/// <summary>
        /// Event handler startButton_Click
        /// </summary>
        private void startButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (this.startButton.Text == "Start")

                // get input neuron
                try { this.inputLayerNeurons = Math.Max(1, Math.Min(48, Math.Min(this.variable.Observations / 2, int.Parse(this.inputLayerBox.Text)))); }
                catch { this.inputLayerNeurons = Math.Min(this.variable.Observations / 2, 12); }

                if (this.variable.SeriesValuesNoNaN.Count - this.inputLayerNeurons < 8)
                    MessageBox.Show("Unsufficent number of observations\nModel cannot be estimated with these variable",
                        "Neural Network Analysis", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                else if (this.variable.SeriesValuesNoNaN.Count - this.inputLayerNeurons < 28)
                    MessageBox.Show("Too few number of observations\nModel may be not adequate",
                        "Neural Network Analysis", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

                // get hidden neuron
                try { this.hiddenLayerNeurons = Math.Max(1, Math.Min(48, int.Parse(this.hiddenLayerBox.Text))); }
                catch { this.hiddenLayerNeurons = 12; }

                // get learning rate
                try { this.learningRate = Math.Max(0.00001, Math.Min(1, double.Parse(this.learningRateBox.Text))); }
                catch { this.learningRate = 0.05; }

                // get momentum
                try { this.momentum = Math.Max(0.00, Math.Min(1, double.Parse(this.momentumBox.Text))); }
                catch { this.momentum = 0.5; }

                // get max iteration
                try { this.maxIteration = Math.Max(10, Math.Min(1000000, int.Parse(this.maxIterationBox.Text))); }
                catch { this.maxIteration = 10000; }

                //get activationfunction
                if (this.semiLinearRadio.Checked == true) this.selectedActivationFunction = ActivationFunctionEnumeration.SemiLinearFunction;
                else if (this.sigmoidRadio.Checked == true) this.selectedActivationFunction = ActivationFunctionEnumeration.SigmoidFunction;
                else if (this.bipolarSigmoidRadio.Checked == true) this.selectedActivationFunction = ActivationFunctionEnumeration.BipolarSigmoidFunction;
                else if (this.hyperbolicTangentRadio.Checked == true) this.selectedActivationFunction = ActivationFunctionEnumeration.HyperbolicTangentFunction;

                //get with checking cycle
                this.withCheckingCycle = this.withCheckingCycleCheck.Checked;

                //get checking cycle
                try { this.checkingCycle = Math.Max(1, Math.Min(10000, int.Parse(this.checkingCycleBox.Text))); }
                catch { this.checkingCycle = 100; }

                //get checking method
                if (this.byMSEValueRadio.Checked == true) this.checkingMethod = CheckingMethodEnumeration.byMSEValue;
                else if (this.byMSEChangeRadio.Checked == true) this.checkingMethod = CheckingMethodEnumeration.byMSEChange;

                //get bymsevalue
                try { this.byMSEValueStopping = Math.Max(0.000001, double.Parse(this.byMSEValueBox.Text)); }
                catch { this.byMSEValueStopping = 0.1; }

                //get bymsechange
                try { this.byMSEChangeStopping = Math.Max(0.0000001, double.Parse(this.byMSEChangeBox.Text)); }
                catch { this.byMSEChangeStopping = 0.01; }

                //get use advance early stopping
                this.useAdvanceEarlyStopping = this.useAdvanceCheck.Checked;

                //get advance early stopping method
                if (this.generalizationLossRadio.Checked == true) this.advanceStoppingMethod = AdvanceStoppingMethodEnumeration.GeneralizationLoss;
                else if (this.PQRadio.Checked == true) this.advanceStoppingMethod = AdvanceStoppingMethodEnumeration.ProgressQuotient;

                // get validation set ratio
                try { this.validationSetRatio = Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min(0.5, double.Parse(this.validationSetRatioBox.Text))); }
                catch { this.validationSetRatio = 0.3; }

                // get generalization loss treshold
                try { this.generalizationLossTreshold = Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min(90.0, double.Parse(this.generalizationLossTresholdBox.Text))); }
                catch { this.generalizationLossTreshold = 2.0; }

                // get PQ treshold
                try { this.pqTreshold = Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min(90.0, double.Parse(this.PQTresholdBox.Text))); }
                catch { this.pqTreshold = 1.5; }

                //get strip
                try { this.strip = Math.Max(2, Math.Min(20, int.Parse(this.stripBox.Text))); }
                catch { this.strip = 5; }



                needToStop = false;
                this.learningThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.searchSolution));

                // check if worker thread is running
                if ((learningThread != null) && (learningThread.IsAlive))
                    // stop worker thread
                    needToStop = true;
                    learningThread = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Event handler startButton_Click
        /// </summary>
        private void startButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (this.startButton.Text == "Start")
                // get input neuron
                try { this.inputLayerNeurons = Math.Max(1, Math.Min(48, Math.Min(this.variable.Observations / 2, int.Parse(this.inputLayerBox.Text)))); }
                catch { this.inputLayerNeurons = Math.Min(this.variable.Observations / 2, 12); }

                if (this.variable.SeriesValuesNoNaN.Count - this.inputLayerNeurons < 8)
                    MessageBox.Show("Unsufficent number of observations\nModel cannot be estimated with these variable",
                                    "Neural Network Analysis", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                else if (this.variable.SeriesValuesNoNaN.Count - this.inputLayerNeurons < 28)
                    MessageBox.Show("Too few number of observations\nModel may be not adequate",
                                    "Neural Network Analysis", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

                // get hidden neuron
                try { this.hiddenLayerNeurons = Math.Max(1, Math.Min(48, int.Parse(this.hiddenLayerBox.Text))); }
                catch { this.hiddenLayerNeurons = 12; }

                // get learning rate
                try { this.learningRate = Math.Max(0.00001, Math.Min(1, double.Parse(this.learningRateBox.Text))); }
                catch { this.learningRate = 0.05; }

                // get momentum
                try { this.momentum = Math.Max(0.00, Math.Min(1, double.Parse(this.momentumBox.Text))); }
                catch { this.momentum = 0.5; }

                // get max iteration
                try { this.maxIteration = Math.Max(10, Math.Min(1000000, int.Parse(this.maxIterationBox.Text))); }
                catch { this.maxIteration = 10000; }

                //get activationfunction
                if (this.semiLinearRadio.Checked == true)
                    this.selectedActivationFunction = ActivationFunctionEnumeration.SemiLinearFunction;
                else if (this.sigmoidRadio.Checked == true)
                    this.selectedActivationFunction = ActivationFunctionEnumeration.SigmoidFunction;
                else if (this.bipolarSigmoidRadio.Checked == true)
                    this.selectedActivationFunction = ActivationFunctionEnumeration.BipolarSigmoidFunction;
                else if (this.hyperbolicTangentRadio.Checked == true)
                    this.selectedActivationFunction = ActivationFunctionEnumeration.HyperbolicTangentFunction;

                //get with checking cycle
                this.withCheckingCycle = this.withCheckingCycleCheck.Checked;

                //get checking cycle
                try { this.checkingCycle = Math.Max(1, Math.Min(10000, int.Parse(this.checkingCycleBox.Text))); }
                catch { this.checkingCycle = 100; }

                //get checking method
                if (this.byMSEValueRadio.Checked == true)
                    this.checkingMethod = CheckingMethodEnumeration.byMSEValue;
                else if (this.byMSEChangeRadio.Checked == true)
                    this.checkingMethod = CheckingMethodEnumeration.byMSEChange;

                //get bymsevalue
                try { this.byMSEValueStopping = Math.Max(0.000001, double.Parse(this.byMSEValueBox.Text)); }
                catch { this.byMSEValueStopping = 0.1; }

                //get bymsechange
                try { this.byMSEChangeStopping = Math.Max(0.0000001, double.Parse(this.byMSEChangeBox.Text)); }
                catch { this.byMSEChangeStopping = 0.01; }

                //get use advance early stopping
                this.useAdvanceEarlyStopping = this.useAdvanceCheck.Checked;

                //get advance early stopping method
                if (this.generalizationLossRadio.Checked == true)
                    this.advanceStoppingMethod = AdvanceStoppingMethodEnumeration.GeneralizationLoss;
                else if (this.PQRadio.Checked == true)
                    this.advanceStoppingMethod = AdvanceStoppingMethodEnumeration.ProgressQuotient;

                // get validation set ratio
                try { this.validationSetRatio = Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min(0.5, double.Parse(this.validationSetRatioBox.Text))); }
                catch { this.validationSetRatio = 0.3; }

                // get generalization loss treshold
                try { this.generalizationLossTreshold = Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min(90.0, double.Parse(this.generalizationLossTresholdBox.Text))); }
                catch { this.generalizationLossTreshold = 2.0; }

                // get PQ treshold
                try { this.pqTreshold = Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min(90.0, double.Parse(this.PQTresholdBox.Text))); }
                catch { this.pqTreshold = 1.5; }

                //get strip
                try { this.strip = Math.Max(2, Math.Min(20, int.Parse(this.stripBox.Text))); }
                catch { this.strip = 5; }



                needToStop          = false;
                this.learningThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.searchSolution));
                // check if worker thread is running
                if ((learningThread != null) && (learningThread.IsAlive))
                    // stop worker thread
                    needToStop = true;
                    learningThread = null;
