Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Copy an existing NodeGene. Only the id and the type will be copied.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="nodeGene"></param>
 public NodeGene(NodeGene nodeGene)
     _id             = nodeGene.ID;
     _type           = nodeGene.Type;
     _typeOfFunction = nodeGene.TypeOfActivationFunction;
     _xValue         = nodeGene.XValue;
     _inputs         = new List <ConnectionGene>();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new node gene with an id and a type
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">of the node gene. Must be unique</param>
 /// <param name="type">of the node gene</param>
 public NodeGene(int id, NodeGeneType type, float xValue)
     _id             = id;
     _type           = type;
     _xValue         = xValue;
     _inputs         = new List <ConnectionGene>();
     _typeOfFunction = ActivationFunctionHelper.Function.SIGMOID;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new node gene with an id and a type
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">of the node gene. Must be unique</param>
 /// <param name="type">of the node gene</param>
 /// <param name="function">the type of activation function</param>
 public NodeGene(int id, NodeGeneType type, float yValue, ActivationFunctionHelper.Function function)
     _id             = id;
     _type           = type;
     _typeOfFunction = function;
     _xValue         = yValue;
     _inputs         = new List <ConnectionGene>();
Ejemplo n.º 4
    /// <summary>
    /// Mutate the genome and replaces an existing connection with a new node and two new connections.
    /// The existing connection will be disabled and a new node will be created. The new node will
    /// be set between the input and output node of the old connection.
    /// Two connections will be created. The first one is from the disabled connections input node to the newly created node with a weight of 1.
    /// The second is from the newly created input node the the disabled connections output node with the weight if the disabled connection.
    /// If the connection is already disabled, null will be returned
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="connection">the existing connection that will be replaced</param>
    /// <returns>an array with 4 objects.
    /// Index 0: the disabled connection
    /// Index 1: the newly created Node
    /// Index 2: the newly created Connection between the Input and the newly created node and a weight of 1
    /// Index 3: the newly created Connection between the newly created node and the output node with the weight of the given connection.
    /// Return null, if the connection is already disabled</returns>
    public System.Object[] AddNodeMutation(ConnectionGene connection, int nodeID, int inToNewNodeInnovationNumber, int newToOutNodeInnovationNumber)
        //Test if the connection is available
        if (!IsNodePossible(connection))

        NodeGene inNode  = _nodes[connection.InNode];
        NodeGene outNode = _nodes[connection.OutNode];

        //Disable the connection
        connection.Expressed = false;

        //TODO new
        float yValue = inNode.XValue + ((outNode.XValue - inNode.XValue) / 2);

        //Get the activation function
        ActivationFunctionHelper.Function type = Random.Range(-1f, 1f) >= 0 ? inNode.TypeOfActivationFunction : outNode.TypeOfActivationFunction;

        NodeGene       newNode = new NodeGene(nodeID, NodeGeneType.HIDDEN, yValue, type);
        ConnectionGene inToNewNodeConnection  = new ConnectionGene(inNode.ID, newNode.ID, 1f, true, inToNewNodeInnovationNumber);
        ConnectionGene newToOutNodeConnection = new ConnectionGene(newNode.ID, outNode.ID, connection.Weight, true, newToOutNodeInnovationNumber);

        _nodes.Add(newNode.ID, newNode);
        _connections.Add(inToNewNodeConnection.InnovationNumber, inToNewNodeConnection);
        _connections.Add(newToOutNodeConnection.InnovationNumber, newToOutNodeConnection);

        System.Object[] changedValues = new System.Object[4];
        changedValues[0] = connection;
        changedValues[1] = newNode;
        changedValues[2] = inToNewNodeConnection;
        changedValues[3] = newToOutNodeConnection;
