Ejemplo n.º 1
 /* AIBiDirectionalSearch is a constructor for this class
  * Parameter: Vector3 goalToAdd - location of the goal
  * AIPolygon[] polygonArrayToAdd - array holding the polygons that will be used to search
 public AIBiDirectionalSearch(Vector3 goalToAdd, AIPolygon[] polygonArrayToAdd)
     polygonArray      = polygonArrayToAdd;
     polygonFinalCount = 0;
     maxQueueSize      = 0;
     nodesVisited      = 0;
     finalPathCost     = 0f;
     agentToGoal       = new AIBiDirectionalAStarAgent(goalToAdd, polygonArray, false);
     goalToAgent       = new AIBiDirectionalAStarAgent(AINavigationMeshAgent.agentStart, polygonArray, true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /* The getPathFromBiDirectionAgent gets the path from the AIBiDirectionalAStarAgent and sets
  * the stats needed for analysis( final polygon count, nodes visited, and maz queue size)
  * Parameter: AIBiDirectionalAStarAgent agentThatFoundPath - Agent that carried out the search
 void getPathFromBiDirectionAgent(AIBiDirectionalAStarAgent agentThatFoundPath)
     finalSolutionArray = agentThatFoundPath.getFinalPath();
     polygonFinalCount  = agentThatFoundPath.getFinalPathLength();
     for (int count = 1; count < finalSolutionArray.Length; count++)
         finalPathCost += (finalSolutionArray [count].getCenterVector() - finalSolutionArray [count - 1].getCenterVector()).magnitude;
     nodesVisited = agentToGoal.getNodesVisited() + goalToAgent.getNodesVisited();
     maxQueueSize = agentToGoal.getMaxQueueSize() + goalToAgent.getMaxQueueSize();