Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult Edit(AV_Site Site, Workorder wo, List <Workorder> Sectors)
            //Workorder Site, List<AV_Sector> Sectors
            Response res = new Response();

                DataTable Sectorsdt = new DataTable();
                //  Sectorsdt = Sectors.ToDataTable();
                WorkOrderDL dl = new WorkOrderDL();
                //  dl.Edit(Site, Sectorsdt);
                res.Status  = "success";
                res.Message = "save successfully";
            catch (Exception ex)
                res.Status  = "danger";
                res.Message = ex.Message;
            return(Json(res, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void SiteWithSectors(int SiteId, ref AV_Site Site, ref List <AV_Sector> Sectors)
                DataSet ds = sd.GetDataSet("SiteWithSectors", SiteId.ToString());
                if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                    DataTable Sit = ds.Tables[0];

                    var rec = Sit.ToList <AV_Site>();
                    if (rec.Count > 0)
                        Site = rec.FirstOrDefault();
                    DataTable sec = ds.Tables[1];
                    Site.Sectors = sec.ToList <AV_Sector>();

                    Sectors = sec.ToList <AV_Sector>();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public List <Workorder> GetWO(string value1 = null, string value2 = null, string value3 = null)
            AV_SitesDL       sd    = new AV_SitesDL();
            List <Workorder> wolst = new List <Workorder>();

            DataSet ds = sd.GetDataSet("SiteWithSectors", value1);

            if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                DataTable Sit = ds.Tables[0];

                AV_Site s = new AV_Site();

                var rec = Sit.ToList <AV_Site>();
                if (rec.Count > 0)
                    s = rec.FirstOrDefault();

                DataTable sec = ds.Tables[1];
                Workorder wo;
                for (int i = 0; i < sec.Rows.Count; i++)
                    wo               = new Workorder();
                    wo.SiteId        = s.SiteId;
                    wo.siteCode      = s.SiteCode;
                    wo.siteLatitude  = s.Latitude.ToString();
                    wo.siteLongitude = s.Longitude.ToString();
                    wo.Client        = s.ClientId.ToString();
                    wo.Scope         = s.ScopeId.ToString();
                    wo.SiteAddress   = s.SiteAddress;
                    wo.SiteName      = s.SiteName;
                    wo.SiteTypeId    = s.SiteTypeId.ToString();
                    wo.SiteClassId   = s.SiteClassId;
                    wo.Description   = s.Description;
                    wo.clusterCode   = "-";
                    wo.sectorCode    = sec.Rows[i]["SectorCode"].ToString();
                    wo.networkMode   = sec.Rows[i]["NetworkModeId"].ToString();
                    wo.Band          = sec.Rows[i]["BandId"].ToString();
                    wo.Carrier       = sec.Rows[i]["CarrierId"].ToString();
                    wo.BandWidth     = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sec.Rows[i]["BandWidth"].ToString())) ? sec.Rows[i]["BandWidth"].ToString() : "0";
                    wo.Antenna       = sec.Rows[i]["Antenna"].ToString();
                    wo.BeamWidth     = sec.Rows[i]["BeamWidth"].ToString();
                    wo.Azimuth       = sec.Rows[i]["Azimuth"].ToString();
                    wo.PCI           = sec.Rows[i]["PCI"].ToString();
                    wo.MRBTS         = sec.Rows[i]["MRBTS"].ToString();
                    wo.RFHeight      = DataType.ToInt32(sec.Rows[i]["RFHeight"].ToString());
                    wo.MTilt         = DataType.ToInt32(sec.Rows[i]["MTilt"].ToString());
                    wo.ETilt         = DataType.ToInt32(sec.Rows[i]["ETilt"].ToString());
                    wo.CellId        = sec.Rows[i]["CellId"].ToString();


Ejemplo n.º 4
        public bool Edit(AV_Site sit, DataTable Sectors)
            SqlCommand loCommand = DataContext.OpenConnection();

                loCommand = DataContext.SetStoredProcedure(loCommand, "AV_EditWorkOrder");
                loCommand = DataContext.StartTransaction(loCommand);
                bool result = DataContext.ExecuteNonQuery(DataContext.AddParameters(loCommand, "@SiteId", sit.SiteId, "@SiteCode", sit.SiteCode, "@Latitude", sit.Latitude, "@Longitude", sit.Longitude, "@Description", sit.Description, "@CityId", sit.CityId, "@SiteAddress", sit.SiteAddress, "@Sectors", Sectors));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        //public List<AV_Site> ListIsActive(string value1 = null, string value2 = null, string value3 = null)
        //    DataTable dtbl = new DataTable();
        //    dtbl = wod.Get("Search", value1, value2, value3);
        //    List<AV_Site> WorkOrders = dtbl.ToList<AV_Site>();

        //    return WorkOrders;

        public bool ChangeFolderName(Workorder wo, List <Workorder> wolst)
            try {
                List <string>           Newpath      = new List <string>();
                List <string>           OldPath      = new List <string>();
                AD_DefinationBL         db           = new AD_DefinationBL();
                int                     x            = 0;
                string                  ClientPrefix = "";
                string                  networkmode  = "";
                string                  carriors     = "";
                string                  bands        = "";
                var                     Newtworkmode = db.SelectedList("NetworkModes", null, "-NetworkMode-");
                var                     Bands        = db.ToList("Bands");
                var                     Carriers     = db.ToList("Carriers");
                List <AV_Sector>        Sectors      = new List <AV_Sector>();
                List <Changefoldername> t            = new List <Changefoldername>();
                List <Changefoldername> oldt         = new List <Changefoldername>();

                AV_SitesBL sb   = new AV_SitesBL();
                AV_Site    Site = new AV_Site();
                sb.SiteWithSectors(Convert.ToInt32(wo.SiteId), ref Site, ref Sectors);

                for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                    ClientPrefix = wolst[0].ClientPrefix;

                var dt = wod.GetSiteBands("Get_All", wo.SiteId);
                if (wolst != null)
                    if (wo.siteCode.ToString() == Site.SiteCode)
                        foreach (var row in Sectors)
                            foreach (var netmod in Newtworkmode)
                                if (netmod.Value == row.NetworkModeId.ToString())
                                    networkmode = netmod.Text;
                            foreach (var b in Bands)
                                if (b.DefinationId == row.BandId)
                                    bands = b.DefinationName;
                            foreach (var c in Carriers)
                                if (c.DefinationId == row.CarrierId)
                                    carriors = c.DefinationName;
                            var oldp            = "/Content/AirViewLogs/" + ClientPrefix + "/" + Site.SiteCode + '/' + networkmode + "_" + bands + "_" + carriors + "";
                            Changefoldername cf = new Changefoldername();
                            cf.Id   = Convert.ToInt64(row.SectorId);
                            cf.Path = oldp;
                        foreach (var item in wolst)
                            foreach (var netmod in Newtworkmode)
                                if (netmod.Value == item.networkMode)
                                    networkmode = netmod.Text;
                            foreach (var b in Bands)
                                if (b.DefinationId.ToString() == item.Band)
                                    bands = b.DefinationName;
                            foreach (var c in Carriers)
                                if (c.DefinationId.ToString() == item.Carrier)
                                    carriors = c.DefinationName;

                            var p = "/Content/AirViewLogs/" + ClientPrefix + "/" + wo.siteCode.ToString() + '/' + networkmode + "_" + bands + "_" + carriors + "";
                            foreach (var itm in Sectors)
                                if (itm.SectorId == item.SectorId)
                                    Changefoldername cfn = new Changefoldername();
                                    cfn.Id   = Convert.ToInt64(item.SectorId);
                                    cfn.Path = p;

                        List <long> RemoveLayesId = new List <long>();
                        foreach (var itme in t)
                            foreach (var tm in oldt)
                                if (itme.Id == tm.Id && itme.Path == tm.Path)
                        foreach (var r in RemoveLayesId)
                            var obj  = t.Where(xx => xx.Id == r).FirstOrDefault();
                            var obj1 = oldt.Where(xx => xx.Id == r).FirstOrDefault();
                        for (int i = 0; i < t.Count; i++)
                            bool exists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(oldt[i].Path));
                            if (exists)
                                bool exists1 = System.IO.Directory.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(t[i].Path));
                                if (!exists1)
                                    t[i].Path    = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(t[i].Path);
                                    oldt[i].Path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(oldt[i].Path);
                                    DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(t[i].Path);
                                    int           xx      = 0;
                                    int           y       = 0;
                                    List <String> MyFiles = Directory
                                                            .GetFiles(oldt[i].Path, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList();

                                    foreach (string file in MyFiles)
                                        FileInfo mFile = new FileInfo(file);
                                        // to remove name collisions
                                        if (new FileInfo(dirInfo + "\\" + mFile.Name).Exists == false)
                                            mFile.MoveTo(dirInfo + "\\" + mFile.Name);
                                    //      }
                                    //  System.IO.Directory.Move(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(oldt[i].Path), HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(t[i].Path));
                                    t[i].Path    = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(t[i].Path);
                                    oldt[i].Path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(oldt[i].Path);
                                    List <String> Files = Directory
                                                          .GetFiles(oldt[i].Path, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList();

                                    if (Files.Count > 0)
                                        var MyFiles = Directory
                                                      .GetFiles(oldt[i].Path, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList();

                                        foreach (string file in MyFiles)
                                            FileInfo mFile = new FileInfo(file);
                                            // to remove name collisions
                                            if (new FileInfo(t[i].Path + "\\" + mFile.Name).Exists == false)
                                                mFile.MoveTo(t[i].Path + "\\" + mFile.Name);
                        var oldp    = "/Content/AirViewLogs/" + ClientPrefix + "/" + Site.SiteCode + '/';
                        var p       = "/Content/AirViewLogs/" + ClientPrefix + "/" + wo.siteCode.ToString() + '/';
                        var newPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(p);
                        var oldPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(oldp);
                        DirectoryCopy(oldPath, newPath, true);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public bool ChangeFolderName(long networklayerid, string SiteCode)
                AD_DefinationBL     db           = new AD_DefinationBL();
                int                 x            = 0;
                string              ClientPrefix = "";
                string              networkmode  = "";
                string              carriors     = "";
                string              bands        = "";
                var                 Newtworkmode = db.SelectedList("NetworkModes", null, "-NetworkMode-");
                var                 Bands        = db.ToList("Bands");
                var                 Carriers     = db.ToList("Carriers");
                string              oldpath      = "";
                string              newpath      = "";
                AV_NetLayerStatusBL nlsb         = new AV_NetLayerStatusBL();

                var rec = nlsb.ToSingle("Get_byLayerStatusId", 0, 0, 0, 0, networklayerid.ToString());

                AV_SitesBL sb      = new AV_SitesBL();
                AV_Site    oldSite = new AV_Site();
                oldSite = sb.Single("SingleSitebyId", rec.SiteId.ToString(), null, null, null, null);
                AV_Site newSite = new AV_Site();
                newSite = sb.Single("SingleSitebySiteCode", SiteCode.ToString(), null, null, null, null);
                var Newrec        = nlsb.ToSingle("Get_byLayerStatusId", 0, 0, 0, 0, networklayerid.ToString());
                var oldSiteRecord = sb.ToList("BySiteCodeWithLayer", oldSite.SiteCode, null, null, null, null, null);
                var newSiteRecord = sb.ToList("BySiteCodeWithLayer", newSite.SiteCode, null, null, null, null, null);

                foreach (var netmod in Newtworkmode)
                    if (netmod.Value == rec.NetworkModeId.ToString())
                        networkmode = netmod.Text;
                foreach (var b in Bands)
                    if (b.DefinationId == rec.BandId)
                        bands = b.DefinationName;
                foreach (var c in Carriers)
                    if (c.DefinationId == rec.CarrierId)
                        carriors = c.DefinationName;
                oldpath = "/Content/AirViewLogs/" + oldSiteRecord[0].ClientPrefix + "/" + oldSite.SiteCode + "/" + networkmode + "_" + bands + "_" + carriors + "";

                foreach (var netmod in Newtworkmode)
                    if (netmod.Value == Newrec.NetworkModeId.ToString())
                        networkmode = netmod.Text;
                foreach (var b in Bands)
                    if (b.DefinationId == Newrec.BandId)
                        bands = b.DefinationName;
                foreach (var c in Carriers)
                    if (c.DefinationId == Newrec.CarrierId)
                        carriors = c.DefinationName;

                newpath = "/Content/AirViewLogs/" + newSiteRecord[0].ClientPrefix + "/" + newSite.SiteCode + '/' + networkmode + "_" + bands + "_" + carriors + "";

                var         newPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(newpath);
                var         oldPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(oldpath);
                WorkOrderBL wo      = new WorkOrderBL();
                wo.DirectoryCopy(oldPath, newPath, true);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public HttpResponseMessage Fileupload()
            var random = new Random();
            //var color = String.Format("#{0:X6}", random.Next(0x1000000));
            //RepositoryContext rep = new RepositoryContext();
            HttpResponseMessage response    = new HttpResponseMessage();
            List <string>       sitecode    = new List <string>();
            List <AV_Site>      listLatLong = new List <AV_Site>();
            List <AV_Sector>    secList     = new List <AV_Sector>();
            var       httpRequest           = HttpContext.Current.Request;
            DataTable FileRecord            = new DataTable();

            //string filePath = null;
            //string docPath = null;
            if (httpRequest.Files.Count > 0)
                foreach (string file in httpRequest.Files)
                    var postedFile = httpRequest.Files[file];

                    Stream stream = httpRequest.Files[file].InputStream;
                    using (CsvReader csvReader =
                               new CsvReader(new StreamReader(stream), true))

                    //filePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/files/" + postedFile.FileName);

                //docPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, filePath);

                //var result = rep.GetDataTableFromCsv(docPath, true);

                foreach (DataRow item in FileRecord.Rows)
                    AV_Site lat = new AV_Site();
                    lat.Latitude  = Convert.ToDouble(item["siteLatitude"].ToString());
                    lat.Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(item["siteLongitude"].ToString());
                    lat.SiteCode  = item["siteCode"].ToString();
                    AV_Sector s = new AV_Sector();
                    //s.Id = Convert.ToInt64(item["SectorId"].ToString());
                    s.SectorCode = item["siteCode"].ToString();
                    //s.sectorColor = "red";
                    s.BeamWidth = Convert.ToInt32(item["BeamWidth"].ToString());
                    s.Azimuth   = Convert.ToInt32(item["Azimuth"].ToString());
                    s.Latitude  = Convert.ToDouble(item["siteLatitude"].ToString());
                    s.Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(item["siteLongitude"].ToString());
                    s.PCI       = Convert.ToInt32(item["PCI"].ToString());

            //var uniquePci = secList.Select(x=>x.Pci).Distinct().ToList();

            var list = listLatLong.Distinct().Take(10).ToList();

            var list1 = (from x in list
                         join y in secList on x.SiteCode equals y.SectorCode into data
                         from d in data.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         select d).ToList();

            var uniq = list1.GroupBy(x => x.PCI).ToList();

            foreach (var item in uniq)
                var color = String.Format("#{0:X6}", random.Next(0x1000000));
                var q     = list1.Where(x => x.PCI == item.Key).FirstOrDefault();
                q.sectorColor = color.ToString();

                foreach (var item1 in list1.Where(x => x.PCI == item.Key).ToList())
                    item1.sectorColor = q.sectorColor;

            //var a = list1.Where(x => x.sectorColor != null);

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { list, list1 }));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public ActionResult Edit(int Id = 0)
            ViewBag.FormType = "Edit";
            AV_SitesBL       sb      = new AV_SitesBL();
            AV_Site          Site    = new AV_Site();
            List <AV_Sector> Sectors = new List <AV_Sector>();

            sb.SiteWithSectors(Id, ref Site, ref Sectors);
            ViewBag.Site = Site;
            Common.SelectedList sl = new Common.SelectedList();
            AD_DefinationBL     db = new AD_DefinationBL();

            ViewBag.NetworkModes = db.SelectedList("NetworkModes", null, "-NetworkMode-");
            ViewBag.Bands        = db.ToList("Bands");
            ViewBag.Carriers     = db.ToList("Carriers");
            ViewBag.Scopes       = sl.Scopes();
            ViewBag.Sectors      = sl.Sectors();
            List <SWI.Libraries.Common.SelectedList> Markets = new List <SelectedList>();

            if (ViewBag.IsAdmin)
                ViewBag.UserMarkets = db.SelectedList("AllCities");
                Markets             = ViewBag.UserMarkets;
                ViewBag.UserMarkets = db.SelectedList("UserCities", Convert.ToString(ViewBag.UserId));
                Markets             = ViewBag.UserMarkets;

            //bands network mode etc dropdowns
            WorkorderEdit      we  = new WorkorderEdit();
            Sec_UserSettingsDL udl = new Sec_UserSettingsDL();

            we.Site           = Site;
            we.Site.StateId   = we.Site.State;
            we.Site.RegionId  = we.Site.Region;
            we.Site.MarketId  = we.Site.Market;
            we.Site.SiteType  = we.Site.SiteTypeId;
            we.Site.SiteClass = we.Site.SiteClassId;
            we.Bands          = ViewBag.Bands;
            ViewBag.Id        = Id;

            we.Carriers = ViewBag.Carriers;

            DataTable Table = udl.GetDataTable("UserProjects", Convert.ToString(ViewBag.UserId), null, null);

            we.Projects     = Table.ToList <PM_Projects>();
            we.Cities       = db.ToList("UserCities", Convert.ToString(ViewBag.UserId));
            we.SubCheckList = db.ToList("byDefinationType", "Sub CheckList");

            we.NetworkModes = ViewBag.NetworkModes;
            var hjh = db.MultiSelecet("NetworkModes", null, "-NetworkMode-");

            we.NetworkModesm = hjh;
            we.States        = sl.Definations("UserStates", Convert.ToString(ViewBag.UserId), "-State-"); //sl.States();
            we.Regions       = db.ToList("UserRegions", Convert.ToString(ViewBag.UserId));
            // we.Regions = we.Regions.Where(x => x.PDefinationId ==we.State).ToList();
            we.UserMarkets = Markets;
            //   we.UserMarkets = we.UserMarkets;    //.Where(x=>x.Value==Convert.ToString(we.Region)).ToList();
            TSS_SurveyDocumentBL sdb = new TSS_SurveyDocumentBL();

            we.Surveys             = sdb.ToList("GetAll_byIsActive", true.ToString());
            we.Clients             = sl.Clients("UserClients", Convert.ToString(ViewBag.UserId));
            we.Scopes              = sl.Definations("UserScopes", Convert.ToString(ViewBag.UserId));// sl.Scopes();
            we.SiteTypes           = sl.Definations("SiteTypes");
            we.SiteClasses         = sl.Definations("SiteClasses");
            we.CheckList           = sl.Definations("byDefinationType", "CheckList", "-CheckList-");
            we.Sectors             = Sectors;
            we.Sectors[0].Bands    = we.Bands;
            we.Sectors[0].Carriers = we.Carriers;

            return(View("Workorder", we)); // return View(Sectors);