Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a paragraph in ODF format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc">The ODF Textdocument that is being created</param>
        /// <returns>List of paragraphs in ODF format.</returns>
        public virtual List <IContent> GetODFParagraph(AODL.Document.TextDocuments.TextDocument doc)
            List <IContent> paragraphs = new List <IContent>();

            //Create the header, if there is any.
            if (_header != null)

            //Create the text part if there is any
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_text))
                //Create the paragraph
                ODFParagraph paragraph = AODL.Document.Content.Text.ParagraphBuilder.CreateStandardTextParagraph(doc);
                //Add the formated text
                foreach (var formatedText in CommonDocumentFunctions.ParseParagraphForODF(doc, _text))
                //Add the header properties
 public AODL.Document.TextDocuments.TextDocument Convert(FlowDocument flowdoc)
     AODL.Document.TextDocuments.TextDocument textdoc = new AODL.Document.TextDocuments.TextDocument();
     foreach (Paragraph p in flowdoc.Blocks)
         AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph par = new AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph(textdoc);
         TextRange t = new TextRange(p.ElementStart, p.ElementEnd);
         par.TextContent.Add(new AODL.Document.Content.Text.SimpleText(textdoc, t.Text));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public class_traslate_spreadsheet(string query_sql, string[] args_names_field, string[] args_type_field, bool typetext, string[] args_field_text, string name_field_text, bool more_title, string[] args_more_title)
            //Console.WriteLine(name_field_text+" nombre del campo");
            int files_field = 0;

            string [] array_field_text = new string[args_field_text.Length];
            connectionString = conexion_a_DB._url_servidor + conexion_a_DB._port_DB + conexion_a_DB._usuario_DB + conexion_a_DB._passwrd_user_DB;
            nombrebd         = conexion_a_DB._nombrebd;
            //Create new spreadsheet open document (.ods)
            AODL.Document.SpreadsheetDocuments.SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheetDocument = new AODL.Document.SpreadsheetDocuments.SpreadsheetDocument();
            //Create a new table
            AODL.Document.Content.Tables.Table table = new AODL.Document.Content.Tables.Table(spreadsheetDocument, "hoja1", "tablefirst");
            NpgsqlConnection conexion;

            conexion = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString + nombrebd);
            // Verifica que la base de datos este conectada
                NpgsqlCommand comando;
                comando             = conexion.CreateCommand();
                comando.CommandText = query_sql;
                comando.ExecuteNonQuery();    comando.Dispose();
                NpgsqlDataReader lector = comando.ExecuteReader();
                // Creando los nombres de ancabezado de los campos
                for (int colum_field = 0; colum_field < args_names_field.Length; colum_field++)
                    AODL.Document.Content.Tables.Cell cell = table.CreateCell();
                    //cell.OfficeValueType ="float";
                    AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph paragraph = new AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph(spreadsheetDocument);
                    string text = (string)args_names_field[colum_field].ToString().Trim();
                    paragraph.TextContent.Add(new AODL.Document.Content.Text.SimpleText(spreadsheetDocument, text));
                    cell.OfficeValueType = "string";
                    cell.OfficeValue     = text;
                    table.InsertCellAt(files_field, colum_field, cell);
                if (typetext == true)
                    // Creando los nombres de ancabezado de los campos cuando son de tipo text (almacenado en una tabla tipo text)
                    for (int colum_field2 = 0; colum_field2 < args_field_text.Length; colum_field2++)
                        AODL.Document.Content.Tables.Cell cell = table.CreateCell();
                        //cell.OfficeValueType ="float";
                        AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph paragraph = new AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph(spreadsheetDocument);
                        string text = (string)args_field_text[colum_field2].ToString().Trim();
                        paragraph.TextContent.Add(new AODL.Document.Content.Text.SimpleText(spreadsheetDocument, text));
                        cell.OfficeValueType = "string";
                        cell.OfficeValue     = text;
                        table.InsertCellAt(files_field, colum_field2 + args_names_field.Length, cell);
                if (more_title == true)
                    int title_field_text = 0;
                    if (typetext == true)
                        title_field_text = args_field_text.Length;
                    // Creando los nombres de ancabezado de los campos cuando son de tipo text (almacenado en una tabla tipo text)
                    for (int colum_field3 = 0; colum_field3 < args_more_title.Length; colum_field3++)
                        AODL.Document.Content.Tables.Cell cell = table.CreateCell();
                        //cell.OfficeValueType ="float";
                        AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph paragraph = new AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph(spreadsheetDocument);
                        string text = (string)args_more_title[colum_field3].ToString().Trim();
                        paragraph.TextContent.Add(new AODL.Document.Content.Text.SimpleText(spreadsheetDocument, text));
                        cell.OfficeValueType = "string";
                        cell.OfficeValue     = text;
                        table.InsertCellAt(files_field, colum_field3 + args_names_field.Length + title_field_text, cell);
                string texto = "";
                while (lector.Read())
                    for (int colum_field = 0; colum_field < args_names_field.Length; colum_field++)
                        AODL.Document.Content.Tables.Cell cell = table.CreateCell();
                        //cell.OfficeValueType ="float";
                        AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph paragraph = new AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph(spreadsheetDocument);
                        string text = lector[(string)args_names_field[colum_field]].ToString().Trim();
                        paragraph.TextContent.Add(new AODL.Document.Content.Text.SimpleText(spreadsheetDocument, text));
                        cell.OfficeValueType = (string)args_type_field [colum_field];
                        cell.OfficeValue     = text;
                        table.InsertCellAt(files_field, colum_field, cell);
                    if (typetext == true)
                        texto = (string)lector[name_field_text];                // puede ser una campo de la base de datos tipo Text
                        char[] delimiterChars  = { '\n' };                      // delimitador de Cadenas
                        char[] delimiterChars1 = { ';' };                       // delimitador de Cadenas
                        //string texto = "1;daniel; ;olivares;cuevas";
                        string[] words = texto.Split(delimiterChars);                         // Separa las Cadenas
                        if (texto != "")
                            // Recorre la variable
                            foreach (string s in words)
                                if (s.Length > 0)
                                    string   texto1 = (string)s;
                                    string[] words1 = texto1.Split(delimiterChars1);
                                    //for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++){
                                    int i  = 0;
                                    int i2 = 1;
                                    foreach (string s1 in words1)
                                        if (i2 <= args_field_text.Length)
                                            array_field_text[i] = s1.ToString();
                            for (int i = 0; i < array_field_text.Length; i++)
                                AODL.Document.Content.Tables.Cell cell = table.CreateCell();
                                //cell.OfficeValueType ="float";
                                AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph paragraph = new AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph(spreadsheetDocument);
                                string text = (string)array_field_text[i];
                                paragraph.TextContent.Add(new AODL.Document.Content.Text.SimpleText(spreadsheetDocument, text));
                                cell.OfficeValueType = "string";
                                cell.OfficeValue     = text;
                                table.InsertCellAt(files_field, i + args_names_field.Length, cell);
                //Insert table into the spreadsheet document
                // open the document automatic
            }catch (NpgsqlException ex) {
                MessageDialog msgBoxError = new MessageDialog(MyWinError, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent,
                                                              ButtonsType.Close, "PostgresSQL error: {0}", ex.Message);
                msgBoxError.Run();             msgBoxError.Destroy();

             * // Leyendo el archivo .ods
             * spreadsheetDocument.Load("export.ods");
             * Assert.IsNotNull(spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection, "Table collection must exits.");
             * //Assert.IsTrue(spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection.Count == 6, "There must be 3 tables available.");
             * int paso = spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection.Count;
             * Console.WriteLine(paso.ToString());
             * int i2 = 0; // current row index
             * int ii = 0; // current cell index
             * string innerText = ""; // current inner text
             * try{
             *      //Assert.IsTrue(spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection[0].Rows.Count == 5, "There must be 6 rows available.");
             *      for(i2= 0; i2 < spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection[0].Rows.Count; i2++){
             *              string contents = "Row " + i2 + ": ";
             *              //Assert.IsTrue(spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection[0].Rows[i2].Cells.Count == 3, "There must be 3 cells available.");
             *              for(ii = 0; ii < spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection[0].Rows[i2].Cells.Count; ii++){
             *                      innerText = spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection[0].Rows[i2].Cells[ii].Node.InnerText;
             *                      if (spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection[0].Rows[i2].Cells[ii].OfficeValue != null){
             *                              contents += spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection[0].Rows[i2].Cells[ii].OfficeValue.ToString() + " ";
             *                      }else{
             *                              contents += innerText + " ";
             *                      }
             *              }
             *              Console.WriteLine(contents);
             *      }
             * }catch(System.Exception ex){
             *      string where = "occours in Row " + i2.ToString() + " and cell " + ii.ToString() + " last cell content " + innerText + "\n\n";
             *      Console.WriteLine(where + ex.Message + "\n\n" + ex.StackTrace);
             * }

             * // Usando libreria SmartXLS
             * WorkBook book = new WorkBook();
             * try{
             *      //Sets the number of worksheets in this workbook
             * book.NumSheets = 2;
             * // set sheet names
             * book.setSheetName(0, "hoja1");	// renombrando la pestaña
             *      book.setSheetName(1, "hoja2");	// renombrando la pestaña
             *      book.Sheet = 0;
             *      // book.setText(Fila, columna , "texto");
             *      book.setText(0, 0, "foliodeservicio");
             *      book.setText(0, 1, "descripcion_producto");
             *      book.setText(0, 2, "idproducto");
             *      book.setText(0, 3, "cantidadaplicada");
             *      book.setText(0, 4, "preciounitario");
             *      book.setText(0, 5, "ppcantidad");
             *      book.setText(0, 6, "fechcreacion");
             *      book.setText(0, 7, "descripcion_admisiones");
             *      book.setText(0, 8, "idtipoadmision");
             *      book.setText(0, 9, "descripcion_grupo_producto");
             *      book.setText(0, 10, "aplicar_iva");
             *      NpgsqlConnection conexion;
             *      conexion = new NpgsqlConnection (connectionString+nombrebd);
             * // Verifica que la base de datos este conectada
             *      try{
             *              conexion.Open ();
             *              NpgsqlCommand comando;
             *              comando = conexion.CreateCommand ();
             *              comando.CommandText = "SELECT osiris_erp_cobros_deta.folio_de_servicio AS foliodeservicio,descripcion_producto,to_char(osiris_erp_cobros_deta.id_producto,'999999999999') AS idproducto, "+
             *                      "to_char(osiris_erp_cobros_deta.cantidad_aplicada,'99999.99') AS cantidadaplicada,to_char(osiris_erp_cobros_deta.precio_producto,'99999999.99') AS preciounitario,"+
             *                              "to_char(osiris_erp_cobros_deta.cantidad_aplicada * osiris_erp_cobros_deta.precio_producto,'99999999.99') AS ppcantidad,"+
             *                              "to_char(osiris_erp_cobros_deta.fechahora_creacion,'dd-MM-yyyy HH24:mi:ss') AS fechcreacion, osiris_his_tipo_admisiones.descripcion_admisiones,"+
             *                              "osiris_erp_cobros_deta.id_tipo_admisiones AS idtipoadmision,descripcion_grupo_producto,osiris_productos.aplicar_iva," +
             *                              "to_char(osiris_erp_cobros_deta.id_secuencia,'9999999999') AS secuencia " +
             *                              "FROM osiris_erp_cobros_deta,osiris_productos,osiris_his_tipo_admisiones,osiris_grupo_producto " +
             *                              "WHERE osiris_erp_cobros_deta.id_producto = osiris_productos.id_producto " +
             *                              "AND osiris_erp_cobros_deta.id_tipo_admisiones = osiris_his_tipo_admisiones.id_tipo_admisiones " +
             *                              "AND osiris_productos.id_grupo_producto = osiris_grupo_producto.id_grupo_producto " +
             *                              "AND osiris_erp_cobros_deta.eliminado = false " +
             *                              "AND osiris_erp_cobros_deta.folio_de_servicio IN('"+numeroatencion_+"') " +
             *                              "ORDER BY to_char(osiris_erp_cobros_deta.fechahora_creacion,'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mm:ss'),osiris_erp_cobros_deta.id_tipo_admisiones ASC," +
             *                               "osiris_productos.id_grupo_producto;";
             *              comando.ExecuteNonQuery();    comando.Dispose();
             *              //Console.WriteLine(comando.CommandText);
             *              NpgsqlDataReader lector = comando.ExecuteReader ();
             *              while (lector.Read()){
             *                      book.setNumber(number_file, 0, int.Parse(numeroatencion_));
             *                      book.setText(number_file, 1, (string) lector["descripcion_producto"]);
             *                      book.setText(number_file, 2, (string) lector["idproducto"]);
             *                      number_file++;
             *              }
             *              conexion.Close();
             *              book.write("export.xls");
             *              System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("export.xls");
             *      }catch(NpgsqlException ex){
             *                      MessageDialog msgBoxError = new MessageDialog (MyWinError,DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent,
             *                                                      MessageType.Error,
             *                                                      ButtonsType.Close,"PostgresSQL error: {0}",ex.Message);
             *                      msgBoxError.Run ();		msgBoxError.Destroy();
             *      }
             * }catch (System.Exception ex){
             * Console.Error.WriteLine(ex);
             * }
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines whether [contains] [the specified value].
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">The value.</param>
 /// <returns>
 ///     <c>true</c> if [contains] [the specified value]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
 /// </returns>
 public bool Contains(AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph value)
     return(base.List.Contains(value as object));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Inserts the specified index.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="index">The index.</param>
 /// <param name="value">The value.</param>
 public void Insert(int index, AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph value)
     base.List.Insert(index, value as object);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes the specified value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">The value.</param>
 public void Remove(AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph value)
     base.List.Remove(value as object);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the specified value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">The value.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public int Add(AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph value)
     return(base.List.Add(value as object));