Ejemplo n.º 1
 void appendGroupCode(AMGroup _grp, ref string code)
     foreach (int element_id in _grp.elements)
         // track
         if (element_id > 0)
             if (!dictTracks.ContainsKey(element_id))
                 dictTracks.Add(element_id, true);
             if (dictTracks[element_id] == true)
                 AMTrack track = aData.getCurrentTake().getTrack(element_id);
                 appendTrackCode(track, ref code);
         // group
         else if (element_id < 0)
             AMGroup grp = aData.getCurrentTake().getGroup(element_id);
             //code += "\n// "+grp.group_name+"\n";
             appendGroupCode(grp, ref code);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void CopyTo(AMTrack track)
     track.id = id;
     track.name = name;
     track._targetPath = _targetPath;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public WrapMode wrapMode; // animation wrap mode

    #endregion Fields

    #region Methods

    public override void build(AMSequence seq, AMTrack track, int index, UnityEngine.Object target)
        int frameRate = seq.take.frameRate;
        float waitTime = getWaitTime(frameRate, 0.0f);
        Animation anim = (target as GameObject).GetComponent<Animation>();

        float duration = wrapMode == WrapMode.Once ? amClip.length : ((seq.take.getLastFrame()-frame)+1)/(float)frameRate;

        Holoville.HOTween.Plugins.Core.ABSTweenPlugin plug;

        if(crossfade) {
            if(index > 0) {
                AMAnimationKey prevKey = track.keys[index - 1] as AMAnimationKey;
                plug = new AMPlugAnimationCrossFade(anim, crossfadeTime, prevKey.amClip.name, prevKey.wrapMode, prevKey.getWaitTime(frameRate, 0.0f), amClip.name, wrapMode, waitTime);
                plug = new AMPlugAnimation(anim, amClip.name, wrapMode, true, crossfadeTime);
            plug = new AMPlugAnimation(anim, amClip.name, wrapMode, false, 0.0f);

        seq.sequence.Insert(waitTime, HOTween.To(target, duration, new TweenParms().Prop("animation", plug)));

        //seq.Insert(new AMActionAnimation(this, seq.take.frameRate, (target as GameObject).animation));
        //seq.sequence.InsertCallback(getWaitTime(seq.take.frameRate, 0.0f), OnMethodCallbackParams, (target as GameObject).animation, (float)seq.take.frameRate);
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public void reloadAnimatorData()
        aData = null;
        AMTake take = aData.getCurrentTake();
        // update references for track and key
        bool shouldClose = true;

        foreach (AMTrack _track in take.trackValues)
            if (track == _track)
                track = _track;
                foreach (AMKey _key in track.keys)
                    if (key == _key)
                        key         = _key;
                        shouldClose = false;
        if (shouldClose)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public override void build(AMSequence seq, AMTrack track, int index, UnityEngine.Object target)
        if(methodName == null) return;

        //get component and fill the cached method info
        Component comp;
        if(seq.target.isMeta) {
            if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(componentName)) return;
            comp = (target as GameObject).GetComponent(componentName);

        else {
            if(component == null) return;
            comp = component;
        if(cachedMethodInfo == null)
            cachedMethodInfo = comp.GetType().GetMethod(methodName, GetParamTypes());

        float waitTime = getWaitTime(seq.take.frameRate, 0.0f);

        if(useSendMessage) {
            if(parameters == null || parameters.Count <= 0)
                seq.sequence.InsertCallback(waitTime, comp.gameObject, methodName, null, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
                seq.sequence.InsertCallback(waitTime, comp.gameObject, methodName, parameters[0].toObject(), SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
        else {
            seq.sequence.InsertCallback(waitTime, OnMethodCallbackParams, comp, (object)buildParams());
Ejemplo n.º 6
    // preview a frame in the scene view
    public override void previewFrame(float frame, AMTrack extraTrack = null)
        if (!obj)
        if (cache.Count <= 0)
        // if before first frame
        if (frame <= (float)cache[0].startFrame)
            obj.position = (cache[0] as AMTranslationAction).path[0];
        // if beyond last frame
        if (frame >= (float)(cache[cache.Count - 1] as AMTranslationAction).endFrame)
            obj.position = (cache[cache.Count - 1] as AMTranslationAction).path[(cache[cache.Count - 1] as AMTranslationAction).path.Length - 1];
        // if lies on curve
        foreach (AMTranslationAction action in cache)
            if (((int)frame < action.startFrame) || ((int)frame > action.endFrame))
            if (action.path.Length == 1)
                obj.position = action.path[0];
            float _value;
            float framePositionInPath = frame - (float)action.startFrame;
            if (framePositionInPath < 0f)
                framePositionInPath = 0f;

            AMTween.EasingFunction ease;
            AnimationCurve         curve = null;

            if (action.hasCustomEase())
                ease  = AMTween.customEase;
                curve = action.easeCurve;
                ease = AMTween.GetEasingFunction((AMTween.EaseType)action.easeType);

            _value = ease(0f, 1f, framePositionInPath / action.getNumberOfFrames(), curve);

            AMTween.PutOnPath(obj, action.path, Mathf.Clamp(_value, 0f, 1f));
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public override AnimatorTimeline.JSONInit getJSONInit()
        if (!obj || keys.Count <= 0)
        AnimatorTimeline.JSONInit init = new AnimatorTimeline.JSONInit();
        init.type = "orientation";
        init.go   = obj.gameObject.name;
        Transform _target            = getInitialTarget();
        int       start_frame        = keys[0].frame;
        AMTrack   _translation_track = null;

        if (start_frame > 0)
            _translation_track = parentTake.getTranslationTrackForTransform(_target);
        Vector3 _lookv3 = _target.transform.position;

        if (_translation_track)
            _lookv3 = (_translation_track as AMTranslationTrack).getPositionAtFrame(start_frame);
        AnimatorTimeline.JSONVector3 v = new AnimatorTimeline.JSONVector3();
        init.position = v;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public static void setValues(AMKey _key, AMTrack _track)
     justSet = true;
     key = _key;
     track = _track;
     //aData = _aData;
     selectedIndex = key.easeType;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public static void setValues(AMKey _key, AMTrack _track)
     justSet = true;
     key     = _key;
     track   = _track;
     //aData = _aData;
     selectedIndex = key.easeType;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 void OnDisable()
     window  = null;
     justSet = false;
     key     = null;
     track   = null;
     aData   = null;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        // preview a frame in the scene view
        // 1. revert all layer's cur-state to normalizedTime = 0
        // 2. re-evaluate all parameters setting from head to specified frame
        public void previewFrame(float frame, float frameRate, AMTrack extraTrack = null)
            if (!obj)
            if (cache.Count == 0)

            // 1. revert
            var ator = this.animator;

            ator.Rebind(); //revert back to default states + default parameters

            // 2. re-evaluate
            float prevFrame = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i <= cache.Count - 1; ++i)
                AMAnimatorAction action = cache[i] as AMAnimatorAction;
                if (action.startFrame > frame)
                { //update from prevFrame to frame, over
                    float time = (frame - prevFrame) / frameRate;
                    prevFrame = frame;
                else if (action.startFrame <= frame)
                { //update from prevFrame to startFrame, keep on
                    float time = (action.startFrame - prevFrame) / frameRate;
                    prevFrame = action.startFrame;

                    // apply the action's modification to ator
                    for (int iidx = 0; iidx < action.m_infos.Count; ++iidx)
                        var oneInfo = action.m_infos[iidx];
                        oneInfo.Apply(ator, true);

                    // check same
                    if (Mathf.Approximately(action.startFrame, frame))

            if (frame > prevFrame)
                float time = (frame - prevFrame) / frameRate;
                prevFrame = frame;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        // preview a frame in the scene view
        public override void previewFrame(float frame, AMTrack extraTrack = null)
            if (!obj)
            if (cache.Count <= 1)
            // if before first frame
            if (frame <= (float)cache[0].startFrame)
                obj.localScale = (cache[0] as AMScaleAction).startScale;
            // if beyond last frame
            if (frame >= (float)(cache[cache.Count - 2] as AMScaleAction).endFrame)
                obj.localScale = (cache[cache.Count - 2] as AMScaleAction).endScale;
            // if lies on curve
            for (int i = 0; i <= cache.Count - 2; ++i)
                AMScaleAction action = cache[i] as AMScaleAction;
                if (((int)frame < action.startFrame) || ((int)frame > action.endFrame))

                float _value;
                float framePositionInPath = frame - (float)action.startFrame;
                if (framePositionInPath < 0f)
                    framePositionInPath = 0f;

                AMTween.EasingFunction ease;
                AnimationCurve         curve = null;

                if (action.hasCustomEase())
                    ease  = AMTween.customEase;
                    curve = action.easeCurve;
                    ease = AMTween.GetEasingFunction((AMTween.EaseType)action.easeType);

                _value = ease(0f, 1f, framePositionInPath / action.getNumberOfFrames(), curve);

                obj.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(action.startScale, action.endScale, _value);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public static void RecordUndoTrackAndKeys(AMTrack track, bool complete, string label) {
     if(complete) {
         Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(track, label);
         Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(track.keys.ToArray(), label);
     else {
         Undo.RecordObject(track, label);
         Undo.RecordObjects(track.keys.ToArray(), label);
Ejemplo n.º 14
    public override void build(AMSequence seq, AMTrack track, int index, UnityEngine.Object obj)
        Transform target = obj as Transform;

        int frameRate = seq.take.frameRate;

        //allow tracks with just one key
        if(track.keys.Count == 1)
            interp = (int)Interpolation.None;

        if(!canTween) {
            switch((track as AMRotationEulerTrack).axis) {
                case AMRotationEulerTrack.Axis.X:
                    seq.Insert(new AMActionTransLocalRotEulerX(this, frameRate, target, rotation.x));
                case AMRotationEulerTrack.Axis.Y:
                    seq.Insert(new AMActionTransLocalRotEulerY(this, frameRate, target, rotation.y));
                case AMRotationEulerTrack.Axis.Z:
                    seq.Insert(new AMActionTransLocalRotEulerZ(this, frameRate, target, rotation.z));
                    seq.Insert(new AMActionTransLocalRotEuler(this, frameRate, target, rotation));
        else if(endFrame == -1) return;
        else {
            Vector3 endRotation = (track.keys[index + 1] as AMRotationEulerKey).rotation;

            TweenParms tParms = new TweenParms();

            switch((track as AMRotationEulerTrack).axis) {
                case AMRotationEulerTrack.Axis.X:
                    tParms = tParms.Prop("rotation", new AMPlugToTransformLocalEulerX(target, endRotation.x));
                case AMRotationEulerTrack.Axis.Y:
                    tParms = tParms.Prop("rotation", new AMPlugToTransformLocalEulerY(target, endRotation.y));
                case AMRotationEulerTrack.Axis.Z:
                    tParms = tParms.Prop("rotation", new AMPlugToTransformLocalEulerZ(target, endRotation.z));
                    tParms = tParms.Prop("rotation", new AMPlugToTransformLocalEuler(target, endRotation));

                tParms = tParms.Ease(easeCurve);
                tParms = tParms.Ease((EaseType)easeType, amplitude, period);

            seq.Insert(this, HOTween.To(this, getTime(frameRate), tParms));
Ejemplo n.º 15
    public override void build(AMSequence seq, AMTrack track, int index, UnityEngine.Object target)
        // if targets are equal do nothing
        if(endFrame == -1 || !hasTargets(seq.target) || targetsAreEqual(seq.target)) return;

        Camera[] allCameras = (track as AMCameraSwitcherTrack).GetCachedCameras(seq.target);

        //use 'this' with property 'type' as a placeholder since AMPlugCameraSwitcher does not require any property
        seq.Insert(this, HOTween.To(this, getTime(seq.take.frameRate), new TweenParms().Prop("type",
            new AMPlugCameraSwitcher(this, seq.take.frameRate, seq.target, allCameras))));
Ejemplo n.º 16
    void OnDisable()
        window  = null;
        justSet = false;
        key     = null;
        track   = null;
        aData   = null;

        if (AMTimeline.window != null)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 void showGroupElement(int id, int group_lvl)
     // returns true if mouse over track
     if (id >= 0)
         AMTrack _track = aData.getCurrentTake().getTrack(id);
         showTrack(_track, id, group_lvl);
         showGroup(id, group_lvl);
Ejemplo n.º 18
    public override void build(AMSequence seq, AMTrack track, int index, UnityEngine.Object obj)
        int frameRate = seq.take.frameRate;

        //allow tracks with just one key
        if(track.keys.Count == 1)
            interp = (int)Interpolation.None;

        AMTranslationTrack tTrack = track as AMTranslationTrack;
        bool pixelSnap = tTrack.pixelSnap;
        float ppu = tTrack.pixelPerUnit;

        if(!canTween) {
            //TODO: world position
            seq.Insert(new AMActionTransLocalPos(this, frameRate, obj as Transform, pixelSnap ? new Vector3(Mathf.Round(position.x*ppu)/ppu, Mathf.Round(position.y*ppu)/ppu, Mathf.Round(position.z*ppu)/ppu) : position));
        else {
            if(path.Length <= 1) return;
            if(getNumberOfFrames(seq.take.frameRate) <= 0) return;

            object tweenTarget = obj;
            string tweenProp = "localPosition";

            Tweener ret = null;

            bool isRelative = false;

            if(hasCustomEase()) {
                if(path.Length == 2)
                    ret = HOTween.To(tweenTarget, getTime(frameRate), new TweenParms().Prop(tweenProp, pixelSnap ? new PlugVector3PathSnap(path, ppu, isRelative, PathType.Linear) : new PlugVector3Path(path, isRelative, PathType.Linear)).Ease(easeCurve));
                else {
                    PlugVector3Path p = pixelSnap ? new PlugVector3PathSnap(path, ppu, isRelative) : new PlugVector3Path(path, isRelative);
                    ret = HOTween.To(tweenTarget, getTime(frameRate), new TweenParms().Prop(tweenProp, p).Ease(easeCurve));
            else {
                if(path.Length == 2)
                    ret = HOTween.To(tweenTarget, getTime(frameRate), new TweenParms().Prop(tweenProp, pixelSnap ? new PlugVector3PathSnap(path, ppu, isRelative, PathType.Linear) : new PlugVector3Path(path, isRelative, PathType.Linear)).Ease((EaseType)easeType, amplitude, period));
                else {
                    PlugVector3Path p = pixelSnap ? new PlugVector3PathSnap(path, ppu, isRelative) : new PlugVector3Path(path, isRelative);
                    ret = HOTween.To(tweenTarget, getTime(frameRate), new TweenParms().Prop(tweenProp, p).Ease((EaseType)easeType, amplitude, period));

            seq.Insert(this, ret);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        void ConvertTrackCommonFields(AMTrack oldTrack, Track newTrack, bool applyTarget, bool isMeta)
            newTrack.id      = oldTrack.id;
            newTrack.name    = oldTrack.name;
            newTrack.foldout = oldTrack.foldout;

            if (applyTarget)
                if (isMeta)
                    newTrack.SetTargetDirect(null, oldTrack.targetPath);
                    newTrack.SetTargetDirect(oldTrack.GetTarget(null), "");
Ejemplo n.º 20
    public override void build(AMSequence seq, AMTrack track, int index, UnityEngine.Object obj)
        int frameRate = seq.take.frameRate;

        //allow tracks with just one key
        if(track.keys.Count == 1)
            interp = (int)Interpolation.None;

        if(!canTween) {
            seq.Insert(new AMActionTransLocalRot(this, frameRate, obj as Transform, rotation));
        else if(endFrame == -1) return;
        else {
            Quaternion endRotation = (track.keys[index + 1] as AMRotationKey).rotation;

                seq.Insert(this, HOTween.To(obj, getTime(frameRate), new TweenParms().Prop("localRotation", new AMPlugQuaternionSlerp(endRotation)).Ease(easeCurve)));
                seq.Insert(this, HOTween.To(obj, getTime(frameRate), new TweenParms().Prop("localRotation", new AMPlugQuaternionSlerp(endRotation)).Ease((EaseType)easeType, amplitude, period)));
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public override void build(AMSequence seq, AMTrack track, int index, UnityEngine.Object obj)
     if(!obj) return;
     int frameRate = seq.take.frameRate;
     if(!canTween) {
         seq.Insert(this, HOTween.To(obj, getTime(frameRate), new TweenParms().Prop("rotation", new AMPlugOrientation(GetTarget(seq.target), null))));
     if(endFrame == -1) return;
     Transform tgt = GetTarget(seq.target), tgte = (track.keys[index+1] as AMOrientationKey).GetTarget(seq.target);
     if(tgt == tgte) {
         seq.Insert(this, HOTween.To(obj, getTime(frameRate), new TweenParms().Prop("rotation", new AMPlugOrientation(tgt, null))));
     else {
         if(hasCustomEase()) {
             seq.Insert(this, HOTween.To(obj, getTime(frameRate), new TweenParms().Prop("rotation", new AMPlugOrientation(tgt, tgte)).Ease(easeCurve)));
         else {
             seq.Insert(this, HOTween.To(obj, getTime(frameRate), new TweenParms().Prop("rotation", new AMPlugOrientation(tgt, tgte)).Ease((EaseType)easeType, amplitude, period)));
Ejemplo n.º 22
    void showTrack(AMTrack _track, int id, int group_level)
        if (!dictTracks.ContainsKey(id))
            dictTracks.Add(id, true);

        GUILayout.Space(width_indent * group_level);
        bool prev = dictTracks[id];

        dictTracks[id] = GUILayout.Toggle(dictTracks[id], "");
        if (dictTracks[id] != prev)
            // changed
Ejemplo n.º 23
    void showFrames(AMTrack _track, ref float track_y, Event e, bool birdseye, Vector2 scrollViewBounds)
        //string tooltip = "";
        int t = _track.id;
        int selectedTrack = aData.getCurrentTake().selectedTrack;
        // frames start
        if(!_track.foldout && !oData.showFramesForCollapsedTracks) {
            track_y += height_track_foldin;
        float numFrames = (aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames < numFramesToRender ? aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames : numFramesToRender);
        Rect rectFrames = new Rect(width_track, track_y, current_width_frame * numFrames, height_track);
        if(!_track.foldout) track_y += height_track_foldin;
        else track_y += height_track;
        if(track_y < scrollViewBounds.x) return; // if end y is before min y
        float _current_height_frame = (_track.foldout ? current_height_frame : height_track_foldin);
        #region frames
        // draw frames
        bool selected;
        bool ghost = isDragging && aData.getCurrentTake().hasGhostSelection();
        bool isTrackSelected = t == selectedTrack || aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelectionTracks.Contains(t);
        Rect rectFramesBirdsEye = new Rect(0f, 0f, rectFrames.width, _current_height_frame);
        float width_birdseye = current_height_frame * 0.5f;
        if(birdseye) {
            GUI.color = colBirdsEyeFrames;
            GUI.DrawTexture(rectFramesBirdsEye, EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture);
        else {
            texFrSet.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat;
            float startPos = aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame % 5f;
            GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(rectFramesBirdsEye, texFrSet, new Rect(startPos / 5f, 0f, numFrames / 5f, 1f));
            float birdsEyeFadeAlpha = (1f - (current_width_frame - width_frame_birdseye_min)) / 1.2f;
            if(birdsEyeFadeAlpha > 0f) {
                GUI.color = new Color(colBirdsEyeFrames.r, colBirdsEyeFrames.g, colBirdsEyeFrames.b, birdsEyeFadeAlpha);
                GUI.DrawTexture(rectFramesBirdsEye, EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture);
        GUI.color = new Color(72f / 255f, 72f / 255f, 72f / 255f, 1f);
        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(rectFramesBirdsEye.x, rectFramesBirdsEye.y, rectFramesBirdsEye.width, 1f), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture);
        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(rectFramesBirdsEye.x, rectFramesBirdsEye.y + rectFramesBirdsEye.height - 1f, rectFramesBirdsEye.width, 1f), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture);
        GUI.color = Color.white;
        // draw birds eye selection
        if(isTrackSelected) {
            if(ghost) {
                // dragging only one frame that has a key. do not show ghost selection
                if(birdseye && aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelection.Count == 2 && aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelection[0] == aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelection[1] && _track.hasKeyOnFrame(aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelection[0])) {
                    GUI.color = new Color(0f, 0f, 1f, .5f);
                    GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(current_width_frame * (aData.getCurrentTake().ghostSelection[0] - aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame) - width_birdseye / 2f + current_width_frame / 2f, 0f, width_birdseye, _current_height_frame), texKeyBirdsEye);
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                else if(aData.getCurrentTake().ghostSelection != null) {
                    // birds eye ghost selection
                    GUI.color = new Color(156f / 255f, 162f / 255f, 216f / 255f, .9f);
                    for(int i = 0; i < aData.getCurrentTake().ghostSelection.Count; i += 2) {
                        int contextFrameStart = aData.getCurrentTake().ghostSelection[i];
                        int contextFrameEnd = aData.getCurrentTake().ghostSelection[i + 1];
                        if(contextFrameStart < (int)aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame) contextFrameStart = (int)aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame;
                        if(contextFrameEnd > (int)aData.getCurrentTake().endFrame) contextFrameEnd = (int)aData.getCurrentTake().endFrame;
                        float contextWidth = (contextFrameEnd - contextFrameStart + 1) * current_width_frame;
                        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(rectFramesBirdsEye.x + (contextFrameStart - aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame) * current_width_frame, rectFramesBirdsEye.y + 1f, contextWidth, rectFramesBirdsEye.height - 2f), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture);
                    // draw birds eye ghost key frames
                    GUI.color = new Color(0f, 0f, 1f, .5f);
                    foreach(int _key_frame in aData.getCurrentTake().getKeyFramesInGhostSelection((int)aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame, (int)aData.getCurrentTake().endFrame, t)) {
                            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(current_width_frame * (_key_frame - aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame) - width_birdseye / 2f + current_width_frame / 2f, 0f, width_birdseye, _current_height_frame), texKeyBirdsEye);
                        else {
                            Rect rectFrame = new Rect(current_width_frame * (_key_frame - aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame), 0f, current_width_frame, _current_height_frame);
                            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(rectFrame.x + 2f, rectFrame.y + rectFrame.height - (rectFrame.width - 4f) - 2f, rectFrame.width - 4f, rectFrame.width - 4f), texFrKey);
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
            else if(aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelection.Count > 0 && /*do not show single frame selection in birdseye*/!(birdseye && aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelection.Count == 2 && aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelection[0] == aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelection[1])) {
                // birds eye context selection
                for(int i = 0; i < aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelection.Count; i += 2) {
                    //GUI.color = new Color(121f/255f,127f/255f,184f/255f,(birdseye ? 1f : .9f));
                    GUI.color = new Color(86f / 255f, 95f / 255f, 178f / 255f, .8f);
                    int contextFrameStart = aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelection[i];
                    int contextFrameEnd = aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelection[i + 1];
                    if(contextFrameStart < (int)aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame) contextFrameStart = (int)aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame;
                    if(contextFrameEnd > (int)aData.getCurrentTake().endFrame) contextFrameEnd = (int)aData.getCurrentTake().endFrame;
                    float contextWidth = (contextFrameEnd - contextFrameStart + 1) * current_width_frame;
                    Rect rectContextSelection = new Rect(rectFramesBirdsEye.x + (contextFrameStart - aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame) * current_width_frame, rectFramesBirdsEye.y + 1f, contextWidth, rectFramesBirdsEye.height - 2f);
                    GUI.DrawTexture(rectContextSelection, EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture);
                    if(dragType != (int)DragType.ContextSelection) EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(rectContextSelection, MouseCursor.SlideArrow);
                GUI.color = Color.white;
        // birds eye keyframe information, used to draw buttons in proper order
        List<int> birdseyeKeyFrames = new List<int>();
        List<Rect> birdseyeKeyRects = new List<Rect>();
        if(birdseye) {
            // draw birds eye keyframe textures, prepare button rects
            foreach(AMKey key in _track.keys) {
                if(!key) continue;

                selected = ((isTrackSelected) && aData.getCurrentTake().isFrameSelected(key.frame));
                if(key.frame < aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame) continue;
                if(key.frame > aData.getCurrentTake().endFrame) break;
                Rect rectKeyBirdsEye = new Rect(current_width_frame * (key.frame - aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame) - width_birdseye / 2f + current_width_frame / 2f, 0f, width_birdseye, _current_height_frame);
                if(selected) GUI.color = Color.blue;
                GUI.DrawTexture(rectKeyBirdsEye, texKeyBirdsEye);
                GUI.color = Color.white;

            // birds eye buttons
            if(birdseyeKeyFrames.Count > 0) {
                for(int i = birdseyeKeyFrames.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    selected = ((isTrackSelected) && aData.getCurrentTake().isFrameSelected(birdseyeKeyFrames[i]));
                    if(dragType != (int)DragType.MoveSelection && dragType != (int)DragType.ContextSelection && !isRenamingTake && isRenamingTrack == -1 && mouseOverFrame == 0 && birdseyeKeyRects[i].Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) {
                        mouseOverFrame = birdseyeKeyFrames[i];
                        mouseOverTrack = t;
                        mouseOverSelectedFrame = (selected);
                    if(selected && dragType != (int)DragType.ContextSelection) EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(birdseyeKeyRects[i], MouseCursor.SlideArrow);
        else {
            selected = (isTrackSelected);
            foreach(AMKey key in _track.keys) {
                if(!key) continue;

                if(key.frame < aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame) continue;
                if(key.frame > aData.getCurrentTake().endFrame) break;
                Rect rectFrame = new Rect(current_width_frame * (key.frame - aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame), 0f, current_width_frame, _current_height_frame);
                GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(rectFrame.x + 2f, rectFrame.y + rectFrame.height - (rectFrame.width - 4f) - 2f, rectFrame.width - 4f, rectFrame.width - 4f), texFrKey);
        // click on empty frames
        if(GUI.Button(rectFramesBirdsEye, "", "label") && dragType == (int)DragType.None) {
            int prevFrame = aData.getCurrentTake().selectedFrame;
            bool clickedOnBirdsEyeKey = false;
            for(int i = birdseyeKeyFrames.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                if(birdseyeKeyFrames[i] > (int)aData.getCurrentTake().endFrame) continue;
                if(birdseyeKeyFrames[i] < (int)aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame) break;
                if(birdseyeKeyRects[i].Contains(e.mousePosition)) {
                    clickedOnBirdsEyeKey = true;
                    // left click
                    if(e.button == 0) {
                        // select the frame
                        timelineSelectFrame(t, birdseyeKeyFrames[i]);
                        // add frame to context selection
                        contextSelectFrame(birdseyeKeyFrames[i], prevFrame);
                        // right click
                    else if(e.button == 1) {

                        // select track
                        // if context selection is empty, select frame
                        // show context menu
            if(!clickedOnBirdsEyeKey) {
                int _frame_num_birdseye = (int)aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame + Mathf.CeilToInt(e.mousePosition.x / current_width_frame) - 1;
                // left click
                if(e.button == 0) {
                    // select the frame
                    timelineSelectFrame(t, _frame_num_birdseye);
                    // add frame to context selection
                    contextSelectFrame(_frame_num_birdseye, prevFrame);
                    // right click
                else if(e.button == 1) {
                    // if context selection is empty, select frame
                    // show context menu
        if(!isRenamingTake && isRenamingTrack == -1 && mouseOverFrame == 0 && e.mousePosition.x >= rectFramesBirdsEye.x && e.mousePosition.x <= (rectFramesBirdsEye.x + rectFramesBirdsEye.width)) {
            if(rectFramesBirdsEye.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) {
                mouseOverFrame = mouseXOverFrame;
                mouseOverTrack = t;
            mouseOverSelectedFrame = ((isTrackSelected) && aData.getCurrentTake().isFrameSelected(mouseXOverFrame));
        if(!oData.disableTimelineActions && _track.foldout) {
            #region timeline actions
            //AudioClip audioClip = null;
            bool drawEachAction = false;
            if(_track is AMAnimationTrack || _track is AMAudioTrack) drawEachAction = true;	// draw each action with seperate textures and buttons for these tracks
            int _startFrame = (int)aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame;
            int _endFrame = (int)(_startFrame + numFrames - 1);
            int action_startFrame, action_endFrame, renderFrameStart, renderFrameEnd;
            int cached_action_startFrame = -1, cached_action_endFrame = -1;
            Texture texBox = texBoxBorder;
            #region group textures / buttons (performance increase)
            Rect rectTimelineActions = new Rect(0f, _current_height_frame, 0f, height_track - current_height_frame);	// used to group textures into one draw call
            if(!drawEachAction) {
                if(_track.keys.Count > 0) {
                    if(_track is AMTranslationTrack && _track.keys.Count > 1 && _track.keys[0] && _track.keys[_track.keys.Count - 1]) {
                        // translation track, from first action frame to end action frame
                        cached_action_startFrame = _track.keys[0].getStartFrame();
                        cached_action_endFrame = (_track.keys[_track.keys.Count - 1] as AMTranslationKey).endFrame;
                        texBox = texBoxGreen;
                    else if(_track is AMRotationTrack && _track.keys.Count > 1 && _track.keys[0] && _track.keys[_track.keys.Count - 1]) {
                        // rotation track, from first action start frame to last action start frame
                        cached_action_startFrame = _track.keys[0].getStartFrame();
                        cached_action_endFrame = _track.keys[_track.keys.Count - 1].getStartFrame();
                        texBox = texBoxYellow;
                    else if(_track is AMOrientationTrack && _track.keys.Count > 1 && _track.keys[0] && _track.keys[_track.keys.Count - 1]) {
                        // orientation track, from first action start frame to last action start frame
                        cached_action_startFrame = _track.keys[0].getStartFrame();
                        cached_action_endFrame = _track.keys[_track.keys.Count - 1].getStartFrame();
                        texBox = texBoxOrange;
                    else if(_track is AMPropertyTrack) {
                        // property track, full track width
                        cached_action_startFrame = _startFrame;
                        cached_action_endFrame = _endFrame;
                        texBox = texBoxLightBlue;
                    else if(_track is AMEventTrack && _track.keys[0]) {
                        // event track, from first action start frame to end frame
                        cached_action_startFrame = _track.keys[0].getStartFrame();
                        cached_action_endFrame = _endFrame;
                        texBox = texBoxDarkBlue;
                    else if(_track is AMGOSetActiveTrack && _track.keys[0]) {
                        // go set active track, from first action start frame to end frame
                        cached_action_startFrame = _track.keys[0].getStartFrame();
                        cached_action_endFrame = _endFrame;
                        texBox = texBoxDarkBlue;
                if(cached_action_startFrame > 0 && cached_action_endFrame > 0) {
                    if(cached_action_startFrame <= _startFrame) {
                        rectTimelineActions.x = 0f;
                    else {
                        rectTimelineActions.x = (cached_action_startFrame - _startFrame) * current_width_frame;
                    if(cached_action_endFrame >= _endFrame) {
                        rectTimelineActions.width = rectFramesBirdsEye.width;
                    else {
                        rectTimelineActions.width = (cached_action_endFrame - (_startFrame >= cached_action_startFrame ? _startFrame : cached_action_startFrame) + 1) * current_width_frame;
                    // draw timeline action texture

                    if(rectTimelineActions.width > 0f) GUI.DrawTexture(rectTimelineActions, texBox);

            string txtInfo;
            Rect rectBox;
            // draw box for each action in track
            bool didClampBackwards = false;	// whether or not clamped backwards, used to break infinite loop
            int last_action_startFrame = -1;
            for(int i = 0; i < _track.keys.Count; i++) {
                if(_track.keys[i] == null) continue;

                #region calculate dimensions
                int clamped = 0; // 0 = no clamp, -1 = backwards clamp, 1 = forwards clamp
                if(_track.keys[i].version != _track.version) {
                    // if cache is null, recheck for component and update caches
                    //aData = (AnimatorData)GameObject.Find("AnimatorData").GetComponent("AnimatorData");
                if((_track is AMAudioTrack) && ((_track.keys[i] as AMAudioKey).getNumberOfFrames(aData.getCurrentTake().frameRate)) > -1 && (_track.keys[i].getStartFrame() + (_track.keys[i] as AMAudioKey).getNumberOfFrames(aData.getCurrentTake().frameRate) <= aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames)) {
                    // based on audio clip length
                    action_startFrame = _track.keys[i].getStartFrame();
                    action_endFrame = _track.keys[i].getStartFrame() + (_track.keys[i] as AMAudioKey).getNumberOfFrames(aData.getCurrentTake().frameRate);
                    //audioClip = (_track.cache[i] as AMAudioAction).audioClip;
                    // if intersects new audio clip, then cut
                    if(i < _track.keys.Count - 1) {
                        if(action_endFrame > _track.keys[i + 1].getStartFrame()) action_endFrame = _track.keys[i + 1].getStartFrame();
                else if((_track is AMAnimationTrack) && ((_track.keys[i] as AMAnimationKey).getNumberOfFrames(aData.getCurrentTake().frameRate)) > -1 && (_track.keys[i].getStartFrame() + (_track.keys[i] as AMAnimationKey).getNumberOfFrames(aData.getCurrentTake().frameRate) <= aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames)) {
                    // based on animation clip length
                    action_startFrame = _track.keys[i].getStartFrame();
                    action_endFrame = _track.keys[i].getStartFrame() + (_track.keys[i] as AMAnimationKey).getNumberOfFrames(aData.getCurrentTake().frameRate);
                    // if intersects new animation clip, then cut
                    if(i < _track.keys.Count - 1) {
                        if(action_endFrame > _track.keys[i + 1].getStartFrame()) action_endFrame = _track.keys[i + 1].getStartFrame();
                else if((i == 0) && (!didClampBackwards) && (_track is AMPropertyTrack || _track is AMGOSetActiveTrack)) {
                    // clamp behind if first action
                    action_startFrame = 1;
                    action_endFrame = _track.keys[0].getStartFrame();
                    didClampBackwards = true;
                    clamped = -1;
                else if((_track is AMAnimationTrack) || (_track is AMAudioTrack) || (_track is AMPropertyTrack) || (_track is AMEventTrack) || (_track is AMGOSetActiveTrack)) {
                    // single frame tracks (clamp box to last frame) (if audio track not set, clamp)
                    action_startFrame = _track.keys[i].getStartFrame();
                    if(i < _track.keys.Count - 1) {
                        action_endFrame = _track.keys[i + 1].getStartFrame();
                    else {
                        clamped = 1;
                        action_endFrame = _endFrame;
                        if(action_endFrame > aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames) action_endFrame = aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames + 1;
                else {
                    // tracks with start frame and end frame (do not clamp box, stop before last key)
                    if(_track.keys[i].getNumberOfFrames() <= 0) continue;
                    action_startFrame = _track.keys[i].getStartFrame();
                    action_endFrame = _track.keys[i].getStartFrame() + _track.keys[i].getNumberOfFrames();
                if(action_startFrame > _endFrame) {
                    last_action_startFrame = action_startFrame;
                if(action_endFrame < _startFrame) {
                    last_action_startFrame = action_startFrame;
                if(i >= 0) txtInfo = getInfoTextForAction(_track, _track.keys[i], false, clamped);
                else txtInfo = getInfoTextForAction(_track, _track.keys[0], true, clamped);
                float rectLeft, rectWidth; ;
                float rectTop = current_height_frame;
                float rectHeight = height_track - current_height_frame;
                // set info box position and dimensions
                bool showLeftAnchor = true;
                bool showRightAnchor = true;
                if(action_startFrame < _startFrame) {
                    rectLeft = 0f;
                    renderFrameStart = _startFrame;
                    showLeftAnchor = false;
                else {
                    rectLeft = (action_startFrame - _startFrame) * current_width_frame;
                    renderFrameStart = action_startFrame;
                if(action_endFrame > _endFrame) {
                    renderFrameEnd = _endFrame;
                    showRightAnchor = false;
                else {
                    renderFrameEnd = action_endFrame;
                rectWidth = (renderFrameEnd - renderFrameStart + 1) * current_width_frame;
                rectBox = new Rect(rectLeft, rectTop, rectWidth, rectHeight);
                #region draw action
                if(_track is AMAnimationTrack) texBox = texBoxRed;
                else if(_track is AMPropertyTrack) texBox = texBoxLightBlue;
                else if(_track is AMTranslationTrack) texBox = texBoxGreen;
                else if(_track is AMAudioTrack) texBox = texBoxPink;
                else if(_track is AMRotationTrack) texBox = texBoxYellow;
                else if(_track is AMOrientationTrack) texBox = texBoxOrange;
                else if(_track is AMEventTrack) texBox = texBoxDarkBlue;
                else if(_track is AMGOSetActiveTrack) texBox = texBoxDarkBlue;
                else texBox = texBoxBorder;
                if(drawEachAction) {
                    GUI.DrawTexture(rectBox, texBox);
                    //if(audioClip) GUI.DrawTexture(rectBox,AssetPreview.GetAssetPreview(audioClip));
                // info tex label
                bool hideTxtInfo = (GUI.skin.label.CalcSize(new GUIContent(txtInfo)).x > rectBox.width);
                GUIStyle styleTxtInfo = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);
                styleTxtInfo.normal.textColor = Color.white;
                styleTxtInfo.alignment = (hideTxtInfo ? TextAnchor.MiddleLeft : TextAnchor.MiddleCenter);
                bool isLastAction;
                if(_track is AMPropertyTrack || _track is AMEventTrack || _track is AMGOSetActiveTrack) isLastAction = (i == _track.keys.Count - 1);
                else if(_track is AMAudioTrack || _track is AMAnimationTrack) isLastAction = false;
                else isLastAction = (i == _track.keys.Count - 2);
                if(rectBox.width > 5f) EditorGUI.DropShadowLabel(new Rect(rectBox.x, rectBox.y, rectBox.width - (!isLastAction ? current_width_frame : 0f), rectBox.height), txtInfo, styleTxtInfo);
                // if clicked on info box, select the starting frame for action. show tooltip if text does not fit
                if(drawEachAction && GUI.Button(rectBox, /*(hideTxtInfo ? new GUIContent("",txtInfo) : new GUIContent(""))*/"", "label") && dragType != (int)DragType.ResizeAction) {
                    int prevFrame = aData.getCurrentTake().selectedFrame;
                    // timeline select
                    timelineSelectFrame(t, (clamped == -1 ? action_endFrame : action_startFrame));
                    // clear and add frame to context selection
                    contextSelectFrame((clamped == -1 ? action_endFrame : action_startFrame), prevFrame);
                if(rectBox.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) {
                    mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.TimelineAction;
                    mouseOverTrack = t;
                    if(hideTxtInfo) tooltip = txtInfo;
                #region draw anchors
                if(showLeftAnchor) {
                    Rect rectBoxAnchorLeft = new Rect(rectBox.x - 1f, rectBox.y, 2f, rectBox.height);
                    GUI.DrawTexture(rectBoxAnchorLeft, texBoxBorder);
                    Rect rectBoxAnchorLeftOffset = new Rect(rectBoxAnchorLeft);
                    rectBoxAnchorLeftOffset.width += 6f;
                    rectBoxAnchorLeftOffset.x -= 3f;
                    // info box anchor cursor
                    if(i >= 0) {
                        EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(new Rect(rectBoxAnchorLeftOffset.x + 1f, rectBoxAnchorLeftOffset.y, rectBoxAnchorLeftOffset.width - 2f, rectBoxAnchorLeftOffset.height), MouseCursor.ResizeHorizontal);
                        if(rectBoxAnchorLeftOffset.Contains(e.mousePosition) && (mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None || mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.TimelineAction)) {
                            mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.ResizeAction;
                            if(dragType == (int)DragType.None) {
                                if(_track.hasKeyOnFrame(last_action_startFrame)) startResizeActionFrame = last_action_startFrame;
                                else startResizeActionFrame = -1;
                                resizeActionFrame = action_startFrame;
                                if(_track is AMAnimationTrack || _track is AMAudioTrack) {
                                    endResizeActionFrame = _track.getKeyFrameAfterFrame(action_startFrame, false);
                                else endResizeActionFrame = action_endFrame;
                                mouseOverTrack = t;
                                arrKeyRatiosLeft = _track.getKeyFrameRatiosInBetween(startResizeActionFrame, resizeActionFrame);
                                arrKeyRatiosRight = _track.getKeyFrameRatiosInBetween(resizeActionFrame, endResizeActionFrame);
                                arrKeysLeft = _track.getKeyFramesInBetween(startResizeActionFrame, resizeActionFrame);
                                arrKeysRight = _track.getKeyFramesInBetween(resizeActionFrame, endResizeActionFrame);
                // draw right anchor if last timeline action
                if(showRightAnchor && isLastAction) {
                    Rect rectBoxAnchorRight = new Rect(rectBox.x + rectBox.width - 1f, rectBox.y, 2f, rectBox.height);
                    GUI.DrawTexture(rectBoxAnchorRight, texBoxBorder);
                    Rect rectBoxAnchorRightOffset = new Rect(rectBoxAnchorRight);
                    rectBoxAnchorRightOffset.width += 6f;
                    rectBoxAnchorRightOffset.x -= 3f;
                    EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(new Rect(rectBoxAnchorRightOffset.x + 1f, rectBoxAnchorRightOffset.y, rectBoxAnchorRightOffset.width - 2f, rectBoxAnchorRightOffset.height), MouseCursor.ResizeHorizontal);
                    if(rectBoxAnchorRightOffset.Contains(e.mousePosition) && (mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None || mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.TimelineAction)) {
                        mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.ResizeAction;
                        if(dragType == (int)DragType.None) {
                            startResizeActionFrame = action_startFrame;
                            resizeActionFrame = action_endFrame;
                            endResizeActionFrame = -1;
                            mouseOverTrack = t;
                            arrKeyRatiosLeft = _track.getKeyFrameRatiosInBetween(startResizeActionFrame, resizeActionFrame);
                            arrKeyRatiosRight = _track.getKeyFrameRatiosInBetween(resizeActionFrame, endResizeActionFrame);
                            arrKeysLeft = _track.getKeyFramesInBetween(startResizeActionFrame, resizeActionFrame);
                            arrKeysRight = _track.getKeyFramesInBetween(resizeActionFrame, endResizeActionFrame);
                last_action_startFrame = action_startFrame;
            if(!drawEachAction) {
                // timeline action button
                if(GUI.Button(rectTimelineActions,/*new GUIContent("",tooltip)*/"", "label") && dragType == (int)DragType.None) {
                    int _frame_num_action = (int)aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame + Mathf.CeilToInt(e.mousePosition.x / current_width_frame) - 1;
                    AMKey _action = _track.getKeyContainingFrame(_frame_num_action);
                    int prevFrame = aData.getCurrentTake().selectedFrame;
                    // timeline select
                    timelineSelectFrame(t, _action.getStartFrame());
                    // clear and add frame to context selection
                    contextSelectFrame(_action.getStartFrame(), prevFrame);

Ejemplo n.º 24
    // preview a frame in the scene view
    public override void previewFrame(float frame, AMTrack extraTrack = null)
        if(keys == null || keys.Count <= 0) {
        if(!obj) return;

        // if before the first frame
        if(frame < (float)keys[0].frame) {
            //obj.rotation = (cache[0] as AMPropertyAction).getStartQuaternion();
        // if beyond or equal to last frame
        if(frame >= (float)(keys[keys.Count - 1] as AMGOSetActiveKey).frame) {
            obj.SetActive((keys[keys.Count - 1] as AMGOSetActiveKey).setActive);
        // if lies on property action
        foreach(AMGOSetActiveKey key in keys) {
            if((frame < (float)key.frame) || (frame > (float)key.endFrame)) continue;

Ejemplo n.º 25
 public override void build(AMSequence seq, AMTrack track, int index, UnityEngine.Object obj)
     seq.sequence.InsertCallback(getWaitTime(seq.take.frameRate, 0.0f), seq.triggerCallback,
         new AMTriggerData() { valueString=this.valueString, valueInt=this.valueInt, valueFloat=this.valueFloat });
Ejemplo n.º 26
    public override void build(AMSequence seq, AMTrack track, int index, UnityEngine.Object target)
        float sTime = getWaitTime(seq.take.frameRate, 0.0f);

        seq.sequence.InsertCallback(sTime, OnMethodCallbackParams, target as AudioSource);
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public override void previewFrame(float frame, AMTrack extraTrack = null)
     // do nothing
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public override void previewFrame(float frame, AMTrack extraTrack = null)
     if (cache == null || cache.Count <= 0)
     for (int i = 0; i < cache.Count; i++)
         // before first frame
         if (frame <= (cache[i] as AMOrientationAction).startFrame)
             if (!(cache[i] as AMOrientationAction).startTarget)
             Vector3 startPos;
             if (cachedTranslationTrackStartTarget == null)
                 startPos = (cache[i] as AMOrientationAction).startTarget.position;
                 startPos = (cachedTranslationTrackStartTarget as AMTranslationTrack).getPositionAtFrame((cache[i] as AMOrientationAction).startFrame);
             // between first and last frame
         else if (frame <= (cache[i] as AMOrientationAction).endFrame)
             if (!(cache[i] as AMOrientationAction).startTarget || !(cache[i] as AMOrientationAction).endTarget)
             float framePositionInPath = frame - (float)cache[i].startFrame;
             if (framePositionInPath < 0f)
                 framePositionInPath = 0f;
             float percentage = framePositionInPath / cache[i].getNumberOfFrames();
             if ((cache[i] as AMOrientationAction).isLookFollow())
                 obj.rotation = (cache[i] as AMOrientationAction).getQuaternionAtPercent(percentage);
                 Vector3?startPos = (cachedTranslationTrackStartTarget == null ? null : (Vector3?)(cachedTranslationTrackStartTarget as AMTranslationTrack).getPositionAtFrame((cache[i] as AMOrientationAction).startFrame));
                 Vector3?endPos   = (cachedTranslationTrackEndTarget == null ? null : (Vector3?)(cachedTranslationTrackEndTarget as AMTranslationTrack).getPositionAtFrame((cache[i] as AMOrientationAction).endFrame));
                 obj.rotation = (cache[i] as AMOrientationAction).getQuaternionAtPercent(percentage, startPos, endPos);
             // after last frame
         else if (i == cache.Count - 2)
             if (!(cache[i] as AMOrientationAction).endTarget)
             Vector3 endPos;
             if (cachedTranslationTrackEndTarget == null)
                 endPos = (cache[i] as AMOrientationAction).endTarget.position;
                 endPos = (cachedTranslationTrackEndTarget as AMTranslationTrack).getPositionAtFrame((cache[i] as AMOrientationAction).endFrame);
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public void reloadAnimatorData()
     aData = null;
     AMTake take = aData.getCurrentTake();
     // update references for track and key
     bool shouldClose = true;
     foreach(AMTrack _track in take.trackValues) {
         if(track ==	_track) {
             track = _track;
             foreach(AMKey _key in track.keys) {
                 if(key == _key) {
                     key = _key;
                     shouldClose = false;
     if(shouldClose) this.Close();
Ejemplo n.º 30
    // preview a frame in the scene view
    public override void previewFrame(float frame, AMTrack extraTrack = null)
        if(!_obj) return;
        if(keys == null || keys.Count <= 0) return;
        // if before first frame
        if(frame <= (float)(keys[0] as AMTranslationKey).startFrame) {
            AMTranslationKey key = keys[0] as AMTranslationKey;
            position = key.path.Length == 0 ? key.position : key.path[0];
        // if beyond last frame
        if(frame >= (float)(keys[keys.Count - 1] as AMTranslationKey).endFrame) {
            AMTranslationKey key = keys[keys.Count - 1] as AMTranslationKey;
            position = key.path.Length == 0 ? key.position : key.path[key.path.Length - 1];
        // if lies on curve
        foreach(AMTranslationKey key in keys) {
            if(key.path.Length == 0 || ((int)frame < key.startFrame) || ((int)frame > key.endFrame)) continue;
            if(key.path.Length == 1) {
                position = key.path[0];
            float _value;
            float framePositionInPath = frame - (float)key.startFrame;
            if(framePositionInPath < 0f) framePositionInPath = 0f;

            if(key.hasCustomEase()) {
                _value = AMUtil.EaseCustom(0.0f, 1.0f, framePositionInPath / key.getNumberOfFrames(), key.easeCurve);
            else {
                TweenDelegate.EaseFunc ease = AMUtil.GetEasingFunction((EaseType)key.easeType);
                _value = ease(framePositionInPath, 0.0f, 1.0f, key.getNumberOfFrames(), key.amplitude, key.period);
                if(float.IsNaN(_value)) { //this really shouldn't happen...

            AMUtil.PutOnPath(_obj, key.path, Mathf.Clamp(_value, 0f, 1f), _isLocal);
Ejemplo n.º 31
    protected override void DoCopy(AMTrack track)
        AMMaterialTrack ntrack = track as AMMaterialTrack;

        ntrack.obj = obj;
        ntrack._matOverride = _matOverride;
        ntrack._matInd = _matInd;
        ntrack._property = _property;
        ntrack._propertyType = _propertyType;
Ejemplo n.º 32
    public Texture getTrackIconTexture(AMTrack _track)
        if(_track is AMAnimationTrack) return texIconAnimation;
        else if(_track is AMEventTrack) return texIconEvent;
        else if(_track is AMPropertyTrack) return texIconProperty;
        else if(_track is AMTranslationTrack) return texIconTranslation;
        else if(_track is AMAudioTrack) return texIconAudio;
        else if(_track is AMRotationTrack) return texIconRotation;
        else if(_track is AMOrientationTrack) return texIconOrientation;
        else if(_track is AMGOSetActiveTrack) return texIconProperty;

        Debug.LogWarning("Animator: Icon texture not found for track " + _track.getTrackType());
        return null;
Ejemplo n.º 33
    void appendTrackCode(AMTrack track, ref string code)
        string        s_init        = "";
        string        s_init_suffix = "";
        string        s             = "";
        string        objName       = "track" + (track.id + 1) + "OBJ";
        List <string> init_cameras  = new List <string>();
        List <string> init_textures = new List <string>();

        code += "\n// " + track.name;
        #region translation
        if ((track is AMTranslationTrack) && (track as AMTranslationTrack).obj)
            code += " (Translation)\n";
            if (track.cache.Count <= 0)
            // initialize object
            code += getObjectInitialization("GameObject", objName, (track as AMTranslationTrack).obj.name, aData.codeLanguage, null, null);
            // set initial position
            code += getInitialPropertiesFor(aData.codeLanguage, track, objName);
            #region rotation
        else if ((track is AMRotationTrack) && (track as AMRotationTrack).obj)
            code += " (Rotation)\n";
            if (track.cache.Count <= 0)
            // initialize object
            code += getObjectInitialization("GameObject", objName, (track as AMRotationTrack).obj.name, aData.codeLanguage, null, null);
            // set initial rotation
            code += getInitialPropertiesFor(aData.codeLanguage, track, objName);
            #region orientation
        else if ((track is AMOrientationTrack) && (track as AMOrientationTrack).obj)
            code += " (Orientation)\n";
            if (track.cache.Count <= 0)
            // initialize object
            code += getObjectInitialization("GameObject", objName, (track as AMOrientationTrack).obj.name, aData.codeLanguage, null, null);
            // set initial orientation
            code += getInitialPropertiesFor(aData.codeLanguage, track, objName);
            #region animation
        else if ((track is AMAnimationTrack) && (track as AMAnimationTrack).obj)
            code += " (Animation)\n";
            if (track.cache.Count <= 0)
            // initialize object
            code += getObjectInitialization("GameObject", objName, (track as AMAnimationTrack).obj.name, aData.codeLanguage, null, null);
            #region audio
        else if ((track is AMAudioTrack) && (track as AMAudioTrack).audioSource)
            code += " (Audio)\n";
            if (track.cache.Count <= 0)
            // initialize object
            code += getObjectInitialization("AudioSource", objName, (track as AMAudioTrack).audioSource.gameObject.name, aData.codeLanguage, null, null);
            #region property
        else if ((track is AMPropertyTrack) && (track as AMPropertyTrack).component)
            code += " (Property)\n";
            if (track.cache.Count <= 0)
            // initialize component and MemberInfo (Property or Field)
            code += getObjectInitialization("Component", objName, (track as AMPropertyTrack).component.gameObject.name, aData.codeLanguage, null, (track as AMPropertyTrack).component.GetType().Name);
            code += getObjectInitialization((track as AMPropertyTrack).getMemberInfoTypeName(), objName, (track as AMPropertyTrack).component.gameObject.name, aData.codeLanguage, (track as AMPropertyTrack).getTrackType(), (track as AMPropertyTrack).component.GetType().Name);
            // set initial value
            code += getInitialPropertiesFor(aData.codeLanguage, track, objName);
            #region event
        else if ((track is AMEventTrack) && (track as AMEventTrack).obj)
            code += " (Event)\n";
            if (track.cache.Count <= 0)
            // initialize object
            code += getObjectInitialization("GameObject", objName, (track as AMEventTrack).obj.name, aData.codeLanguage, null, null);
            #region camera switcher
        else if ((track is AMCameraSwitcherTrack))
            code += " (Camera Switcher)\n";
            // all cameras
            Camera[] csCameras = (track as AMCameraSwitcherTrack).getAllCameras();
            if (csCameras.Length > 0)
                if (aData.codeLanguage == 0)
                    code += "Camera[] csCameras = new Camera[]{";
                    code += "var csCameras = [";
                for (int i = 0; i < csCameras.Length; i++)
                    init_cameras.Add(getDictionaryValue("GameObject.Find(\"" + csCameras[i].gameObject.name + "\").camera", "csCameras[" + i + "]", null));
                    code += init_cameras[init_cameras.Count - 1];
                    //code += "GameObject.Find(\""+csCameras[i].gameObject.name+"\").camera";
                    if (i <= csCameras.Length - 2)
                        code += ", ";
                if (aData.codeLanguage == 0)
                    code += "}";
                    code += "]";
                code += ";\n";
            // all textures
            Texture[] csTextures = (track as AMCameraSwitcherTrack).getAllTextures();
            if (csTextures.Length > 0)
                if (aData.codeLanguage == 0)
                    code += "Texture[] csTextures = new Texture[]{";
                    code += "var csTextures = [";
                for (int i = 0; i < csTextures.Length; i++)
                    init_textures.Add(getDictionaryValue("AMTween.LoadTexture2D(\"" + csTextures[i].name + "\")", "csTextures[" + i + "]", null));
                    code += init_textures[init_textures.Count - 1];
                    //code += "GameObject.Find(\""+csCameras[i].gameObject.name+"\").camera";
                    if (i <= csTextures.Length - 2)
                        code += ", ";
                if (aData.codeLanguage == 0)
                    code += "}";
                    code += "]";
                //code += ";\n";
                code += "; // Put Textures in Resources Folder\n";
            // set initial top camera or show color
            if (track.keys.Count > 0)
                AMCameraSwitcherKey cKey = (track.keys[0] as AMCameraSwitcherKey);
                if (cKey.type == 0)
                    string strCam = "null /* Missing Camera */";
                    if (cKey.camera)
                        strCam = "GameObject.Find(\"" + cKey.camera.gameObject.name + "\").camera";
                        strCam = getDictionaryValue(strCam, null, null);
                    code += "AMTween.SetTopCamera(" + strCam + ", csCameras); // Set Initial Camera\n";
                    if (aData.codeLanguage == 0)
                        code += "AMTween.ShowColor(new Color(" + cKey.color.r + "f, " + cKey.color.g + "f, " + cKey.color.b + "f, " + cKey.color.a + "f));";
                        code += "AMTween.ShowColor(Color(" + cKey.color.r + ", " + cKey.color.g + ", " + cKey.color.b + ", " + cKey.color.a + "));";
                    code += " // Set Initial Color\n";
            code += "\n// Missing Track Object\n";
            if (track.cache.Count <= 0)
        #region action
        foreach (AMAction action in track.cache)
            string actionString;
            // if audioclip resource, use variable name in ToString
            if (action is AMAudioAction)
                actionString = (action as AMAudioAction).ToString(aData.codeLanguage, aData.getCurrentTake().frameRate, objName + "Frame" + action.startFrame);
            else if (action is AMEventAction)
                actionString = (action as AMEventAction).ToString(aData.codeLanguage, aData.getCurrentTake().frameRate, objName + "Frame" + action.startFrame);
                actionString = action.ToString(aData.codeLanguage, aData.getCurrentTake().frameRate);
            if (action is AMCameraSwitcherAction && actionString != null)
                // textures
                foreach (string _st in init_textures)
                    //if(numCameras <= 0) break;
                    string prev = actionString;
                    actionString = actionString.Replace(_st, getDictionaryValue(_st, null, null));
                    if (prev != actionString)
                        break;                                          // found one texture, break. Change if a single CameraSwitcherAction can have more than one texture
                // cameras
                int numCameras = 0;
                if ((action as AMCameraSwitcherAction).startTargetType == 0)
                if ((action as AMCameraSwitcherAction).endTargetType == 0)
                foreach (string _sc in init_cameras)
                    if (numCameras <= 0)
                    string prev = actionString;
                    actionString = actionString.Replace(_sc, getDictionaryValue(_sc, null, null));
                    if (prev != actionString)
            if (actionString != null)
                s += actionString;
                s += "\n";
                // resource
                if (action is AMAudioAction)
                    s_init += getObjectInitialization("AudioClip", objName + "Frame" + action.startFrame, (action as AMAudioAction).audioClip.name, aData.codeLanguage, null, null);
                // method info
                if ((action is AMEventAction) && !(action as AMEventAction).useSendMessage)
                    string[] event_init = getMethodInfoInitialization((action as AMEventAction).component, (action as AMEventAction).methodName, objName + "Frame" + action.startFrame, aData.codeLanguage);
                    s_init        += event_init[0] + "\n";                      // add component init
                    s_init_suffix += event_init[1] + "\n";                      // add methodinfo init to suffix
        s     = s_init + s_init_suffix + s;
        code += s;
        code  = code.Replace("obj.gameObject", objName);
        code  = code.Replace("obj.memberinfo", objName + "Property");
Ejemplo n.º 34
 public void shiftOutOfBoundsKeysOnTrack(AMTrack _track)
     int offset = _track.shiftOutOfBoundsKeys();
     if(contextSelection.Count<=0) return;
     for(int i=0;i<contextSelection.Count;i++) {
         contextSelection[i] += offset;
     // shift all keys on all tracks
     foreach(AMTrack track in trackValues) {
         if(track.id==_track.id) continue;
Ejemplo n.º 35
 void OnAutoKey(AMTrack track, AMKey key)
     if(key != null) {
         Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(key, "Auto Key");
Ejemplo n.º 36
    // timeline action info
    string getInfoTextForAction(AMTrack _track, AMKey _key, bool brief, int clamped)
        // get text for track type
        #region translation
        if(_key is AMTranslationKey) {
            return easeTypeNames[(_key as AMTranslationKey).easeType];
            #region rotation
        else if(_key is AMRotationKey) {
            return easeTypeNames[(_key as AMRotationKey).easeType];
            #region animation
        else if(_key is AMAnimationKey) {
            if(!(_key as AMAnimationKey).amClip) return "Not Set";
            return (_key as AMAnimationKey).amClip.name + "\n" + ((WrapMode)(_key as AMAnimationKey).wrapMode).ToString();
            #region audio
        else if(_key is AMAudioKey) {
            if(!(_key as AMAudioKey).audioClip) return "Not Set";
            return (_key as AMAudioKey).audioClip.name;
            #region property
        else if(_key is AMPropertyKey) {
            string info = (_key as AMPropertyKey).getName() + "\n";
            if((_key as AMPropertyKey).targetsAreEqual()) brief = true;
            if(!brief && (_key as AMPropertyKey).endFrame != -1) {
                info += easeTypeNames[(_key as AMPropertyKey).easeType] + ": ";
            string detail = (_key as AMPropertyKey).getValueString(brief);	// extra details such as integer values ex. 1 -> 12
            if(detail != null) info += detail;
            return info;
            #region event
        else if(_key is AMEventKey) {
            if((_key as AMEventKey).methodInfo == null) {
                return "Not Set";
            string txtInfoEvent = (_key as AMEventKey).methodName;
            // include parameters
            if((_key as AMEventKey).parameters != null) {
                txtInfoEvent += "(";
                for(int i = 0; i < (_key as AMEventKey).parameters.Count; i++) {
                    if((_key as AMEventKey).parameters[i] == null) txtInfoEvent += "";
                    else txtInfoEvent += (_key as AMEventKey).parameters[i].getStringValue();
                    if(i < (_key as AMEventKey).parameters.Count - 1) txtInfoEvent += ", ";

                txtInfoEvent += ")";
                return txtInfoEvent;
            return (_key as AMEventKey).methodName;
            #region orientation
        else if(_key is AMOrientationKey) {
            if(!(_key as AMOrientationKey).target) return "No Target";
            string txtInfoOrientation = null;
            if((_key as AMOrientationKey).isLookFollow()) {
                txtInfoOrientation = (_key as AMOrientationKey).target.gameObject.name;
                return txtInfoOrientation;
            txtInfoOrientation = (_key as AMOrientationKey).target.gameObject.name +
            " -> " + ((_key as AMOrientationKey).endTarget ? (_key as AMOrientationKey).endTarget.gameObject.name : "No Target");
            txtInfoOrientation += "\n" + easeTypeNames[(_key as AMOrientationKey).easeType];
            return txtInfoOrientation;
            #region goactive
        else if(_key is AMGOSetActiveKey) {
            AMGOSetActiveKey act = _key as AMGOSetActiveKey;
            if(!act.go) return "No GameObject";

                return string.Format("{0}.SetActive({1})", act.go.name, (_track as AMGOSetActiveTrack).startActive);
                return string.Format("{0}.SetActive({1})", act.go.name, act.setActive);

        return "Unknown";
Ejemplo n.º 37
 void OnDisable()
     window = null;
     justSet = false;
     key = null;
     track = null;
     aData = null;
Ejemplo n.º 38
    // preview a frame in the scene view
    public override void previewFrame(float frame, AMTrack extraTrack = null)
        if (!obj)
        if (cache.Count <= 0)
        if (cache[0] == null)
        // if before or equal to first frame, or is the only frame
        if ((frame <= (float)cache[0].startFrame) || ((cache[0] as AMRotationAction).endFrame == -1))
            obj.rotation = (cache[0] as AMRotationAction).getStartQuaternion();
        // if beyond or equal to last frame
        if (frame >= (float)(cache[cache.Count - 2] as AMRotationAction).endFrame)
            obj.rotation = (cache[cache.Count - 2] as AMRotationAction).getEndQuaternion();
        // if lies on rotation action
        foreach (AMRotationAction action in cache)
            if ((frame < (float)action.startFrame) || (frame > (float)action.endFrame))
            // if on startFrame
            if (frame == (float)action.startFrame)
                obj.rotation = action.getStartQuaternion();
            // if on endFrame
            if (frame == (float)action.endFrame)
                obj.rotation = action.getEndQuaternion();
            // else find Quaternion using easing function

            AMTween.EasingFunction ease;
            AnimationCurve         curve = null;

            if (action.hasCustomEase())
                ease  = AMTween.customEase;
                curve = action.easeCurve;
                ease = AMTween.GetEasingFunction((AMTween.EaseType)action.easeType);

            float framePositionInAction = frame - (float)action.startFrame;
            if (framePositionInAction < 0f)
                framePositionInAction = 0f;
            float percentage = framePositionInAction / action.getNumberOfFrames();

            Quaternion qStart   = action.getStartQuaternion();
            Quaternion qEnd     = action.getEndQuaternion();
            Quaternion qCurrent = new Quaternion();

            qCurrent.x = ease(qStart.x, qEnd.x, percentage, curve);
            qCurrent.y = ease(qStart.y, qEnd.y, percentage, curve);
            qCurrent.z = ease(qStart.z, qEnd.z, percentage, curve);
            qCurrent.w = ease(qStart.w, qEnd.w, percentage, curve);

            obj.rotation = qCurrent;

Ejemplo n.º 39
    public static bool showEasePicker(AMTrack track, AMKey key, AnimatorData aData, float x = -1f, float y = -1f, float width = -1f)
        bool didUpdate = false;
        if(x >= 0f && y >= 0f && width >= 0f) {
            float height = 22f;
            Rect rectLabel = new Rect(x, y - 1f, 40f, height);
            GUI.Label(rectLabel, "Ease");
            Rect rectPopup = new Rect(rectLabel.x + rectLabel.width + 2f, y + 3f, width - rectLabel.width - width_button_delete - 3f, height);

            int nease = EditorGUI.Popup(rectPopup, key.easeType, easeTypeNames);
            if(key.easeType != nease) {
                recordUndoTrackAndKeys(track, false, "Change Ease");
                // update cache when modifying varaibles
                // preview new position
                // save data
                // refresh component
                didUpdate = true;
                // refresh values

            Rect rectButton = new Rect(width - width_button_delete + 1f, y, width_button_delete, width_button_delete);
            if(GUI.Button(rectButton, getSkinTextureStyleState("popup").background, GUI.skin.GetStyle("ButtonImage"))) {
                AMEasePicker.setValues(/*aData,*/key, track);

            //display specific variable for certain tweens
            //TODO: only show this for specific tweens
            if(!key.hasCustomEase()) {
                y += rectButton.height + 4;
                Rect rectAmp = new Rect(x, y, 200f, height);
                key.amplitude = EditorGUI.FloatField(rectAmp, "Amplitude", key.amplitude);

                y += rectAmp.height + 4;
                Rect rectPer = new Rect(x, y, 200f, height);
                key.period = EditorGUI.FloatField(rectPer, "Period", key.period);
        else {
            int nease = EditorGUILayout.Popup(key.easeType, easeTypeNames);
            if(key.easeType != nease) {
                recordUndoTrackAndKeys(track, false, "Change Ease");
                // update cache when modifying varaibles
                // preview new position
                // save data
                // refresh component
                didUpdate = true;
                // refresh values
            if(GUILayout.Button(getSkinTextureStyleState("popup").background, GUI.skin.GetStyle("ButtonImage"), GUILayout.Width(width_button_delete), GUILayout.Height(width_button_delete))) {
                AMEasePicker.setValues(/*aData,*/key, track);

            //display specific variable for certain tweens
            //TODO: only show this for specific tweens
            if(!key.hasCustomEase()) {
                key.amplitude = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Amplitude", key.amplitude);

                key.period = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Period", key.period);
        return didUpdate;
Ejemplo n.º 40
 public static void SetDirtyKeys(AMTrack track) {
     foreach(AMKey key in track.keys)
Ejemplo n.º 41
 void timelineSelectObjectFor(AMTrack track)
     // translation obj
     if(track.GetType() == typeof(AMTranslationTrack))
         Selection.activeObject = track.genericObj;
     // rotation obj
     else if(track.GetType() == typeof(AMRotationTrack))
         Selection.activeObject = track.genericObj;
     else if(track.GetType() == typeof(AMAnimationTrack))
         Selection.activeObject = (track as AMAnimationTrack).obj;
Ejemplo n.º 42
 // preview frame
 public virtual void previewFrame(float frame, AMTrack extraTrack = null)
Ejemplo n.º 43
    bool showTrack(AMTrack _track, int t, int group_level, ref float track_y, ref bool isAnyTrackFoldedOut, ref float height_group_elements, Event e, Vector2 scrollViewBounds)
        // track is beyond bounds
        if(track_y + (_track.foldout ? height_track : height_track_foldin) < scrollViewBounds.x || track_y > scrollViewBounds.y) {
            if(_track.foldout) {
                track_y += height_track;
                isAnyTrackFoldedOut = true;
            else {
                track_y += height_track_foldin;
            return false;
        // returns true if mouse over track
        bool mouseOverTrack = false;
        float track_x = width_subtrack_space * group_level;
        bool inGroup = group_level > 0;
        bool isTrackSelected = aData.getCurrentTake().selectedTrack == t;
        bool isTrackContextSelected = aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelectionTracks.Contains(t);
        Rect rectTrack;
        string strStyle;
        if(isTrackSelected) {
            if(aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelectionTracks.Count <= 1)
                strStyle = "GroupElementActive";
                strStyle = "GroupElementSelectedActive";
        else if(isTrackContextSelected) strStyle = "GroupElementSelected";
        else strStyle = "GroupElementNormal";

        rectTrack = new Rect(track_x, track_y, width_track - track_x, height_track_foldin);
        // renaming track
        if(isRenamingTrack != t) {
            Rect rectTrackFoldin = new Rect(rectTrack.x, rectTrack.y, rectTrack.width, rectTrack.height);	// used to toggle track foldout
            if(_track.foldout) {
                rectTrackFoldin.width -= 55f;
            if(GUI.Button(new Rect(rectTrack.x, rectTrack.y, 15f, rectTrack.height), "", "label")) {
                _track.foldout = !_track.foldout;
            if(GUI.Button(new Rect(rectTrack.x + 15f, rectTrack.y, rectTrack.width - 15f, rectTrack.height), "", "label")) {
                if(didDoubleClick("track" + t + "foldout")) {
                    //_track.foldout = !_track.foldout;
                    isRenamingTrack = t;

                    if(!_track.foldout) _track.foldout = true;
        // set track icon texture
        Texture texIcon = getTrackIconTexture(_track);
        // track start, foldin
        if(!_track.foldout) {
            if(rectTrack.width > 4f) {
                if(rectTrack.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) {
                    mouseOverTrack = true;
                    mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.Track;
                    mouseOverGroupElement = new Vector2((inGroup ? aData.getCurrentTake().getTrackGroup(t) : 0), t);
                GUI.BeginGroup(rectTrack, GUI.skin.GetStyle(strStyle));
                GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(17f, (height_track_foldin - 12f) / 2f, 12f, 12f), texIcon);
                GUI.Label(new Rect(17f + 12f + 2f, 0f, rectTrack.width - (12f + 15f + 2f), height_track_foldin), _track.name);
                // draw foldout
                if(rectTrack.width >= 10f) GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(track_x, track_y + (height_group - 16f) / 2f, 16f, 16f), (_track.foldout ? GUI.skin.GetStyle("GroupElementFoldout").normal.background : GUI.skin.GetStyle("GroupElementFoldout").active.background));
            else {
                // tooltip hidden track, foldin
                GUI.enabled = false;
                GUI.Button(new Rect(width_track - 80f, track_y, 80f, height_group), trimString(_track.name, 8));
                GUI.enabled = !isPlaying;
            track_y += height_track_foldin;
        else {
            // track start, foldout
            // track rect
            rectTrack = new Rect(track_x, track_y, width_track - track_x, height_track);
            if(rectTrack.width > 4f) {
                // select track texture
                if(rectTrack.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) {
                    mouseOverTrack = true;
                    mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.Track;
                    mouseOverGroupElement = new Vector2((inGroup ? aData.getCurrentTake().getTrackGroup(t) : 0), t);
                // draw track texture
                GUI.BeginGroup(rectTrack, GUI.skin.GetStyle(strStyle));
                // track name
                if(isRenamingTrack == t) {
                    GUI.SetNextControlName("RenameTrack" + t);
                    _track.name = GUI.TextField(new Rect(15f, 2f, rectTrack.width - 15f, 20f), _track.name, 20);
                    GUI.FocusControl("RenameTrack" + t);

                else {
                    GUI.Label(new Rect(15f, 0f, rectTrack.width - 15f, 20f), _track.name);
                // track type
                Rect rectTrackIcon = new Rect(4f, 20f, 12f, 12f);
                GUI.Box(rectTrackIcon, texIcon);
                string trackType = _track.getTrackType();
                Rect rectTrackType = new Rect(rectTrackIcon.x + rectTrackIcon.width + 2f, height_track - 39f, rectTrack.width - 20f, 15f);
                if((_track is AMPropertyTrack) && (trackType == "Not Set"))
                    rectTrackType.width -= 48f;
                GUI.Label(rectTrackType, trackType);
                // if property track, show set property button
                if(_track is AMPropertyTrack) {
                    if(!(_track as AMPropertyTrack).obj) GUI.enabled = false;
                    GUIStyle styleButtonSet = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.button);
                    styleButtonSet.clipping = TextClipping.Overflow;
                    if(GUI.Button(new Rect(width_track - 48f - width_subtrack_space * group_level - 4f, height_track - 38f, 48f, 15f), "Set", styleButtonSet)) {
                        // show property select window
                        AMPropertySelect.setValues((_track as AMPropertyTrack));
                    GUI.enabled = !isPlaying;
                // track object
                float width_object_field = width_track - track_x;
                showObjectFieldFor(_track, width_object_field, new Rect(padding_track, 39f, width_track - width_subtrack_space * group_level - padding_track * 2, 16f));
            else {
                // tooltip hidden track, foldout
                GUI.enabled = false;
                GUI.Button(new Rect(width_track - 80f, track_y, 80f, height_group), trimString(_track.name, 8));
                GUI.enabled = !isPlaying;
            // track button
            if(GUI.Button(rectTrack, "", "label")) {
            // draw foldout
            if(rectTrack.width >= 15f) GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(track_x, track_y + (height_group - 16f) / 2f, 16f, 16f), (_track.foldout ? GUI.skin.GetStyle("GroupElementFoldout").normal.background : GUI.skin.GetStyle("GroupElementFoldout").active.background));
            track_y += height_track;
            isAnyTrackFoldedOut = true;
            // track end
        // draw element position texture after track
        if(dragType == (int)DragType.GroupElement) {
            if(mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.Track && mouseOverGroupElement.y == t) {
                GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(rectTrack.x, rectTrack.y + rectTrack.height - height_element_position, rectTrack.width, height_element_position), tex_element_position);
        height_group_elements += rectTrack.height;
        return mouseOverTrack;
Ejemplo n.º 44
    public override void previewFrame(float frame, AMTrack extraTrack = null)
        if (cache == null || cache.Count <= 0)

        bool isPreview = !Application.isPlaying;

        //GameObject go = GameObject.Find ("AMCameraFade");
        //AMCameraFade cf = null;
        //if(go) cf = (AMCameraFade) go.GetComponent(typeof(AMCameraFade));

        for (int i = 0; i < cache.Count; i++)
            // before first frame
            if (frame <= (cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction).startFrame)
                //if(cf) DestroyImmediate(cf.gameObject);
                if (!(cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction).hasStartTarget())

                if ((cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction).startTargetType == 0)
                    //(cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction).startCamera.targetTexture = null;
                    AMTween.SetTopCamera((cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction).startCamera, cachedAllCameras);
                    showColor((cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction).startColor, isPreview);
                    // or color # TO DO #

                // between first and last frame
            else if (frame <= (cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction).endFrame)
                if (!(cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction).hasStartTarget() || !(cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction).hasEndTarget())
                // targets are equal
                if ((cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction).targetsAreEqual())
                    //if(cf) DestroyImmediate(cf.gameObject);
                    if ((cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction).startTargetType == 0)
                        // use camera (cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction) startTarget
                        //(cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction).startCamera.targetTexture = null;
                        // if not first frame, set top camera
                        AMTween.SetTopCamera((cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction).startCamera, cachedAllCameras);
                        showColor((cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction).startColor, isPreview);
                        // or color # TO DO #
                    //if((cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction).endTargetType == 0) (cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction).endCamera.targetTexture = null;
                    // preview transition: (cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction).cameraFadeType
                    previewCameraFade(frame, (cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction), isPreview);
                // after last frame
            else if (i == cache.Count - 2)
                //if(cf) DestroyImmediate(cf.gameObject);
                if (!(cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction).hasEndTarget())
                // use camera (cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction) endTarget
                if ((cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction).endTargetType == 0)
                    // use camera (cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction) startTarget
                    //(cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction).endCamera.targetTexture = null;
                    AMTween.SetTopCamera((cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction).endCamera, cachedAllCameras);
                    showColor((cache[i] as AMCameraSwitcherAction).endColor, isPreview);
                    // or color # TO DO #
Ejemplo n.º 45
    void showObjectFieldFor(AMTrack amTrack, float width_track, Rect rect)
        if(rect.width < 22f) return;
        // show object field for track, used in OnGUI. Needs to be updated for every track type.
        GUI.skin = null;
        // add objectfield for every track type
        // translation
        if(amTrack is AMTranslationTrack) {
            (amTrack as AMTranslationTrack).obj = (Transform)EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, amTrack.genericObj, typeof(Transform), true/*,GUILayout.Width (width_track-padding_track*2)*/);
        // rotation
        else if(amTrack is AMRotationTrack) {
            (amTrack as AMRotationTrack).obj = (Transform)EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, amTrack.genericObj, typeof(Transform), true);
        // rotation
        else if(amTrack is AMOrientationTrack) {
            if((amTrack as AMOrientationTrack).setObject((Transform)EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, (amTrack as AMOrientationTrack).obj, typeof(Transform), true))) {
        // animation
        else if(amTrack is AMAnimationTrack) {
            //GameObject _old = (amTrack as AMAnimationTrack).obj;
            if((amTrack as AMAnimationTrack).setObject((GameObject)EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, (amTrack as AMAnimationTrack).obj, typeof(GameObject), true))) {
                //Animation _temp = (Animation)(amTrack as AMAnimationTrack).obj.GetComponent("Animation");
                if((amTrack as AMAnimationTrack).obj != null) {
                    if((amTrack as AMAnimationTrack).obj.animation == null) {
                        (amTrack as AMAnimationTrack).obj = null;
                        EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("No Animation Component", "You must add an Animation component to the GameObject before you can use it in an Animation Track.", "Okay");
        // audio
        else if(amTrack is AMAudioTrack) {
            if((amTrack as AMAudioTrack).setAudioSource((AudioSource)EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, (amTrack as AMAudioTrack).audioSource, typeof(AudioSource), true))) {
                if((amTrack as AMAudioTrack).audioSource != null) {
                    (amTrack as AMAudioTrack).audioSource.playOnAwake = false;
        // property
        else if(amTrack is AMPropertyTrack) {
            GameObject propertyGameObject = (GameObject)EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, (amTrack as AMPropertyTrack).obj, typeof(GameObject), true);
            if((amTrack as AMPropertyTrack).isObjectUnique(propertyGameObject)) {
                bool changePropertyGameObject = true;
                if((amTrack.keys.Count > 0) && (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Data Will Be Lost", "You will lose all of the keyframes on track '" + amTrack.name + "' if you continue.", "Continue Anway", "Cancel"))) {
                    changePropertyGameObject = false;
                if(changePropertyGameObject) {
                    Undo.RecordObject(amTrack, "Set GameObject");

                    // delete all keys
                    if(amTrack.keys.Count > 0) {
                        foreach(AMKey key in amTrack.keys)

                        amTrack.keys = new List<AMKey>();
                    (amTrack as AMPropertyTrack).setObject(propertyGameObject);

        // event
        else if(amTrack is AMEventTrack) {
            GameObject eventGameObject = (GameObject)EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, (amTrack as AMEventTrack).obj, typeof(GameObject), true);
            if((amTrack as AMEventTrack).isObjectUnique(eventGameObject)) {
                bool changeEventGameObject = true;
                if((amTrack.keys.Count > 0) && (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Data Will Be Lost", "You will lose all of the keyframes on track '" + amTrack.name + "' if you continue.", "Continue Anway", "Cancel"))) {
                    changeEventGameObject = false;

                if(changeEventGameObject) {
                    Undo.RecordObject(amTrack, "Set GameObject");

                    // delete all keys
                    if(amTrack.keys.Count > 0) {
                        foreach(AMKey key in amTrack.keys)

                        amTrack.keys = new List<AMKey>();
                    (amTrack as AMEventTrack).setObject(eventGameObject);

        // set go active
        else if(amTrack is AMGOSetActiveTrack) {
            AMGOSetActiveTrack goActiveTrack = amTrack as AMGOSetActiveTrack;
            goActiveTrack.setObject((GameObject)EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, goActiveTrack.genericObj, typeof(GameObject), true/*,GUILayout.Width (width_track-padding_track*2)*/));

        GUI.skin = skin;
Ejemplo n.º 46
 public void addTrack(AMTrack track)
     track.parentTake = this;
Ejemplo n.º 47
    // preview a frame in the scene view
    public override void previewFrame(float frame, AMTrack extraTrack = null)
        if(!_obj) return;
        if(keys == null || keys.Count <= 0) return;
        // if before or equal to first frame, or is the only frame
        if((frame <= (float)keys[0].frame) || ((keys[0] as AMRotationKey).endFrame == -1)) {
            rotation = (keys[0] as AMRotationKey).getStartQuaternion();
        // if beyond or equal to last frame
        if(frame >= (float)(keys[keys.Count - 2] as AMRotationKey).endFrame) {
            rotation = (keys[keys.Count - 2] as AMRotationKey).getEndQuaternion();
        // if lies on rotation action
        foreach(AMRotationKey key in keys) {
            if((frame < (float)key.frame) || (frame > (float)key.endFrame)) continue;
            // if on startFrame
            if(frame == (float)key.frame) {
                rotation = key.getStartQuaternion();
            // if on endFrame
            if(frame == (float)key.endFrame) {
                rotation = key.getEndQuaternion();
            // else find Quaternion using easing function

            float framePositionInAction = frame - (float)key.frame;
            if(framePositionInAction < 0f) framePositionInAction = 0f;

            Quaternion qStart = key.getStartQuaternion();
            Quaternion qEnd = key.getEndQuaternion();

            if(key.hasCustomEase()) {
                rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(qStart, qEnd, AMUtil.EaseCustom(0.0f, 1.0f, framePositionInAction / key.getNumberOfFrames(), key.easeCurve));
            else {
                TweenDelegate.EaseFunc ease = AMUtil.GetEasingFunction((EaseType)key.easeType);
                rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(qStart, qEnd, ease(framePositionInAction, 0.0f, 1.0f, key.getNumberOfFrames(), key.amplitude, key.period));

Ejemplo n.º 48
    string getInitialPropertiesFor(int codeLanguage, AMTrack _track, string varName)
        // initialize the starting variables (such as initial position and rotation), codeLanguage 0=C#, 1=JS
        if (_track is AMTranslationTrack)
            // translation, set initial position
            Vector3 _position = (_track as AMTranslationTrack).getInitialPosition();
            if (codeLanguage == 0)
                return(varName + ".transform.position = new Vector3(" + _position.x + "f, " + _position.y + "f, " + _position.z + "f); // Set Initial Position\n");
                return(varName + ".transform.position = Vector3(" + _position.x + ", " + _position.y + ", " + _position.z + "); // Set Initial Position\n");
        else if (_track is AMRotationTrack)
            // rotation, set initial rotation
            Vector4 _rotation = (_track as AMRotationTrack).getInitialRotation();
            if (codeLanguage == 0)
                return(varName + ".transform.rotation = new Quaternion(" + _rotation.x + "f, " + _rotation.y + "f, " + _rotation.z + "f, " + _rotation.w + "f); // Set Initial Rotation\n");
                return(varName + ".transform.rotation = Quaternion(" + _rotation.x + ", " + _rotation.y + ", " + _rotation.z + ", " + _rotation.w + "); // Set Initial Rotation\n");
        else if (_track is AMOrientationTrack && (_track as AMOrientationTrack).getInitialTarget())
            // orientation, set initial look
            Transform _target            = (_track as AMOrientationTrack).getInitialTarget();
            int       start_frame        = 0;
            AMTrack   _translation_track = null;
            if ((_track as AMOrientationTrack).keys.Count > 0)
                start_frame = (_track as AMOrientationTrack).keys[0].frame;
            if (start_frame > 0)
                _translation_track = aData.getCurrentTake().getTranslationTrackForTransform(_target);
            Vector3 _lookv3 = _target.transform.position;
            if (_translation_track)
                _lookv3 = (_translation_track as AMTranslationTrack).getPositionAtFrame(start_frame);

            if (codeLanguage == 0)
                return(varName + ".transform.LookAt (new Vector3(" + _lookv3.x + "f, " + _lookv3.y + "f, " + _lookv3.z + "f)); // Set Initial Orientation\n");
                return(varName + ".transform.LookAt (Vector3(" + _lookv3.x + ", " + _lookv3.y + ", " + _lookv3.z + ")); // Set Initial Orientation\n");
        else if (_track is AMPropertyTrack)
            // property, set initial value
            return((_track as AMPropertyTrack).getValueInitialization(codeLanguage, varName) + " // Set Initial Value\n");
Ejemplo n.º 49
 public AMKey[] getContextSelectionKeysForTrack(AMTrack track)
     List<AMKey> keys = new List<AMKey>();
     foreach(AMKey key in track.keys) {
         for(int i=0;i<contextSelection.Count;i+=2) {
             // if selection start frame > frame, break out of sorted list
             if(contextSelection[i] > key.frame) break;
             if(contextSelection[i] <= key.frame && contextSelection[i+1] >= key.frame) keys.Add(key);
     return keys.ToArray();