public override void OnHitWeapon(BaseWeapon weapon, BaseCharacter attacker, DamageInfo dmg)
        //Test to see if the person who just shot us is closer than our current target (usually the sandcastle)
        if (GameHandler.IsPlayer(attacker))
            if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, attacker.transform.position) < Vector3.Distance(transform.position, currentIntent.targetPosition))
                //If the attacker is close, switch to him as the target and attack him/her
                currentIntent = new AIIntent() { owner = this, target = attacker, intent = Intent.Attack, intentAssignTime = Time.fixedTime };

        base.OnHitWeapon(weapon, attacker, dmg);

        if (this.CurrentHealth <= 0)
            if (GameHandler.IsPlayer(attacker))
                (attacker as PlayerController).RewardForKill(150, this);

                //GameObject g = ItemDrop[Random.Range(0, ItemDrop.Length)];

                float r = Random.RandomRange(0.0f, 1.0f);

                if (r < dropProbabilty)
                    GameObject g = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(ItemDrop[Random.Range(0, ItemDrop.Length)], transform.position, transform.rotation);
                    g.rigidbody.AddForce(Vector3.up * 5, ForceMode.Impulse);
    public override void OnHitWeapon(BaseWeapon weapon, BaseCharacter attacker, DamageInfo dmg)
        //Test to see if the person who just shot us is closer than our current target (usually the sandcastle)
        if (GameHandler.IsPlayer(attacker))
            lastHitTime = Time.time;

            if (hitCount > 5)
                GameObject g = new GameObject("AITarget");

                g.transform.position = new Vector3(gameObject.transform.position.x + Random.Range(-20, 20), 0, gameObject.transform.position.z + Random.Range(-20, 20));

                AINullTarget target = g.AddComponent<AINullTarget>();

                currentIntent = new AIIntent() { intent = Intent.Flee, owner = this, intentAssignTime = Time.fixedTime, target = target };

            /*if (attacker !=
                if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, attacker.transform.position) < Vector3.Distance(transform.position, currentIntent.targetPosition))
                    //If the attacker is close, switch to him as the target and attack him/her
                    currentIntent = new AIIntent() { owner = this, target = attacker, intent = Intent.Attack, intentAssignTime = Time.fixedTime };

        base.OnHitWeapon(weapon, attacker, dmg);

        if (this.CurrentHealth <= 0)
            if (GameHandler.IsPlayer(attacker))
                (attacker as PlayerController).RewardForKill(600, this);
    //We calculate what we want to do here
    public override void Tick_AI()

        //If our current intent has become invalid (usually if our target has died or doesn't exist anymore)
        if (!currentIntent.CheckIntentValid())
            //Find the nearest castle
            BaseCharacter nearestCastle = GameHandler.GetNearestSandcastle(transform.position);
            //Set our intent to walk to that castle
            //TODO: This should be an Attack intent
            if (nearestCastle == null)
                currentIntent = new AIIntent() { intent = Intent.Wait, intentAssignTime = Time.fixedTime, target = null };
                currentIntent = new AIIntent() { intent = Intent.Attack, intentAssignTime = Time.fixedTime, target = nearestCastle };
    //Override this function in any child classes and place your AI routines in it
    //Function ticks 10 times per second as to not flood the game with routine updates
    public virtual void Tick_AI()
        if (currentIntent == AIIntent.Null || !currentIntent.CheckIntentValid())
            currentIntent = new AIIntent() { owner = this, intent = Intent.Wait, intentAssignTime = Time.fixedTime };

        lastAITick = Time.fixedTime;
    //We calculate *how* we do what we want to do here
    public override void ProcessIntent()
        //If we want to attack our target
        if (currentIntent.intent == Intent.Attack)
            if (IsRolling)

            if (Time.time > lastDeployTime + DeployDelay)
                Quaternion TargetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(currentIntent.targetPosition - transform.position);

                //If we're close enough to our target to hit him
                if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, currentIntent.targetPosition) < AttackDistance && Quaternion.Angle(transform.rotation, TargetRotation) < 10)
                    if (CanSeeObject(transform.position, transform.forward, AttackDistance,
                        //Debug.Log("Wants to fire!");
                        //If our 'weapon' is ready to attack
                        if (Weapon.CanFire() && Weapon.magazineCurrentCount > 0)
                            //Hit our target
                            modelAnimator.Play("fire", 0, 0);
                        currentIntent = new AIIntent() { intent = Intent.WalkTo, owner = this, intentAssignTime = Time.fixedTime, target = };
        else if (currentIntent.intent == Intent.Flee)
            if (!IsRolling)
                if (!Contracting)
                    Contracting = true;
                    contractTime = Time.time;
                    if (Time.time > contractTime + contractDelay)
                        IsRolling = true;
                        Contracting = false;
        else if (currentIntent.intent == Intent.WalkTo)
            if (CanSeeObject(transform.position, transform.position -, AttackDistance,
                currentIntent = new AIIntent() { intent = Intent.Attack, owner = this, intentAssignTime = Time.fixedTime, target = GameHandler.GetNearestPlayer(transform.position) };

    //We calculate what we want to do here
    public override void Tick_AI()

        //If our current intent has become invalid (usually if our target has died or doesn't exist anymore)
        if (!currentIntent.CheckIntentValid())
            if (GameHandler.instance.GetNumAlivePlayers() > 0)
                currentIntent = new AIIntent() { intent = Intent.Attack, owner = this, intentAssignTime = Time.fixedTime, target = GameHandler.GetNearestPlayer(transform.position) };
                currentIntent = new AIIntent() { intent = Intent.Wait, owner = this, intentAssignTime = Time.fixedTime };