Ejemplo n.º 1
    public void SetParent(AT_ContainerNode node)
        // Ensure we're not parenting the node to itself
        if (node != this)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            // If the node has a parent
            if (Parent != null)
                // Remove the node from the parent

            // Set the new parent in the tree
            Parent = node;
            // Set the gameObject's parent to maintain the Unity heirarchy
            gameObject.transform.parent = node.gameObject.transform;
            Debug.LogWarning("AT_Node: Failed to parent node because node and parent are the same node");
    public void Init( EditorWindow window )
        // Load in texture resources
        m_lineTexture = ( Texture2D )Resources.Load( "Line Texture 2" );
        m_arrowTexture = ( Texture2D )Resources.Load( "ArrowHead" );
        m_icons = new Texture2D[6];
        m_icons[0] = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("Icon - StateMachine");
        m_icons[1] = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("Icon - BlendGraph");
        m_icons[2] = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("Icon - Animation");
        m_icons[3] = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("Icon - Blend");
        m_icons[4] = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("Icon - AddBlend");
        m_icons[5] = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("Icon - Pose");

        // Init editor to safe state
        m_editorWindow = window;
        m_selectedAnimationTree = null;
        m_activeContainer = null;
        ActiveWindow = null;
        Dragging = false;
        ConnectionStart = null;
        ConnectionEnd = null;
        m_camerScaleAmount = new Vector2(1, 1);

        // Find all the enabled animation trees
        m_activeAnimationTrees = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(AnimationTree)) as AnimationTree[];
    public void Update()
        if ( m_selectedAnimationTree != null && m_selectedAnimationTree.IsDirty )
            m_selectedAnimationTree.IsDirty = false;

        if ( Selection.activeGameObject != null )
            // Get the current selection from Unity
            GameObject go = Selection.activeGameObject;

            // Get the tree the current selection belongs to
            AnimationTree currentTree = GetAnimationTree( go );

            // If a child of an animation tree is currently selected...
            if (currentTree != null)
                GameObject firstChild = go;

                // Make sure the firstChild points to an AT_Node not the AnimationTree base object
                if (currentTree.gameObject == go )
                    firstChild = currentTree.Root.gameObject;
                m_currentNode = firstChild.GetComponent<AT_Node>();

                AT_ContainerNode contParent;
                // If the root is not selected, find the closest container node to the selected node
                if (firstChild != currentTree.Root.gameObject)
                    if (m_currentNode != null && m_currentNode.Parent != null)
                        contParent = FindNextContainerNode(m_currentNode.Parent.gameObject);
                        contParent = FindNextContainerNode(firstChild.transform.parent.gameObject);
                    // If the root is selected, it is the active container
                    contParent = firstChild.GetComponent<AT_ContainerNode>();

                // Change the control variables node's parent to the currently selected container.
                // This allows us to view and select the control variables node while inside any
                // container node without altering what the active container node is
                if (m_selectedAnimationTree != null && m_activeContainer != null)
                    m_selectedAnimationTree.m_controlVarsNode.Parent = m_activeContainer;

                // If we've selected a new container node, rebuild the tree graph
                if ( contParent != m_activeContainer )
                    m_activeContainer = contParent;

                // If the control variables window doesn't exist, create it
                if (m_controlVarsWindow == null)

            m_selectedAnimationTree = currentTree;
            m_selectedAnimationTree = null;
    // Draw the GUI used for selecting animation trees
    void DrawAnimTreeSelectionGUI()
        EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls ();

        string[] trees = new string[m_activeAnimationTrees.Length + 2];
        trees[0] = "None";
        trees[1] = "";

        int counter = 2;
        int selected = 0;
        foreach (AnimationTree tree in m_activeAnimationTrees)
            if (tree != null)
                trees[counter] = tree.name;
                if (m_selectedAnimationTree == tree)
                    selected = counter;

        GUILayout.Label("Animation Tree:", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false));
        int newSel = EditorGUILayout.Popup(selected, trees, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false));
        if (newSel != selected)
            if (newSel <= 1)
                Selection.activeGameObject = null;
                Selection.activeGameObject = m_activeAnimationTrees[newSel-2].gameObject;
            m_controlVarsWindow = null;
            m_activeContainer = null;
            m_selectedAnimationTree = null;