        public APIResult GetApi(string api, APIRelation relation)
            string data = context.MakeRequest(this.resource, "GET", null, api, relation, null);

            string json = data.Replace("pwfeed = ", String.Empty);

            APIResult result = new APIResult(json); // JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<APIResult>(json); //

            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public string MakeRequest(string resource, string command, string data, string item, APIRelation relation, string[] query)
            // apis
            // category                 http://api.programmableweb.com/apis/-/Mapping?apikey=123
            // category and tags        http://api.programmableweb.com/apis/-/Enterprise/office?apikey=123
            // specific api             http://api.programmableweb.com/apis/google-maps?apikey=123
            // specific api comments    http://api.programmableweb.com/apis/google-maps/comments?apikey=123

            // mashups
            // tags                     http://api.programmableweb.com/mashups/-/photo?apikey=123
            // specific mashup          http://api.programmableweb.com/mashups/10-fascinating-googlers?apikey=123
            // specific mashup comments http://api.programmableweb.com/mashups/10-fascinating-googlers/comments&apikey=123
            // query                    http://api.programmableweb.com/mashups?q=election&apikey=123

            if (query == null) query = new string[] { };

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(item) && query.Count() == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Must request either an item or a query");
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item) && query.Count() > 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("Must request either an item or a query");

            string tags = String.Empty;

            if (query.Count() == 1)
                tags = query[0];
            else if (query.Count() > 1)
                tags = String.Join("/", query);

            StringBuilder qsBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            qsBuilder.Append(this.baseUri.ToString() +
                resource + "/" +
                (String.IsNullOrEmpty(item) ? "-/" : item) + // specific item
                (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tags) ? String.Empty : tags) +
                (relation == APIRelation.None ? String.Empty : "/" + relation.ToString()) + // specifiy the relation
                "?apikey=" + this.key +

            HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(qsBuilder.ToString());
            //request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(key, masterSecret);
            request.Method = command == "GET" ? "GET" : "POST";
            //request.PreAuthenticate = true; // Authentication always required, so don't wait for a 401 beforehand.
            request.Timeout = 60000; // In ms
            // Work in JSON, it's smaller and faster at the TM end. In addition, the stats resource doesn't
            // have an XML serialization available (tabular data in XML is nasty).
            //request.Accept = "application/json";
            // Set a user-agent so we can track any errors occurring a little more easily.
            request.UserAgent = "Programmable Web .NET framework wrapper";

            // Post data if it was supplied
            if (data != null && data.Length > 0)
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.ContentLength = data.Length;
                    StreamWriter req = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream());
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;

            // Read the response stream and return the string value. TaguchiMail always uses UTF-8.
            string result;
                HttpWebResponse rep = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                using (StreamReader repData = new StreamReader(rep.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8))
                    result = repData.ReadToEnd();
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            return result;