Ejemplo n.º 1
        public IEnumerator CastSpell(EntityManager dstManager, Fire1FireballEffect FireballParams)
            ActorAbilitySystem hitTarget = null;

            // Begin casting
            // Wait for cloud animation to complete
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.8f));

            FireballParams.Fireball.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f));

            // Subscribe to fireball hitbox event
            FireballParams.Fireball.TriggerEnterEvent += HitTriggered;

            // Fire projectile straight, up to a particular distance
            float distanceTravelled = 0f;
            float penetrations      = 0;

            while (distanceTravelled < FireballParams.maxProjectileDisplacement && penetrations < FireballParams.maxPenetration)
                // Move projectile forward
                float displacement = Time.deltaTime * FireballParams.projectileSpeed;
                FireballParams.Fireball.transform.position = FireballParams.Fireball.transform.position + (FireballParams.Fireball.transform.forward * displacement);
                distanceTravelled += displacement;
                if (hitTarget != null)
                    penetrations += 1;
                    // Create damage modifier on hit target
                    CreateTargetAttributeModifiers(dstManager, hitTarget.AbilityOwnerEntity);
                yield return(null);

            FireballParams.Fireball.TriggerEnterEvent -= HitTriggered;

            void HitTriggered(object sender, ColliderEventArgs e)
                hitTarget = e.other.gameObject.GetComponent <HurtboxMonoComponent>().ActorAbilitySystem;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private IEnumerator AbilityActionLogic(BasicMeleeAbilityPayload payload)
            var entityManager        = payload.EntityManager;
            var transform            = payload.ActorTransform;
            var actorAbilitySystem   = payload.ActorAbilitySystem;
            var grantedAbilityEntity = payload.GrantedAbilityEntity;
            // Check ability state
            var abilityStateComponent = entityManager.GetComponentData <AbilityStateComponent>(grantedAbilityEntity);

            if (abilityStateComponent.Value != 0)
                yield break;
            var animator              = actorAbilitySystem.GetComponent <Animator>();
            var animatorLayerName     = "Weapon";
            var animatorStateName     = animatorLayerName + ".Swing";
            var animatorStateFullHash = Animator.StringToHash(animatorStateName);
            var animatorLayerIndex    = animator.GetLayerIndex(animatorLayerName);

            // If we aren't in idle, then do nothing
            if (!animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(animatorLayerIndex).IsName("Idle"))
                yield break;
            BeginActivateAbility(entityManager, grantedAbilityEntity);
            CreateSourceAttributeModifiers(entityManager, actorAbilitySystem.AbilityOwnerEntity);
            // Get animator state info
            var weaponLayerAnimatorStateInfo = GetAnimatorStateInfo(animator, animatorLayerIndex, swingStateName);

            // Wait to reach the "Swing" state
            while (!IsInOrEnteringAnimatorState(animator, animatorLayerIndex, swingStateName))
                yield return(null);

            // In the swing state, check for a collision between this hitbox and any hurtbox
            // Get reference to all hitboxes on source
            var hitboxes = payload.ActorAbilitySystem.GetComponentsInChildren <HitboxMonoComponent>(false);
            ActorAbilitySystem hitTarget = null;

            // Once we're about 35% through the animation, allow hit to trigger
            while (GetAnimatorStateInfo(animator, animatorLayerIndex, swingStateName).normalizedTime < 0.35f)
                yield return(null);

            void HitTriggered(object sender, ColliderEventArgs e)
                hitTarget = e.other.gameObject.GetComponent <HurtboxMonoComponent>().ActorAbilitySystem;

            // Subscribe each hitbox on actor to the HitTriggered method

            for (int i = 0; i < hitboxes.Length; i++)
                hitboxes[i].TriggerEnterEvent += HitTriggered;

            // Wait for hitTriggered to become true, or animation to complete
            while (IsInOrEnteringAnimatorState(animator, animatorLayerIndex, swingStateName) && hitTarget == null)
                yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());

            // If we get to here trigger return to idle state
            if (hitTarget != null)
                CreateTargetAttributeModifiers(entityManager, hitTarget.AbilityOwnerEntity);
                // Once we are no longer in the swing animation, commit the ability
                CreateCooldownEntities(entityManager, actorAbilitySystem.AbilityOwnerEntity);
                Entity cooldownEntity2 = new AttackCombo1GameplayEffectComponent().Instantiate(entityManager, actorAbilitySystem.AbilityOwnerEntity, 1.5f);
            // Get target entity
            while (IsInOrEnteringAnimatorState(animator, animatorLayerIndex, swingStateName))
                yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());

            EndActivateAbility(entityManager, grantedAbilityEntity);

            // If we didn't anything, create cooldown entities
            if (hitTarget == null)
                CreateCooldownEntities(entityManager, actorAbilitySystem.AbilityOwnerEntity);

            yield return(null);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    private IEnumerator DoDefaultAttack(Entity entity, ActorAbilitySystem actorAbilitySystem)
        var    translation          = GetComponentDataFromEntity <Translation>()[entity];
        var    rotation             = GetComponentDataFromEntity <Rotation>()[entity];
        var    AbilityState         = -1;
        Entity GrantedAbilityEntity = default(Entity);
        var    forwardVector        = math.normalize(math.mul(rotation.Value, new float3(0, 0, 1)));

        // Check if player can use ability (the GrantedAbility entity contains this information)
        .WithAllReadOnly <AbilityOwnerComponent, AbilityStateComponent, DefaultAttackAbilityTag>().ForEach((Entity grantedAbilityEntity, ref AbilityStateComponent abilityState, ref AbilityOwnerComponent abilityOwner) => {
            if (abilityOwner == actorAbilitySystem.AbilityOwnerEntity)
                AbilityState         = abilityState;
                GrantedAbilityEntity = grantedAbilityEntity;

        if (AbilityState != 0)
            // We could also do checks here to see what the ability state is and report an appropriate error on screen
            // For example, we are using AbilityState = 2 to note that the ability is on cooldown, so we could display
            // something like "This ability is on cooldown" on the screen.
            yield break;

        var playerCastHelper = actorAbilitySystem.GetComponent <PlayerCastTimelineHelperMono>();

        // Raycast forward, and if we hit something, reduce it's HP.
        RaycastHit hit;
        float3     rayOrigin = actorAbilitySystem.CastPoint.transform.position;

        // Does the ray intersect any objects
        if (!Physics.Raycast(rayOrigin, forwardVector, out hit, Mathf.Infinity))
            yield break;
        bool   wasHit       = false;
        Entity targetEntity = default(Entity);

        if (hit.distance < 1f)
            Debug.DrawRay(rayOrigin, forwardVector * hit.distance, Color.black, 1f);
            if (hit.transform.parent.gameObject.TryGetComponent <ActorAbilitySystem>(out var targetActorAbilitySystemMono))
                targetEntity = targetActorAbilitySystemMono.AbilityOwnerEntity;
                wasHit       = true;

        new DefaultAttackAbilityTag().BeginActivateAbility(EntityManager, GrantedAbilityEntity);

        yield return(playerCastHelper.StartCoroutine(playerCastHelper.CheckForSwingHit(wasHit, EntityManager, targetEntity)));

        // Default attack - trigger cooldown and resource cost
        (new DefaultAttackAbilityTag()).CommitAbility(EntityManager, actorAbilitySystem.AbilityOwnerEntity);
        new DefaultAttackAbilityTag().EndActivateAbility(EntityManager, GrantedAbilityEntity);