Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <JToken> Handler(JToken @event, ILambdaContext context)
            if (@event == null)
                throw new Exception("Missing workflow input");

            var resourceManager = AwsEnvironment.GetAwsV4ResourceManager();

                var jobData = new JobBase
                    Status           = "RUNNING",
                    ParallelProgress = { ["speech-text-translate"] = 20 }
                await resourceManager.SendNotificationAsync(jobData, @event["notificationEndpoint"].ToMcmaObject <NotificationEndpoint>());
            catch (Exception error)
                Logger.Error("Failed to send notification: {0}", error);

            var stepFunction = new AmazonStepFunctionsClient();
            var data         = await stepFunction.GetActivityTaskAsync(new GetActivityTaskRequest
                ActivityArn = ACTIVITY_ARN

            var taskToken = data.TaskToken;

            if (taskToken == null)
                throw new Exception("Failed to obtain activity task");

            @event = JToken.Parse(data.Input);

            var jobProfiles = await resourceManager.GetAsync <JobProfile>(("name", JOB_PROFILE_NAME));

            var jobProfileId = jobProfiles?.FirstOrDefault()?.Id;

            if (jobProfileId == null)
                throw new Exception($"JobProfile '{JOB_PROFILE_NAME}' not found");

            var job = new AIJob
                JobProfile = jobProfileId,
                JobInput   = new JobParameterBag
                    ["inputFile"]      = @event["data"]["mediaFileLocator"],
                    ["outputLocation"] = new S3Locator
                        AwsS3Bucket    = TEMP_BUCKET,
                        AwsS3KeyPrefix = JOB_RESULTS_PREFIX
                NotificationEndpoint = new NotificationEndpoint
                    HttpEndpoint = ACTIVITY_CALLBACK_URL + "?taskToken=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(taskToken)

            job = await resourceManager.CreateAsync(job);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <JToken> Handler(JToken @event, ILambdaContext context)
            if (@event == null)
                throw new Exception("Missing workflow input");

            var resourceManager = AwsEnvironment.GetAwsV4ResourceManager();

                var jobData = new JobBase
                    Status           = "RUNNING",
                    ParallelProgress = { ["speech-text-translate"] = 60 }
                await resourceManager.SendNotificationAsync(jobData, @event["notificationEndpoint"].ToMcmaObject <NotificationEndpoint>());
            catch (Exception error)
                Logger.Error("Failed to send notification: {0}", error);

            var stepFunction = new AmazonStepFunctionsClient();
            var data         = await stepFunction.GetActivityTaskAsync(new GetActivityTaskRequest
                ActivityArn = ACTIVITY_ARN

            var taskToken = data.TaskToken;

            if (taskToken == null)
                throw new Exception("Failed to obtain activity task");

            @event = JToken.Parse(data.Input);

            var jobProfiles = await resourceManager.GetAsync <JobProfile>(("name", JOB_PROFILE_NAME));

            var jobProfileId = jobProfiles?.FirstOrDefault()?.Id;

            if (jobProfileId == null)
                throw new Exception($"JobProfile '{JOB_PROFILE_NAME}' not found");

            // writing speech transcription to a textfile in temp bucket
            var bmContent = await resourceManager.ResolveAsync <BMContent>(@event["input"]["bmContent"].Value <string>());

            // get the transcript from the BMContent
            var transcript =
                bmContent.Get <McmaExpandoObject>("awsAiMetadata")
                ?.Get <McmaExpandoObject>("transcription")
                ?.Get <string>("original");

            if (transcript == null)
                throw new Exception("Missing transcription on BMContent");

            var s3Params = new PutObjectRequest
                BucketName  = TEMP_BUCKET,
                Key         = "AiInput/" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".txt",
                ContentBody = transcript

            var s3Client = new AmazonS3Client();
            await s3Client.PutObjectAsync(s3Params);

            var job = new AIJob
                JobProfile = jobProfileId,
                JobInput   = new JobParameterBag
                    ["inputFile"] = new S3Locator
                        AwsS3Bucket = s3Params.BucketName,
                        AwsS3Key    = s3Params.Key
                    ["targetLanguageCode"] = "ja",
                    ["outputLocation"]     = new S3Locator
                        AwsS3Bucket = TEMP_BUCKET,
                        AwsS3Key    = JOB_RESULTS_PREFIX
                NotificationEndpoint = new NotificationEndpoint
                    HttpEndpoint = ACTIVITY_CALLBACK_URL + "?taskToken=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(taskToken)

            job = await resourceManager.CreateAsync(job);
