protected override void BuildXml()
            if ( !this.CurrentFolder.CheckAcl( AccessControlRules.FileView ) )
                ConnectorException.Throw( Errors.Unauthorized );

            // Map the virtual path to the local server path.
            string sServerDir = this.CurrentFolder.ServerPath ;
            bool bShowThumbs = Request.QueryString["showThumbs"] != null && Request.QueryString["showThumbs"].ToString().Equals( "1" ) ;

            // Create the "Files" node.
            XmlNode oFilesNode = XmlUtil.AppendElement( this.ConnectorNode, "Files" ) ;

            Achilles.Acme.Storage.IO.DirectoryInfo oDir = new Achilles.Acme.Storage.IO.DirectoryInfo( sServerDir );
            Achilles.Acme.Storage.IO.FileInfo[] aFiles = oDir.GetFiles();

            for ( int i = 0 ; i < aFiles.Length ; i++ )
                Achilles.Acme.Storage.IO.FileInfo oFile = aFiles[i];
                string sExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension( oFile.Name ) ;

                if ( Config.Current.CheckIsHiddenFile( oFile.Name ) )

                if ( !this.CurrentFolder.ResourceTypeInfo.CheckExtension( sExtension ) )

                Decimal iFileSize = Math.Round( (Decimal)oFile.Length / 1024 ) ;
                if ( iFileSize < 1 && oFile.Length != 0 ) iFileSize = 1 ;

                // Create the "File" node.
                XmlNode oFileNode = XmlUtil.AppendElement( oFilesNode, "File" ) ;
                XmlUtil.SetAttribute( oFileNode, "name", oFile.Name );
                XmlUtil.SetAttribute( oFileNode, "date", oFile.LastWriteTime.ToString( "yyyyMMddHHmm" ) );
                if ( Config.Current.Thumbnails.Enabled
                    && ( Config.Current.Thumbnails.DirectAccess || bShowThumbs )
                    && ImageTools.IsImageExtension( sExtension.TrimStart( '.' ) ) )
                    bool bFileExists = false;
                        bFileExists = Achilles.Acme.Storage.IO.File.Exists(System.IO.Path.Combine(this.CurrentFolder.ThumbsServerPath, oFile.Name));
                    catch {}

                    if ( bFileExists )
                        XmlUtil.SetAttribute( oFileNode, "thumb", oFile.Name ) ;
                    else if ( bShowThumbs )
                        XmlUtil.SetAttribute( oFileNode, "thumb", "?" + oFile.Name ) ;
                XmlUtil.SetAttribute( oFileNode, "size", iFileSize.ToString( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ) );
        protected override void BuildXml()
            if ( !this.CurrentFolder.CheckAcl( AccessControlRules.FolderView ) )
                ConnectorException.Throw( Errors.Unauthorized );

            // Map the virtual path to the local server path.
            string sServerDir = this.CurrentFolder.ServerPath;

            Achilles.Acme.Storage.IO.DirectoryInfo oDir = new Achilles.Acme.Storage.IO.DirectoryInfo( sServerDir );
            if ( !oDir.Exists )
                ConnectorException.Throw( Errors.FolderNotFound );

            // Create the "Folders" node.
            XmlNode oFoldersNode = XmlUtil.AppendElement( this.ConnectorNode, "Folders" );

            Achilles.Acme.Storage.IO.DirectoryInfo[] aSubDirs = oDir.GetDirectories();

            for ( int i = 0 ; i < aSubDirs.Length ; i++ )
                string sSubDirName = aSubDirs[ i ].Name;

                if ( Config.Current.CheckIsHiddenFolder( sSubDirName ) )

                int aclMask = Config.Current.AccessControl.GetComputedMask( this.CurrentFolder.ResourceTypeName, this.CurrentFolder.ClientPath + sSubDirName + "/" );

                if ( ( aclMask & (int)AccessControlRules.FolderView ) != (int)AccessControlRules.FolderView )

                // Create the "Folders" node.
                XmlNode oFolderNode = XmlUtil.AppendElement( oFoldersNode, "Folder" );
                XmlUtil.SetAttribute( oFolderNode, "name", sSubDirName );
                    XmlUtil.SetAttribute( oFolderNode, "hasChildren", aSubDirs[ i ].GetDirectories().Length > 0 ? "true" : "false" );
                    // It was not possible to verify if it has children. Assume "yes".
                    XmlUtil.SetAttribute( oFolderNode, "hasChildren", "true" );
                XmlUtil.SetAttribute( oFolderNode, "acl", aclMask.ToString() );
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method should provide safe substitude for Directory.CreateDirectory().
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The directory path to be created.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="System.IO.DirectoryInfo"/> object for the created directory.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        ///		<para>
        ///		This method creates all the directory structure if needed.
        ///		</para>
        ///		<para>
        ///		The System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory() method has a bug that gives an
        ///		error when trying to create a directory and the user has no rights defined
        ///		in one of its parent directories. The CreateDirectory() should be a good 
        ///		replacement to solve this problem.
        ///		</para>
        /// </remarks>
        public static Achilles.Acme.Storage.IO.DirectoryInfo CreateDirectory( string path )
            // Create the directory info object for that dir (normalized to its absolute representation).
            Achilles.Acme.Storage.IO.DirectoryInfo oDir = new Achilles.Acme.Storage.IO.DirectoryInfo( Path.GetFullPath( path ) );

                // Try to create the directory by using standard .Net features. (#415)
                if ( !oDir.Exists )

                return oDir;
                // TJT: Review this code

                CreateDirectoryUsingDll( oDir );

                return new Achilles.Acme.Storage.IO.DirectoryInfo( path );
        protected override void BuildXml()
            if ( Request.Form["CKFinderCommand"] != "true" )
                ConnectorException.Throw( Errors.InvalidRequest );

            if ( !this.CurrentFolder.CheckAcl( AccessControlRules.FolderRename ) )
                ConnectorException.Throw( Errors.Unauthorized );

            // The root folder cannot be deleted.
            if ( this.CurrentFolder.ClientPath == "/" )
                ConnectorException.Throw( Errors.InvalidRequest );

            string newFileName = Request[ "NewFolderName" ];

            if ( !Connector.CheckFolderName( newFileName ) || Config.Current.CheckIsHiddenFolder( newFileName ) )
                ConnectorException.Throw( Errors.InvalidName );

            // Get the current folder.
            Achilles.Acme.Storage.IO.DirectoryInfo oDir = new Achilles.Acme.Storage.IO.DirectoryInfo( this.CurrentFolder.ServerPath );

            bool bMoved = false;

                if ( !oDir.Exists )
                    ConnectorException.Throw( Errors.InvalidRequest );
                    // Build the new folder path.
                    string newFolderPath = System.IO.Path.Combine( oDir.Parent.FullName, newFileName );

                    if ( Achilles.Acme.Storage.IO.Directory.Exists( newFolderPath ) || Achilles.Acme.Storage.IO.File.Exists( newFolderPath ) )
                        ConnectorException.Throw( Errors.AlreadyExist );

                    oDir.MoveTo( newFolderPath );
                    bMoved = true;
            catch ( System.UnauthorizedAccessException )
                ConnectorException.Throw( Errors.AccessDenied );
            catch ( System.Security.SecurityException )
                ConnectorException.Throw( Errors.AccessDenied );
            catch ( System.ArgumentException )
                ConnectorException.Throw( Errors.InvalidName );
            catch ( System.NotSupportedException )
                ConnectorException.Throw( Errors.InvalidName );
            catch ( System.IO.PathTooLongException )
                ConnectorException.Throw( Errors.InvalidName );
            catch ( System.IO.IOException )
                ConnectorException.Throw( Errors.Unknown );
            catch ( ConnectorException connectorException )
                throw connectorException;
            #if DEBUG
                ConnectorException.Throw( Errors.Unknown );

            if ( bMoved )
                    // Get the thumbnails folder.
                    Achilles.Acme.Storage.IO.DirectoryInfo oThumbsDir = new Achilles.Acme.Storage.IO.DirectoryInfo( this.CurrentFolder.ThumbsServerPath );

                    // Build the new folder path.
                    string newThumbsFolderPath = System.IO.Path.Combine( oThumbsDir.Parent.FullName, newFileName );

                    if ( Achilles.Acme.Storage.IO.Directory.Exists( newThumbsFolderPath ) )
                        Achilles.Acme.Storage.IO.File.Delete( this.CurrentFolder.ThumbsServerPath );
                            oThumbsDir.MoveTo( newThumbsFolderPath );
                            Achilles.Acme.Storage.IO.File.Delete( this.CurrentFolder.ThumbsServerPath );
                catch { /* No errors if we are not able to delete the thumb. */ }

                string newFolderPath = Regex.Replace( this.CurrentFolder.ClientPath, "[^/]+/?$", newFileName ) + "/";
                string newFolderUrl = this.CurrentFolder.ResourceTypeInfo.Url + newFolderPath.TrimStart( '/' );

                XmlNode oRenamedNode = XmlUtil.AppendElement( this.ConnectorNode, "RenamedFolder" );
                XmlUtil.SetAttribute( oRenamedNode, "newName", newFileName );
                XmlUtil.SetAttribute( oRenamedNode, "newPath", newFolderPath );
                XmlUtil.SetAttribute( oRenamedNode, "newUrl", newFolderUrl );