Ejemplo n.º 1
        public CommentsGump(Account acct)
            : base(30, 30)
            m_Acct = acct;

            AddImageTiled(0, 0, 410, 448, 0xA40);
            AddAlphaRegion(1, 1, 408, 446);

            string title = String.Format("Comments for '{0}'", acct.Username);
            int    x     = 205 - ((title.Length / 2) * 7);

            if (x < 120)
                x = 120;
            AddLabel(x, 12, 2100, title);

            AddButton(12, 12, 0xFA8, 0xFAA, 0x7F, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddLabel(48, 12, 2100, "Add Comment");

            List <AccountComment> list = acct.Comments;

            if (list.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
                    AccountComment comment = list[i];

                    if (i >= 5 && (i % 5) == 0)
                        AddButton(368, 12, 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, (i / 5) + 1);
                        AddLabel(298, 12, 2100, "Next Page");
                        AddPage((i / 5) + 1);
                        AddButton(12, 12, 0xFAE, 0xFB0, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, (i / 5));
                        AddLabel(48, 12, 2100, "Prev Page");

                    string html = String.Format("[Added By: {0} on {1}]<br>{2}", comment.AddedBy, comment.LastModified.ToString("H:mm M/d/yy"), comment.Content);
                    AddHtml(12, 44 + ((i % 5) * 80), 386, 70, html, true, true);
                AddLabel(12, 44, 2100, "There are no comments for this account.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public CommentsGump(Account acct) : base(30, 30)
            m_Acct = acct;

            AddImageTiled(0, 0, 410, 448, 0xA40);
            AddAlphaRegion(1, 1, 408, 446);

            string title = $"Comments for '{acct.Username}'";
            int    x     = 205 - title.Length / 2 * 7;

            if (x < 120)
                x = 120;
            AddLabel(x, 12, 2100, title);

            AddButton(12, 12, 0xFA8, 0xFAA, 0x7F);
            AddLabel(48, 12, 2100, "Add Comment");

            List <AccountComment> list = acct.Comments;

            if (list.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
                    AccountComment comment = list[i];

                    if (i >= 5 && i % 5 == 0)
                        AddButton(368, 12, 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, i / 5 + 1);
                        AddLabel(298, 12, 2100, "Next Page");
                        AddPage(i / 5 + 1);
                        AddButton(12, 12, 0xFAE, 0xFB0, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, i / 5);
                        AddLabel(48, 12, 2100, "Prev Page");

                    string html =
                        $"[Added By: {comment.AddedBy} on {comment.LastModified.ToString("H:mm M/d/yy")}]<br>{comment.Content}";
                    AddHtml(12, 44 + i % 5 * 80, 386, 70, html, true, true);
                AddLabel(12, 44, 2100, "There are no comments for this account.");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void Cheater(Mobile from, string text, bool accomplice)
            if (from is PlayerMobile == false)

            // log what's going on
            TrackIt(from, text, accomplice);

            //Add to watchlist
            (from as PlayerMobile).WatchList = true;

            //Add comment to account
            Account a = (from as PlayerMobile).Account as Account;

            if (a != null)
                // We may add lots of these, so only keep the last 5 AUDIT records
                ArrayList delete = new ArrayList();
                for (int ix = 0; ix < a.Comments.Count; ix++)
                    if (a.Comments[ix] is AccountComment)
                        AccountComment temp = a.Comments[ix] as AccountComment;
                        // old audit key "System", new audit key "AUDIT"
                        if (temp.AddedBy.StartsWith("System", false, null) || temp.AddedBy.StartsWith("AUDIT", false, null))

                // delete all messages but the last 5
                if (delete.Count > 5)
                    int limit = delete.Count - 5;
                    for (int jx = 0; jx < limit; jx++)

                // okay, now add a fresh message
                a.Comments.Add(new AccountComment("AUDIT", text));
Ejemplo n.º 4
            private void Show()
                if (m_Viewing.NetState == null || m_Viewing.NetState.Account == null)

                Account a = m_Viewing.Account as Account;

                if (a == null)

                AddHtml(10, 125, 400, 20, Color(Center(string.Format("Comments: {0}", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString())), LabelColor32), false, false);

                AddButtonLabeled(20, 150, 8, "Add Comment");

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                if (a.Comments.Count == 0)
                    sb.Append("There are no comments for this account.");

                for (int i = 0; i < a.Comments.Count; ++i)
                    if (i > 0)

                    AccountComment c = a.Comments[i];

                    sb.AppendFormat("[{0} on {1}]<BR>{2}", c.AddedBy, c.LastModified, c.Content);

                AddHtml(20, 180, 380, 190, sb.ToString(), true, true);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public AFKInfoGump(Mobile m)
            : base(275, 200)
            Closable   = true;
            Disposable = true;
            Dragable   = true;
            Resizable  = false;
            AddBackground(0, 0, 600, 270, 9200);
            string text = String.Format("Character: {0}-({1})", m.Name, m.Account);

            AddLabel(20, 5, 1150, @text);
            AddLabel(250, 5, 1150, "Online:");
            NetState ns         = m.NetState;
            TimeSpan TimeOnline = TimeSpan.Zero;

            if (ns != null)
                TimeOnline = DateTime.Now - ((PlayerMobile)m).SessionStart;
                text       = String.Format("{0:g} - ({1:##:##:##.##})", ((PlayerMobile)m).SessionStart, TimeOnline);
                text = String.Format("This player is currently offline.");
            AddLabel(290, 5, TimeOnline > TimeSpan.FromHours(2) ? (TimeOnline > TimeSpan.FromHours(4) ? 37 : 51) : 71, @text);
            bool capped = m.SkillsTotal >= m.SkillsCap;

            text = String.Format("Skill Total/Cap: {0}/{1}", m.SkillsTotal, m.SkillsCap);
            AddLabel(20, 20, capped ? 37 : 71, @text);
            text = String.Format("Mining: {0}-{1}", m.Skills[SkillName.Mining].Base, m.Skills[SkillName.Mining].Lock);
            AddLabel(20, 35, SkillCheck(m, capped, SkillName.Mining), @text);
            text = String.Format("Lumberjacking: {0}-{1}", m.Skills[SkillName.Lumberjacking].Base, m.Skills[SkillName.Lumberjacking].Lock);
            AddLabel(150, 35, SkillCheck(m, capped, SkillName.Lumberjacking), @text);
            text = String.Format("Lockpicking: {0}-{1}", m.Skills[SkillName.Lockpicking].Base, m.Skills[SkillName.Lockpicking].Lock);
            AddLabel(320, 35, SkillCheck(m, capped, SkillName.Lockpicking), @text);
            text = String.Format("Fishing: {0}-{1}", m.Skills[SkillName.Fishing].Base, m.Skills[SkillName.Fishing].Lock);
            AddLabel(470, 35, SkillCheck(m, capped, SkillName.Fishing), @text);

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            Account       a  = m.Account as Account;

            if (a != null)
                int Failed   = 0;
                int Passed   = 0;
                int Canceled = 0;
                int Other    = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < a.Comments.Count; ++i)
                    AccountComment c = (AccountComment)a.Comments[i];
                    if (Insensitive.Contains(c.Content, "AFK Check"))
                        sb.AppendFormat("{0}<BR>", c.Content);
                        if (Insensitive.Contains(c.Content, "Failed"))
                        else if (Insensitive.Contains(c.Content, "Passed"))
                        else if (Insensitive.Contains(c.Content, "Canceled"))

                AddHtml(10, 55, 585, 170, sb.ToString(), true, true);
                text = String.Format("Total AFK Checks: {0}", Failed + Passed + Canceled + Other);
                AddLabel(20, 230, 1150, text);
                text = String.Format("Failed={0}", Failed);
                AddLabel(170, 230, (Failed > 0) ? 37 : 1150, @text);
                text = String.Format("Passed={0}", Passed);
                AddLabel(240, 230, (Passed > 0) ? 71 : 1150, @text);
                text = String.Format("Canceled={0}", Canceled);
                AddLabel(310, 230, 1150, @text);
                string LastAFKCheck   = a.GetTag("LastAFKCheck");
                string LastAFKCheckBy = a.GetTag("LastAFKCheckBy");
                if (LastAFKCheck != null && LastAFKCheckBy != null)
                    DateTime d_LastAFKCheck = DateTime.Now;
                        d_LastAFKCheck = DateTime.Parse(LastAFKCheck);
                    catch { };
                    if (DateTime.Now - d_LastAFKCheck < TimeSpan.FromHours(4))
                        AddLabel(445, 245, 3, "** Under 4 Hours **");
                    text = String.Format("Last Check: {0} by {1}.", LastAFKCheck, LastAFKCheckBy);
                    text = String.Format("Last Check: Never");
                AddLabel(20, 245, 1150, @text);