Ejemplo n.º 1
        public IEnumerable <AccountBO> GetAccountsByBillID(AccountBO accountBO)
            AccountBLLFactory accBLLFactory = new AccountBLLFactory();

            IEnumerable <AccountBO> account_BO = accBLLFactory.createAccountBLL().GetAccountDetails().CreateAccountDAL().GetAccountsByID_DAL(accountBO);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        // GET: api/Account/5
        //Get Action to retrieve Account details, Account business object as return type and int as parameter
        public AccountBO Get(int id)
            AccountBLLFactory accBLLFactory = new AccountBLLFactory();

            AccountBO acc_BO = new AccountBO();

            AccountBO account_BO = accBLLFactory.createAccountBLL().GetAccountDetails().CreateAccountDAL().GetAccountDetails_DAL(acc_BO);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        // DELETE: api/Account/5
        //Delete action, which accepts integer as parameter and void as return type
        public void Delete(int id)
            AccountBO acc_BO = new AccountBO();

            acc_BO.generatedDate_Time = DateTime.Parse("2222/10/10");
            acc_BO.paidDate_Time      = DateTime.Parse("2222/10/10");
            acc_BO.patient_ID         = 7002;
            acc_BO.total_Amount       = 4321.26;
            acc_BO.paid_Amount        = 4321.309;
            acc_BO.payment_ID         = 3;
            acc_BO.account_ID         = 9005;
            AccountBLLFactory accBLLFactory = new AccountBLLFactory();

            string deleteAcc = accBLLFactory.createAccountBLL().DeleteAccountDetails().CreateAccountDAL().DeleteAccount_DAL(acc_BO);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // PUT: api/Account/5
        //Put action accepts integer and account business object as parameter, void as return type
        public void Put(int id, [FromBody] AccountBO acc_BO)
            AccountBO accBO = new AccountBO();

            acc_BO.generatedDate_Time = DateTime.Parse("2222/10/10");
            acc_BO.paidDate_Time      = DateTime.Parse("2222/10/10");
            accBO.patient_ID          = 7002;
            accBO.payment_ID          = 3;
            accBO.total_Amount        = 4321.26;
            accBO.paid_Amount         = 4321.309;

            AccountBLLFactory accBLLFactory = new AccountBLLFactory();

            string updateAcc = accBLLFactory.createAccountBLL().UpdateAccountDetails().CreateAccountDAL().UpdateAccountDetails_DAL(accBO);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // POST: api/Account
        // Post Action, accepts Account buisness object as parameter with void as return type
        public void Post([FromBody] AccountBO accBO)
            AccountBO acc_BO = new AccountBO();

            acc_BO.generatedDate_Time = DateTime.Parse("2222/10/10");
            acc_BO.paidDate_Time      = DateTime.Parse("2222/10/10");
            acc_BO.patient_ID         = 7002;
            acc_BO.payment_ID         = 3;
            acc_BO.total_Amount       = 1234.26;
            acc_BO.paid_Amount        = 1234.309;

            AccountBLLFactory accBLLFactory = new AccountBLLFactory();

            AccountBO newAcc = accBLLFactory.createAccountBLL().CreateAccountDetails().CreateAccountDAL().InsertAccountDetails_DAL(acc_BO);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        // GET: api/Account/5
        //Get Action to retrieve Account details, Account business object as return type and int as parameter
        public AccountBO Get(int id)
            AccountBLLFactory accBLLFactory = new AccountBLLFactory();

            AccountBO acc_BO = new AccountBO();

            acc_BO.generatedDate_Time = DateTime.Parse("2222/10/10");
            acc_BO.paidDate_Time      = DateTime.Parse("2222/10/10");
            acc_BO.patient_ID         = 7002;
            acc_BO.total_Amount       = 1234.26;
            acc_BO.paid_Amount        = 1234.309;
            acc_BO.payment_ID         = 3;
            acc_BO.account_ID         = id;

            AccountBO account_BO = accBLLFactory.createAccountBLL().GetAccountDetails().CreateAccountDAL().GetAccountDetails_DAL(acc_BO);
