//获取实体,准备增删改 private void GetAlias(ActType act) { string s1 = textBox1.Text.Trim(); var c = checkedListBox1.SelectedItem; string s2 = LineProcess(); string type = c == null?AliasType.http.ToString() : c.ToString(); ListViewItem p = new ListViewItem(); p = ListItemIndex == -1 ? null : listView1.Items[ListItemIndex]; //鼠标点击时,已经得到行号 switch (act) { case ActType.Add: _al = new Alias { Name = s1, Path = s2, Type = type, AddTime = DateTime.Now }; break; case ActType.Edit: _al = new Alias { ID = int.Parse(p.SubItems[0].Text), Name = s1, Path = s2, Type = type, AddTime = DateTime.Now }; break; case ActType.Del: _al = new Alias { ID = int.Parse(p.SubItems[0].Text), Type = p.SubItems[3].Text }; break; default: break; } }
public void LoadOriginData() { //如果只有三个信息段,应为图片退出操作 if (dataArr.Length == 3) { aniActType = ActType.Quit; for (int i = 0; i < headAniList.Count; i++) { GameObject animateObject = headAniList[i] as GameObject; if (animateObject.GetComponent <FaceAni>().NameId.Trim() == dataArr[1].Trim()) { aniObject = animateObject; } } } //有五个数据,是图片进入或者移动操作 if (dataArr.Length == 5) { aniActType = ActType.Enter; foreach (GameObject aniobject in headAniList) { if (aniobject.GetComponent <FaceAni>().NameId.Trim() == dataArr[1].Trim()) { aniActType = ActType.Move; aniObject = aniobject; } } //得到数据 name = dataArr[1].Trim(); actType = dataArr[2].Trim(); aniName = dataArr[3].Trim(); pos = dataArr[4].Trim(); } }
public void PlayAct(ActType actType) { Act act = null; if (curAct != null && curAct.next != null) { foreach (var a in curAct.next) { if (a.table.type == (int)actType) { act = a; break; } } } if (act == null) { foreach (var a in actCombos) { if (a.table.type == (int)actType) { act = a; break; } } } Log.ErrorIf(act == null, $"Not Found Act {actType}"); curAct = act; if (role.move.IsMoving) { role.move.StopMove(); } Log.ErrorIf(act.anim == null, $"Not Found Act anim {act.table.anim},{act}"); role.avatar.AnimCtrl.PlayAnimation(act.anim, null); }
private void RandomAct() { int randomNum = random.Next(1000000); if (randomNum >= 0 && randomNum < 5000 && CurAct == ActType.Walk) { CurAct = ActType.Tail; } if (randomNum >= 5000 && randomNum < 7000 && CurAct == ActType.Tail) { CurAct = ActType.Walk; } if (randomNum >= 7000 && randomNum < 9000 && CurAct == ActType.Walk) { CurAct = ActType.WalkR; } if (randomNum >= 9000 && randomNum < 9500 && (CurAct == ActType.Walk || CurAct == ActType.Tail)) { CurAct = ActType.Hit; } if (randomNum >= 9500 && randomNum < 9800 && (CurAct == ActType.Walk || CurAct == ActType.Tail)) { CurAct = ActType.Eat; } if (randomNum >= 9800 && randomNum < 10000 && (CurAct == ActType.Walk || CurAct == ActType.Tail)) { CurAct = ActType.Hungry; } }
private void TimerMain_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { var curActBag = Animations.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ActType == CurAct); if (curActBag == null) { return; } if (CurAct == ActType.Walk || CurAct == ActType.WalkR) { FreeMove(); } var curAnimation = curActBag.Animations.ElementAt(curFrame++); cat.SetBitmap(curAnimation); if (curFrame >= curActBag.FrameCount) { curFrame = 0; if (CurAct != ActType.Walk && CurAct != ActType.WalkR) { curAct = ActType.Tail; } } if (cat.Enabled) { RandomAct(); } }
public static string GetFullActName(ActType actType) { switch (actType) { case ActType.АктОбследования: return("Акт обследования земельного участка"); case ActType.АктПроверкиФизЛица: return("Акт проверки соблюдения земельного законодательства физическим лицом"); case ActType.ПланПроверокГраждан: return("План проверок граждан"); case ActType.АктПроверкиЮл: return("Акт проверки юридического лица, индивидуального предпринимателя"); case ActType.ЖурналУчетаПроверокЮл: return("Журнал учета проверок юридического лица, индивидуального предпренимателя"); case ActType.ЗаявлениеСоглВнеплВыездПроверки: return("Заявление о согласовании проведения внеплановой выездной проверки юридического лица, индивидуального предпринимателя"); case ActType.ОбмерПлощадиЗу: return("Обмер площади земельного участка"); case ActType.ПредписаниеУтсрНарушЗемЗакона: return("Предписание об устранении нарушения земельного законодательства"); case ActType.ПротоколАдмПравонарушения: return("Протокол об административном правонарушении"); case ActType.ФотоТаблица: return("Фототаблица"); case ActType.аспоряжениеПроверкиЮл: return("Распоряжение о проведении проверки юридического лица, индивидуального предпринимателя"); default: return(""); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("ID,acttypeName,acttypeDescription")] ActType actType) { if (id != actType.ID) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(actType); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!ActTypeExists(actType.ID)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(actType)); }
public IGOEEntityAct PlayAct(string name, ActType mask = ActType.None, float speed = 1, bool immediatelyRun = false) { GOEEntityAct mMainAct; GOEEntityAct[] acts = this.GetComponents <GOEEntityAct>(); if (!GOERoot.IsEditor || acts.Length == 0 || acts[0].Enable) { mMainAct = GOEEntityAct.GetActInstance(name); this.AddComponent(mMainAct); } else { mMainAct = acts[0]; } mMainAct.TypeFilters = mask; mMainAct.ActSpeed = speed; mMainAct.ImmediatelyRun = immediatelyRun; if (mMainAct.ActName != name) { mMainAct.ActName = name; mMainAct.LoadAndPlay(); } else { mMainAct.play(); } return(mMainAct); }
public void LoadOriginData() { //如果只有三个信息段,应为图片退出操作 if (dataArr.Length == 3) { imgActType = ActType.Quit; for (int i = 0; i < headImageList.Count; i++) { GameObject imageObject = headImageList[i] as GameObject; if (imageObject.GetComponent <FaceImage>().nameId.Trim() == dataArr[1].Trim()) { imgObject = imageObject; } } } //有五个数据,是图片进入或者移动操作 if (dataArr.Length == 5) { imgActType = ActType.Enter; foreach (GameObject imageObject in headImageList) { if (imageObject.GetComponent <FaceImage>().nameId.Trim() == dataArr[1].Trim()) { imgActType = ActType.Move; imgObject = imageObject; } } //得到数据 name = dataArr[1].Trim(); actType = dataArr[2].Trim(); imageName = dataArr[3].Trim(); pos = dataArr[4].Trim(); } }
public Conv3DTranspose(int filters, Tuple <int, int, int> kernalSize, int strides = 1, PaddingType padding = PaddingType.Same, Tuple <int, int, int> dialationRate = null, ActType activation = ActType.Linear, BaseInitializer kernalInitializer = null, BaseRegularizer kernalRegularizer = null, BaseConstraint kernalConstraint = null, bool useBias = true, BaseInitializer biasInitializer = null, BaseRegularizer biasRegularizer = null, BaseConstraint biasConstraint = null) : base("conv3d_transpose") { }
private void FreeMove() { cat.Top += rateY; cat.Left += rateX; Rectangle rect = SystemInformation.VirtualScreen; int screenWidth = rect.Width; int screenHeight = rect.Height; if (cat.Left < rect.X && CurAct == ActType.Walk) { CurAct = ActType.WalkR; } if (cat.Left + cat.Width > screenWidth + rect.X && CurAct == ActType.WalkR) { CurAct = ActType.Walk; } if (cat.Top < 0 && rateY < 0) { rateY = -rateY; } if (cat.Top + cat.Height > screenHeight && rateY > 0) { rateY = -rateY; } }
public void Add(ActType actType) { if (actComponet.ContainsKey(actType)) { return; } ActComponent act = null; switch (actType) { case ActType.Null: break; case ActType.Anim: act = new AnimComponent(this); break; case ActType.Audio: act = new AudioComponent(this); break; case ActType.Effect: act = new EffectComponent(this); break; default: break; } if (act != null) { actComponet.Add(actType, act); } }
/* Constructor to be used for creating logs */ public ActivtyLog(ActType ActivityType, UserBase user, string ActivityDescription) { TimeStamp = ulong.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff")); UserID = user.ID; this.ActivityType = ActivityType; this.ActivityDescription = ActivityDescription; }
void ActSet(ActType act) { act_cur = act; switch (act_cur) { case ActType.idle: { //animator.Play("walk"); } break; case ActType.gravityJump: { act_time = Time.time + 2f; //animator.Play("jump1"); } break; case ActType.death: { act_time = Time.time + 1.0f; //animator.Play("death"); } break; default: break; } }
public static void WindowActions(ActType windowsactions) { if (windowsactions == ActType.Maximize) PropertiesCollection.driver.Manage().Window.Maximize(); if (windowsactions == ActType.Close) PropertiesCollection.driver.Close(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("ID,acttypeName,acttypeDescription")] ActType actType) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(actType); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(actType)); }
public void OnNicoNicoToggleSwitched(bool p_Flag) { if (_ActType == ActType.NicoNicoDouge && !p_Flag) { _ActType = ActType.None; } if (_ActType != ActType.NicoNicoDouge && p_Flag) { _ActType = ActType.NicoNicoDouge; } }
public void Attack() { var state = (uint)EActStatus.AttackBusy | (uint)EActStatus.YingZhi; if ((mStatus & state) != 0) { cacheAct = ActType.Attack; cacheActTime = GameTime.time; return; } cacheAct = ActType.None; PlayAct(ActType.Attack); }
private void setFilters() { if (TypeFilters != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ListComponent.Count; ++i) { ActType type = ActTypeNameAttribute.GetTypeFlag(ListComponent[i]); if ((TypeFilters & type) != ActType.None) { ListComponent[i].IsIgored = true; } } } }
public Activation(ActType type = ActType.Tanh) : base("Activation") { _type = type; String typeStr = null; switch (_type) { case ActType.Tanh: default: typeStr = "tanh"; break; } this.SetParam("act_type", typeStr); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (Id != 0) { hash ^= Id.GetHashCode(); } if (ActType != 0) { hash ^= ActType.GetHashCode(); } if (Pro != 0) { hash ^= Pro.GetHashCode(); } if (Power != 0) { hash ^= Power.GetHashCode(); } if (DepartmentLevel != 0) { hash ^= DepartmentLevel.GetHashCode(); } if (Title.Length != 0) { hash ^= Title.GetHashCode(); } if (NeedTime != 0) { hash ^= NeedTime.GetHashCode(); } hash ^= Fans.GetHashCode(); hash ^= Consume.GetHashCode(); hash ^= awards_.GetHashCode(); if (RandomeFansNum != 0) { hash ^= RandomeFansNum.GetHashCode(); } if (Order != 0) { hash ^= Order.GetHashCode(); } if (MovieId != 0) { hash ^= MovieId.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
public Dense(int dim, ActType activation = ActType.Linear, BaseInitializer kernalInitializer = null, BaseRegularizer kernalRegularizer = null, BaseConstraint kernalConstraint = null, bool useBias = true, BaseInitializer biasInitializer = null, BaseRegularizer biasRegularizer = null, BaseConstraint biasConstraint = null) : base("dense") { Dim = dim; Act = ActivationRegistry.Get(activation); UseBias = useBias; KernalInitializer = kernalInitializer ?? new GlorotUniform(); BiasInitializer = biasInitializer ?? new Zeros(); KernalConstraint = kernalConstraint; BiasConstraint = biasConstraint; KernalRegularizer = kernalRegularizer; BiasRegularizer = biasRegularizer; }
public override bool Execute() { //if type returned then add to menu typelist return false means "we dont need add type action any more" _type = TypeBox(); if (_type != null) { planner.Menu.ActTypes.Add(_type); _type = null; _typeName = ""; return(false);//returns false becuase type added } else if (_type == null & _exitType == true) { _typeName = ""; _exitType = false; return(false); } //returns false becuase exit clicked return(true); }
public Conv3D(int filters, Tuple <int, int, int> kernalSize, int strides = 1, PaddingType padding = PaddingType.Same, Tuple <int, int, int> dialationRate = null, ActType activation = ActType.Linear, BaseInitializer kernalInitializer = null, BaseRegularizer kernalRegularizer = null, BaseConstraint kernalConstraint = null, bool useBias = true, BaseInitializer biasInitializer = null, BaseRegularizer biasRegularizer = null, BaseConstraint biasConstraint = null) : base("conv3d") { Filters = filters; KernalSize = kernalSize; Strides = strides; Padding = padding; DialationRate = dialationRate ?? Tuple.Create(1, 1, 1); Act = activation; UseBias = useBias; KernalInitializer = kernalInitializer ?? new GlorotUniform(); BiasInitializer = biasInitializer ?? new Zeros(); KernalConstraint = kernalConstraint; BiasConstraint = biasConstraint; KernalRegularizer = kernalRegularizer; BiasRegularizer = biasRegularizer; }
protected object GetDisplay(object dataItem, string propertyName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurUserId)) { var userServ = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.Get <IUserService>(); if (userServ != null) { CurUserId = userServ.UserId; } } var view = dataItem as ComponentView; if (view != null) { if (view.IsVirtualComponent) { object ActUserId; object ActType; object value; if (view.VirtualComponentProperties.TryGetValue("UserId", out ActUserId) && view.VirtualComponentProperties.TryGetValue("Type", out ActType)) { if (ActType.Equals(ActivityType.atPersonal) && ActUserId.ToString() != CurUserId) { return((propertyName == "Description" || propertyName == "Category") ? GetActivityTypeName("Activity_Personal_Name", "Personal") : string.Empty); } if (view.VirtualComponentProperties.TryGetValue(propertyName, out value)) { return(value); } } } else { return(DataBinder.Eval(dataItem, propertyName)); } } return(string.Empty); }
public Action(string nom, int rng, ActType actType, int dmg, int rng2, string tg, string effsnd, Color clr, int hexdmg = 0, int newsndclip = 0, bool dorepeats = false) { sndclip = newsndclip; repeatsnd = dorepeats; menuName = nom; range = rng; hexdamage = hexdmg; if (rng2 <= 0) { range2 = rng; } else { range2 = rng2; } attacksound = effsnd; actioncolor = clr; type = actType; damage = dmg; tagspecific = tg; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { // leap see one hand only. Frame frame = leapController.Frame(); if (frame.Hands.Count != 1) { return; } if (isAct) { return; } Hand hand = frame.Hands[0]; if (hand.PalmPosition.z < -10) { // if exist wall for forward, can't forward. if (CanForward()) { nowAct = ActType.MoveForward; StartCoroutine("MoveAction"); } } else if (hand.PalmPosition.x > 60) { nowAct = ActType.TurnRight; StartCoroutine("MoveAction"); } else if (hand.PalmPosition.x < -60) { nowAct = ActType.TurnLeft; StartCoroutine("MoveAction"); } }
public string characterName; //will be useful to know which character attacks public ActInfo(DamagesInfo dmgInfo, ActType actType, string characterName) { damagesInfo.Add(dmgInfo); this.actType = actType; this.characterName = characterName; }
public ActInfo(List <DamagesInfo> dmgInfo, ActType actType, string characterName) { damagesInfo = dmgInfo; this.actType = actType; this.characterName = characterName; }
public ActIndividual(ActType actType) : base(actType) { }