Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Run the hist command for depot and add the results to our transactions list. Returns
        // true if operation succeeds, otherwise false. AcUtilsException caught and logged in
        // %LOCALAPPDATA%\AcTools\Logs\LatestTransactions-YYYY-MM-DD.log on hist command failure.
        // Exception caught and logged in same for a range of exceptions.
        private async static Task <bool> initLastTransAsync(string depot)
            bool ret = false; // assume failure

                AcResult r = await AcCommand.runAsync($@"hist -p ""{depot}"" -t now -fx");

                if (r != null && r.RetVal == 0)
                    XElement xml   = XElement.Parse(r.CmdResult);
                    XElement trans = xml.Element("transaction");
                    trans.AddAnnotation(depot); // add depot since it's not in the XML
                    lock (_locker) { _transactions.Add(trans); }
                    ret = true;

            catch (AcUtilsException exc)
                AcDebug.Log($"AcUtilsException caught and logged in Program.initLastTransAsync{Environment.NewLine}{exc.Message}");

            catch (Exception ecx)
                AcDebug.Log($"Exception caught and logged in Program.initLastTransAsync{Environment.NewLine}{ecx.Message}");

Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Initialize our class variables with values from LatestPromotions.exe.config. Returns true if all values
        // successfully read and class variables initialized, false otherwise. ConfigurationErrorsException caught
        // and logged in %LOCALAPPDATA%\AcTools\Logs\LatestPromotions-YYYY-MM-DD.log on initialization failure.
        private static bool initAppConfigData()
            bool ret = true; // assume success

                _fromHoursAgo = AcQuery.getAppConfigSetting <int>("FromHoursAgo");
                _outputFile   = AcQuery.getAppConfigSetting <string>("OutputFile").Trim();

                ADSection adSection = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("activeDir") as ADSection;
                if (adSection == null)
                    AcDebug.Log("Error in Program.initAppConfigData creating ADSection");
                    ret = false;
                    _domains    = adSection.Domains;
                    _properties = adSection.Props;

                DepotsSection depotsConfigSection = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("Depots") as DepotsSection;
                if (depotsConfigSection == null)
                    AcDebug.Log("Error in Program.initAppConfigData creating DepotsSection");
                    ret = false;
                    _selDepots = depotsConfigSection.Depots;

                StreamsSection streamsConfigSection = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("Streams") as StreamsSection;
                if (streamsConfigSection == null)
                    AcDebug.Log("Error in Program.initAppConfigData creating StreamsSection");
                    ret = false;
                    _selStreams = streamsConfigSection.Streams;

            catch (ConfigurationErrorsException exc)
                Process       currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
                ProcessModule pm             = currentProcess.MainModule;
                AcDebug.Log($"Invalid data in {pm.ModuleName}.config{Environment.NewLine}{exc.Message}");
                ret = false;

        // Initialize our dictionary class variable with [element, EID] for all elements in all dynamic streams in depot.
        // AcUtilsException caught and logged in %LOCALAPPDATA%\AcTools\Logs\EvilTwins-YYYY-MM-DD.log on stat command failure.
        // Exception caught and logged in same for a range of exceptions.
        private static async Task <bool> initMapAsync(AcDepot depot)
            bool ret = false; // assume failure

                IEnumerable <AcStream> filter = from n in depot.Streams
                                                where n.IsDynamic && !n.Hidden
                                                select n;
                List <Task <AcResult> > tasks = new List <Task <AcResult> >(filter.Count());
                foreach (AcStream stream in filter)
                    tasks.Add(AcCommand.runAsync($@"stat -a -s ""{stream}"" -fx")); // -a for all elements in stream
                AcResult[] arr = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);                         // finish running stat commands in parallel

                if (arr != null && arr.All(n => n.RetVal == 0))                     // true if all initialized successfully
                    HashSet <Tuple <string, int> > hset = new HashSet <Tuple <string, int> >(_tcompare);
                    foreach (AcResult r in arr)
                        // if empty the stream has an ACL that is preventing us from reading it or some other error occurred
                        if (r == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(r.CmdResult))
                        XElement xml = XElement.Parse(r.CmdResult);
                        foreach (XElement e in xml.Elements("element"))
                            string path = (string)e.Attribute("location");
                            int    eid  = (int)e.Attribute("id");
                            hset.Add(new Tuple <string, int>(path, eid));

                    lock (_locker) { _map.Add(depot, hset); }
                    ret = true; // operation succeeded

            catch (AcUtilsException ecx)
                AcDebug.Log($"AcUtilsException caught and logged in Program.initMapAsync{Environment.NewLine}{ecx.Message}");

            catch (Exception ecx)
                AcDebug.Log($"Exception caught and logged in Program.initMapAsync{Environment.NewLine}{ecx.Message}");

        private static readonly object _locker = new object();                     // token for lock keyword scope

        // Returns zero (0) if program ran successfully, otherwise
        // one (1) in the event of an exception or program initialization failure.
        static int Main()
            // general program startup initialization
            if (!init())

            // if a TwinsExcludeFile was specified in EvilTwins.exe.config,
            // validate that it exists and retrieve its content
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_twinsExcludeFile))
                if (!File.Exists(_twinsExcludeFile))
                    AcDebug.Log($"TwinsExcludeFile {_twinsExcludeFile} specified in EvilTwins.exe.config not found");
                    _excludeList = getTwinsExcludeList();

            // all stream types in order to include workspace streams, include hidden (removed) streams
            AcDepots    depots = new AcDepots(dynamicOnly: false, includeHidden: true);
            Task <bool> dini   = depots.initAsync(_selDepots);

            if (!dini.Result)

            _tcompare = new TwinEqualityComparer();
            _map      = new Dictionary <AcDepot, HashSet <Tuple <string, int> > >();
            List <Task <bool> > tasks = new List <Task <bool> >(depots.Count);

            foreach (AcDepot depot in depots)

            Task <bool[]> arr = Task.WhenAll(tasks); // finish running stat commands and initialization in parallel

            if (arr == null || arr.Result.Any(n => n == false))
                return(1);                                                // check log file
            Task <bool> r = reportAsync();

            return((r.Result) ? 0 : 1);
        // Run the stat command for all dynamic streams in depot and initialize our dictionary class variable
        // with the xlinked elements found that have a type listed in ElementTypes from XLinked.exe.config.
        // Returns true if the operation succeeded, false otherwise. AcUtilsException caught and logged in
        // %LOCALAPPDATA%\AcTools\Logs\XLinked-YYYY-MM-DD.log on stat command failure. Exception caught and
        // logged in same for a range of exceptions.
        private static async Task <bool> initAsync(AcDepot depot)
            bool ret = false; // assume failure

                int num = depot.Streams.Count();
                List <Task <AcResult> > tasks = new List <Task <AcResult> >(num);
                foreach (AcStream stream in depot.Streams)
                    // -k: Display the element type (that is, data type) of this version
                    // -v: Display the target of an element link or symbolic link
                    tasks.Add(AcCommand.runAsync($@"stat -s ""{stream}"" -a -fkvx"));

                HashSet <XElement> hset = new HashSet <XElement>(_comparer);
                while (tasks.Count > 0)
                    Task <AcResult> r = await Task.WhenAny(tasks);

                    if (r == null || r.Result.RetVal != 0)
                    XElement xml = XElement.Parse(r.Result.CmdResult);
                    foreach (XElement e in xml.Elements("element")
                             // attribute xlinked="true" exists only when status includes (xlinked),
                             // otherwise it isn't there (i.e. there never is an xlinked="false" in the XML)
                             .Where(n => (string)n.Attribute("xlinked") != null &&
                                    _etypes.Any(t => t == n.acxType("elemType"))))

                lock (_locker) { _map.Add(depot, hset); }
                ret = true;

            catch (AcUtilsException exc)
                AcDebug.Log($"AcUtilsException caught and logged in Program.initAsync{Environment.NewLine}{exc.Message}");
            catch (Exception ecx)
                AcDebug.Log($"Exception caught and logged in Program.initAsync{Environment.NewLine}{ecx.Message}");

Ejemplo n.º 6
        static int Main()
            // general program startup initialization
            if (!init())
                return(1);                                             // initialization failure, check log file
            DateTime past = DateTime.Now.AddHours(_fromHoursAgo * -1); // go back this many hours

            if (!initListsAsync(past).Result)
                return(1);                              // operation failed, check log file
            if (_hist != null && _hist.Count > 0)
                XmlWriter writer = null;
                    XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings {
                        OmitXmlDeclaration = true, Indent = true, IndentChars = "\t",
                        Encoding           = new UTF8Encoding(false)
                    };                                       // false to exclude Unicode byte order mark (BOM)
                    using (writer = XmlWriter.Create(_outputFile, settings))
                        XDocument report = buildReport(past);

                catch (Exception exc)
                    AcDebug.Log($"Exception caught and logged in Program.Main{Environment.NewLine}" +
                                $"Failed writing to {_outputFile}{Environment.NewLine}{exc.Message}");

                finally { if (writer != null)

Ejemplo n.º 7
        // Run the stat command for streams in depots listed in LatestOverlaps.exe.config and add the
        // results to the Stat.Elements list. Returns true if initialization succeeded, false otherwise.
        // AcUtilsException caught and logged in %LOCALAPPDATA%\AcTools\Logs\LatestOverlaps-YYYY-MM-DD.log
        // on stat command failure. Exception caught and logged in same for a range of exceptions.
        private static async Task <bool> initStatAsync()
            bool ret = false; // assume failure

                IEnumerable <XElement> trans = from e in _hist.Elements("transaction")
                                               select e;
                ILookup <string, XElement> map = trans.ToLookup(n => (string)n.Attribute("streamName"), n => n);

                List <Task <AcResult> > tasks = new List <Task <AcResult> >();
                foreach (var ii in map) // for each stream
                    AcStream stream = _depots.getStream(ii.Key);
                    if (!stream.HasDefaultGroup)
                        continue;                          // run stat only if default group exists
                    tasks.Add(AcCommand.runAsync($@"stat -s ""{stream}"" -o -fx"));

                bool op = true;
                while (tasks.Count > 0 && op)
                    Task <AcResult> r = await Task.WhenAny(tasks);

                    op = (r != null && r.Result.RetVal == 0 && Stat.init(r.Result.CmdResult));

                ret = op; // true if all completed successfully

            catch (AcUtilsException exc)
                AcDebug.Log($"AcUtilsException caught and logged in Program.initStatAsync{Environment.NewLine}{exc.Message}");

            catch (Exception ecx)
                AcDebug.Log($"Exception caught and logged in Program.initStatAsync{Environment.NewLine}{ecx.Message}");

Ejemplo n.º 8
        private static async Task <bool> reportAsync()
            DateTime past = DateTime.Now.AddHours(_fromHoursAgo * -1); // go back this many hours

            if (!(await initHistAsync(past)))
            if (_hist != null && _hist.Count > 0)
                if (!(await initStatAsync()))
                XmlWriter writer = null;
                    XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings {
                        OmitXmlDeclaration = true, Indent = true, IndentChars = "\t",
                        Encoding           = new UTF8Encoding(false) // false to exclude Unicode byte order mark (BOM)
                    using (writer = XmlWriter.Create(_outputFile, settings))
                        XDocument report = buildReport(past);

                catch (Exception exc)
                    AcDebug.Log($"Exception caught and logged in Program.reportAsync{Environment.NewLine}" +
                                $"Failed writing to {_outputFile}{Environment.NewLine}{exc.Message}");

                finally { if (writer != null)

Ejemplo n.º 9
        // General program startup initialization.
        private static bool init()
            // initialize our logging support so we can log errors
            if (!AcDebug.initAcLogging())
                Console.WriteLine("Logging support initialization failed.");

            // save an unhandled exception in log file before program terminates
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(AcDebug.unhandledException);

            // ensure we're logged into AccuRev
            Task <string> prncpl = AcQuery.getPrincipalAsync();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(prncpl.Result))
                AcDebug.Log($"Not logged into AccuRev.{Environment.NewLine}Please login and try again.");

            // initialize our class variables from LatestPromotions.exe.config
            if (!initAppConfigData())

            // dynamic streams only in select depots
            _depots = new AcDepots(dynamicOnly: true);
            Task <bool> dini = _depots.initAsync(_selDepots);

            // no group membership initialization, include deactivated users
            _users = new AcUsers(_domains, _properties, includeGroupsList: false, includeDeactivated: true);
            Task <bool> uini = _users.initAsync();

            Task <bool[]> all = Task.WhenAll(dini, uini); // finish initializing both lists in parallel

            if (all == null || all.Result.Any(n => n == false))

        // General program startup initialization. Returns true if initialization succeeded, false otherwise.
        private static bool init()
            // initialize our logging support so we can log errors
            if (!AcDebug.initAcLogging())
                Console.WriteLine("Logging support initialization failed.");

            // in the event of an unhandled exception, save it to our log file before the program terminates
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(AcDebug.unhandledException);

            // ensure we're logged into AccuRev
            Task <string> prncpl = AcQuery.getPrincipalAsync();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(prncpl.Result))
                AcDebug.Log($"Not logged into AccuRev.{Environment.NewLine}Please login and try again.");

            // initialize our class variables from PromoCount.exe.config
            if (!initAppConfigData())
            // initialize our logging support for program results
            if (!initPromoCountResultsLogging())

            _users  = new AcUsers(_domains, null, includeGroupsList: false, includeDeactivated: true);
            _depots = new AcDepots(dynamicOnly: true);
            Task <bool[]> lists = Task.WhenAll(_depots.initAsync(_selDepots), _users.initAsync());

            if (lists == null || lists.Result.Any(n => n == false))

Ejemplo n.º 11
        // Run the hist command for depots listed in LatestOverlaps.exe.config and add the results to
        // our history list class variable. Returns true if initialization succeeded, false otherwise.
        // AcUtilsException caught and logged in %LOCALAPPDATA%\AcTools\Logs\LatestOverlaps-YYYY-MM-DD.log
        // on hist command failure. Exception caught and logged in same for a range of exceptions.
        private static async Task <bool> initHistAsync(DateTime past)
            bool ret = false; // assume failure

                string timeHrsAgo             = AcDateTime.DateTime2AcDate(past); // get date in string format suitable for AccuRev CLI
                List <Task <AcResult> > tasks = new List <Task <AcResult> >(_depots.Count);
                foreach (AcDepot depot in _depots)
                    tasks.Add(AcCommand.runAsync($@"hist -k promote -p ""{depot}"" -t now-""{timeHrsAgo}"" -fex"));

                _hist = new List <XElement>(_depots.Count);
                while (tasks.Count > 0)
                    Task <AcResult> r = await Task.WhenAny(tasks);

                    if (r == null || r.Result.RetVal != 0)
                    XElement xml = XElement.Parse(r.Result.CmdResult);

                ret = true; // if we're here then all completed successfully

            catch (AcUtilsException exc)
                AcDebug.Log($"AcUtilsException caught and logged in Program.initHistAsync{Environment.NewLine}{exc.Message}");

            catch (Exception ecx)
                AcDebug.Log($"Exception caught and logged in Program.initHistAsync{Environment.NewLine}{ecx.Message}");

Ejemplo n.º 12
        // Initialize our class variables from LatestTransactions.exe.config. Returns true if class variables
        // initialized successfully, false otherwise. ConfigurationErrorsException caught and logged in
        // %LOCALAPPDATA%\AcTools\Logs\LatestTransactions-YYYY-MM-DD.log on initialization failure.
        private static bool initAppConfigData()
            bool ret = false; // assume failure

                _fileName     = AcQuery.getAppConfigSetting <string>("FileName").Trim();
                _fileLocation = AcQuery.getAppConfigSetting <string>("FileLocation").Trim();
                ret           = true;

            catch (ConfigurationErrorsException exc)
                Process       currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
                ProcessModule pm             = currentProcess.MainModule;
                AcDebug.Log($"Invalid data in {pm.ModuleName}.config{Environment.NewLine}{exc.Message}");

        // General program startup initialization.
        private static bool init()
            // initialize our logging support so we can log errors
            if (!AcDebug.initAcLogging())
                Console.WriteLine("Logging support initialization failed.");

            // in the event of an unhandled exception, save it to our log file before the program terminates
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(AcDebug.unhandledException);

            // ensure we're logged into AccuRev
            Task <string> prncpl = AcQuery.getPrincipalAsync();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(prncpl.Result))
                AcDebug.Log($"Not logged into AccuRev.{Environment.NewLine}Please login and try again.");

            // initialize our ElementType array class variable from XLinked.exe.config
            if (!initAppConfigData())

            _depots = new AcDepots(dynamicOnly: true); // dynamic streams only
            Task <bool> dini = _depots.initAsync();

            if (!dini.Result)
                AcDebug.Log($"Depots list initialization failed. See log file:{Environment.NewLine}" +

        // Returns the list of elements in TwinsExcludeFile from EvilTwins.exe.config with elements that can be ignored.
        // Assumes caller has determined that the TwinsExcludeFile specified in EvilTwins.exe.config exists.
        // Exception caught and logged in %LOCALAPPDATA%\AcTools\Logs\EvilTwins-YYYY-MM-DD.log on operation failure.
        private static List <String> getTwinsExcludeList()
            List <String> exclude = new List <String>();
            FileStream    fs      = null;

                // constructor arguments that avoid an exception thrown when file is in use by another process
                fs = new FileStream(_twinsExcludeFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs))
                    String line;
                    while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                        string temp = line.Trim();
                        if (temp.Length == 0 || temp.StartsWith("#"))
                            continue; // this is an empty line or a comment

            catch (Exception ecx)
                AcDebug.Log($"Exception caught and logged in Program.getTwinsExcludeList{Environment.NewLine}{ecx.Message}");

            finally // avoids CA2202: Do not dispose objects multiple times
                if (fs != null)

        // Initialize our ElementType array class variable with values from XLinked.exe.config.
        // Returns true if successfully read and initialized, false otherwise. ConfigurationErrorsException
        // caught and logged in %LOCALAPPDATA%\AcTools\Logs\XLinked-YYYY-MM-DD.log on initialization failure.
        private static bool initAppConfigData()
            bool ret = false; // assume failure

                string[] arr = AcQuery.getAppConfigSetting <string>("ElementTypes")
                               .Split(',').Select(s => s.Trim()).ToArray();
                _etypes = Array.ConvertAll(arr, new Converter <string, ElementType>(n =>
                                                                                    (ElementType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ElementType), n)));
                ret = true;

            catch (ConfigurationErrorsException exc)
                Process       currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
                ProcessModule pm             = currentProcess.MainModule;
                AcDebug.Log($"Invalid data in {pm.ModuleName}.config{Environment.NewLine}{exc.Message}");

        // General program startup initialization. Returns true if initialization was successful, false otherwise.
        private static bool init()
            // initialize our logging support so we can log errors
            if (!AcDebug.initAcLogging())
                Console.WriteLine("Logging support initialization failed.");

            // save an unhandled exception in log file before program terminates
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(AcDebug.unhandledException);

            // ensure we're logged into AccuRev
            Task <string> prncpl = AcQuery.getPrincipalAsync();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(prncpl.Result))
                AcDebug.Log($"Not logged into AccuRev.{Environment.NewLine}Please login and try again.");

            // initialize our depots list class variable with select depots from WSpaceTransLevel.exe.config
            if (!initAppConfigData())

            // initialize our workspaces list class variable
            Task <bool> wslist = initWSListAsync();

            if (!wslist.Result)
                AcDebug.Log($"Workspaces list initialization failed. See log file:{Environment.NewLine}{AcDebug.getLogFile()}");

Ejemplo n.º 17
        // General program initialization routines. Returns true
        // if initialization succeeded, otherwise false.
        private static bool init()
            // initialize our logging support so we can log errors
            if (!AcDebug.initAcLogging())
                Console.WriteLine("Logging support initialization failed.");

            // save an unhandled exception in log file before program terminates
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(AcDebug.unhandledException);

            // ensure we're logged into AccuRev
            Task <string> prncpl = AcQuery.getPrincipalAsync();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(prncpl.Result))
                AcDebug.Log($"Not logged into AccuRev.{Environment.NewLine}Please login and try again.");

Ejemplo n.º 18
        // General program initialization routines. Returns true if initialization was successful, false otherwise.
        private static bool init()
            // initialize our logging support so we can log errors
            if (!AcDebug.initAcLogging())
                Console.WriteLine("Logging support initialization failed.");

            // save an unhandled exception in log file before program terminates
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(AcDebug.unhandledException);

            // ensure we're logged into AccuRev
            Task <string> prncpl = AcQuery.getPrincipalAsync();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(prncpl.Result))
                AcDebug.Log($"Not logged into AccuRev.{Environment.NewLine}Please login and try again.");

            // initialize our class variables from LatestTransactions.exe.config
            if (!initAppConfigData())

            // list of all depot names in the repository
            _depots = AcQuery.getDepotNameListAsync().Result;
            if (_depots == null)

Ejemplo n.º 19
        // General program startup initialization.
        private static async Task <bool> initAsync()
            // initialize our logging support so we can log errors
            if (!AcDebug.initAcLogging())
                Console.WriteLine("Logging support initialization failed.");

            // in the event of an unhandled exception, save it to our log file before the program terminates
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(AcDebug.unhandledException);

            // ensure we're logged into AccuRev
            string prncpl = await AcQuery.getPrincipalAsync();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(prncpl))
                AcDebug.Log($"Not logged into AccuRev.{Environment.NewLine}Please login and try again.");

            // initialize our depots list class variable from PromoRights.exe.config
            if (!initAppConfigData())

            _users = new AcUsers(null, null, includeGroupsList: true);
            _locks = new AcLocks();
            bool[] arr = await Task.WhenAll(
                _users.initAsync(),       // all users with their respective group membership list initialized
                _locks.initAsync(_depots) // locks on all streams in select depots from PromoRights.exe.config

            return(arr != null && arr.All(n => n == true));
Ejemplo n.º 20
        // Generate an Excel worksheet with the results in reverse chronological order so the most
        // recent activity in the repository is shown on top. Returns true if the operation completed
        // successfully, false otherwise. COMException caught and logged in
        // %LOCALAPPDATA%\AcTools\Logs\LatestTransactions-YYYY-MM-DD.log on worksheet creation failure.
        private static bool report()
            Excel.Application excel = new Excel.Application();
            if (excel == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Excel installation not found.", "LatestTransactions",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand);

            bool ret = true;             // assume success

            excel.DisplayAlerts = false; // don't display the SaveAs dialog box
            Excel.Workbook  wbook   = excel.Workbooks.Add();
            Excel.Worksheet wsheet  = (Excel.Worksheet)wbook.Worksheets.get_Item(1);
            Excel.Range     rheader = wsheet.get_Range("A1", "F1");
            rheader.Font.Bold           = true;
            rheader.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter;
            Excel.Range rdate = wsheet.get_Range("B:B");
            rdate.NumberFormat = "mmm d, yyyy h:mm:ss am/pm";
            Excel.Range rcomment = wsheet.get_Range("F:F");
            rcomment.WrapText = true;

            wsheet.Cells[1, "A"]            = "Depot";
            wsheet.Columns["A"].ColumnWidth = 20;
            wsheet.Cells[1, "B"]            = "Time";
            wsheet.Columns["B"].ColumnWidth = 25;
            wsheet.Cells[1, "C"]            = "Action";
            wsheet.Columns["C"].ColumnWidth = 15;
            wsheet.Cells[1, "D"]            = "User";
            wsheet.Columns["D"].ColumnWidth = 15;
            wsheet.Cells[1, "E"]            = "Trans_ID";
            wsheet.Columns["E"].ColumnWidth = 10;
            wsheet.Cells[1, "F"]            = "Comment";
            wsheet.Columns["F"].ColumnWidth = 50;

            int row = 2;

            foreach (XElement trans in _transactions.OrderByDescending(n => n.acxTime("time")))
                string   depot   = trans.Annotation <string>();
                int      id      = (int)trans.Attribute("id");
                string   action  = (string)trans.Attribute("type");
                DateTime?time    = trans.acxTime("time");
                string   user    = (string)trans.Attribute("user");
                string   comment = trans.acxComment();

                wsheet.Cells[row, "A"] = depot;
                wsheet.Cells[row, "B"] = time;
                wsheet.Cells[row, "C"] = action;
                wsheet.Cells[row, "D"] = user;
                wsheet.Cells[row, "E"] = id;
                wsheet.Cells[row, "F"] = comment;

            string file = String.Empty;

                file = Path.Combine(_fileLocation, _fileName);
                wbook.SaveAs(Filename: file, ReadOnlyRecommended: true);

            catch (COMException exc)
                ret = false;

            finally { excel.Quit(); }

            if (ret)
                MessageBox.Show($"Latest transactions saved to {file}", "LatestTransactions",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

        // Report evil twins if found. Assumes the initMapAsync method has been called. Exception caught
        // and logged in %LOCALAPPDATA%\AcTools\Logs\EvilTwins-YYYY-MM-DD.log on operation failure.
        private static async Task <bool> reportAsync()
            bool ret = false; // assume failure

                foreach (KeyValuePair <AcDepot, HashSet <Tuple <string, int> > > pair in _map.OrderBy(n => n.Key)) // order by AcDepot
                    AcDepot depot = pair.Key;                                                                      // depot
                    HashSet <Tuple <string, int> > hset = pair.Value;                                              // [element, EID] from all dynamic streams in depot
                    // from our hashset create a collection of elements mapped to their EID's
                    Lookup <string, Tuple <string, int> > col = (Lookup <string, Tuple <string, int> >)hset.ToLookup(n => n.Item1);
                    // where more than one EID exists for the element, order by element
                    foreach (var ii in col.Where(n => n.Count() > 1).OrderBy(n => n.Key))
                        string element = ii.Key;
                        if (_excludeList != null && _excludeList.Contains(element))
                            continue; // ignore if in TwinsExcludeFile
                        IEnumerable <AcStream> filter = from n in depot.Streams
                                                        where n.IsDynamic && !n.Hidden
                                                        select n;
                        List <Task <XElement> > tasks = new List <Task <XElement> >(filter.Count());
                        foreach (AcStream stream in filter)
                            tasks.Add(getElementInfoAsync(stream, element));

                        XElement[] arr = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);                      // finish running stat commands in parallel

                        if (arr != null && arr.All(n => n != null))                      // true if all ran successfully
                            foreach (Tuple <string, int> jj in ii.OrderBy(n => n.Item2)) // order twins by EID
                                int eid = jj.Item2;
                                log($"\tEID: {eid} on {DateTime.Now.ToString("ddd MMM d h:mm tt")}");
                                // C# language short-circuit: the test for id equals eid isn't evaluated if status equals "(no such elem)",
                                // otherwise an exception would be thrown since the id attribute doesn't exist in this case
                                foreach (XElement e in arr.Where(n => (string)n.Attribute("status") != "(no such elem)" &&
                                                                 (int)n.Attribute("id") == eid).OrderBy(n => n.Annotation <AcStream>()))
                                    log($"\t\t{e.Annotation<AcStream>()} {(string)e.Attribute("status")}");
                                    string      namedVersion = (string)e.Attribute("namedVersion"); // virtual stream name and version number
                                    string      temp         = (string)e.Attribute("Real");
                                    string[]    real         = temp.Split('\\');                    // workspace stream and version numbers
                                    AcStream    wkspace      = depot.getStream(int.Parse(real[0])); // workspace stream
                                    ElementType elemType     = e.acxType("elemType");
                                    string      twin;
                                    if ((long?)e.Attribute("size") != null)
                                        twin = $"\t\t\tSize: {(long)e.Attribute("size")}, ModTime: {e.acxTime("modTime")} {{{elemType}}}" +
                                               $"{Environment.NewLine}\t\t\tReal: {wkspace}\\{real[1]}, Virtual: {namedVersion}";
                                    else // a folder or link
                                        twin = $"\t\t\tReal: {wkspace}\\{real[1]}, Virtual: {namedVersion} {{{elemType}}}";



                ret = true; // operation succeeded

            catch (Exception ecx)
                AcDebug.Log($"Exception caught and logged in Program.reportAsync{Environment.NewLine}{ecx.Message}");

Ejemplo n.º 22
        // Initialize our history and stat lists for each stream listed in the LatestPromotions.exe.config Streams section.
        // AcUtilsException caught and logged in %LOCALAPPDATA%\AcTools\Logs\LatestPromotions-YYYY-MM-DD.log on hist or stat
        // command failure. Exception caught and logged in same on failure to handle a range of exceptions.
        private static async Task <bool> initListsAsync(DateTime past)
            bool ret = false; // assume failure

                string timeHrsAgo = AcDateTime.DateTime2AcDate(past); // get date in string format suitable for AccuRev CLI
                List <Task <AcResult> >[] tasks = new List <Task <AcResult> > [2];
                tasks[0] = new List <Task <AcResult> >();             // for hist results
                tasks[1] = new List <Task <AcResult> >();             // for stat results

                // Alternatively change Equals() to Contains() and modify LatestPromotions.exe.config stream values
                // accordingly to filter on stream name subsets, e.g. <add stream="DEV"/> for all streams with DEV in their name.
                foreach (AcStream stream in _depots.SelectMany(d => d.Streams
                                                               .Where(s => _selStreams.OfType <StreamElement>().Any(se => s.Name.Equals(se.Stream)))))
                    Task <AcResult> hr = AcCommand.runAsync($@"hist -k promote -s ""{stream}"" -t now-""{timeHrsAgo}"" -fx");
                    Task <AcResult> sr = AcCommand.runAsync($@"stat -s ""{stream}"" -d -fx"); // stream's default group

                _hist = new List <XElement>(tasks[0].Count);
                while (tasks[0].Count > 0) // process hist results
                    Task <AcResult> r = await Task.WhenAny(tasks[0]);

                    if (r == null || r.Result.RetVal != 0)
                    XElement xml = XElement.Parse(r.Result.CmdResult);

                while (tasks[1].Count > 0) // process stat results
                    Task <AcResult> r = await Task.WhenAny(tasks[1]);

                    if (r == null || r.Result.RetVal != 0)
                    if (!Stat.init(r.Result.CmdResult))

                ret = true; // if we're here then all completed successfully

            catch (AcUtilsException exc)
                AcDebug.Log($"AcUtilsException caught and logged in Program.initListsAsync{Environment.NewLine}{exc.Message}");

            catch (Exception ecx)
                AcDebug.Log($"Exception caught and logged in Program.initListsAsync{Environment.NewLine}{ecx.Message}");

        // Run the AccuRev hist command for all streams in PromoCount.exe.config, generate the results and send it
        // to the daily log file PromoCountResults-YYYY-MM-DD.log created (or updated) in the same folder where
        // PromoCount.exe resides. Returns true if the operation succeeded, false otherwise. AcUtilsException
        // caught and logged in %LOCALAPPDATA%\AcTools\Logs\PromoCount-YYYY-MM-DD.log on hist command failure.
        // Exception caught and logged in same for a range of exceptions.
        private static async Task <bool> promoCountAsync()
            bool ret = false; // assume failure

                Dictionary <AcStream, Task <AcResult> > map = new Dictionary <AcStream, Task <AcResult> >(_selStreams.Count);
                Func <AcStream, Task <AcResult> >       run = (stream) =>
                    // start-end times reversed as workaround for AccuRev issue 15780
                    Task <AcResult> result = AcCommand.runAsync(
                        $@"hist -fx -k promote -s ""{stream}"" -t ""{_endTime} - {_startTime}""");
                    lock (_locker) { map.Add(stream, result); }

                var tasks = from s in _depots.SelectMany(d => d.Streams)
                            where _selStreams.OfType <StreamElement>().Any(se => se.Stream == s.Name)
                            select run(s);

                AcResult[] arr = await Task.WhenAll(tasks); // finish running hist commands in parallel

                if (arr == null || arr.Any(r => r.RetVal != 0))

                log($"Promotions to select streams from {_startTime} to {_endTime}.{Environment.NewLine}");
                int tgrandtot = 0; int vgrandtot = 0;
                foreach (var ii in map.OrderBy(n => n.Key))
                    log($"{ii.Key} {{{$"promotions\\versions"}}}:"); // key is stream
                    AcResult r   = ii.Value.Result;
                    XElement xml = XElement.Parse(r.CmdResult);
                    ILookup <string, XElement> look = xml.Elements("transaction")
                                                      .ToLookup(n => (string)n.Attribute("user"), n => n);
                    int tsubtot = 0; int vsubtot = 0;
                    foreach (var jj in look.OrderBy(n => _users.getUser(n.Key)))
                        AcUser user = _users.getUser(jj.Key);
                        int    tnum = jj.Count();
                        int    vnum = jj.Elements("version").Count();
                        string val  = $"{{{tnum}\\{vnum}}}";
                        log($"\t{user.ToString().PadRight(40, '.')}{val.PadLeft(13, '.')}");
                        tsubtot += tnum; tgrandtot += tnum;
                        vsubtot += vnum; vgrandtot += vnum;

                    log($"\tTotal {tsubtot} promotions and {vsubtot} versions.{Environment.NewLine}");

                log($"Grand total of {tgrandtot} promotions and {vgrandtot} versions.");
                ret = true;

            catch (AcUtilsException ecx)
                AcDebug.Log($"AcUtilsException caught and logged in Program.promoCountAsync{Environment.NewLine}{ecx.Message}");
            catch (Exception ecx)
                AcDebug.Log($"Exception caught and logged in Program.promoCountAsync{Environment.NewLine}{ecx.Message}");
