Ejemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Removes the current cart item and the associated product options from the shopping cart.
    /// </summary>
    protected void Remove(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Delete all the children from the database if available
        foreach (ShoppingCartItemInfo scii in ShoppingCart.CartItems)
            if ((scii.CartItemBundleGUID == ShoppingCartItemInfoObject.CartItemGUID) || (scii.CartItemParentGUID == ShoppingCartItemInfoObject.CartItemGUID))

        // Deletes the CartItem from the database
        // Delete the CartItem form the shopping cart object (session)
        ShoppingCartInfoProvider.RemoveShoppingCartItem(ShoppingCart, ShoppingCartItemInfoObject.CartItemGUID);
        // Log remove item activity
        Activity activity = new ActivityProductRemovedFromShoppingCart(ShoppingCartItemInfoObject, ResHelper.LocalizeString(ShoppingCartItemInfoObject.SKU.SKUName), ContactID, AnalyticsContext.ActivityEnvironmentVariables);


        // Recalculate shopping cart

        // Raise the change event for all subscribed web parts
        ComponentEvents.RequestEvents.RaiseEvent(sender, e, SHOPPING_CART_CHANGED);
    protected void btnUpdate_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (ShoppingCart != null)
            // Do not update order if it is already paid
            if (OrderIsPaid)

            ShoppingCart.ShoppingCartCurrencyID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(selectCurrency.SelectedID, 0);

            // Skip if method was called by btnAddProduct
            if (sender != btnAddProduct)
                foreach (GridViewRow row in gridData.Rows)
                    // Get shopping cart item Guid
                    Guid cartItemGuid = ValidationHelper.GetGuid(((Label)row.Cells[1].Controls[1]).Text, Guid.Empty);

                    // Try to find shopping cart item in the list
                    ShoppingCartItemInfo cartItem = ShoppingCart.GetShoppingCartItem(cartItemGuid);
                    if (cartItem != null)
                        // If product and its product options should be removed
                        if (((CMSCheckBox)row.Cells[4].Controls[1]).Checked && (sender != null))
                            // Remove product and its product option from list

                            if (!ShoppingCartControl.IsInternalOrder)
                                // Log activity
                                if (!cartItem.IsProductOption && !cartItem.IsBundleItem)
                                    Activity activity = new ActivityProductRemovedFromShoppingCart(cartItem, ResHelper.LocalizeString(cartItem.SKU.SKUName), ContactID, AnalyticsContext.ActivityEnvironmentVariables);

                                // Delete product from database
                        // If product units has changed
                        else if (!cartItem.IsProductOption)
                            // Get number of units
                            int itemUnits = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(((TextBox)(row.Cells[7].Controls[1])).Text.Trim(), 0);
                            if ((itemUnits > 0) && (cartItem.CartItemUnits != itemUnits))
                                // Update units of the parent product
                                ShoppingCartItemInfoProvider.UpdateShoppingCartItemUnits(cartItem, itemUnits);


            // Recalculate shopping cart


            if ((ShoppingCart.ShoppingCartDiscountCouponID > 0) && (!ShoppingCart.IsDiscountCouponApplied))
                // Discount coupon code is valid but not applied to any product of the shopping cart
                lblError.Text = GetString("shoppingcart.discountcouponnotapplied");

            // Inventory should be checked
            checkInventory = true;
    /// <summary>
    /// Removes the current cart item and the associated product options from the shopping cart.
    /// </summary>
    protected void Remove(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Delete all the children from the database if available
        foreach (ShoppingCartItemInfo scii in ShoppingCart.CartItems)
            if ((scii.CartItemBundleGUID == ShoppingCartItemInfoObject.CartItemGUID) || (scii.CartItemParentGUID == ShoppingCartItemInfoObject.CartItemGUID))

        // Deletes the CartItem from the database
        // Delete the CartItem form the shopping cart object (session)
        ShoppingCartInfoProvider.RemoveShoppingCartItem(ShoppingCart, ShoppingCartItemInfoObject.CartItemGUID);
        // Log remove item activity
        Activity activity = new ActivityProductRemovedFromShoppingCart(ShoppingCartItemInfoObject, ResHelper.LocalizeString(ShoppingCartItemInfoObject.SKU.SKUName), ContactID, AnalyticsContext.ActivityEnvironmentVariables);

        // Recalculate shopping cart

        // Raise the change event for all subscribed web parts
        ComponentEvents.RequestEvents.RaiseEvent(sender, e, SHOPPING_CART_CHANGED);
    protected void btnUpdate_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (ShoppingCart != null)
            // Do not update order if it is already paid
            if (OrderIsPaid)

            ShoppingCart.ShoppingCartCurrencyID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(selectCurrency.SelectedID, 0);

            // Skip if method was called by btnAddProduct
            if (sender != btnAddProduct)
                foreach (GridViewRow row in gridData.Rows)
                    // Get shopping cart item Guid
                    Guid cartItemGuid = ValidationHelper.GetGuid(((Label)row.Cells[1].Controls[1]).Text, Guid.Empty);

                    // Try to find shopping cart item in the list
                    ShoppingCartItemInfo cartItem = ShoppingCart.GetShoppingCartItem(cartItemGuid);
                    if (cartItem != null)
                        // If product and its product options should be removed
                        if (((CMSCheckBox)row.Cells[4].Controls[1]).Checked && (sender != null))
                            // Remove product and its product option from list

                            if (!ShoppingCartControl.IsInternalOrder)
                                // Log activity
                                if (!cartItem.IsProductOption && !cartItem.IsBundleItem)
                                    Activity activity = new ActivityProductRemovedFromShoppingCart(cartItem, ResHelper.LocalizeString(cartItem.SKU.SKUName), ContactID, AnalyticsContext.ActivityEnvironmentVariables);

                                // Delete product from database
                        // If product units has changed
                        else if (!cartItem.IsProductOption)
                            // Get number of units
                            int itemUnits = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(((TextBox)(row.Cells[7].Controls[1])).Text.Trim(), 0);
                            if ((itemUnits > 0) && (cartItem.CartItemUnits != itemUnits))
                                // Update units of the parent product
                                ShoppingCartItemInfoProvider.UpdateShoppingCartItemUnits(cartItem, itemUnits);


            // Recalculate shopping cart


            if ((ShoppingCart.ShoppingCartDiscountCouponID > 0) && (!ShoppingCart.IsDiscountCouponApplied))
                // Discount coupon code is valid but not applied to any product of the shopping cart
                lblError.Text = GetString("shoppingcart.discountcouponnotapplied");

            // Inventory should be checked
            checkInventory = true;