item             = (InventoryItem)res;
                Account       salesAccount     = (Account)res;
                bool          lineIsDiscounted = request.Discount > 0m &&
                                                 ((tran.DocumentDiscountRate ?? 1m) != 1m || (tran.GroupDiscountRate ?? 1m) != 1m);

                var line = new TaxCartItem();
                line.Index = tran.LineNbr ?? 0;

                decimal lineAmount = (lineCache.GetValue <TLineAmt>(tran) as decimal?) ?? 0m;
                decimal lineQty    = (lineCache.GetValue <TLineQty>(tran) as decimal?) ?? 0m;

                line.Amount = orderType.DefaultOperation != tran.Operation
                                        ? Sign.Minus * docSign * lineAmount
                                        : docSign * lineAmount;

                line.Description        = tran.TranDesc;
                line.DestinationAddress = AddressConverter.ConvertTaxAddress(Base1.GetToAddress(order, tran));
                line.OriginAddress      = AddressConverter.ConvertTaxAddress(Base1.GetFromAddress(order, tran));
                line.ItemCode           = item.InventoryCD;
                line.Quantity           = Math.Abs(lineQty);
                line.UOM        = tran.UOM;
                line.Discounted = lineIsDiscounted;
                line.RevAcct    = salesAccount.AccountCD;

                line.TaxCode           = tran.TaxCategoryID;
                line.CustomerUsageType = tran.AvalaraCustomerUsageType;

                if (tran.Operation == SOOperation.Receipt && tran.InvoiceDate != null)
                    line.TaxOverride.Reason          = Messages.ReturnReason;
                    line.TaxOverride.TaxDate         = tran.InvoiceDate.Value;
                    line.TaxOverride.TaxOverrideType = TaxOverrideType.TaxDate;


            Debug.Print($"{DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay} Select detail lines in {sw2.ElapsedMilliseconds} millisec.");

            Debug.Print($"{DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay} {debugMethodName}() in {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} millisec.");

        public bool checkInput(List <Variable> variables, DataSet selectedDataSet, bool rdbMean, bool rdbMedian)
            if (variables.Count == 0)

            _Worksheet worksheet = WorksheetHelper.NewWorksheet("Runs test");
            int        column    = 1;
            int        row       = 2;

            worksheet.Cells[row, column]   = "Runs test for randomness";
            worksheet.Cells[row++, column] = "Observations";
            if (rdbMean)
                worksheet.Cells[row++, column] = "Mean";
            if (rdbMedian)
                worksheet.Cells[row++, column] = "Median";
            worksheet.Cells[row++, column] = "Below cutoff";
            worksheet.Cells[row++, column] = "Above cutoff";
            worksheet.Cells[row++, column] = "Number of runs";
            worksheet.Cells[row++, column] = "E(R)";
            worksheet.Cells[row++, column] = "Stddev(R)";
            worksheet.Cells[row++, column] = "Z-Value";
            worksheet.Cells[row++, column] = "P-Value (two-tailed)";
            ((Range)worksheet.Cells[row, column]).EntireColumn.AutoFit();

            row    = 1;
            column = 2;
            foreach (Variable variable in variables)
                worksheet.Cells[row++, column] = variable.name;
                var range = variable.getRange().Address(true, true, true);
                worksheet.Cells[row++, column] = selectedDataSet.rangeSize();
                var ntotal = selectedDataSet.rangeSize();
                if (rdbMean)
                    worksheet.Cells[row++, column] = "=AVERAGE(" + range + ")";
                if (rdbMedian)
                    worksheet.Cells[row++, column] = "=MEDIAN(" + range + ")";
                var cutoffValue  = (double)worksheet.Cells[row - 1, column].Value;
                int amountOfRuns = calculateRuns(worksheet, selectedDataSet, variable.getRange(), cutoffValue);
                worksheet.WriteFunction(row++, column, "COUNTIF(" + range + ",\"<\"&" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(row - 2, column) + ")");
                worksheet.WriteFunction(row++, column, "COUNTIF(" + range + ",\">\"&" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(row - 3, column) + ")");
                worksheet.Cells[row++, column] = amountOfRuns;
                worksheet.WriteFunction(row++, column, "1 + (2*" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(row - 4, column) + "*" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(row - 3, column) + ")/(" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(row - 4, column) + "+" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(row - 3, column) + ")");
                worksheet.WriteFunction(row++, column, "SQRT(2*" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(row - 5, column) + "*" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(row - 4, column) + "*(2*" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(row - 5, column) + "*" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(row - 4, column) + "-" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(row - 5, column) + "-" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(row - 4, column) + ")/((" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(row - 5, column) + "+" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(row - 4, column) + ")*(" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(row - 5, column) + "+" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(row - 4, column) + ")*(" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(row - 5, column) + "+" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(row - 4, column) + "-1)))");
                worksheet.WriteFunction(row++, column, "(" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(row - 4, column) + "-" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(row - 3, column) + ")/" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(row - 2, column));
                worksheet.WriteFunction(row++, column, "2*(1-NORMSDIST(ABS(" + AddressConverter.CellAddress(row - 2, column) + ")))");
                ((Range)worksheet.Cells[row, column]).EntireColumn.AutoFit();
                row = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 31
 public AddressService(DataAccess dataAccess)
     this._dataAccess  = dataAccess;
     _converterAddress = new AddressConverter();
Ejemplo n.º 32
 public async Task <List <AddressViewModel> > GetAllAddressAsync(CancellationToken ct = default(CancellationToken))
     return(AddressConverter.ConvertList(await _addressRepository.GetAllAsync(ct)));