Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal Layer(int size, ActivateFunction updFunc, bool hasBias)
            Input = new float[size];
            Unit  = new float[size + (hasBias ? 1 : 0)];
            Delta = new float[size];

            Function = updFunc;
            _diff    = ChooseDiffFunction();

            HasBias = hasBias;
            if (HasBias)
                Unit[Input.Length] = 1.0f;

            DiffFunction ChooseDiffFunction()
                switch (updFunc.Method.Name)
                case "Identity": return(DiffIdentity);

                case "Tanh": return(DiffTanh);

                case "Sigmoid": return(DiffSigmoid);

                case "ReLU": return(DiffReLU);

                case "LeakyReLU": return(DiffLeakyReLU);

                default: return(null);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new menu item object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="text">The text to be shown on the LCD.</param>
 /// <param name="selectable">Is this menu item selectable?</param>
 /// <param name="visibleFunction">The function used to determine
 ///		if this menu item is visible.</param>
 /// <param name="activateFunction">The function used when this menu
 ///		item is activated.</param>
 /// <param name="destination">The menu that is the destination after
 ///		this menu item is activated.</param>
 public MenuItem(string text, bool selectable, VisibleFunction visibleFunction,
                 ActivateFunction activateFunction, Menu destination)
     _text             = text;
     _selectable       = selectable;
     _visibleFunction  = visibleFunction;
     _activateFunction = activateFunction;
     _destination      = destination;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public Layer(int neuronsCount, double[][] weights)
            ActivateFunction activateFunction           = (double x) => { return(1 / (1 + Math.Exp((-1) * x))); };
            ActivateFunction activateFunctionDerivative = (double x) => { return((1 / (1 + Math.Exp((-1) * x))) * (1 - (1 / (1 + Math.Exp((-1) * x))))); };

            this.AcivateFunc = activateFunction;
            this.ActivateFunctionDerivative = activateFunctionDerivative;
            this.Weights      = weights;
            this.NeuronsCount = neuronsCount;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private Layer ApplyActivationFunction(Layer layer, ActivateFunction activateFunction)
            var result = new Layer(layer.size);

            for (int i = 0; i < layer.size; i++)
                result.Items[i] = activateFunction(layer.Items[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public Layer(int neuronsCount, double[][] weights, ActivateFunction func, ActivateFunction funcDerivative)
            if (neuronsCount != weights[0].Length)
                throw new Exception("Size of weights and neurons count is not right, please make changes");

            this.AcivateFunc = func;
            this.ActivateFunctionDerivative = funcDerivative;
            this.NeuronsCount = neuronsCount;
            this.Weights      = weights;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void FeedForward(float[] inputs)
            ActivateFunction activateFunction = ActivateFunctions.Sigmoid;

            Hiddens[0] = ApplyActivationFunction(Task.Run(() => Feed(WeightsIH, Matrix.ArrayToMatrix(inputs), Bias[0, 0])).Result, activateFunction);
            for (int i = 0; i < Hiddens.Count() - 1; i++)
                Hiddens[i + 1] = ApplyActivationFunction(Task.Run(() => Feed(WeightsH[i], Matrix.ArrayToMatrix(Hiddens[i].Items), Bias[i + 1, 0])).Result, activateFunction);
            var lastBias = Bias.GetLength(0) - 1;

            Outputs = ApplyActivationFunction(Task.Run(() => Feed(WeightsHO, Matrix.ArrayToMatrix(Hiddens.LastOrDefault().Items), Bias[lastBias, 0])).Result, activateFunction);
        public static FlattenLayer CreateFlattenLayer()
            //ActivateFunction activateFunction = (double x) => { return 1 / (1 + Math.Exp((-1) * x)); };
            //ActivateFunction activateFunctionDerivative = (double x) => { return (1 / (1 + Math.Exp((-1) * x))) * (1 - (1 / (1 + Math.Exp((-1) * x)))); };

            ActivateFunction activateFunction           = (double x) => { return(Math.Tanh(x)); };
            ActivateFunction activateFunctionDerivative = (double x) => { return(1 - Math.Pow(Math.Tanh(x), 2)); };

            return(new FlattenLayer
                ActivateFunction = activateFunction,
                ActivateFunctionDerivative = activateFunctionDerivative
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public Network CreateStandart(params int[] param)
            /*var inputLayerNeuronsCount = 784;
            *  var hiddenLayerNeuronsCount = 100;
            *  var outputLayerNeuronsCount = 10;*/

            var inputLayerNeuronsCount  = param[0];
            var hiddenLayerNeuronsCount = param[1];
            var outputLayerNeuronsCount = param[2];

            ActivateFunction activateFunction           = (double x) => { return(1 / (1 + Math.Exp((-1) * x))); };
            ActivateFunction activateFunctionDerivative = (double x) => { return((1 / (1 + Math.Exp((-1) * x))) * (1 - (1 / (1 + Math.Exp((-1) * x))))); };

            //normal distribution
            Normal normal = new Normal(0, Math.Pow(inputLayerNeuronsCount, -0.5));

            double[][] hiddenLayerWeights = new double[inputLayerNeuronsCount][];
            for (int i = 0; i < inputLayerNeuronsCount; ++i)
                hiddenLayerWeights[i] = new double[hiddenLayerNeuronsCount];
                for (int j = 0; j < hiddenLayerNeuronsCount; ++j)
                    hiddenLayerWeights[i][j] = normal.Sample();

            //normal distribution
            normal = new Normal(0, Math.Pow(hiddenLayerNeuronsCount, -0.5));
            double[][] outputLayerWeights = new double[hiddenLayerNeuronsCount][];
            for (int i = 0; i < hiddenLayerNeuronsCount; ++i)
                outputLayerWeights[i] = new double[outputLayerNeuronsCount];
                for (int j = 0; j < outputLayerNeuronsCount; ++j)
                    outputLayerWeights[i][j] = normal.Sample();

            var layers = new List <Layer>
                new Layer(hiddenLayerNeuronsCount, hiddenLayerWeights, activateFunction, activateFunctionDerivative),
                new Layer(outputLayerNeuronsCount, outputLayerWeights, activateFunction, activateFunctionDerivative),

            var netwrokToReturn = new MultilayerPerceptron(layers);

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public NeuroNetsMainWindow()

            Type     ourtype = typeof(ActivateFunction); // Базовый тип
            Assembly ast     = Assembly.GetAssembly(ourtype);

            Type[]             types = ast.GetTypes();
            IEnumerable <Type> list  = Assembly.GetAssembly(ourtype).GetTypes().Where(type => type.IsSubclassOf(ourtype)); // using System.Linq
            List <Type>        aa    = new List <Type>(list);

            foreach (Type itm in aa)
                ActivateFunction af1  = (ActivateFunction)Activator.CreateInstance(itm);
                string           name = af1.GetType().Name;

            dbHandler     = new DataBaseHandler();
            neuroNetsInfo = new DataContainer <List <string[]> >();
            learningInfo  = new DataContainer <DataContainer <List <string> > >();

            dgwNeuroNets.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Font = new Font("Book Antiqua", 9);
            dgwNeuroNets.Columns.Add("Name", "Имя");
            dgwNeuroNets.Columns.Add("TopologyTypeName", "Топология");
            dgwNeuroNets.Columns.Add("Task", "Задача");
            dgwNeuroNets.Columns.Add("NeuronCount", "Количество нейронов");
            dgwNeuroNets.Columns.Add("LayerCount", "Количество слоев");
            dgwNeuroNets.Columns.Add("ActivateFunction", "Активационная функция");

            dgwNeuronsInLayers.Columns.Add("Layer", "Слой");
            dgwNeuronsInLayers.Columns.Add("Neurons", "Число нейронов");

            dgwParamsAF.Columns.Add("Parameter", "Параметр");
            dgwParamsAF.Columns.Add("Value", "Значение");

            dgwNets.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Font = new Font("Book Antiqua", 9);
            dgwNets.Columns.Add("NeuroNet", "Нейронная сеть");
            dgwNets.Columns.Add("TopologyTypeName", "Топология");
            dgwNets.Columns.Add("NeuronCount", "Количество нейронов");
            dgwNets.Columns.Add("LayerCount", "Количество слоев");

            dgwLA.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Font = new Font("Book Antiqua", 9);
            dgwLA.Columns.Add("LearningAlgorithm", "Алгоритм обучения");
            dgwLA.Columns.Add("LearningStatus", "Статус обучения");

Ejemplo n.º 10
        private void RefreshDgwParametersAF()
            int countParameters = LibraryOfActivateFunctions.GetCountParametersOfAF(cbActivateFunction.SelectedItem.ToString(),
            ActivateFunction af = LibraryOfActivateFunctions.GetActivateFunction(cbActivateFunction.SelectedItem.ToString(),

            for (int i = 0; i < countParameters; i++)
                string[] row = new string[2];
                row[0] = Convert.ToString(af.GetNameOfParameter(i));
                row[1] = Convert.ToString(af.GetDefaultValueOfParameter(i));
                dgwEditParametersAF.Rows[i].Cells[0].ReadOnly = true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void btnUse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int countInputNeurons  = dbHandler.SelectCountInputParametersInTask(lbTaskSelected.Text);
            int countOutputNeurons = 1;
            ActivateFunction af    = LibraryOfActivateFunctions.
            List <double> valuesOfParametersAF = dbHandler.SelectValuesOfParametersOfAF(lbNetSelected.Text);
            int           k = 0;

            foreach (double item in valuesOfParametersAF)
                af.SetValueOfParameter(k, item);

            int countNeurons = dbHandler.SelectCountNeuronsInNet(lbNetSelected.Text);

            bool[,] connections = new bool[countNeurons, countNeurons];
            double[,] weights   = new double[countNeurons, countNeurons];
            List <Tuple <int, int, double> > ls = dbHandler.SelectLearnedTopology(lbNetSelected.Text,
                                                                                  lbSelSelected.Text, LearningAlgorithmsLibrary.GetNameOfTypeOfAlgoritm(lbLASelected.Text));

            for (int i = 0; i < countNeurons; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < countNeurons; j++)
                    connections[i, j] = false;
                    weights[i, j]     = 0.0;
            foreach (Tuple <int, int, double> item in ls)
                connections[item.Item2, item.Item1] = true;
                weights[item.Item2, item.Item1]     = item.Item3;
            int[]    neuronsInLayers = dbHandler.SelectNeuronsInLayers(lbNetSelected.Text);
            NeuroNet net             = new NeuroNet(countInputNeurons, countOutputNeurons, neuronsInLayers, connections, weights, af);

            NeuroNetSolvingWindow solvingWnd = new NeuroNetSolvingWindow(net);

Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: Neuron.cs Proyecto: juraam/SII
 public Neuron(ActivateFunction af)
     act_func = af;
     inputs   = null;
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: Neuron.cs Proyecto: juraam/SII
 protected Neuron()
     act_func = null;
     inputs   = null;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public PerceptronMonocouche(ActivateFunction f, WeightInitialisation weight) : base(f, weight)
 public Functions(ActivateFunction func, OutErrorFunction outError, HiddenLayerErrorFunction hiddenError)
     ActivateFunc         = func;
     OutErrorFunc         = outError;
     HiddenLayerErrorFunc = hiddenError;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public static void AddLayer(int size, ActivateFunction function = null, bool bias = true)
 => _network._layers.Add(new Layer(size, function ?? ReLU, bias));
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public InputNeuron(ActivateFunction af)
     act_func   = af;
     InputValue = 0.0;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public InputNeuron(ActivateFunction af, double inputValue)
     act_func   = af;
     InputValue = inputValue;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public InputNeuron(ActivateFunction af, double inputValue, NeuronInputConnection[] _inputs)
     act_func   = af;
     InputValue = inputValue;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public OutputNeuron(ActivateFunction af)
     act_func = af;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public Perceptron(ActivateFunction f, WeightInitialisation weight)
     activateFunction     = f;
     weightInitialisation = weight;
Ejemplo n.º 22
Archivo: Neuron.cs Proyecto: juraam/SII
 public Neuron(ActivateFunction af, NeuronInputConnection[] _inputs)
     act_func = af;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public Perceptron(ActivateFunction f, WeightInitialisation weight)
     activateFunction     = f;
     weightInitialisation = weight;
     ConnectTo(new Biais());
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public List <string[]> SelectParametersOfAF(string NeuroNetName, int countNeurons, string NameAF)
            int IDAF = LibraryOfActivateFunctions.GetCountParametersOfAF(NameAF,
            ActivateFunction af = LibraryOfActivateFunctions.GetActivateFunction(NameAF,

            if (IDAF != -1)
                List <string[]> ls = new List <string[]>();

                SQLiteCommand cmd        = new SQLiteCommand(connector.connection);
                int[]         neurons    = new int[countNeurons];
                double[]      valuesPars = new double[IDAF];
                cmd.CommandText = "SELECT AFParameters " +
                                  "FROM NeuroNet,TASK WHERE NeuroNet.TaskID = TASK.ID AND NeuroNet.Name ='" +
                                  NeuroNetName + "'";
                    string line = Convert.ToString(cmd.ExecuteScalar());

                    int      k   = 0;
                    int      j   = 0;
                    string   buf = "";
                    string[] row;

                    while (j < line.Length)
                        row = new string[2];
                        if (line[j] != ' ')
                            buf += line[j];
                            row[0] = af.GetNameOfParameter(k);
                            row[1] = buf;
                            buf = "";

                    row    = new string[2];
                    row[0] = af.GetNameOfParameter(k);
                    row[1] = buf;
                catch (SQLiteException ex)
                throw new Exception("No such name of Activate Function!");
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public NeuroNet(int numb_input_neurons, int numb_output_neurons, int[] numbNeuronsInLayers,
                        bool[,] _connections, double[,] _weights, ActivateFunction af)
            if (_connections.GetLength(0) != _connections.GetLength(1) ||
                _weights.GetLength(0) != _weights.GetLength(1) ||
                _connections.GetLength(0) != _weights.GetLength(0))
                throw new Exception("Invalid dimensions of connection or weight matrices");

            int countNeurons = _connections.GetLength(0);

            if (numb_input_neurons <= 0 || numb_input_neurons >= countNeurons)
                throw new Exception("Number of input neurons is out of range");
            if (numb_output_neurons <= 0 || numb_output_neurons >= countNeurons)
                throw new Exception("Number of output neurons is out of range");
            if (af == null)
                throw new Exception("Not initialized activate function");
            if (numbNeuronsInLayers.GetLength(0) < 2 || numbNeuronsInLayers.GetLength(0) > countNeurons)
                throw new Exception("Invalid count of layers");

            int sum = 0;

            foreach (int item in numbNeuronsInLayers)
                if (item <= 0)
                    throw new Exception("Must be at least one neuron in each layer");
                sum += item;
            if (sum != countNeurons)
                throw new Exception("Invalid count of neurons in layers");

            neuronsInLayers = numbNeuronsInLayers;

            input_neurons  = new InputNeuron[numb_input_neurons];
            neurons        = new Neuron[countNeurons];
            output_neurons = new OutputNeuron[numb_output_neurons];
            topology       = new bool[countNeurons, countNeurons];
            weights        = new double[countNeurons, countNeurons];

            evaluation_machine = new Queue <Queue <Neuron> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < numb_input_neurons; i++)
                input_neurons[i] = new InputNeuron(af);
                neurons[i]       = input_neurons[i];
            for (int i = numb_input_neurons; i < countNeurons - numb_output_neurons; i++)
                neurons[i] = new Neuron(af);
            for (int i = 0; i < numb_output_neurons; i++)
                output_neurons[i] = new OutputNeuron(af);
                neurons[i + countNeurons - numb_output_neurons] = output_neurons[i];
            for (int i = 0; i < countNeurons; i++)
                Neuron cur = neurons[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < countNeurons; j++)
                    topology[j, i] = false;
                    if (_connections[j, i] == true)
                        topology[j, i] = true;
                        weights[j, i]  = _weights[j, i];

            isIterationsFinished     = true;
            isWaveCameToOutputNeuron = false;