public static string Convert(string srcFile, string destFile)
            StreamReader reader     = new StreamReader(srcFile, Encoding.UTF8);
            string       aicSrcFile = reader.ReadToEnd();


            aicSrcFile = Regex.Replace(aicSrcFile, "/[*]([^*]|([*][^/]))*[*]+/", String.Empty);

            Match header         = Regex.Match(aicSrcFile, @"AIFileHeader[\n.\s]+{");
            int   start          = header.Index;
            int   headerTitleEnd = header.Index + header.Length;
            int   end            = aicSrcFile.IndexOf("AICharacter", start);

            List <string> descriptions = new List <string>();

            string[] headerLines = aicSrcFile.Substring(headerTitleEnd, end).Split(new string[] { "Descr" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

            List <string> descrLines = new List <string>();
            String        language   = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < headerLines.Length; i++)
                string line = headerLines[i];
                if (Regex.Replace(line.Trim(), @"[\n\r\t]+", String.Empty).Equals(String.Empty))

                if (line.StartsWith("Ger"))
                    language = "German";
                else if (line.StartsWith("Eng"))
                    language = "English";
                else if (line.StartsWith("Rus"))
                    language = "Russian";
                else if (line.StartsWith("Pol"))
                    language = "Polish";

                if (i == headerLines.Length - 1)
                    line = line.Substring(0, line.LastIndexOf("AICharacter")).Trim("\r\n\t =}".ToCharArray());

                string description = line;
                if (!Regex.Replace(line.Trim(), @"[\n\r\t]+", String.Empty).Equals(String.Empty))
                    description = description.Substring(Math.Min(description.Length, 3));
                    description = description.Trim("\n\r\t ".ToCharArray());
                    if (description.StartsWith("=") || description.StartsWith("{"))
                        description = description.Substring(1).Trim("\n\r\t ".ToCharArray());
                    if (description.EndsWith("{"))
                        description = description.Substring(0, description.Length - 1).Trim("\n\r\t ".ToCharArray());
                description = description.Replace("\"", "\\\"");

                if (description.EndsWith("{") || description.EndsWith("}") || description.EndsWith("="))
                    description = description.Substring(0, description.Length - 1).Trim("\n\r\t ".ToCharArray());
                description = Regex.Replace(description, "\t", "  ");

                descriptions.Add("\"" + language + "\":" + " \"" + description + "\"");

            string headerJson = "\"AICShortDescription\": {\n  ";

            headerJson = headerJson + String.Join(",\n  ", descriptions);
            headerJson = headerJson + "\n  }";

            aicSrcFile = Regex.Replace(aicSrcFile, "/[*]([^*]|([*][^/]))*[*]+/", "");
            string[] characterSearch = aicSrcFile.Split(new string[] { "AICharacter" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            string[] characters      = new string[characterSearch.Length - 1];
            Array.Copy(characterSearch, 1, characters, 0, characters.Length);

            string aicJSON = "{\n" + headerJson + ",\n\n" + "\"AICharacters\": [";

            foreach (string character in characters)
                string[] personality = character.Split(new string[] { "Personality" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                string[] characterID = personality[0].Split('\n');

                List <string> personalityIDs = new List <string>();

                //find the index key
                AICharacterName currentCharacterName = 0;
                bool            indexFound           = false;
                foreach (string identifier in characterID)
                    string   parsedIdentifier = Regex.Replace(identifier, @"\s+", String.Empty);
                    string[] idFields         = parsedIdentifier.Split('=');
                    if (idFields[0].Trim() == "Index")
                        personalityIDs.Add('"' + "Name" + "\": \"" + Enum.GetName(typeof(AICharacterName), int.Parse(idFields[1])) + "\"");
                        currentCharacterName = (AICharacterName)int.Parse(idFields[1]);
                        indexFound           = true;

                //convert the name key and all other keys
                if (indexFound)
                    foreach (string identifier in characterID)
                        string   parsedIdentifier = Regex.Replace(identifier, @"\s+", String.Empty);
                        string[] idFields         = identifier.Split('=');
                        if (idFields.Length > 1)
                                if (idFields[0].Trim() == "Name")
                                    if (idFields[1].Trim() == "Philipp")
                                        idFields[1] = "Phillip";
                                    string indexName = currentCharacterName.ToString();
                                    if (indexName != idFields[1].Trim())
                                        //custom name is set
                                        personalityIDs.Add("\"CustomName\": \"" + idFields[1].Trim().Substring(0, Math.Min(idFields[1].Trim().ToString().Length, 20)) + '"');
                                        //no custom name set
                                        personalityIDs.Add("\"CustomName\": \"\"");
                                    personalityIDs.Add('"' + idFields[0].Trim() + "\": " + int.Parse(idFields[1]).ToString());
                            catch (FormatException)
                                personalityIDs.Add('"' + idFields[0].Trim() + "\": \"" + idFields[1].Trim() + "\"");

                string[]      characterData = personality[1].Split('\n');
                List <string> fields        = new List <string>();
                foreach (string field in characterData)
                    if (field.Contains("="))

                List <string> personalityFields    = new List <string>();
                const int     numPersonalityFields = 169;

                if (fields.Count == numPersonalityFields)
                    for (int index = 0; index < numPersonalityFields; index++)
                        string   parsedField = Regex.Replace(fields[index], @"\s+", String.Empty);
                        string[] fieldData   = parsedField.Split("=".ToCharArray());
                        if (fieldData.Length > 1)
                            string fieldName = Enum.GetName(typeof(AIPersonalityFieldsEnum), index);
                                personalityFields.Add('"' + fieldName + "\": " + int.Parse(fieldData[1]).ToString());
                            catch (FormatException)
                                personalityFields.Add('"' + fieldName + "\": \"" + fieldData[1] + "\"");
                    foreach (string field in fields)
                        string   parsedField = Regex.Replace(field, @"\s+", String.Empty);
                        string[] fieldData   = parsedField.Split("=".ToCharArray());
                        if (fieldData.Length > 1)
                            string fieldName = UpdateFieldName(fieldData[0]);
                                personalityFields.Add('"' + fieldName + "\": " + int.Parse(fieldData[1]).ToString());
                            catch (FormatException)
                                personalityFields.Add('"' + fieldName + "\": \"" + fieldData[1] + "\"");

                string characterJson = "\n\t\t" + String.Join(",\n\t\t", personalityIDs) + ",\n\t\t" +
                                       "\"Personality\" : {" + "\n\n\t\t\t" + String.Join(",\n\t\t\t", personalityFields) + "\n\t\t}\n\t}";

                aicJSON += "\n\t{" + characterJson + ",";
            aicJSON = aicJSON.Substring(0, aicJSON.Length - 2) + "}]\n}";
        public static bool Convert(string srcFile, string destFile)
            StreamReader reader     = new StreamReader(srcFile, Encoding.UTF8);
            string       aicSrcFile = reader.ReadToEnd();


            aicSrcFile = Regex.Replace(aicSrcFile, "/[*]([^*]|([*][^/]))*[*]+/", String.Empty);

            Match header         = Regex.Match(aicSrcFile, @"AIFileHeader[\n.\s]+{");
            int   start          = header.Index;
            int   headerTitleEnd = header.Index + header.Length;
            int   end            = aicSrcFile.IndexOf("AICharacter", start);

            // Variables for parsing and storing descriptions
            List <string> descriptions = new List <string>();

            string[] headerLines = aicSrcFile.Substring(headerTitleEnd, end).Split(new string[] { "Descr" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

            List <string> descrLines = new List <string>();

            // Parse AIFileHeader and store decriptions based on the defined language
            String language = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < headerLines.Length; i++)
                string line = headerLines[i];

                // Ignore empty lines
                if (Regex.Replace(line.Trim(), @"[\n\r\t]+", String.Empty).Equals(String.Empty))

                if (line.StartsWith("Ger"))
                    language = "German";
                else if (line.StartsWith("Eng"))
                    language = "English";
                else if (line.StartsWith("Rus"))
                    language = "Russian";
                else if (line.StartsWith("Pol"))
                    language = "Polish";

                if (i == headerLines.Length - 1)
                    line = line.Substring(0, line.LastIndexOf("AICharacter")).Trim("\r\n\t =}".ToCharArray());

                // Remove leading and ending punctuation and whitespace
                string description = line;
                if (!Regex.Replace(line.Trim(), @"[\n\r\t]+", String.Empty).Equals(String.Empty))
                    description = description.Substring(Math.Min(description.Length, 3));
                    description = description.Trim("\n\r\t ".ToCharArray());
                    if (description.StartsWith("=") || description.StartsWith("{"))
                        description = description.Substring(1).Trim("\n\r\t ".ToCharArray());
                    if (description.EndsWith("{"))
                        description = description.Substring(0, description.Length - 1).Trim("\n\r\t ".ToCharArray());
                description = description.Replace("\"", "\\\"");

                // Remove leading and ending punctuation and whitespace
                if (description.EndsWith("{") || description.EndsWith("}") || description.EndsWith("="))
                    description = description.Substring(0, description.Length - 1).Trim("\n\r\t ".ToCharArray());
                description = Regex.Replace(description, "\t", "  ");

                descriptions.Add("\"" + language + "\":" + " \"" + description + "\"");

            string headerJson = "\"AICShortDescription\": {\n  ";

            headerJson = headerJson + String.Join(",\n  ", descriptions);
            headerJson = headerJson + "\n  }";

            // Remove all comments from the file
            aicSrcFile = Regex.Replace(aicSrcFile, "/[*]([^*]|([*][^/]))*[*]+/", "");
            string[] characterSearch = aicSrcFile.Split(new string[] { "AICharacter" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            string[] characters      = new string[characterSearch.Length - 1];

            // Copy file text starting from the first AICharacter definition to be parsed
            Array.Copy(characterSearch, 1, characters, 0, characters.Length);

            string aicJSON = "{\n" + headerJson + ",\n\n" + "\"AICharacters\": [";

            foreach (string character in characters)
                string[] personality = character.Split(new string[] { "Personality" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                string[] characterID = personality[0].Split('\n');

                List <string> personalityIDs = new List <string>();

                // Find the index key
                AICharacterName currentCharacterName = 0;
                bool            indexFound           = false;
                foreach (string identifier in characterID)
                    string   parsedIdentifier = Regex.Replace(identifier, @"\s+", String.Empty);
                    string[] idFields         = parsedIdentifier.Split('=');
                    if (idFields[0].Trim() == "Index")
                        personalityIDs.Add('"' + "Name" + "\": \"" + Enum.GetName(typeof(AICharacterName), int.Parse(idFields[1])) + "\"");
                        currentCharacterName = (AICharacterName)int.Parse(idFields[1]);
                        indexFound           = true;

                // Convert the name key and all other keys
                if (indexFound)
                    foreach (string identifier in characterID)
                        string   parsedIdentifier = Regex.Replace(identifier, @"\s+", String.Empty);
                        string[] idFields         = identifier.Split('=');
                        if (idFields.Length > 1)
                                if (idFields[0].Trim() == "Name")
                                    if (idFields[1].Trim() == "Philipp")
                                        idFields[1] = "Phillip";
                                    string indexName = currentCharacterName.ToString();

                                    // Save CustomName if set else output blank CustomName
                                    if (indexName != idFields[1].Trim())
                                        personalityIDs.Add("\"CustomName\": \"" + idFields[1].Trim().Substring(0, Math.Min(idFields[1].Trim().ToString().Length, 20)) + '"');
                                        personalityIDs.Add("\"CustomName\": \"\"");
                                    // Attempt to save value of field as a numeric type
                                    personalityIDs.Add('"' + idFields[0].Trim() + "\": " + int.Parse(idFields[1]).ToString());
                            catch (FormatException) // Store value of field as string
                                personalityIDs.Add('"' + idFields[0].Trim() + "\": \"" + idFields[1].Trim() + "\"");

                // Split the Personality definition by newlines and ignore lines without '=' as comments or invalid
                string[]      characterData = personality[1].Split('\n');
                List <string> fields        = new List <string>();
                foreach (string field in characterData)
                    if (field.Contains("="))

                List <string> personalityFields    = new List <string>();
                const int     numPersonalityFields = 169;

                // If number of found fields is equal to the defined number of personality fields
                // assume fields are in order
                if (fields.Count == numPersonalityFields)
                    for (int index = 0; index < numPersonalityFields; index++)
                        string   parsedField = Regex.Replace(fields[index], @"\s+", String.Empty);
                        string[] fieldData   = parsedField.Split("=".ToCharArray());
                        if (fieldData.Length > 1)
                            string fieldName = Enum.GetName(typeof(AIPersonalityFieldsEnum), index);
                                personalityFields.Add('"' + fieldName + "\": " + int.Parse(fieldData[1]).ToString());
                            catch (FormatException)
                                personalityFields.Add('"' + fieldName + "\": \"" + fieldData[1] + "\"");
                    // Iterate fields and store based on field name defined in file
                    foreach (string field in fields)
                        string   parsedField = Regex.Replace(field, @"\s+", String.Empty);
                        string[] fieldData   = parsedField.Split("=".ToCharArray());
                        if (fieldData.Length > 1)
                            string fieldName = UpdateFieldName(fieldData[0]);
                                personalityFields.Add('"' + fieldName + "\": " + int.Parse(fieldData[1]).ToString());
                            catch (FormatException)
                                personalityFields.Add('"' + fieldName + "\": \"" + fieldData[1] + "\"");

                string characterJson = "\n\t\t" + String.Join(",\n\t\t", personalityIDs) + ",\n\t\t" +
                                       "\"Personality\" : {" + "\n\n\t\t\t" + String.Join(",\n\t\t\t", personalityFields) + "\n\t\t}\n\t}";

                aicJSON += "\n\t{" + characterJson + ",";
            aicJSON = aicJSON.Substring(0, aicJSON.Length - 2) + "}]\n}";
            File.WriteAllText(destFile, aicJSON, Encoding.UTF8);