private void GetClosestPickup() { if (playerControl.IsDead) { return; } float distance = 100000; int target = -1; for (int i = 0; i < pickupSpawner.pickupSpawns.Length; i++) { if (pickupSpawner.pickupSpawns[i].Pickup != null)// && pickupSpawner.pickupSpawns[i].Pickup.GetComponent<DamagableObject>() == null) { float tempDistance = Vector2.Distance(pickupSpawner.pickupSpawns[i].Pickup.transform.position, rigidbody2D.position); if (tempDistance < distance) { distance = tempDistance; target = i; } } } if (target > -1) { aiPhase = AIPhase.PathToPickup; targetObject = pickupSpawner.pickupSpawns[target].Pickup.transform; GetDestinationPath(targetObject.transform.position); } else { targetObject = null; } }
void UpdatePathToTarget(Vector2 distanceBetween, float minDistance) { if (distanceBetween.x < minDistance && distanceBetween.y < 0.2f) { if (aiPhase == AIPhase.PathToEnemy) { aiPhase = AIPhase.InCombat; } else if (aiPhase == AIPhase.PathToPickup) { if (targetObject.gameObject.GetComponent <DamagableObject>() != null) { enemyControl = targetObject.gameObject.GetComponent <DamagableObject>(); aiPhase = AIPhase.BreakingCrate; } else { GetClosestTarget(); } } else if (aiPhase == AIPhase.FreePath) { if (navPath.Count == 0) { GetClosestTarget(); } } else { GetClosestTarget(); } } if (jumpPrepare) { if (playerControl.JumpCount == 0) { playerControl.Jump(); jumpPrepare = false; } } else { if (destinationNode != null) { MoveTowardsNode(destinationNode); } } if (destinationNode == null || Vector2.Distance(transform.position, destinationNode.node.transform.position) < 0.5f) { ChooseNextPathNode(); } }
IEnumerator IAMove() { if (!nextDoorTarget) { yield break; } SetNavigation(nextDoorTarget.Cell, true); currentAIPhase = AIPhase.Move; yield return(StartCoroutine(Move())); endMoveThinking = true; }
void Phase7(GameTime gametime) { //30 seconds follow and shoot other player with shield, run when shield is not active if (tempoAI >= PHASE7_TIME) { currentAIPhase = AIPhase.Phase8; tempoAI = 0; } else { tempoAI += gametime.ElapsedGameTime.Ticks; } }
void Phase6(GameTime gametime) { //30 seconds follow, dodge and shoot other player with shield if (tempoAI >= PHASE6_TIME) { currentAIPhase = AIPhase.Phase7; tempoAI = 0; } else { tempoAI += gametime.ElapsedGameTime.Ticks; } }
void Phase1(GameTime gametime) { //do nothing 2 seconds if (tempoAI >= PHASE1_TIME) { currentAIPhase = AIPhase.Phase2; tempoAI = 0; } else { tempoAI += gametime.ElapsedGameTime.Ticks; } }
private void GetClosestTarget() { if (playerControl.IsDead) { return; } if (Random.Range(0, 100) < 50) { aiPhase = AIPhase.PathToEnemy; enemyControl = enemies[Random.Range(0, enemies.Count)].GetComponentInParent <PlayerController>(); GetDestinationPath(enemyControl.transform.position); return; } float distance = 100000; int target = -1; for (int i = 0; i < enemies.Count; i++) { if (!enemies[i].GetComponent <PlayerController>().IsDead&& !enemies[i].GetComponent <PlayerController>().Invulnerable) { float tempDistance = Vector2.Distance(enemies[i].position, rigidbody2D.position); if (tempDistance < distance) { distance = tempDistance; target = i; } } } if (target > -1) { aiPhase = AIPhase.PathToEnemy; enemyControl = enemies[target].GetComponentInParent <PlayerController>(); GetDestinationPath(enemyControl.transform.position); } else { enemyControl = null; } }
void Phase3(GameTime gametime) { //do nothing 2 seconds with shield if (tempoEscudo <= 0 && escudoActivo == false) { escudoActivo = true; escudoActual = ESCUDO; tempoEscudo = TEMPO_ARREFECIMENTO_ESCUDO; } if (tempoAI >= PHASE3_TIME) { currentAIPhase = AIPhase.Phase4; tempoAI = 0; } else { tempoAI += gametime.ElapsedGameTime.Ticks; } }
/* * Transitions to the next phase by loading in the next set of moves. */ public static void NextPhase() { phaseIndex++; if (phaseIndex > phases.Count) { Debug.LogError("You win!"); } currentPhase = phases[phaseIndex]; self.healthMax = currentPhase.maxHealth; GameManager.Arena.RadiusInWorldUnits = currentPhase.maxArenaRadius; // Heal up to the new max health. CombatCore.Entity.HealEntity(self, float.PositiveInfinity); self.SetInvincible(true); Add(new Moves.Basic.Teleport(World.Arena.CENTER).Wait(3f)); Add(new AISequence(() => { self.SetInvincible(false); })); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Profiler.BeginSample("Initialize phases"); AIPhase.Load(); Profiler.EndSample(); phases = new List <AIPhase>(); //phases.Add(AIPhase.PHASE_TUTORIAL_1); //phases.Add(AIPhase.PHASE_TUTORIAL_2); //phases.Add(AIPhase.PHASE_TUTORIAL_3); //phases.Add(AIPhase.PHASE1); phases.Add(AIPhase.PHASE_TEST); //phases.Add(AIPhase.PHASE_UNIT_TEST); StartCoroutine(ExecuteQueue()); NextPhase(); }
IEnumerator AIFSM() { currentAIPhase = AIPhase.Idle; if (!nextRoomInvestigate) { nextRoomInvestigate = GetNextRoom(); } if ((!nextDoorTarget)) { nextDoorTarget = GetNextDoor(); } //Debug.Log($"it's my turn {characterRef.ColorName} with {nextRoomInvestigate.RoomName}"); yield return(StartCoroutine(IAMove())); yield return(StartCoroutine(IAEndMove())); yield return(StartCoroutine(IASuggest())); OnEndTurn?.Invoke(); }
IEnumerator IASuggest() { if (!isInRoom) { yield break; } CE_Card _pickCharacterCard = CE_GameManager.Instance.GameDeck.GetCard(NoteSystem.PickRandomNotes(CardType.Character).ID); CE_Card _pickWeaponCard = CE_GameManager.Instance.GameDeck.GetCard(NoteSystem.PickRandomNotes(CardType.Weapon).ID); CE_Card _pickRoomCard = CE_GameManager.Instance.GameDeck.GetCard(nextRoomInvestigate.ID); CE_Suggest _suggest = new CE_Suggest(_pickCharacterCard, _pickRoomCard, _pickWeaponCard); OnStartSuggest?.Invoke(_suggest, this); int _askIndex = CE_GameManager.Instance.CurrentCharacterTurnIndex; Debug.Log($"{characterRef.ColorName} is suggesting {_suggest.Room.Name} with {_suggest.Weapon.Name} at {_suggest.Character.Name}"); while (isInRoom && currentAIPhase == AIPhase.Suggest) { _askIndex++; _askIndex = _askIndex > CE_GameManager.Instance.AllCharacterInGame.Count - 1 ? 0 : _askIndex; IGamePlayable _askTo = CE_GameManager.Instance.AllCharacterInGame[_askIndex]; CE_Card _result = _askTo.HandCards.GetSuggestCard(_suggest); OnSuggestProgress?.Invoke(_suggest, this, _askTo, _result); Debug.Log($"{_askTo.CharacterRef.ColorName} {(_result == null ? "can't" : "can")} answer."); if (_result != null) { NoteSystem.MatchCard(_result.ID); currentAIPhase = AIPhase.Idle; } if (CE_GameManager.Instance.CurrentCharacterTurnIndex == _askIndex) { CE_GameManager.Instance.EndGame(); currentAIPhase = AIPhase.Idle; } Debug.Log($"{_askTo.CharacterRef.ColorName} {(_result == null ? "can't" : "can")} answer."); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1)); } nextRoomInvestigate = null; currentAIPhase = AIPhase.Idle; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(5)); }
void ChooseNewFreeRun() { aiPhase = AIPhase.FreePath; NodeConnection destination = nodeManager.GetClosestNodeTo(transform.position); int count = Random.Range(1, 3); do { destination = destination.node.connections[Random.Range(0, destination.node.connections.Count)]; if (destination.node.canBeDestination) { count--; } }while (!destination.node.canBeDestination && count != 0); destinationNode = null; navPath = nodeManager.FindPath(nodeManager.GetClosestNodeTo(transform.position), destination); ChooseNextPathNode(); }
void Phase5(GameTime gametime) { //30 seconds follow and shoot other player with shield if (tempoEscudo <= 0 && escudoActivo == false) { escudoActivo = true; escudoActual = ESCUDO; tempoEscudo = TEMPO_ARREFECIMENTO_ESCUDO; } if (tempoAI >= PHASE5_TIME) { currentAIPhase = AIPhase.Phase6; tempoAI = 0; } else { tempoAI += gametime.ElapsedGameTime.Ticks; } }
IEnumerator IAEndMove() { while (endMoveThinking) { currentAIPhase = AIPhase.RoomEnterThink; if (stepCount < diceCount && CurrentCell == nextDoorTarget.Cell) { endMoveThinking = false; EnterInRoom(); } else { endMoveThinking = false; } yield return(null); } nextDoorTarget = null; IsMoving = false; stepCount = 0; diceCount = 0; iaNavigation.Reset(); }
public void Reset() { vidaActual = VIDA; escudoActual = 0; posicaoX = posNaveCentroX; naveDrawRectangulo.X = posNaveCentroX; escudoDrawRectangulo.X = posEscudoCentroX; naveShape.Center = centerNave; escudoShape.Center = centerEscudo; escudoActivo = false; visivel = true; disparou = false; tempoEscudo = 0; tempoTiros = 0; disable = false; if (scriptedAI) { tempoAI = 0; currentAIPhase = AIPhase.Phase1; scriptedAI = true; switchSide = false; } }
void Phase4(GameTime gametime) { //30 seconds left and right shooting with shield if (tempoEscudo <= 0 && escudoActivo == false) { escudoActivo = true; escudoActual = ESCUDO; tempoEscudo = TEMPO_ARREFECIMENTO_ESCUDO; } if (!switchSide) { if (tempoAI < PHASE4_TIME && vidaActual > 0 && posicaoX + naveDrawRectangulo.Width + RAPIDEZ <= GameConstants.WINDOW_WIDTH) { posicaoX += RAPIDEZ; naveDrawRectangulo.X += RAPIDEZ; escudoDrawRectangulo.X += RAPIDEZ; naveShape.Center.X += RAPIDEZ; escudoShape.Center.X += RAPIDEZ; if (disparou == false) { disparou = true; if (Jogador.Jogador2 == jogador) { GameMLS.AdicionarBala(new Bala(texturaBala, jogador, posicaoX + naveDrawRectangulo.Width / 2 - texturaBala.Width / 2, posicaoY, true)); } else { GameMLS.AdicionarBala(new Bala(texturaBala, jogador, posicaoX + naveDrawRectangulo.Width / 2 - texturaBala.Width / 2, posicaoY + naveDrawRectangulo.Height - texturaBala.Height, false)); } } } else { switchSide = true; } } else { if (tempoAI < PHASE4_TIME && vidaActual > 0 && posicaoX - RAPIDEZ >= 0) { posicaoX -= RAPIDEZ; naveDrawRectangulo.X -= RAPIDEZ; escudoDrawRectangulo.X -= RAPIDEZ; naveShape.Center.X -= RAPIDEZ; escudoShape.Center.X -= RAPIDEZ; if (disparou == false) { disparou = true; if (Jogador.Jogador2 == jogador) { GameMLS.AdicionarBala(new Bala(texturaBala, jogador, posicaoX + naveDrawRectangulo.Width / 2 - texturaBala.Width / 2, posicaoY, true)); } else { GameMLS.AdicionarBala(new Bala(texturaBala, jogador, posicaoX + naveDrawRectangulo.Width / 2 - texturaBala.Width / 2, posicaoY + naveDrawRectangulo.Height - texturaBala.Height, false)); } } } else { switchSide = false; } } if (tempoAI >= PHASE4_TIME) { currentAIPhase = AIPhase.Phase5; tempoAI = 0; } else { tempoAI += gametime.ElapsedGameTime.Ticks; } }
void changePhase() { if (phase == AIPhase.tactical) { Ray r = new Ray(transform.position, player.transform.position - transform.position); RaycastHit rh; if (Physics.Raycast(r, out rh)) { if ( == "Dude3D") { phase = AIPhase.attack; } } else { phase = AIPhase.idle; } } else { Ray r = new Ray(transform.position, player.transform.position - transform.position); RaycastHit rh; if (Physics.Raycast(r, out rh)) { if ( == "Dude3D") { phase = AIPhase.tactical; } } else { phase = AIPhase.idle; } } Vector2 fromPlayer; switch (phase) { case AIPhase.idle: direction = getFurthest(); nextPhaseIn = 2.0f + Random.value * 3.0f; _sr.sprite = idle; break; case AIPhase.tactical: fromPlayer = transform.position.xy() - player.transform.position.xy(); fromPlayer = fromPlayer.normalized * (0.5f + Random.value * 1.5f); direction = player.transform.position.xy() + fromPlayer; nextPhaseIn = 1 + Random.value * 2; _sr.sprite = tactical; break; case AIPhase.attack: fromPlayer = transform.position.xy() - player.transform.position.xy(); fromPlayer = fromPlayer.normalized * (0.5f + Random.value * 1.5f); direction = player.transform.position.xy() + fromPlayer; bulletCool = bulletCooldown; bullets = 3; _sr.sprite = aim; nextPhaseIn = 1; break; } }
/// <summary> /// Called every simulation tick. /// </summary> public void Update() { if (!mActive) { return; } // TODO: Maybe stagger updates over multiple ticks. // TODO: Maybe worker threads to help with decision making perf. // AI Follows a schedule of actions to be taken. // State driven? Checks for various conditions then jumps to a certain state. // State stack? Allows to return to what it was doing. // Fitting objects in the level: // A hint system where the level designer places hints for object placement // Procedural placement fitting // Don't block of corridors // Favour placing against walls // Have gaps around objects placed in the middle of rooms ++_counter; if (_counter == 1) { //CItemStart spawn = _world.GetEntity<CItemStart>(_world.mPlayers[1].mSpawnItemID); //spawn.QueueEvent(new CElevatorEvent(CElevatorEvent.EType.T_SPAWN_UNIT, 1, 0)); _phase = AIPhase.DECIDE; //_GetFirstAvailableResume(); //_world.ControllerPlaceBlueprint("item_desk_test", 19, 15, 2, _playerIndex); //_world.ControllerPlaceBlueprint("item_food_test", 17, 12, 1, _playerIndex); //_world.ControllerPlaceBlueprint("item_safe_test", 20, 10, 0, _playerIndex); //_world.ControllerPlaceBlueprint("item_safe_test", 21, 10, 0, _playerIndex); //_world.ControllerPlaceBlueprint("item_safe_test", 22, 10, 0, _playerIndex); //mWorld.ControllerPlaceBlueprint("item_safe_test", 23, 10, 0, mPlayerId); //_world.ControllerPlaceBlueprint("item_test_0", 20, 7, 1, _playerIndex); //_world.ControllerPlaceBlueprint("item_door", 16, 6, 1, _playerIndex); //mWorld.ControllerPlaceBlueprint("item_door", 26, 12, 1, mPlayerId); } else { /* * // Check if we have an unassigned desk, and then assign someone to it * // TODO: Ideally we only want to assign to desks we know are within reach/safe. * CItemProxy deskProxy = _GetUnassignedDesk(); * if (deskProxy != null) * { * CUnit unit = _GetUnassignedWorker(); * if (unit != null) * { * Debug.Log("Assigning worker " + unit.mID + " to desk " + deskProxy.mID); * _world.ControllerSelectEntity(_playerIndex, unit.mID); * _world.ControllerClaimDesk(_playerIndex, deskProxy.mID); * } * } * * _DistributeContractToAssignedDesks(); * * if (_counter % 60 == 0) * { * _GetFirstAvailableResume(); * if (_GetContractCount() < 4) * _GetFirstAvailableContract(); * * if (_GetTotalInterns(true) < 5) * _world.ControllerHireIntern(_playerIndex); * } */ if (_counter % 60 == 0) { if (_GetTotalInterns(true) < 5) { mWorld.ControllerHireIntern(mPlayerId); } } } /* * if (_phase == AIPhase.START) * { * Debug.LogWarning("The AI is here"); * * * } * else if (_phase == AIPhase.DECIDE) * { * } */ }
public void AIGotoPhase(AIPhase phase) {[1] = (int)phase; }
void EnterInRoom() { isInRoom = true; transform.position = NextRoomInvestigate.Position; currentAIPhase = AIPhase.Suggest; }
public Nave(ContentManager content, SoundEffect[] sound, int posicaoFixaY, Jogador j) { //carrega as texturas e sons LoadContent(content, sound); //inicializa os valores da nave vidaActual = VIDA; escudoActual = 0; posNaveCentroX = SCREEN_WIDTH_CENTER - texturaNave.Width / 2; posEscudoCentroX = SCREEN_WIDTH_CENTER - TexturaEscudo.Width / 2; posicaoX = posNaveCentroX; posicaoY = posicaoFixaY; escudoActivo = false; visivel = true; jogador = j; disparou = false; disable = false; tempoEscudo = 0; tempoTiros = 0; if (j == Jogador.AIScripted) { tempoAI = 0; currentAIPhase = AIPhase.Phase1; scriptedAI = true; switchSide = false; } else { tempoAI = -1; currentAIPhase = AIPhase.NoPhase; scriptedAI = false; } //determina as teclas da nave conforme o jogador if (Jogador.Jogador1 == jogador) { teclaEsquerda = Keys.K; teclaDireita = Keys.L; teclaDisparar = Keys.N; teclaActivarEscudo = Keys.M; } else if (Jogador.Jogador2 == jogador) { teclaEsquerda = Keys.Left; teclaDireita = Keys.Right; teclaDisparar = Keys.Space; teclaActivarEscudo = Keys.C; } //cria um novo rectangulo de desenho para a nave e o escudo naveDrawRectangulo = new Rectangle(posNaveCentroX, posicaoY, texturaNave.Width, texturaNave.Height); escudoDrawRectangulo = new Rectangle(posEscudoCentroX, posicaoY - (texturaEscudo.Height - texturaNave.Height) / 2, texturaEscudo.Width, texturaEscudo.Height); centerNave = new Point2(posNaveCentroX + TexturaNave.Width / 2, posicaoY + TexturaNave.Height / 2); centerEscudo = new Point2(posEscudoCentroX + TexturaEscudo.Width / 2, posicaoY + TexturaEscudo.Height / 2); //cria novas figuras geometricas para detectar colisoes naveShape = new CircleF(centerNave, texturaNave.Width / 2); escudoShape = new CircleF(centerEscudo, texturaEscudo.Width / 2); }