Ejemplo n.º 1
        public IActionResult Statblock()
            var creature = Creature.Create("Thomas the Tank Engine", Size.Medium, ChallengeRating.Create(5), AbilityScore.CreateStandard(16, 9, 13, 1, 3, 25), 10);

            creature.Type = CreatureType.Construct;

            creature.ArmorClass = new ArmorClass(18, "Natural Armor");

            creature.Speeds = new List <Speed>()
                new Speed(MovementMode.Walk, 60), new Speed(MovementMode.Swim, 120), new Speed(MovementMode.Burrow, 75)

            creature.DamageImmunities = new List <DamageType>()
                DamageType.Fire, DamageType.Lightning, DamageType.Acid
            creature.ConditionImmunities = new List <Condition>()
                Condition.Blinded, Condition.Deafened, Condition.Prone

            var ramAttack = new Models.Action {
                Name = "Ram"

            ramAttack.RulesText = new RulesText()
                Text = "Melee weapon attack. {attack:str+p} to hit {dmg:2d8+str} {type:bludgeoning} damage"

            var chooChooAttack = new Models.Action()
                Name = "Choo Choo"

            chooChooAttack.RulesText = new RulesText()
                Text = "Thomas does a big ol choo-choo thing. every targer in a 30 foot cone centered on him takes {dmg:2d8+str} {type:bludgeoning} damage and {dmg:1d8} {type:fire} damage"

            creature.Actions.Add(new Models.Action()
                Name = "Steam Whistle", Recharge = "Recharge 5-6", RulesText = new RulesText()
                    Text = "Thomas blows hot steam in a 60-foot sphere centered on Thomas. Each creature in that area other than Thomas must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 35 (10d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one."

            creature.Features.Add(new Feature()
                Name = "Antimagic Susceptibility", Description = "Thomas is incapacitated while in the area of an anitmagic-field. If targeted by dispel magic, Thomas must suceed on a Constitution saving throw agains that caster's spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 minute"
            creature.Features.Add(new Feature()
                Name = "False Appearance", Description = "While Thomas remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal tank engine."

            creature.Senses.Add(new Sense(SenseType.Truesight, 60));
            creature.Senses.Add(new Sense(SenseType.Tremorsense, 120));


            return(View("StatBlockView", new List <ViewModels.CreatureViewModel>()
                new ViewModels.CreatureViewModel(creature)