Ejemplo n.º 1
		' Method:       ButHide_Click
		' Description:  Cool function used to hide any icon from system tray icon
		'               then refresh the FlexGrid control.
		private void ButHide_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

			short RowSelected = (short)MSFlexGrid1.RowSel;
			ASTC.TrayIconInfo[] TrayInfo = new ASTC.TrayIconInfo[100]; 
			TrayInfo = (ASTC.TrayIconInfo[])axTrayList1.GetSysTrayIcons();
			//Save the Icon Info before Remove it in order to use
            //when we restore the icon
            OldTrayInfo = TrayInfo[RowSelected - 1];
			//Hide the selected Item from the System Tray area
			axTrayList1.HideIcon(ref RowSelected);
			//Clear the FlexGrid
			//fill the FlexGrid 
Ejemplo n.º 2
		' Method:       FillFlexGrid
		' Description:  The core function here we get the information from GetSysTrayIcons
		'               then fill the FlexGrid control with these info.
		private void FillFlexGrid()
			ASTC.TrayIconInfo[] TrayInfo = new ASTC.TrayIconInfo[100]; 


			//Get the System Tray Data
			TrayInfo = (ASTC.TrayIconInfo[])axTrayList1.GetSysTrayIcons();
			//Fill the FlexGrid with Data
			for (int i = 0; i != (int)axTrayList1.IconCount; i++ )
				int count = i + 1;
				MSFlexGrid1.set_TextMatrix(i + 1, 0, count.ToString() );
				if (TrayInfo[i].APath == "")
					MSFlexGrid1.set_TextMatrix(i + 1, 1, "N/A");
					MSFlexGrid1.set_TextMatrix(i + 1, 1, TrayInfo[i].APath);
				MSFlexGrid1.set_TextMatrix(i + 1, 2, TrayInfo[i].uId.ToString() );
				MSFlexGrid1.set_TextMatrix(i + 1, 3, TrayInfo[i].hwnd.ToString() );
				MSFlexGrid1.set_TextMatrix(i + 1, 4, TrayInfo[i].hIcon.ToString() );
				MSFlexGrid1.set_TextMatrix(i + 1, 5, TrayInfo[i].ToolTip.ToString() );
				MSFlexGrid1.set_TextMatrix(i + 1, 6, TrayInfo[i].ucallbackMessage.ToString());