Ejemplo n.º 1
 private static IList<TAgents> SonAgentMethod(int id, APIDataDataContext db, IList<TAgents> agent)
     var sonagents = (from c in db.TAgents where c.DirectAgentID == id select c).ToList();
     foreach (var item in sonagents)
         agent = SonAgentMethod(item.ID, db, agent);
     agent = agent.Concat(sonagents).ToList();
     return agent;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public IList<TOrders> getorder(APIDataDataContext db, int id, string datetime)
     var aa = Convert.ToDateTime(datetime);
     var a1 = Convert.ToDateTime(aa.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00"));
     var a2 = Convert.ToDateTime(aa.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00"));
     var order = (from c in db.TOrders
                  join b in db.TRealAccounts on c.TRealAccountsID equals b.ID
                  where b.AgendID == id
                  && c.OrderState == 2 && c.OrderType == 2
                  && c.UpdateTime >= a1 && c.UpdateTime < a2
                  select c).ToList();
     return order;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public IList<zhx> getzhx(APIDataDataContext db, zhx z, IList<zhx> zs, string datetime, IList<TAgentCommission> ac)
            IList<zhx> zss = new List<zhx>();
            var ag = (from c in db.TAgents where c.DirectAgentID == z.Id select c).ToList();
            foreach (var a in ag)
                var ab = ac.Where(c => c.agentid == a.ID).FirstOrDefault();
                var group = (from c in db.TAgentGroup where c.ID == a.GroupID select c).FirstOrDefault();
                double HeadRate = Convert.ToDouble(Converter.ToFloat(group.HeadRate, 0).ToString("f4")) * 0.01;
                double ProcessRate = Convert.ToDouble(Converter.ToFloat(group.ProcessRate, 0).ToString("f4")) * 0.01;
                double InterestRate = Convert.ToDouble(Converter.ToFloat(group.InterestRate, 0).ToString("f4")) * 0.01;
                double NextRate = Convert.ToDouble(Converter.ToFloat(group.NextRate, 0).ToString("f4")) * 0.01;
                zhx zx = new zhx();
                if (ab != null)
                    zx.Sh = 1;
                    zx.Sh = 0;
                zx.Id = a.ID;
                zx.AgentName = a.AgentName;
                zx.AccountMoney = a.AccountMoney + "";
                zx.Account = a.Account;
                zx.Num = z.Num + 1;
                zx.NextRate = NextRate;
                var order = getorder(db, a.ID, datetime);
                zx.Yjtc = 0 - Convert.ToDouble((order.Where(c => c.ProfitAndLoss.Value < 0).Select(c => c.ProfitAndLoss.Value).Sum() * HeadRate).ToString("f4"));
                zx.Yjjgf = Convert.ToDouble((order.Where(c => c.Deposit > 0).Select(c => c.Deposit.Value).Sum() * ProcessRate).ToString("f4"));
                zx.Yjcx = Convert.ToDouble((order.Where(c => c.Interest > 0).Select(c => c.Interest.Value).Sum() * InterestRate).ToString("f4"));
                zx.Jsdate = datetime.Substring(0, 10);
                getzhx(db, zx, zs, datetime, ac);

                zx.Yjtc1 = zx.Yjtc * (10 - zx.Num) * HeadRate;
                zx.Yjjgf1 = zx.Yjjgf * (10 - zx.Num) * ProcessRate;
                zx.Yjcx1 = zx.Yjcx * (10 - zx.Num) * InterestRate;
                zx.Yjxj1 = zx.Yjxj * (10 - zx.Num) * NextRate;

                z.Yjxj = z.Yjxj + Convert.ToDouble(((zx.Yjtc + zx.Yjjgf + zx.Yjcx + zx.Yjxj) * z.NextRate).ToString("f4"));
            return zs;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public List<double> GetMoney(int id, DateTime? start, List<TAccountMoney> listMoney, APIDataDataContext db)
            List<double> mon = new List<double>();
            listMoney = listMoney.Where(m => m.RealAccountId == id).ToList();

            if (listMoney.Count() == 0)
                var m = db.TAccountMoney.Where(t => t.RealAccountId == id && t.CreateTime < start).OrderByDescending(t => t.CreateTime).OrderByDescending(t => t.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                if (m == null)

            return mon;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private bool CloseAllOrder(List<TOrders> orderList, APIDataDataContext db)
                TOperationLog OLog = new TOperationLog();
                if (orderList.Count > 0)

                    StringBuilder beforevalue=new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (var item in orderList)
                        beforevalue.AppendFormat("\"id\":\"{0}\"", item.ID);
                        var product = (from c in db.TProducts
                                       join b in db.TLastClose on c.ProductCode equals b.ProductCode
                                       where c.ID == item.ProductID
                                       orderby c.ID
                                       select new
                        if (product != null)
                            var Scale = Converter.ToFloat(product.c.Scale, 2);
                            var nowdate = product.LastUpdateTime;
                            #region 加工费
                            double closedeposit = 0.0;   //加工费
                            if (product.c.DepositType == 1)//固定
                                closedeposit = Converter.ToFloat(product.c.CloseDeposit, 0) * Converter.ToFloat(product.c.ContractNumber, 0) * Converter.ToFloat(item.OrderCount, 0);
                            else if (product.c.DepositType == 2)//浮动
                                if (item.Deal == false)
                                    closedeposit = 0.01 * Converter.ToFloat(product.c.CloseDeposit, 0) * (Converter.ToFloat(product.LastClose, 0)) * Converter.ToFloat(product.c.ContractNumber, 0) * Converter.ToFloat(item.OrderCount, 0);
                                    closedeposit = 0.01 * Converter.ToFloat(product.c.CloseDeposit, 0) * (Converter.ToFloat(product.LastClose, 0) + Converter.ToFloat(product.c.Fixedly, 0)) * Converter.ToFloat(product.c.ContractNumber, 0) * Converter.ToFloat(item.OrderCount, 0);
                            closedeposit = Converter.ToFloat(closedeposit.ToString("F" + Scale), 0);
                            item.Deposit = Converter.ToFloat((Converter.ToFloat(item.Deposit, 0) + closedeposit).ToString("F" + Scale), 0);
                            //double LastClose = 0.0;       //市场价 收盘价
                            //double Spread = 0.0;        //点数
                            //if (item.Deal == false)//卖出
                            //    LastClose = Converter.ToFloat(product.LastClose, 0) + Converter.ToFloat(product.c.Fixedly, 0);
                            //    Spread = Converter.ToFloat(item.OpenPrice, 0) - LastClose;
                            //else if (item.Deal == true && item.Profit > 0)//买入
                            //    LastClose = Converter.ToFloat(product.LastClose, 0);
                            //    Spread = LastClose - Converter.ToFloat(item.OpenPrice, 0);
                            //item.Spread = Converter.ToFloat(Spread.ToString("F" + Scale), 0);
                            //item.ProfitAndLoss = Converter.ToFloat((Converter.ToFloat(Spread * item.OrderCount, 0) * Converter.ToFloat(product.c.ContractNumber, 0)).ToString("F" + Scale), 0);
                            //item.NowPrice = Converter.ToFloat(LastClose.ToString("F" + Scale), 0);
                            //item.NetProfit = Converter.ToFloat((Converter.ToFloat(item.ProfitAndLoss, 0) - Converter.ToFloat(item.Deposit, 0) - Converter.ToFloat(item.Interest, 0)).ToString("F" + Scale), 0);
                            item.CloseType = "清算/交割";
                            item.UpdateTime = nowdate;
                            item.OrderState = 2;
                            item.OrderType = 2;

                            var user = (from c in db.TRealAccounts where c.ID == item.TRealAccountsID select c).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (user==null)
                            #region 资金记录
                            TAccountMoney tam = new TAccountMoney();
                            tam.MoneyOrderNum = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff");
                            tam.RealAccountId = Converter.ToInt(item.TRealAccountsID, 0);
                            tam.TypeId = 4;
                            tam.OriginalMoney = user.AccountMoney;
                            tam.CreateMoney = item.ProfitAndLoss;
                            tam.NowMoney = user.AccountMoney + item.ProfitAndLoss;
                            if (tam.NowMoney<0)
                                tam.NowMoney = 0;
                            tam.CreateTime = nowdate;
                            tam.UpDateTime = nowdate;
                            tam.Status = 2;
                            tam.TOrderId = item.ID;

                            TAccountMoney tams = new TAccountMoney();
                            tams.MoneyOrderNum = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff");
                            tams.RealAccountId = Converter.ToInt(item.TRealAccountsID, 0);
                            tams.TypeId = 5;
                            tams.OriginalMoney = tam.NowMoney;
                            tams.CreateMoney = item.Deposit;
                            tams.NowMoney = tam.NowMoney - item.Deposit;
                            if (tams.NowMoney<0)
                                tams.NowMoney = 0;
                            tams.CreateTime = nowdate;
                            tams.UpDateTime = nowdate;
                            tams.Status = 2;
                            tams.TOrderId = item.ID;

                            user.AccountMoney = user.AccountMoney+item.ProfitAndLoss-item.Deposit;
                            if (user.AccountMoney<0)
                                user.AccountMoney = 0;

                    beforevalue.Remove(beforevalue.Length - 1, 1);
                    OLog.BeforeValue = beforevalue.ToString();
                    OLog.UpdateValue = "";
                    OLog.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ID"]);
                    OLog.UserType = 2;//0 用户 1 会员 2 员工
                    OLog.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
                    OLog.PageName = "财务清算";
                    return true;
                    return false;
                return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private static int GetSumSon(APIDataDataContext db, List<int> q, int counts)
     if (q.Count > 0)
         foreach (var item in q)
             var s = (from c in db.TAgents where c.DirectAgentID == item select c.ID).ToList();
             counts = counts + s.Count;
             counts = GetSumSon(db, s, counts);
     return counts;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// 订单列表查询
        /// 10021 请求失败
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string OrderInfo()
            using (APIDataDataContext db = new APIDataDataContext())
                var orderNum = Converter.ToString(Request["orderNum"], "");
                var orderType = Converter.ToInt(Request["orderType"], 1);
                var orderDeal = Converter.ToString(Request["orderDeal"], "");
                var startdate = Converter.ToString(Request["startdate"], "");
                var enddate = Converter.ToString(Request["enddate"], "");

                var pagesize = Converter.ToInt(Request["pagesize"], 100000000);
                var pagenum = Converter.ToInt(Request["pagenum"], 1);

                string sqlwhere = "";

                if (orderType < 4)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderNum))
                        sqlwhere = " and OrderNum=" + orderNum;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderDeal))
                        sqlwhere += " and Deal=" + orderDeal;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(startdate))
                        sqlwhere += sqlwhere + " and UpdateTime>='" + startdate + "'";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(enddate))
                        sqlwhere += sqlwhere + " and UpdateTime<='" + enddate + "'";
                else if (orderType == 4)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderNum))
                        sqlwhere = "and MoneyOrderNum=" + orderNum;
                DataTable dt = null;
                string sql2 = "";
                if (orderType == 1)  //在线订单
                    //var sql = "select TOP (" + pagesize + ")*,ProductName from dbo.TOrders as t left join dbo.TProducts as p on(t.ProductID=p.ID) where TRealAccountsID =" + userid + " and OrderType=1 and OrderState=1" + sqlwhere
                    //+ "and t.id not in(select TOP (" + ((pagenum - 1) * pagesize) + ")o.id  from dbo.TOrders as o left join dbo.TProducts as a on(o.ProductID=a.ID) where TRealAccountsID =" + userid + " and OrderType=1 and OrderState=1" + sqlwhere + " order by o.OpenTime)  order by t.OpenTime desc";
                    var sql = "select * from("
                            + "select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by UpdateTime desc)as rowNumber,t.*,ProductName,  ProductCode, ProductTable, ContractNumber, Fixedly, Scale, ProfitSize, LossSize, EntrustSize, IsBuy, IsSell, IsLook, SortNum, DepositType, OpenDeposit, CloseDeposit, OccupyFundsType, InterestType, BuyInterest, SellInterest from dbo.TOrders as t "
                            + "left join dbo.TProducts as p on(t.ProductID=p.ID) "
                            + "where TRealAccountsID =" + userid + " and OrderType=1 and OrderState=1 " + sqlwhere
                            + ")as jj where rownumber  between " + ((pagenum - 1) * pagesize + 1) + " and " + pagenum * pagesize;
                    sql2 = "select t.id  from dbo.TOrders as t left join dbo.TProducts as p on(t.ProductID=p.ID) where TRealAccountsID =" + userid + " and OrderType=1 and OrderState=1" + sqlwhere + "";
                    dt = APIDataContextProxy.GetTable(null, sql, CommandType.Text);
                else if (orderType == 2)  //委托(按)
                    //var sql = "select TOP (" + pagesize + ")*,ProductName from dbo.TOrders as t left join dbo.TProducts as p on(t.ProductID=p.ID) where TRealAccountsID =" + userid + " and OrderType=0 and OrderState=1" + sqlwhere
                    //+ "and t.id not in(select TOP (" + ((pagenum - 1) * pagesize) + ")oid  from dbo.TOrders as o left join dbo.TProducts as a on(o.ProductID=a.ID) where TRealAccountsID =" + userid + " and OrderType=0 and OrderState=1" + sqlwhere + " order by o.OpenTime)  order by t.OpenTime desc ";
                    var sql = "select * from("
                            + "select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by UpdateTime desc)as rowNumber,t.*,ProductName,  ProductCode, ProductTable, ContractNumber, Fixedly, Scale, ProfitSize, LossSize, EntrustSize, IsBuy, IsSell, IsLook, SortNum, DepositType, OpenDeposit, CloseDeposit, OccupyFundsType, InterestType, BuyInterest, SellInterest from dbo.TOrders as t "
                            + "left join dbo.TProducts as p on(t.ProductID=p.ID) "
                            + "where TRealAccountsID =" + userid + " and OrderType=0 and OrderState=1 " + sqlwhere
                            + ")as jj where rownumber  between " + ((pagenum - 1) * pagesize + 1) + " and " + pagenum * pagesize;
                    sql2 = "select t.id  from dbo.TOrders as t left join dbo.TProducts as p on(t.ProductID=p.ID) where TRealAccountsID =" + userid + " and OrderType=0 and OrderState=1" + sqlwhere;
                    dt = APIDataContextProxy.GetTable(null, sql, CommandType.Text);
                else if (orderType == 3)  //历史订单
                    //var sql = "select TOP (" + pagesize + ")*,ProductName from dbo.TOrders as t left join dbo.TProducts as p on(t.ProductID=p.ID) where TRealAccountsID =" + userid + " and OrderType=2 and OrderState=2" + sqlwhere
                    //+ "and t.id not in(select TOP (" + ((pagenum - 1) * pagesize) + ")o.id  from dbo.TOrders as o left join dbo.TProducts as a on(o.ProductID=a.ID) where TRealAccountsID =" + userid + " and OrderType=2 and OrderState=2" + sqlwhere + " order by o.OpenTime)  order by t.UpdateTime desc";
                    var sql = "select * from("
                            + "select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by UpdateTime desc)as rowNumber,t.*,ProductName,  ProductCode, ProductTable, ContractNumber, Fixedly, Scale, ProfitSize, LossSize, EntrustSize, IsBuy, IsSell, IsLook, SortNum, DepositType, OpenDeposit, CloseDeposit, OccupyFundsType, InterestType, BuyInterest, SellInterest from dbo.TOrders as t "
                            + "left join dbo.TProducts as p on(t.ProductID=p.ID) "
                            + "where TRealAccountsID =" + userid + " and OrderType=2 and OrderState=2 " + sqlwhere
                            + ")as jj where rownumber  between " + ((pagenum - 1) * pagesize + 1) + " and " + pagenum * pagesize;

                    sql2 = "select t.id  from dbo.TOrders as t left join dbo.TProducts as p on(t.ProductID=p.ID) where TRealAccountsID =" + userid + " and OrderType=2 and OrderState=2" + sqlwhere;
                    dt = APIDataContextProxy.GetTable(null, sql, CommandType.Text);
                else if (orderType == 4)//资金
                    //var sql = "SELECT TOP (" + pagesize + ")* FROM TAccountMoney where RealAccountId =" + userid + " and [Status]=2" + sqlwhere
                    //+ "and id not in(select TOP (" + ((pagenum - 1) * pagesize) + ")id  FROM TAccountMoney where RealAccountId =" + userid + " and [Status]=2" + sqlwhere + " order by CreateTime)  order by CreateTime desc";

                    var sql = "select * from("
                            + "select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by CreateTime desc) as rowNumber, * FROM TAccountMoney where RealAccountId =" + userid + " and [Status]=2" + sqlwhere
                            + ")as jj where rownumber  between " + ((pagenum - 1) * pagesize + 1) + " and " + pagenum * pagesize;
                    //order by CreateTime desc";

                    sql2 = "select id  FROM TAccountMoney where RealAccountId =" + userid + " and [Status]=2" + sqlwhere;
                    dt = APIDataContextProxy.GetTable(null, sql, CommandType.Text);
                else if (orderType == 5)//日志
                    //var sql = "SELECT TOP (" + pagesize + ")* FROM TSysLog desc where RealAccountId =" + userid
                    //    + "and id not in(select TOP (" + ((pagenum - 1) * pagesize) + ")id  FROM TSysLog where RealAccountId =" + userid + " order by CreateTime)  order by CreateTime";
                    var sql = "select * from("
                            + "select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by CreateTime desc) as rowNumber,* FROM TSysLog desc where RealAccountId =" + userid
                            + ")as jj where rownumber  between " + ((pagenum - 1) * pagesize + 1) + " and " + pagenum * pagesize;

                    sql2 = "select id  FROM TSysLog where RealAccountId =" + userid;
                    dt = APIDataContextProxy.GetTable(null, sql, CommandType.Text);

                APIDataDataContext dbs = APIDataContextProxy.APIDB;
                var priceList = (from c in dbs.TLastClose select c).ToList();//查询现在所有产品
                DateTime NowDate = DateTime.Now;                             //现在时间
                JArray ja = new JArray();
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    JObject jb = new JObject();
                    if (orderType < 4)
                        var Fixedly = Converter.ToFloat(dr["Fixedly"]);                       //点差;
                        var ContractNumber = Converter.ToFloat(dr["ContractNumber"], 1);      //合约数;
                        var OpenPrice = Converter.ToFloat(dr["OpenPrice"], 0);                  //开仓价格;
                        var ProductID = Converter.ToInt(dr["ProductID"], 0);                  //产品id;
                        var OrderCount = Converter.ToFloat(dr["OrderCount"], 1);              //手数;
                        var Deposit = Converter.ToFloat(dr["Deposit"], 1);                    //加工费;
                        var Interest = Converter.ToFloat(dr["Interest"], 1);                  //仓息;
                        var Scale = Converter.ToInt(dr["Scale"], 2);

                        var LastCloses = (from c in priceList where c.ProductCode == dr["ProductCode"].ToString() select c.LastClose).FirstOrDefault();
                        var LastClose=Convert.ToDouble(Converter.ToFloat(LastCloses).ToString("F" + Scale));

                        double Point = 0.0;
                        if (dr["Deal"].ToString().ToLower() == "true")//买
                            Point = Convert.ToDouble((LastClose - OpenPrice).ToString("F" + Scale));
                            Point = Convert.ToDouble((OpenPrice - LastClose - Fixedly).ToString("F" + Scale));

                        var ProfitAndLoss = Convert.ToDouble((Point * ContractNumber * OrderCount).ToString("F" + Scale));

                        if (orderType == 1)  //在线订单
                            jb["IsBuy"] = dr["IsBuy"] + "";
                            jb["IsSell"] = dr["IsSell"] + "";
                            jb["ProfitSize"] = dr["ProfitSize"] + "";                       //最后操时间
                            jb["LossSize"] = dr["LossSize"] + "";                       //最后操时间
                            jb["ProductCode"] = dr["ProductCode"] + "";
                            jb["ProductID"] = ProductID + "";
                            jb["OrderID"] = dr["ID"] + "";
                            jb["OrderNum"] = dr["OrderNum"] + "";                           //订单号
                            jb["OpenTime"] = dr["OpenTime"] + "";                           //开仓时间
                            jb["ProductName"] = dr["ProductName"] + "";                     //交易商品
                            jb["OrderCount"] = OrderCount + "";                             //交易数量
                            jb["Deal"] = dr["Deal"] + "";                                   //交易类型
                            jb["OpenPrice"] = OpenPrice.ToString("F" + Scale);              //开仓价
                            jb["Profit"] = Converter.ToFloat(dr["Profit"]).ToString("F" + Scale) + "";                               //止盈
                            jb["Loss"] = Converter.ToFloat(dr["Loss"]).ToString("F" + Scale) + "";                                   //止损
                            jb["Deposit"] = Deposit.ToString("F" + Scale) + "";             //加工费
                            jb["OccupyFunds"] = Converter.ToFloat(dr["OccupyFunds"]).ToString("F" + Scale);    //保证金
                            jb["Interest"] = Interest.ToString("F" + Scale) + "";           //仓息  隔夜利息
                            jb["Point"] = Point.ToString("F" + Scale) + "";                 //点数
                            jb["ProfitAndLoss"] = ProfitAndLoss.ToString("F" + Scale) + ""; //浮动盈亏
                            jb["NetProfit"] = (ProfitAndLoss - Deposit - Interest).ToString("F" + Scale);    //盈亏净利
                            jb["AllowTwoWayTrade"] = (userGroup.AllowTwoWayTrade) + "";     //是否可以双向交易
                            jb["AllowOneWayTrade"] = (userGroup.AllowOneWayTrade) + "";     //是否可以单向交易
                            if (dr["Deal"].ToString().ToLower() == "true")//买
                                jb["LastClose"] = Converter.ToFloat(LastClose, 0).ToString("F" + Scale);
                                jb["LastClose"] = Converter.ToFloat(LastClose + Fixedly, 0).ToString("F" + Scale);                               //现在价格
                            jb["UpdateTime"] = dr["UpdateTime"] + "";                       //最后操时间
                        else if (orderType == 2)  //委托
                            jb["IsBuy"] = dr["IsBuy"] + "";
                            jb["IsSell"] = dr["IsSell"] + "";
                            jb["ProfitSize"] = dr["ProfitSize"] + "";                       //最后操时间
                            jb["LossSize"] = dr["LossSize"] + "";                       //最后操时间
                            jb["ProductCode"] = dr["ProductCode"] + "";
                            jb["ProductID"] = ProductID + "";
                            var  Distance = "";
                            if (dr["Deal"].ToString().ToLower() == "true")//买
                                Distance = Converter.ToFloat(OpenPrice - LastClose - Fixedly).ToString("F" + Scale);
                                Distance = Converter.ToFloat(LastClose - OpenPrice).ToString("F" + Scale);
                            jb["UpdateTime"] = dr["UpdateTime"] + "";               //最后操作时间
                            jb["OrderID"] = dr["ID"] + "";
                            jb["OrderNum"] = dr["OrderNum"] + "";                   //订单号
                            jb["Deal"] = dr["Deal"] + "";                           //交易类型
                            jb["EntrustType"] = dr["EntrustType"] + "";             //订单类别   委托类型 0限价交易 1止损交易
                            jb["OpenTime"] = dr["OpenTime"] + "";                   //提交时间
                            jb["ProductName"] = dr["ProductName"] + "";             //交易商品
                            jb["OrderCount"] = dr["OrderCount"] + "";               //交易数量
                            jb["OpenPrice"] = OpenPrice.ToString("F" + Scale);      //提交的价位
                            jb["Distance"] = Distance + "";   //距离
                            jb["Profit"] = dr["Profit"] + "";                       //止盈
                            jb["Loss"] = dr["Loss"] + "";                           //止损
                        else if (orderType == 3)
                            Point = 0.0;

                            if (dr["Deal"].ToString().ToLower() == "true")//买
                                Point = (Converter.ToFloat(dr["NowPrice"]) - OpenPrice);
                                Point = (OpenPrice - Converter.ToFloat(dr["NowPrice"]) - Fixedly);

                            jb["ProfitSize"] = dr["ProfitSize"] + "";                       //最后操时间
                            jb["LossSize"] = dr["LossSize"] + "";                       //最后操时间
                            jb["ProductCode"] = dr["ProductCode"] + "";
                            jb["ProductID"] = ProductID + "";
                            jb["OrderID"] = dr["ID"] + "";
                            jb["OrderNum"] = dr["OrderNum"] + "";                   //订单号
                            jb["ProductName"] = dr["ProductName"] + "";             //交易商品
                            jb["Deal"] = dr["Deal"] + "";                           //交易类型
                            jb["OpenTime"] = dr["OpenTime"] + "";                   //开仓时间
                            jb["UpdateTime"] = dr["UpdateTime"] + "";               //平仓时间
                            jb["OpenPrice"] = OpenPrice.ToString("F" + Scale);                            //开仓价
                            jb["NowPrice"] = Converter.ToFloat(dr["NowPrice"]).ToString("F" + Scale) + "";                   //平仓价
                            jb["OrderCount"] = dr["OrderCount"] + "";               //交易数量
                            jb["Interest"] = Interest.ToString("F" + Scale) + "";   //仓息  隔夜利息
                            jb["Deposit"] = Deposit.ToString("F" + Scale) + "";     //加工费
                            jb["ProfitAndLoss"] = Converter.ToFloat(dr["ProfitAndLoss"]).ToString("F" + Scale);         //浮动盈亏
                            jb["NetProfit"] = Converter.ToFloat(dr["NetProfit"]).ToString("F" + Scale);                 //盈亏净利
                            jb["Point"] = Point.ToString("F" + Scale);              //点数
                            jb["Profit"] = dr["Profit"] + "";                       //止盈
                            jb["Loss"] = dr["Loss"] + "";                           //止损
                    else if (orderType == 4)
                        jb["MoneyOrderNum"] = dr["MoneyOrderNum"] + "";     //订单号
                        jb["TypeId"] = dr["TypeId"] + "";                   //类型 用户操作类型 1入金 2赠金 3出金 4盈亏 5加工费 6仓息
                        jb["OriginalMoney"] = dr["OriginalMoney"] + "";     //原来余额
                        jb["CreateMoney"] = dr["CreateMoney"] + "";         //变动金额
                        jb["NowMoney"] = dr["NowMoney"] + "";               //交易后余额
                        jb["CreateTime"] = dr["CreateTime"] + "";           //时间
                    else if (orderType == 5)
                        jb["CreateTime"] = dr["CreateTime"] + "";           //时间
                        jb["LogMsg"] = dr["LogMsg"] + "";                   //备注信息
                DataTable dt2 = APIDataContextProxy.GetTable(null, sql2, CommandType.Text);
                JObject job = new JObject();
                job["success"] = "TRUE";
                JObject jobzhx = new JObject();
                jobzhx["content"] = ja;
                jobzhx["allnum"] = dt2.Rows.Count;
                //var allpagenum = dt2.Rows.Count / pagesize + dt2.Rows.Count % pagesize > 0 ? 1 : 0;
                //jobzhx["allpagenum"] = allpagenum;
                jobzhx["pagesize"] = pagesize;
                jobzhx["pagenum"] = pagenum;
                job["content"] = jobzhx;
                return job.ToString();

            //    return ErrMsg(10021, "请求失败!");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// 提交对数据库的更改
        /// 当产生并发冲突时,用数据库的值强制更新当前值
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db"></param>
        public static void SubmitChangesByDatabase(APIDataDataContext db)

            catch (ChangeConflictException e)
                foreach (ObjectChangeConflict occ in db.ChangeConflicts)