Ejemplo n.º 1
    /* deleteNodeOfId deletes the node from the list that is holding a polygon with a certain id
     * Parameter: (int) idToDelete is the id of the polygon being held by the node to be deleted
     * Return: none
    public void deleteNodeOfId(int idToDelete)
        AIFringeSearchNode tempFront = frontOfList;

        if (frontOfList != null)
            if (doesIDMatch(frontOfList.getPolygon().getID(), idToDelete) == true)
                frontOfList = frontOfList.getNextNode();
            AIFringeSearchNode tempback = tempFront.getNextNode();
            while ((tempback.getNextNode() != null) && (doesIDMatch(tempback.getPolygon().getID(), idToDelete) == false))
                tempFront = tempback;
                tempback  = tempFront.getNextNode();
            if (doesIDMatch(tempback.getPolygon().getID(), idToDelete) == true)
Ejemplo n.º 2
     * fringeSearch method will preform the fringe search
     * Parameter:	none
     * Return:	none
    void fringeSearch()
        AIFringeSearchNode tempNode = fringeList.getNodeOnList(startingPolygon); // the first polygon in the list

        fLimit = tempNode.getHCost();                                            //the first limit
        AIFringeSearchList curList  = fringeList;                                //the current list that will be looked at
        AIFringeSearchList nextList = new AIFringeSearchList(goalPosition);      //the list that the not good polygons will be put into

        while (goalFound == false && (curList.isEmpty() == false || nextList.isEmpty() == false))
            fMin     = float.MaxValue;         //reset the fMin
            firstMin = false;                  //reset the firstMin
            while (curList.isEmpty() == false) //goes until the current list is empty
                tempNode = curList.popNode();
                if (tempNode.getTotalCost() > fLimit)                    // the node is no good and the limit must be incresed
                    fMin = getMin(tempNode.getTotalCost(), fMin);
                    nextList.pushAtTheEnd(tempNode);                     //adds the node at the end of the nextList
                if (tempNode.getPolygon().getHasGoal() == true)                //goal node was found
                    finalSolutionStart = tempNode;
                for (int count = tempNode.getPolygon().getNeighborsHeld() - 1; count >= 0; count--)
                    AIFringeSearchNode childNode = new AIFringeSearchNode(polygonArray[tempNode.getPolygon().getNeighborAt(count)], tempNode, (tempNode.getGFromStartNode() + (tempNode.getPolygon().getCenterVector() - polygonArray[tempNode.getPolygon().getNeighborAt(count)].getCenterVector()).magnitude), goalPosition);
                    if (tempNode.getParentNode() == null || tempNode.getParentNode().getPolygon().getID() != childNode.getPolygon().getID()) //checks to see if the parentNode is the child node trying to be added in
                        if (cache[tempNode.getPolygon().getNeighborAt(count)] != null)                                                       //checks to see if the polygon has already been seen
                            if (childNode.getGFromStartNode() >= cache[tempNode.getPolygon().getNeighborAt(count)].getGFromStartNode())
                        if (curList.isNodeOnList(childNode.getPolygon()) == true)                                          //checks to see if the polygon is already on the list
                            curList.deleteNodeOfId(childNode.getPolygon().getID());                                        //deletes the node
                        curList.enqueue(childNode.getPolygon(), childNode.getParentNode(), childNode.getGFromStartNode()); //adds the node at the front of the current list
                        cache[tempNode.getPolygon().getNeighborAt(count)] = childNode;
                if (curList.getSize() > maxQueueSize)
                    maxQueueSize = curList.getSize();
            fLimit = fMin;             //sets the new Min

            AIFringeSearchList tempList = curList;
            curList  = nextList;
            nextList = tempList;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    /* getNodeOnList returns node from list that contains a specified polygon
     * Parameter:	(AIPolygon) polygonToCheck is the polygon being held by the node to be returned
     * Return:	(AIFringeSearchNode)
     *				node on list that is holding polygonToCheck
    public AIFringeSearchNode getNodeOnList(AIPolygon polygonToCheck)
        AIFringeSearchNode tempFront = frontOfList;

        if (tempFront == null)
        if (doesIDMatch(polygonToCheck.getID(), tempFront.getPolygon().getID()) == true)
        AIFringeSearchNode tempBack = tempFront.getNextNode();

        while ((tempBack != null) && (tempBack.getNextNode() != null) && (doesIDMatch(polygonToCheck.getID(), tempBack.getPolygon().getID()) == false))
            tempFront = tempBack;
            tempBack  = tempFront.getNextNode();
        if (tempBack == null)
        if (doesIDMatch(polygonToCheck.getID(), tempBack.getPolygon().getID()) == true)
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * addFinalsolutionPolygons method is a recusive method that will look at the parent of each node passed in until
  *      the node passed in is null, then it will add each Node's polygon to the finalSolutionArray in order
  *      from start until end
  * Parameter:	(AIFringeSearchNode)currentNode is the node that needs to be checked and then have its parent passed
  *              (ref int)counter is the current count of polygons in the FinalSolution array used to access the next index
  * Return:	none
 void addFinalSolutionPolygons(AIFringeSearchNode currentNode, ref int counter)
     if (currentNode != null)
         addFinalSolutionPolygons(currentNode.getParentNode(), ref counter);
         finalSolutionArray [counter] = currentNode.getPolygon();
         if (counter != 0)
             finalPathCost += (finalSolutionArray[counter].getCenterVector() - finalSolutionArray[counter - 1].getCenterVector()).magnitude;