Ejemplo n.º 1
 public override AccessibleObject Navigate(AccessibleNavigation navdir)
     TreeNavigation navAction;
     switch (navdir)
         case AccessibleNavigation.Down:
             navAction = TreeNavigation.NextSibling;
         case AccessibleNavigation.FirstChild:
             navAction = TreeNavigation.FirstChild;
         case AccessibleNavigation.LastChild:
             navAction = TreeNavigation.LastChild;
         case AccessibleNavigation.Up:
             navAction = TreeNavigation.PreviousSibling;
         case AccessibleNavigation.Left:
             navAction = TreeNavigation.Left;
         case AccessibleNavigation.Next:
             navAction = TreeNavigation.Down;
         case AccessibleNavigation.Previous:
             navAction = TreeNavigation.Up;
         case AccessibleNavigation.Right:
             navAction = TreeNavigation.Right;
             return null;
     AccessibleObject retVal = null;
     var tree = myCtl.Tree;
     var colPerm = myCtl.ColumnPermutation;
     if (colPerm != null
         && myDisplayColumn >= colPerm.VisibleColumnCount)
         // Handle a stale object so the rest of this doesn't crash
         return null;
     var target = tree.GetNavigationTarget(navAction, myRow, myDisplayColumn, colPerm);
     if (target.IsValid)
         var nativeColumn = target.Column;
         var settings = AccItemSettings.None;
         if (colPerm != null)
             nativeColumn = colPerm.GetNativeColumn(nativeColumn);
             if (colPerm.GetPermutedColumn(nativeColumn) == -1)
                 settings |= AccItemSettings.HiddenItem;
         var newInfo = tree.GetItemInfo(target.Row, nativeColumn, true);
         retVal = new AccPrimaryItem(myCtl, target.Row, nativeColumn, target.Column, settings, ref newInfo);
     return retVal;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 ///     Return either a Cell or Column object, depending on the branch settings
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ctl">The parent control</param>
 /// <param name="baseRow">The row coordinate</param>
 /// <param name="nativeBaseColumn">The column coordinate for the owning branch</param>
 /// <param name="localColumn">The native column offset</param>
 /// <param name="returnColumn">Return an AccColumn object if this is true, otherwise return the AccPrimaryItem directly</param>
 /// <returns>An AccSimpleCell or AccColumn</returns>
 public static AccessibleObject GetColumnObject(
     VirtualTreeControl ctl, int baseRow, int nativeBaseColumn, int localColumn, bool returnColumn)
     // Note:  if this logic changes, corresponding change should be made to IsSimpleItem below.
     Debug.Assert(localColumn > 0);
     AccessibleObject retVal = null;
     var tree = ctl.Tree;
     var info = tree.GetItemInfo(baseRow, nativeBaseColumn, false);
     var mcBranch = info.Branch as IMultiColumnBranch;
     if (mcBranch != null)
         var simpleCell = true;
         var useColInfo = false;
         var nativeColumn = nativeBaseColumn + localColumn;
         var displayColumn = nativeColumn;
         var colPerm = ctl.myColumnPermutation;
         var settings = AccItemSettings.None;
         if (colPerm != null)
             displayColumn = colPerm.GetPermutedColumn(nativeColumn);
             if (displayColumn == -1)
                 displayColumn = 0;
                 settings |= AccItemSettings.HiddenItem;
         var style = mcBranch.ColumnStyles(localColumn);
         var colInfo = new VirtualTreeItemInfo();
         style = mcBranch.ColumnStyles(localColumn);
         switch (style)
             case SubItemCellStyles.Expandable:
                 // Use a simple cell unless the item is expandable. An item
                 // in an expandable column cannot have subitems, so
                 // we will not need a column object for this purpose.
                 simpleCell = !info.Branch.IsExpandable(info.Row, localColumn);
             case SubItemCellStyles.Mixed:
             case SubItemCellStyles.Complex:
                 colInfo = tree.GetItemInfo(baseRow, nativeColumn, true);
                 if (colInfo.Column == 0)
                     var columns = (0 == (info.Branch.Features & BranchFeatures.JaggedColumns))
                                       ? mcBranch.ColumnCount
                                       : mcBranch.GetJaggedColumnCount(info.Row);
                     // The data is provided by a different branch. The item is simple only
                     // if the branch has one unexpandable item and no sub items.
                     if (!(colInfo.Branch.VisibleItemCount == 1 &&
                           !colInfo.Branch.IsExpandable(0, 0) &&
                           (localColumn < columns ||
                            (null != (colInfo.Branch as IMultiColumnBranch) &&
                             0 == tree.GetSubItemCount(baseRow, nativeColumn)))))
                         simpleCell = false;
                     useColInfo = true;
                 else if (style == SubItemCellStyles.Mixed)
                     goto case SubItemCellStyles.Expandable;
         if (simpleCell)
             if (useColInfo)
                 retVal = new AccSimpleCell(ctl, baseRow, displayColumn, nativeColumn, settings, ref colInfo);
                 var cellInfo = tree.GetItemInfo(baseRow, nativeColumn, true);
                 if (!cellInfo.Blank)
                     retVal = new AccSimpleCell(ctl, baseRow, displayColumn, nativeColumn, settings, ref cellInfo);
         else if (returnColumn)
             if (useColInfo)
                 retVal = new AccColumn(ctl, baseRow, displayColumn, nativeColumn, settings, ref colInfo);
                 var cellInfo = tree.GetItemInfo(baseRow, nativeBaseColumn + localColumn, true);
                 retVal = new AccColumn(ctl, baseRow, displayColumn, nativeColumn, settings, ref cellInfo);
             if (useColInfo)
                 retVal = new AccPrimaryItem(ctl, baseRow, displayColumn, nativeColumn, settings, ref colInfo);
                 var cellInfo = tree.GetItemInfo(baseRow, nativeBaseColumn + localColumn, true);
                 retVal = new AccPrimaryItem(ctl, baseRow, displayColumn, nativeColumn, settings, ref cellInfo);
     return retVal;