Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected void BarcodeTextBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string barcodeText = BarcodeTextBox1.Text.Trim();

            var store = (from s in context.StoreInfos
                         where s.Active == true
                         select s).FirstOrDefault();

            var barcode = (from p in context.Barcodes
                           where p.Barcode1 == barcodeText &&
                           p.Active == true    // bug fix barkode
                           select p).FirstOrDefault();

            if (barcode == null)
                PriceLabel1.Text            = "Ш/К не найден.";
                AddToJournalButton1.Enabled = false;
                PrintRightNow.Enabled       = false;
                //PrintRightNow2.Enabled = false;
                BarcodeTextBox1.Text = "";
                BarcodeTextBox2.Text = "1";
            if (BarcodeTextBox2.Text == null)
                PriceLabel1.Text = "введите количество";

            // цены укм
            // Create a connection object and data adapter
            DataTable prices;
            decimal   price = 0;

            /* MySqlConnection cnx = null;
             * try
             * {
             *   cnx = new MySqlConnection(connStr);
             *   MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter();
             *   // Prices
             *   string cmdText = "select item, price, version, deleted	from ukmserver.trm_in_pricelist_items where item = '" + barcode.Good.Articul + "' and pricelist_id = '" + store.PriceList_ID_UKM.ToString() + "'  and deleted = 0 ";
             *   MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(cmdText, cnx);
             *   cmd.CommandTimeout = 30000;
             *   // Create a fill a Dataset
             *   DataSet ds5 = new DataSet();
             *   adapter.SelectCommand = cmd;
             *   adapter.Fill(ds5);
             *   prices = ds5.Tables[0];
             *   if (prices != null)
             *   {
             *       foreach (DataRow row in prices.Rows)
             *       {
             *           price = (decimal)row[1];
             *       }
             *   }
             * }
             * catch (MySqlException ex)
             * {
             *   PriceLabel1.Text = "Нет цены.";
             *   AddToJournalButton1.Enabled = false;
             *   PrintRightNow.Enabled = false;
             *   //PrintRightNow2.Enabled = false;
             *   BarcodeTextBox1.Focus();
             *   return;
             * }
             * finally
             * {
             *   if (cnx != null)
             *   {
             *       cnx.Close();
             *   }
             * }*/

            //var price = (from p in context.Prices
            //             where p.GoodID == barcode.GoodID
            //             && p.Active == true
            //             select p).FirstOrDefault();
            //if (price == null)
            //    PriceLabel1.Text = "Нет цены.";
            //    AddToJournalButton1.Enabled = false;
            //    BarcodeTextBox1.Focus();
            //    return;

            /* if (price == 0)
             * {
             *   PriceLabel1.Text = "Нет цены.";
             *   AddToJournalButton1.Enabled = false;
             *   PrintRightNow.Enabled = false;
             *   //PrintRightNow2.Enabled = false;
             *   BarcodeTextBox1.Focus();
             *   return;
             * }*/

            /* PriceLabel1.Text = "Текущая цена: " + price.ToString();*/
            AddToJournalButton1.Enabled = true;
            PrintRightNow.Enabled       = true;
            //PrintRightNow2.Enabled = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected void PrintRightNow_Click2(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (context == null)
                context = new SaalutDataClasses1DataContext();

            var setting = (from s in context.Settings
                           select s).FirstOrDefault();

            if (setting.MobileTermoPrinterNetPath == null || setting.MobileTermoPrinterNetPath == "")
                PriceLabel1.Text = "Нет настроек печати!";

            var template = (from t in context.TermoCennic
                            where t.Active == true
                            select t).FirstOrDefault();

            if (template == null)
                PriceLabel1.Text = "Нет шаблона печати!";

            var store = (from s in context.StoreInfos
                         where s.Active == true
                         select s).FirstOrDefault();

            string barcodeText = BarcodeTextBox1.Text.Trim();

            var barcode = (from p in context.Barcodes
                           where p.Barcode1 == barcodeText &&
                           p.Active == true    // bug fix barkode
                           select p).FirstOrDefault();

            if (barcode == null)
                PriceLabel1.Text = "Ш/К не найден.";

            var lineCheck = (from l in context.PriceChangeLine
                             where l.JournalID == jourID &&
                             l.GoodID == barcode.GoodID
                             select l).FirstOrDefault();

            if (lineCheck == null)
                PriceChangeLine nl = new PriceChangeLine();
                nl.GoodID     = barcode.GoodID;
                nl.JournalID  = jourID;
                nl.ItemID_UKM = barcode.Good.Articul;

                nl.Active    = true;
                nl.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now;
                nl.Akcionniy = false;

            TermoCennicQuoue cq = new TermoCennicQuoue();

            cq.JournalID     = jourID;
            cq.GoodID        = barcode.GoodID;
            cq.TermoCennicID = template.ID;
            cq.TimeStamp     = DateTime.Now;
            cq.Active        = true;


            PriceLabel1.Text     = "";
            BarcodeTextBox1.Text = "";

            PrintRightNow.Enabled = false;
            //PrintRightNow2.Enabled = false;

            PriceLabel1.Text = "Отправлено на печать!";