Ejemplo n.º 1
    private float attackCounter;                                                        // Counter to count when the next attack comes

    void Awake()
        behaviours = new List <GenericAIBehaviour> ();
        anim       = GetComponent <Animator> ();
        agent      = GetComponent <UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent> ();

        stats          = GetComponent <GeneralStats> ();
        currentCommand = stats.GetAIStats.GetCommand;

        speedFloat    = Animator.StringToHash("Speed");
        attackTrigger = Animator.StringToHash("Attack");
Ejemplo n.º 2
    void Update()
        foreach (var activeBehaviour in behaviours)
            if (activeBehaviour.GetBehaviourCode() == currentBehaviour)
                // Pass the AIStats to the active, current behaviour
                currentCommand = activeBehaviour.SetCommand(stats);
                // call LocalUpdate for the active, current behaviour
                // Set the AITag to the active, current behaviour
                currentTag = activeBehaviour.localTag;

        PerformCommand(currentCommand, currentAttkTarget, currentMoveDest);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // AI commands are low level commands that the BasicAIBehaviour can translate to animation
    // The basic AI behaviour will call this every update
    // Other behaviours must modify AIStats.Command based on their behaviour and attack + move dest
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    void PerformCommand(AIStats.Command command, GameObject attackingTarget, Vector3 moveDest)
        // To use command Run and Sprint, set moveDestination to the position.
        if (currentCommand == AIStats.Command.SprintingToDest)
            agent.destination = moveDest;
            anim.SetFloat(speedFloat, stats.GetCharacterStats.GetSprintingSpeed);

        if (currentCommand == AIStats.Command.RunningToDest)
            agent.destination = moveDest;
            anim.SetFloat(speedFloat, stats.GetCharacterStats.GetRunningSpeed);

        if (stats.GetAIStats.GetCommand == AIStats.Command.WalkingToDest)
            agent.destination = moveDest;
            anim.SetFloat(speedFloat, stats.GetCharacterStats.GetWalkingSpeed);

        // Idle command sits the AI in place.
        if (stats.GetAIStats.GetCommand == AIStats.Command.Idle)
            agent.destination = moveDest;
            anim.SetFloat(speedFloat, 0.0f);

        // To use command AttackingDest, set attackingTarget to the target.
        // The AttackAIBehaviour will take care of extra work such as laserLine and animation functions
        if (currentCommand == AIStats.Command.AttackingDest)
            if (attackingTarget == null)
                Debug.Log("Target for attack is null");

            // When attacking, run faster than normal
            if (agent.remainingDistance <= stats.GetPrimaryWStats.GetRange)
                anim.SetFloat(speedFloat, 0f);
                anim.SetFloat(speedFloat, stats.GetCharacterStats.GetAttackMoveSpeed);

            if (attackCounter > stats.GetPrimaryWStats.GetAttackDelay && (agent.remainingDistance <= stats.GetPrimaryWStats.GetRange))

                attackCounter = 0f;
            // Turn the AI ourselves using transform.RotateTowards or LookAt
            agent.angularSpeed = 0.0f;
            transform.LookAt(new Vector3(attackingTarget.transform.position.x, transform.position.y, attackingTarget.transform.position.z));
            Quaternion direction = Quaternion.LookRotation(attackingTarget.transform.position - transform.position);
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(transform.rotation, direction, stats.GetAIStats.GetAimspeed);

            moveDest = attackingTarget.transform.position;
            agent.angularSpeed = stats.GetAIStats.GetTurnspeed;

        // Attack cooldown ticks regardless of action
        attackCounter += Time.deltaTime;