private void TouchMovement()
            if (Input.touchCount >= 1)
                Touch[] touches = Input.touches;
                Touch   touch   = Input.touches[0];

                foreach (Touch t in touches)             //Iterate through all touches
                    if (t.position.x < Screen.width / 2) //If a touch is on the left side
                        touch = t;                       //Use that touch as the main one

                if (touch.position.x < Screen.width / 2)   //If touch is on the left side of the screen
                    p.MovementTouch = touch;
                    firstTimeSwipe  = false;

                    if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
                        //OLD MOVEMENT
                        initialPosMovement = touch.position;

                        initialPressPos[0] = touch.position;
                        endPressPos[0]     = touch.position;

                        swipeDirection[0] =;


                    if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved)
                        if (initialPosMovement ==

                        //NEW MOVEMENT

                        /*Vector2 deltaPos = touch.deltaPosition;
                         * if (Vector2.Distance(deltaPos, > Vector2.Distance(greatestDeltaPos,
                         *  greatestDeltaPos = deltaPos;
                         * Vector2 up = transform.up;
                         * //if (deltaPos == //If there was no finger movement
                         * if (deltaPos == //If there was no finger movement
                         *  return; //Do nothing (stop)
                         * //If the change in position of the touch is greater than a threshold amount then calculate the movement direction
                         * //This removes the hyper sensitivity to change in direction which could cause unintentional and erratic direction changes
                         * //Funny fact: setting a really low delta pos threshold resulted in jitery fliping when firing and walking at once... which sucked
                         * if (deltaPos.x > deltaPosThreshold || deltaPos.y > deltaPosThreshold) {
                         *  //Calculate the movement direction
                         *  if (up == Vector2.up || up == Vector2.down)
                         *      moveDir = Accessories.ClosestDirection(deltaPos, DirectionRoundTypes.HORIZONTAL);
                         *  else if (up == Vector2.right || up == Vector2.left)
                         *      moveDir = Accessories.ClosestDirection(deltaPos, DirectionRoundTypes.VERTICAL);
                         *  moveCharacter(determineMovement(moveDir));
                         *  lastCalculatedPos = touch.position; //Record the last finger position that the player's direction was calculated
                         *  lastDeltaPos = deltaPos; //Update the last pos (this is only referenced again on the next frame)
                         * }
                         * //If the finger has strayed too far from the original turn point position
                         * //Can be done by abusing the deltaPosThreshold mechanic by moving finger really slow
                         * //Which causes it directional change not to be calculated
                         * //else if (Mathf.Abs(Vector2.Distance(lastCalculatedPos, touch.position)) > fingerStrayThreshold) {
                         * else if (Mathf.Abs(lastCalculatedPos.x - touch.position.x) / Screen.width * 100 > fingerStrayThreshold || Mathf.Abs(lastCalculatedPos.y - touch.position.y) / Screen.height * 100 > fingerStrayThreshold) {
                         *  //Force a movement direction recalculation
                         *  if (up == Vector2.up || up == Vector2.down)
                         *      moveDir = Accessories.ClosestDirection(deltaPos, DirectionRoundTypes.HORIZONTAL);
                         *  else if (up == Vector2.right || up == Vector2.left)
                         *      moveDir = Accessories.ClosestDirection(deltaPos, DirectionRoundTypes.VERTICAL);
                         *  moveCharacter(determineMovement(moveDir));
                         *  lastCalculatedPos = touch.position; //Record the last finger position that the player's direction was calculated
                         *  lastDeltaPos = deltaPos; //Update the last pos (this is only referenced again on the next frame)
                         * }
                         * else { //If nothing is trigger to this point then continue moving in the last valid known direction
                         *  if (up == Vector2.up || up == Vector2.down)
                         *      moveDir = Accessories.ClosestDirection(lastDeltaPos, DirectionRoundTypes.HORIZONTAL);
                         *  else if (up == Vector2.right || up == Vector2.left)
                         *      moveDir = Accessories.ClosestDirection(lastDeltaPos, DirectionRoundTypes.VERTICAL);
                         *  moveCharacter(determineMovement(moveDir));
                         * }

                        //OLD MOVEMENT
                        endPressPos[0] = touch.position;

                        swipeVector[0] = new Vector2(endPressPos[0].x - initialPressPos[0].x, endPressPos[0].y - initialPressPos[0].y);

                        //distanceVector[0] = new Vector2(Mathf.Abs((swipeVector[0].x / Screen.width) * 100), Mathf.Abs((swipeVector[0].y / Screen.height) * 100));

                        Vector2 distanceVec = new Vector2(Mathf.Abs(swipeVector[0].x), Mathf.Abs(swipeVector[0].y));
                        //if (distanceVector[0].x > movementThreshold || distanceVector[0].y > movementThreshold) { //If the swipe is big enough...
                        if (distanceVec.x > movementThreshold || distanceVec.y > movementThreshold)
                            //swipeDirection[0] = Accessories.ClosestDirection(swipeVector[0], DirectionRoundTypes.ALL); //Determine the overall direction of the swipe

                            //swipeDirection[0] = Accessories.ClosestDirection(swipeVector[0], DirectionRoundTypes.VERTICAL); //Determine the overall direction of the swipe
                            swipeDirection[0] = Accessories.ClosestDirection(swipeVector[0], DirectionRoundTypes.HORIZONTAL); //Determine the overall direction of the swipe

                            moveCharacter(determineMovement(swipeDirection[0]), true);
                        else //If the movement isn't enough
                            swipeDirection[0] =; //Set swipe direction to nothing

                    if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Stationary)
                        if (initialPosMovement ==

                        //NEW MOVEMENT

                        /*Vector2 deltaPos = touch.deltaPosition;
                         * if (Vector2.Distance(deltaPos, > Vector2.Distance(greatestDeltaPos,
                         *  greatestDeltaPos = deltaPos;
                         * if (greatestDeltaPos.x > 0.5f || greatestDeltaPos.y > 0.5f)
                         *  moveCharacter(determineMovement(moveDir));

                        moveCharacter(determineMovement(swipeDirection[0]), true);  //OLD MOVEMENT


                    if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
                        //NEW MOVEMENT
                        //greatestDeltaPos =; //Reset

                        //OLD MOVEMENT
                        initialPosMovement =;

                        initialPressPos[0] =;
                        endPressPos[0]     =;


                        anim.SetBool("walk", false);
                    if (firstTimeSwipe == false)
                        firstTimeSwipe = true;

                        initialPressPos[0] =;
                        endPressPos[0]     =;


                        anim.SetBool("walk", false);
        private void TouchGravityFlip()
            if (Input.touchCount > 0)
                Touch touch1 = Input.touches[0];
                if (touch1.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
                    beginningTime[0] = Time.time;

                    initialPressPos[0] = touch1.position;
                    endPressPos[0]     = touch1.position;

            if (Input.touchCount == 2)
                Touch[] touches = { Input.touches[0], Input.touches[1] };

                if (touches[1].phase == TouchPhase.Began)
                    beginningTime[1] = Time.time;

                    initialPressPos[1] = touches[1].position;
                    endPressPos[1]     = touches[1].position;

                    if (beginningTime[1] - beginningTime[0] < timeDifferenceThreshold)  //If start times are small enough
                        p.DoubleSwipe = true;
                    else //If not
                        p.DoubleSwipe = false;

                if (!p.DoubleSwipe)                                                               //If the swipe doesn't count
                    return;                                                                       //Stop from progressing any futher
                if (touches[0].phase == TouchPhase.Moved || touches[1].phase == TouchPhase.Moved) //If one of the touches moves
                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        endPressPos[i] = new Vector2(touches[i].position.x, touches[i].position.y);

                        swipeVector[i] = new Vector2(endPressPos[i].x - initialPressPos[i].x, endPressPos[i].y - initialPressPos[i].y);

                        Vector2 distanceVec = new Vector2(Mathf.Abs(swipeVector[0].x), Mathf.Abs(swipeVector[0].y));

                        if (distanceVec.x > swipeThreshold || distanceVec.y > swipeThreshold)
                            swipeDirection[i] = Accessories.ClosestDirection(swipeVector[i], DirectionRoundTypes.VERTICAL); //Determine the overall direction of the swipe

                if (touches[0].phase == TouchPhase.Ended || touches[1].phase == TouchPhase.Ended) //If one of them ends
                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)                                                   //Reset the values
                        initialPressPos[i] =;
                        endPressPos[i]     =;

            if (swipeDirection[0] == || swipeDirection[1] ==

            if (swipeDirection[0] == swipeDirection[1])
        private void TouchJump()
            if (Input.touchCount >= 1)
                Touch[] touches = Input.touches;
                Touch   touch   = Input.touches[0];

                foreach (Touch t in touches)             //Iterate through all touches
                    if (t.position.x > Screen.width / 2) //If a touch is on the right side
                        touch = t;

                if (touch.position.x > Screen.width / 2)   //If touch is on the right side of the screen
                    if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
                        initialPressPos = touch.position;
                        endPressPos     = touch.position;

                        firstJumpCall = true;
                    if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved)
                        if (initialPressPos ==

                        endPressPos = new Vector2(touch.position.x, touch.position.y);

                        swipeVector = new Vector2(endPressPos.x - initialPressPos.x, endPressPos.y - initialPressPos.y);

                        distanceVector = new Vector2(Mathf.Abs((swipeVector.x / Screen.width) * 100), Mathf.Abs((swipeVector.y / Screen.height) * 100));

                        if (Input.touchCount == 2)
                            //If both swipes are moving in the same direction and the timing could be a double swipe
                            if (Accessories.ClosestDirection(touches[1].deltaPosition, DirectionRoundTypes.ALL) == Accessories.ClosestDirection(touches[0].deltaPosition, DirectionRoundTypes.ALL) && p.DoubleSwipe)
                                return; //Don't attempt to jump

                        if (distanceVector.x > swipeThreshold || distanceVector.y > swipeThreshold)   //If the swipe is big enough...
                            Vector3 up = Accessories.ClosestDirection(transform.up, DirectionRoundTypes.ALL);
                            if (up == Vector3.up || up == Vector3.down)                                                   //If the player's gravity is on the vertical axis
                                swipeDirection = Accessories.ClosestDirection(swipeVector, DirectionRoundTypes.VERTICAL); //Determine the overall direction of the swipe
                            else //If the player's gravity is on the horizontal axis
                                swipeDirection = Accessories.ClosestDirection(swipeVector, DirectionRoundTypes.HORIZONTAL); //Determine the overall direction of the swipe
                            if (swipeDirection.x == up.x && swipeDirection.y == up.y)
                                if (firstJumpCall)
                                    firstJumpCall = false;
                                    Jump(); //Try to jump using a specific jump (needed b/c it runs more than once)

                            //Reset the touch
                            initialPressPos = touch.position;
                            endPressPos     = touch.position;

                    if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
                        //Reset variables
                        initialPressPos =;
                        endPressPos     =;