Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Initialize()
            var agentId = new AgentId(1, 1);

            _belief0      = new Belief(Network, 0, Model, BeliefWeightLevel.RandomWeight);
            _belief1      = new Belief(Network, 1, Model, BeliefWeightLevel.RandomWeight);
            _belief2      = new Belief(Network, 2, Model, BeliefWeightLevel.RandomWeight);
            _actorBelief0 = new ActorBelief(agentId, _belief0.EntityId, BeliefLevel.NeitherAgreeNorDisagree);
            _actorBelief1 = new ActorBelief(agentId, _belief1.EntityId, BeliefLevel.NeitherAgreeNorDisagree);
            _actorBelief2 = new ActorBelief(agentId, _belief2.EntityId, BeliefLevel.NeitherAgreeNorDisagree);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Initialize()
            MainOrganization.Models.Generator = RandomGenerator.RandomUniform;
            _cognitiveArchitecture            = new CognitiveArchitecture
                KnowledgeAndBeliefs     = { HasBelief = true, HasKnowledge = true },
                MessageContent          = { CanReceiveBeliefs = true, CanReceiveKnowledge = true },
                InternalCharacteristics = { CanLearn = true, CanForget = true, CanInfluenceOrBeInfluence = true }
            var modelEntity = new BeliefModelEntity {
                On = true

            _beliefsModel = new BeliefsModel(_agentId, modelEntity, _cognitiveArchitecture, Network,
            _belief      = new Belief(Network, 1, MainOrganization.Models.Generator, BeliefWeightLevel.RandomWeight);
            _actorBelief = new ActorBelief(Network.ActorBelief, _agentId, _belief.EntityId, BeliefLevel.NeitherAgreeNorDisagree);

            _taskBits.SetMandatory(new byte[] { 0 });
            _taskBits.SetRequired(new byte[] { 0 });
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Check belief required by a task against the worker expertise
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="belief"></param>
        /// <param name="taskBitIndexes">KnowledgeBit indexes of the task that must be checked against agent's beliefs</param>
        /// <param name="actorBelief"></param>
        /// <param name="mandatoryCheck">
        ///     The normalized score of the agent belief [-1; 1] at the first mandatoryIndex that is above
        ///     beliefThreshHoldForReacting
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="requiredCheck"></param>
        /// <param name="mandatoryIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="requiredIndex"></param>
        /// <returns>0 if agent has no beliefs</returns>
        public void CheckBelief(Belief belief, TaskKnowledgeBits taskBitIndexes, ActorBelief actorBelief,
                                ref float mandatoryCheck,
                                ref float requiredCheck, ref byte mandatoryIndex, ref byte requiredIndex)
            if (taskBitIndexes is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(taskBitIndexes));

            if (belief is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(belief));

            // model is off
            if (!IsAgentOn())
                mandatoryCheck = 0;
                requiredCheck  = 0;

            // agent may don't have the belief at all
            //var actorBelief = actorBeliefs?.GetActorBelief<ActorBelief>(belief.EntityId);
            if (actorBelief == null)
                mandatoryCheck = 0;
                requiredCheck  = 0;

            mandatoryCheck = actorBelief.Check(taskBitIndexes.GetMandatory(), out mandatoryIndex, belief,
                                               ThresholdForReacting, true);
            requiredCheck = actorBelief.Check(taskBitIndexes.GetRequired(), out requiredIndex, belief,
                                              ThresholdForReacting, true);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static void CheckRiskAversion(Belief belief, TaskKnowledgeBits taskBitIndexes, ActorBelief actorBelief,
                                             ref float mandatoryCheck, ref byte mandatoryIndex, float threshold)
            if (taskBitIndexes is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(taskBitIndexes));

            if (belief is null)
                throw new NullReferenceException(nameof(belief));

            // agent may don't have the belief at all
            //var agentBelief = actorBeliefs?.GetActorBelief<ActorBelief>(belief.EntityId);
            if (actorBelief == null)
                mandatoryCheck = 0;

            mandatoryCheck = actorBelief.Check(taskBitIndexes.GetMandatory(), out mandatoryIndex, belief,
                                               threshold, false);