Ejemplo n.º 1
         * Because the growBranches() is called although no data is left after the
         * last speech frame, the ordering of the active-list might depend on the
         * transition probabilities and (penalty-scores) only. Therefore we need to
         * undo the last grow-step up to final states or the last emitting state in
         * order to fix the list.
         * @return newly created list
        protected ActiveList undoLastGrowStep()
            ActiveList fixedList = activeList.newInstance();

            var tokens = JavaToCs.GetTokenCollection(activeList);

            foreach (Token token in tokens)
                Token curToken = token.getPredecessor();

                // remove the final states that are not the real final ones because
                // they're just hide prior final tokens:
                while (curToken.getPredecessor() != null &&
                       ((curToken.isFinal() &&
                         curToken.getPredecessor() != null && !curToken
                         .getPredecessor().isFinal()) ||
                        (curToken.isEmitting() && curToken.getData() == null) // the
                                                                              // so
                                                                              // long
                                                                              // not
                                                                              // scored
                                                                              // tokens
                        || (!curToken.isFinal() && !curToken.isEmitting())))
                    curToken = curToken.getPredecessor();


        protected internal virtual void localStart()
            this.currentFrameNumber    = 0;
            this.curTokensScored.value = (double)0f;
            ActiveList  activeList   = this.activeListFactory.newInstance();
            SearchState initialState = this.linguist.getSearchGraph().getInitialState();

            activeList.add(new Token(initialState, -1L));
            this.activeList = activeList;
Ejemplo n.º 3
         * Gets the initial grammar node from the linguist and creates a
         * GrammarNodeToken
        protected void localStart()
            currentFrameNumber    = 0;
            curTokensScored.value = 0;
            ActiveList  newActiveList = activeListFactory.newInstance();
            SearchState state         = linguist.getSearchGraph().getInitialState();

            newActiveList.add(new Token(state, currentFrameNumber));
            activeList = newActiveList;

        public override void add(Token token)
            ActiveList activeList = this.findListFor(token);

            if (activeList == null)
                string text = new StringBuilder().append("Cannot find ActiveList for ").append(Object.instancehelper_getClass(token.getSearchState())).toString();

                throw new Error(text);
        protected internal virtual ActiveList undoLastGrowStep()
            ActiveList activeList = this.activeList.newInstance();
            Iterator   iterator   = this.activeList.iterator();

            while (iterator.hasNext())
                Token token       = (Token)iterator.next();
                Token predecessor = token.getPredecessor();
                while (predecessor.getPredecessor() != null && ((predecessor.isFinal() && predecessor.getPredecessor() != null && !predecessor.getPredecessor().isFinal()) || (predecessor.isEmitting() && predecessor.getData() == null) || (!predecessor.isFinal() && !predecessor.isEmitting())))
                    predecessor = predecessor.getPredecessor();
Ejemplo n.º 6
        protected internal override void localStart()
            this.currentFastMatchFrameNumber = 0;
            if (this.loader is Sphinx3Loader && ((Sphinx3Loader)this.loader).hasTiedMixtures())
            this.fastmatchActiveList = this.fastmatchActiveListFactory.newInstance();
            SearchState initialState = this.fastmatchLinguist.getSearchGraph().getInitialState();
            ActiveList  activeList   = this.fastmatchActiveList;

            activeList.add(new Token(initialState, (long)this.currentFastMatchFrameNumber));
            this.fastmatchStreamEnd = false;
            int num = 0;

            while (num < this.lookaheadWindow - 1 && !this.fastmatchStreamEnd)
Ejemplo n.º 7
         * Collects the next set of emitting tokens from a token and accumulates
         * them in the active or result lists
         * @param token
         *            the token to collect successors from
        protected void collectSuccessorTokens(Token token)
            SearchState state = token.getSearchState();

            // If this is a final state, add it to the final list
            if (token.isFinal())

            // if this is a non-emitting token and we've already
            // visited the same state during this frame, then we
            // are in a grammar loop, so we don't continue to expand.
            // This check only works properly if we have kept all of the
            // tokens (instead of skipping the non-word tokens).
            // Note that certain linguists will never generate grammar loops
            // (lextree linguist for example). For these cases, it is perfectly
            // fine to disable this check by setting keepAllTokens to false

            if (!token.isEmitting() && (keepAllTokens && isVisited(token)))

            if (token.getScore() < threshold)

            float penalty = 0.0f;

            // Changes made here not only to check for wordThreshold but also
            // Phrase Spotter's result
            if (state is WordSearchState)
                FloatData data       = (FloatData)token.getData();
                Word      word       = token.getWord();
                float     phraseTime = (float)currentFrameNumber / 100;
                if (spotterContains(word.getSpelling(), phraseTime))
                    penalty = 1.0f;                 // it's more of a reward
                    phraseDetected = true;
                    logger.Info("Token prioritized");
                if (token.getScore() < wordThreshold)

            // Idea is to award the favouring token very well
            if (penalty != 0.0f)
                token.setScore(token.getScore() + 10000.0f);
                setBestToken(token, state);

            SearchStateArc[] arcs = state.getSuccessors();
            // For each successor
            // calculate the entry score for the token based upon the
            // predecessor token score and the transition probabilities
            // if the score is better than the best score encountered for
            // the SearchState and frame then create a new token, add
            // it to the lattice and the SearchState.
            // If the token is an emitting token add it to the list,
            // otherwise recursively collect the new tokens successors.
            foreach (SearchStateArc arc in arcs)
                SearchState nextState = arc.getState();

                // We're actually multiplying the variables, but since
                // these come in log(), multiply gets converted to add
                float logEntryScore = token.getScore() + arc.getProbability()
                                      + penalty;

                if (wantEntryPruning)               // false by default
                    if (logEntryScore < threshold)
                    if (nextState is WordSearchState &&
                        logEntryScore < wordThreshold)
                Token predecessor = getResultListPredecessor(token);
                Token bestToken   = getBestToken(nextState);
                bool  firstToken  = bestToken == null;
                if (firstToken || bestToken.getScore() <= logEntryScore)
                    Token newToken = new Token(predecessor, nextState,
                                               logEntryScore, arc.getInsertionProbability(),
                                               arc.getLanguageProbability(), currentFrameNumber);
                    setBestToken(newToken, nextState);
                    if (!newToken.isEmitting())
                        // if not emitting, check to see if we've already visited
                        // this state during this frame. Expand the token only if we
                        // haven't visited it already. This prevents the search
                        // from getting stuck in a loop of states with no
                        // intervening emitting nodes. This can happen with nasty
                        // jsgf grammars such as ((foo*)*)*
                        if (!isVisited(newToken))
                        if (firstToken)
                            activeList.replace(bestToken, newToken);