private static void CreateMaidClassNameMap() { if (0 < maidClassIDtoNameDic.Count) { return; } int maxVal = 0; using (AFileBase aFileBase = GameUty.FileSystem.FileOpen("maid_class_infotext.nei")) { using (CsvParser csvParser = new CsvParser()) { bool condition = csvParser.Open(aFileBase); NDebug.Assert(condition, "file open error[maid_class_infotext.nei]"); for (int i = 1; i < csvParser.max_cell_y; i++) { if (!csvParser.IsCellToExistData(0, i)) { continue; } string cellAsString = csvParser.GetCellAsString(0, i); maidClassIDtoNameDic.Add(maxVal, cellAsString); maxVal++; } } } }
public static Material LoadMaterial(string materialName) { AFileBase file = GameUty.FileOpen(materialName); if (!file.IsValid() || file.GetSize() == 0) { string name = materialName.Replace(@"material\", ""); file = GameUty.FileOpen(name); if (file.GetSize() == 0 || !file.IsValid()) { Debug.LogError("File not valid " + materialName); return(null); } } BinaryReader r = new BinaryReader((Stream) new MemoryStream(file.ReadAll()), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); string str = r.ReadString(); if (str != "CM3D2_MATERIAL") { NDebug.Assert("ProcScriptBin 例外 : ヘッダーファイルが不正です。" + str); } r.ReadInt32(); r.ReadString(); Material material = AssetLoader.ReadMaterial(r, null); r.Close(); return(material); }
// Token: 0x06000250 RID: 592 RVA: 0x000147AC File Offset: 0x000129AC public Stream GetStream(string filename) { Stream result; try { AFileBase afileBase = GameUty.FileOpen(filename, null); if (!afileBase.IsValid()) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = LogUtil.Error(new object[] { "指定ファイルが見つかりません。file=", filename }); throw new ACCException(stringBuilder.ToString()); } result = new BufferedStream(new FileBaseStream(afileBase), FileUtilEx.BUFFER_SIZE); } catch (ACCException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = LogUtil.Error(new object[] { "指定ファイルが読み込めませんでした。", filename, ex }); throw new ACCException(stringBuilder2.ToString(), ex); } return(result); }
// Token: 0x06000252 RID: 594 RVA: 0x00014918 File Offset: 0x00012B18 public byte[] LoadInternal(string filename) { byte[] result; try { using (AFileBase afileBase = GameUty.FileOpen(filename, null)) { if (!afileBase.IsValid()) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = LogUtil.Error(new object[] { "指定ファイルが見つかりません。file=", filename }); throw new ACCException(stringBuilder.ToString()); } result = afileBase.ReadAll(); } } catch (ACCException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = LogUtil.Error(new object[] { "指定ファイルが読み込めませんでした。", filename, ex }); throw new ACCException(stringBuilder2.ToString(), ex); } return(result); }
public Dictionary <TBody.SlotID, Item> Load(string filename) { trgtMenu = ACCMenu.Load(filename); nameInterlocked = false; if (trgtMenu != null) { showDialog = true; return(trgtMenu.itemSlots); } else { // エラー確認用処理 AFileBase aFileBase = global::GameUty.FileOpen(filename); if (aFileBase.IsValid()) { //const int BUFFER_SIZE = 8192; string dir = OutputUtil.Instance.GetExportDirectory(); string outfile = Path.Combine(dir, filename); LogUtil.Error("MENUファイルを出力します。", outfile); using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(File.OpenWrite(outfile))) { writer.Write(aFileBase.ReadAll()); } } } return(null); }
public static void m_dicSliderPartsTypeBtnName_ext() { if (m_dicSliderPartsTypeBtnName_ext_flag) { return; } m_dicSliderPartsTypeBtnName_ext_flag = true; string text = "edit_category_define_creator.nei"; Dictionary <SceneEditInfo.EMenuCategory, int> dictionary = new Dictionary <SceneEditInfo.EMenuCategory, int>(); using (AFileBase afileBase = GameUty.FileSystemMod.FileOpen(text)) { using (CsvParser csvParser = new CsvParser()) { bool condition = csvParser.Open(afileBase); NDebug.Assert(condition, text + "\nopen failed."); for (int i = 1; i < csvParser.max_cell_y; i++) { if (csvParser.IsCellToExistData(0, i)) { int num = 0; MPN key = MPN.null_mpn; try { key = (MPN)Enum.Parse(typeof(MPN), csvParser.GetCellAsString(num++, i)); } catch { } SceneEditInfo.CCateNameType ccateNameType = new SceneEditInfo.CCateNameType(); ccateNameType.m_eMenuCate = SceneEditInfo.EMenuCategory.頭; try { ccateNameType.m_eMenuCate = (SceneEditInfo.EMenuCategory)Enum.Parse(typeof(SceneEditInfo.EMenuCategory), csvParser.GetCellAsString(num++, i)); } catch { } ccateNameType.m_eType = SceneEditInfo.CCateNameType.EType.Item; try { ccateNameType.m_eType = (SceneEditInfo.CCateNameType.EType)Enum.Parse(typeof(SceneEditInfo.CCateNameType.EType), csvParser.GetCellAsString(num++, i)); } catch { } ccateNameType.m_ePartsType = csvParser.GetCellAsString(num++, i); ccateNameType.m_strBtnPartsTypeName = csvParser.GetCellAsString(num++, i); ccateNameType.m_nIdx = 50 + i; SceneEditInfo.dicPartsTypePair_[key] = ccateNameType; } } } } }
// add data from *phot_bg_list*.nei files to PhotoBGData.bg_data_ public static void PhotoBGext() { string[] bg_nelist = null; bg_nelist = GameUty.FileSystemMod.GetList("PhotoBG_NEI", AFileSystemBase.ListType.AllFile); if (bg_nelist == null || 0 == bg_nelist.Length) { return; } foreach (string str in bg_nelist) { string nei_filename = Path.GetFileName(str); if (Path.GetExtension(nei_filename) == ".nei" && nei_filename != "phot_bg_list.nei") { using (AFileBase aFileBase2 = GameUty.FileSystemMod.FileOpen(nei_filename)) { using (CsvParser csvParser = new CsvParser()) { if (csvParser.Open(aFileBase2)) { for (int k = 1; k < csvParser.max_cell_y; k++) { int num2 = 1; PhotoBGData photoBGData = new PhotoBGData(); // this requires prepatched assembly to compile = ""; photoBGData.category = csvParser.GetCellAsString(num2++, k); = csvParser.GetCellAsString(num2++, k); photoBGData.create_prefab_name = csvParser.GetCellAsString(num2++, k); //assign id from prefab/bundles string //this is done because save/load of objects in photomode is based on id if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(photoBGData.create_prefab_name)) { = photoBGData.create_prefab_name.GetHashCode().ToString(); // this feels wrong, but i suspect the KISS might convert id to int at some point // so i'd rather be on safe side } string check = csvParser.GetCellAsString(num2++, k); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(check) || GameUty.BgFiles.ContainsKey(photoBGData.create_prefab_name.ToLower() + ".asset_bg")) { PhotoBGData.bg_data_.Add(photoBGData); } } } else { Debug.Log($"Skipping invalid file: Mod/{str}"); } } } } } }
// Token: 0x06000255 RID: 597 RVA: 0x00014A44 File Offset: 0x00012C44 public void Copy(AFileBase infile, string outfilepath) { using (BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(File.OpenWrite(outfilepath))) { byte[] buffer = new byte[8196]; int count; while ((count = infile.Read(ref buffer, 8196)) > 0) { binaryWriter.Write(buffer, 0, count); } } }
// 外部DLL依存 public void Copy(AFileBase infile, string outfilepath) { const int buffSize = 8196; using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(File.OpenWrite(outfilepath))) { var buff = new byte[buffSize]; int length = 0; while ((length = infile.Read(ref buff, buffSize)) > 0) { writer.Write(buff, 0, length); } } }
// add data from *phot_motion_list*.nei files to PhotoMotionData.motion_data_ public static void PhotMotExt() { string[] PhotoMotNei = null; PhotoMotNei = GameUty.FileSystemMod.GetList("PhotMot_NEI", AFileSystemBase.ListType.AllFile); // if (PhotoMotNei == null || PhotoMotNei.Length == 0) // { return; } foreach (string str in PhotoMotNei) { string nei_filename = Path.GetFileName(str); if (Path.GetExtension(nei_filename) == ".nei" && nei_filename != "phot_motion_list.nei") { using (AFileBase aFileBase = GameUty.FileSystem.FileOpen(nei_filename)) { using (CsvParser csvParser = new CsvParser()) { if (csvParser.Open(aFileBase)) { for (int i = 1; i < csvParser.max_cell_y; i++) { int num = 0; PhotoMotionData photoMotionData = new PhotoMotionData(); // this requires prepatched assembly to compile = (long)csvParser.GetCellAsInteger(num++, i); photoMotionData.category = csvParser.GetCellAsString(num++, i); = csvParser.GetCellAsString(num++, i); photoMotionData.direct_file = csvParser.GetCellAsString(num++, i); photoMotionData.is_loop = (csvParser.GetCellAsString(num++, i) == "○"); photoMotionData.call_script_fil = csvParser.GetCellAsString(num++, i); photoMotionData.call_script_label = csvParser.GetCellAsString(num++, i); photoMotionData.is_mod = false; string cellAsString = csvParser.GetCellAsString(num++, i); bool flag = csvParser.GetCellAsString(num++, i) == "○"; photoMotionData.use_animekey_mune_l = (photoMotionData.use_animekey_mune_r = flag); photoMotionData.is_man_pose = (csvParser.GetCellAsString(num++, i) == "○"); PhotoMotionData.motion_data_.Add(photoMotionData); } } else { Debug.Log($"Skipping invalid file: Mod/{str}"); } } } } } }
private static void CreateEnabledYotogiClassMap() { Type yotogiClassType = typeof(Maid).Assembly.GetType("param.YotogiClassType"); MethodInfo getYotogiClassIdFromNameMethod = typeof(MaidParam).GetMethod( "GetYotogiClassIdFromName", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static); bool isOldVersion = yotogiClassType != null; Action <string> readYotogiClasses = delegate(string fileName) { fileName += ".nei"; if (!GameUty.FileSystem.IsExistentFile(fileName)) { return; } using (AFileBase aFileBase = GameUty.FileSystem.FileOpen(fileName)) { using (CsvParser csvParser = new CsvParser()) { bool condition = csvParser.Open(aFileBase); NDebug.Assert(condition, fileName + " open failed."); for (int k = 1; k < csvParser.max_cell_y; k++) { if (!csvParser.IsCellToExistData(0, k)) { continue; } string className = csvParser.GetCellAsString(0, k); int key = isOldVersion ? (int)Enum.Parse(yotogiClassType, className, true) : (int)getYotogiClassIdFromNameMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { className }); if (!yotogiClassToNameDic.ContainsKey(key)) { yotogiClassToNameDic.Add(key, className); } EnabledYotogiClasses.Add(key); } } } }; readYotogiClasses("yotogi_class_enabled_list"); foreach (string path in GameUty.PathList) { readYotogiClasses($"yotogi_class_enabled_list_{path}"); } EnabledYotogiClasses.Sort(); }
public byte[] LoadInternal(string filename) { try { using (AFileBase aFileBase = global::GameUty.FileOpen(filename)) { if (!aFileBase.IsValid()) { var msg = LogUtil.Error("指定ファイルが見つかりません。file=", filename); throw new ACCException(msg.ToString()); } return(aFileBase.ReadAll()); } } catch (ACCException) { throw; } catch (Exception e) { var msg = LogUtil.Error("指定ファイルが読み込めませんでした。", filename, e); throw new ACCException(msg.ToString(), e); } }
public static void m_dicPartsTypeWearMode_ext() { if (m_dicPartsTypeWearMode_ext_flag) { return; } m_dicPartsTypeWearMode_ext_flag = true; string text = "edit_mask_define_creator.nei"; SceneEditInfo.dicPartsTypeWearMode_ = new Dictionary <MPN, TBody.MaskMode>(); using (AFileBase afileBase = GameUty.FileSystem.FileOpen(text)) { using (CsvParser csvParser = new CsvParser()) { bool condition = csvParser.Open(afileBase); for (int i = 1; i < csvParser.max_cell_y; i++) { if (csvParser.IsCellToExistData(0, i)) { int num = 0; MPN key = MPN.null_mpn; try { key = (MPN)Enum.Parse(typeof(MPN), csvParser.GetCellAsString(num++, i)); } catch {} TBody.MaskMode value = TBody.MaskMode.None; try { value = (TBody.MaskMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(TBody.MaskMode), csvParser.GetCellAsString(num++, i)); } catch { } SceneEditInfo.dicPartsTypeWearMode_[key] = value; } } } } }
public Stream GetStream(string filename, out bool onBuffer) { try { AFileBase aFileBase = global::GameUty.FileOpen(filename); if (!aFileBase.IsValid()) { var msg = LogUtil.Error("指定ファイルが見つかりません。file=", filename); throw new ACCException(msg.ToString()); } onBuffer = aFileBase.GetSize() < BUFFER_SIZE; return(new BufferedStream(new FileBaseStream(aFileBase), BUFFER_SIZE)); } catch (ACCException) { throw; } catch (Exception e) { var msg = LogUtil.Error("指定ファイルが読み込めませんでした。", filename, e); throw new ACCException(msg.ToString(), e); } }
// Token: 0x06000069 RID: 105 RVA: 0x00008494 File Offset: 0x00006694 public byte[] LoadMenuInternal(string filename) { byte[] result; try { using (AFileBase afileBase = GameUty.FileOpen(filename, null)) { if (!afileBase.IsValid()) { throw new Exception(); } result = afileBase.ReadAll(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(result); }
public static void m_dicPartsTypeCamera_ext() { if (m_dicPartsTypeCamera_ext_flag) { return; } m_dicPartsTypeCamera_ext_flag = true; string text = "edit_attention_point_define_creator.nei"; using (AFileBase afileBase = GameUty.FileSystemMod.FileOpen(text)) { using (CsvParser csvParser = new CsvParser()) { bool condition = csvParser.Open(afileBase); NDebug.Assert(condition, text + "\nopen failed."); for (int i = 1; i < csvParser.max_cell_y; i++) { if (csvParser.IsCellToExistData(0, i)) { SceneEditInfo.CamToBone value = default(SceneEditInfo.CamToBone); int num = 0; MPN key = MPN.null_mpn; try { key = (MPN)Enum.Parse(typeof(MPN), csvParser.GetCellAsString(num++, i)); } catch {} value.bone = csvParser.GetCellAsString(num++, i); value.angle = wf.Parse.Vector2(csvParser.GetCellAsString(num++, i)); value.distance = csvParser.GetCellAsReal(num++, i); SceneEditInfo.m_dicPartsTypeCamera_[key] = value; } } } } }
// Token: 0x06000069 RID: 105 RVA: 0x000B7D04 File Offset: 0x000B6D04 public static GameObject LoadSkinMesh_R(string filename, string[] filename2, string slotname, TBodySkin bodyskin, int layer) { try { using (AFileBase afileBase = GameUty.FileOpen(filename, null)) { if (ImportCM2.m_skinTempFile == null) { ImportCM2.m_skinTempFile = new byte[Math.Max(500000, afileBase.GetSize())]; } else if (ImportCM2.m_skinTempFile.Length < afileBase.GetSize()) { ImportCM2.m_skinTempFile = new byte[afileBase.GetSize()]; } afileBase.Read(ref ImportCM2.m_skinTempFile, afileBase.GetSize()); } } catch (Exception ex) { NDebug.Assert("ファイルが開けませんでした。" + filename + "\n" + ex.Message, false); } BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(ImportCM2.m_skinTempFile), Encoding.UTF8); TBodySkin.OriVert oriVert = bodyskin.m_OriVert; GameObject gameObject = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load("seed")) as GameObject; gameObject.layer = layer; GameObject gameObject2 = null; Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable(); string text = binaryReader.ReadString(); if (text != "CM3D2_MESH") { NDebug.Assert("LoadSkinMesh_R 例外 : ヘッダーファイルが不正です。" + text, false); } int num = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); string str = binaryReader.ReadString(); = "_SM_" + str; string b = binaryReader.ReadString(); int num2 = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); List <GameObject> list = new List <GameObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < num2; i++) { GameObject gameObject3 = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load("seed")) as GameObject; gameObject3.layer = layer; = binaryReader.ReadString(); list.Add(gameObject3); if ( == b) { gameObject2 = gameObject3; } hashtable[] = gameObject3; bool flag = binaryReader.ReadByte() != 0; if (flag) { GameObject gameObject4 = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load("seed")) as GameObject; = + "_SCL_"; gameObject4.transform.parent = gameObject3.transform; hashtable[ + "&_SCL_"] = gameObject4; } } for (int j = 0; j < num2; j++) { int num3 = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); if (num3 >= 0) { list[j].transform.parent = list[num3].transform; } else { list[j].transform.parent = gameObject.transform; } } for (int k = 0; k < num2; k++) { Transform transform = list[k].transform; float x = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); float y = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); float z = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x, y, z); float x2 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); float y2 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); float z2 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); float w = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); transform.localRotation = new Quaternion(x2, y2, z2, w); if (2001 <= num) { bool flag2 = binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); if (flag2) { float x3 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); float y3 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); float z3 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); transform.localScale = new Vector3(x3, y3, z3); } } } int num4 = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); int num5 = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); int num6 = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); oriVert.VCount = num4; oriVert.nSubMeshCount = num5; gameObject2.AddComponent(typeof(SkinnedMeshRenderer)); gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(Animation)); SkinnedMeshRenderer skinnedMeshRenderer = gameObject2.GetComponent <Renderer>() as SkinnedMeshRenderer; skinnedMeshRenderer.updateWhenOffscreen = true; Transform[] array = new Transform[num6]; for (int l = 0; l < num6; l++) { string text2 = binaryReader.ReadString(); if (hashtable.ContainsKey(text2)) { GameObject gameObject5; if (hashtable.ContainsKey(text2 + "&_SCL_")) { gameObject5 = (GameObject)hashtable[text2 + "&_SCL_"]; } else { gameObject5 = (GameObject)hashtable[text2]; } array[l] = gameObject5.transform; } } skinnedMeshRenderer.bones = array; Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMesh = mesh; Mesh mesh2 = mesh; Matrix4x4[] array2 = new Matrix4x4[num6]; for (int m = 0; m < num6; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < 16; n++) { array2[m][n] = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); } } mesh2.bindposes = array2; Vector3[] array3 = new Vector3[num4]; Vector3[] array4 = new Vector3[num4]; Vector2[] array5 = new Vector2[num4]; BoneWeight[] array6 = new BoneWeight[num4]; for (int num7 = 0; num7 < num4; num7++) { float num8 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); float num9 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); float new_z = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); array3[num7].Set(num8, num9, new_z); num8 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); num9 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); new_z = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); array4[num7].Set(num8, num9, new_z); num8 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); num9 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); array5[num7].Set(num8, num9); } mesh2.vertices = array3; mesh2.normals = array4; mesh2.uv = array5; oriVert.vOriVert = array3; oriVert.vOriNorm = array4; int num10 = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); if (num10 > 0) { Vector4[] array7 = new Vector4[num10]; for (int num11 = 0; num11 < num10; num11++) { float x3 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); float y3 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); float z3 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); float w2 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); array7[num11] = new Vector4(x3, y3, z3, w2); } mesh2.tangents = array7; } for (int num12 = 0; num12 < num4; num12++) { array6[num12].boneIndex0 = (int)binaryReader.ReadUInt16(); array6[num12].boneIndex1 = (int)binaryReader.ReadUInt16(); array6[num12].boneIndex2 = (int)binaryReader.ReadUInt16(); array6[num12].boneIndex3 = (int)binaryReader.ReadUInt16(); array6[num12].weight0 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); array6[num12].weight1 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); array6[num12].weight2 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); array6[num12].weight3 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); } mesh2.boneWeights = array6; mesh2.subMeshCount = num5; oriVert.bwWeight = array6; oriVert.nSubMeshCount = num5; oriVert.nSubMeshOriTri = new int[num5][]; for (int num13 = 0; num13 < num5; num13++) { int num14 = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); int[] array8 = new int[num14]; for (int num15 = 0; num15 < num14; num15++) { array8[num15] = (int)binaryReader.ReadUInt16(); } oriVert.nSubMeshOriTri[num13] = array8; mesh2.SetTriangles(array8, num13); } int num16 = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); Material[] array9 = new Material[num16]; for (int num17 = 0; num17 < num16; num17++) { Material material = ImportCM2.ReadMaterial(binaryReader, bodyskin, null, filename2[1 + num17]); array9[num17] = material; } skinnedMeshRenderer.materials = array9; binaryReader.Close(); return(gameObject); }
public FileBaseStream(AFileBase file) { filebase = file; }
// add data to desk_item_detail.nei and desk_item_category.nei public static void DeskData_Ext() { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Console.Writeline says hi"); Debug.Log("Debug.Log says hi"); #endif string[] DeskItemList = null; DeskItemList = GameUty.FileSystemMod.GetList("DeskItem_NEI", AFileSystemBase.ListType.AllFile); if (DeskItemList == null || DeskItemList.Length == 0) { return; } foreach (string str in DeskItemList) { string neifile = Path.GetFileName(str); string extension = Path.GetExtension(neifile); // check if file is indeed a .nei file and it snot mennt to overwrite base files // also check if the file is category type or detail type to determine the processing // only files that contain category in their name are assumed to be category files all others nei files are assumbed to be detail files if (neifile.Contains("category") && extension == ".nei" && neifile != "desk_item_category.nei") { using (AFileBase afileBase = GameUty.FileSystem.FileOpen(neifile)) { using (CsvParser csvParser = new CsvParser()) { bool condition = csvParser.Open(afileBase); for (int k = 1; k < csvParser.max_cell_y; k++) { if (!csvParser.IsCellToExistData(0, k)) { break; } int cellAsInteger = csvParser.GetCellAsInteger(0, k); string cellAsString = csvParser.GetCellAsString(1, k); if (!DeskManager.item_category_data_dic_.ContainsKey(cellAsInteger)) { DeskManager.item_category_data_dic_.Add(cellAsInteger, cellAsString); } } } } } else if (neifile != "desk_item_detail.nei" && extension == ".nei") { using (AFileBase afileBase = GameUty.FileSystem.FileOpen(neifile)) { using (CsvParser csvParser = new CsvParser()) { if (csvParser.Open(afileBase)) { for (int j = 1; j < csvParser.max_cell_y; j++) { if (csvParser.IsCellToExistData(0, j)) { int cellAsInteger2 = csvParser.GetCellAsInteger(0, j); DeskManager.ItemData itemData = new DeskManager.ItemData(csvParser, j); // check if it's a prefab data and add it if it is // is impossible to check if prefab exists in resources files // so if referenced prefab doesn't exist i ngame files, the entry isn't going to work properly in game if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemData.prefab_name)) { = itemData.prefab_name.GetHashCode();// override the id from file with hash of prefab string to minimize id conflicts DeskManager.item_detail_data_dic_.Add(, itemData); } // check if entry refers to asset bundle, and if it is, check if it exists before addding the data else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemData.asset_name) && GameUty.BgFiles.ContainsKey(itemData.asset_name + ".asset_bg")) { = itemData.asset_name.GetHashCode(); DeskManager.item_detail_data_dic_.Add(, itemData); } } } } else { Debug.Log($"Skipping invalid file: Mod/{str}"); } } } } } }
public static GameObject LoadMesh(string modelName) { AFileBase file = GameUty.FileOpen(modelName); if (!file.IsValid() || file.GetSize() == 0) { string name = modelName.Replace(@"model\", ""); file = GameUty.FileOpen(name); if (file.GetSize() == 0 || !file.IsValid()) { Debug.LogError("File not valid"); return(null); } } using (BinaryReader r = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(file.ReadAll()))) { int layer = 0; // TBodySkin.OriVert oriVert = bodyskin.m_OriVert; GameObject gameObject1 = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load("seed")) as GameObject; gameObject1.layer = layer; GameObject gameObject2 = (GameObject)null; Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable(); string str1 = r.ReadString(); if (str1 != "CM3D2_MESH") { return(null); } r.ReadInt32(); string str2 = r.ReadString(); string str3 = r.ReadString(); int num = r.ReadInt32(); List <GameObject> gameObjectList = new List <GameObject>(); for (int index = 0; index < num; ++index) { GameObject gameObject3 = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load("seed")) as GameObject; gameObject3.layer = layer; = r.ReadString(); gameObjectList.Add(gameObject3); if ( == str3) { gameObject2 = gameObject3; } hashtable[(object)] = (object)gameObject3; if ((int)r.ReadByte() != 0) { GameObject gameObject4 = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load("seed")) as GameObject; = + "_SCL_"; gameObject4.transform.parent = gameObject3.transform; hashtable[(object)( + "&_SCL_")] = (object)gameObject4; } } for (int index1 = 0; index1 < num; ++index1) { int index2 = r.ReadInt32(); gameObjectList[index1].transform.parent = index2 < 0 ? gameObject1.transform : gameObjectList[index2].transform; } for (int index = 0; index < num; ++index) { Transform transform = gameObjectList[index].transform; float x1 = r.ReadSingle(); float y1 = r.ReadSingle(); float z1 = r.ReadSingle(); transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x1, y1, z1); float x2 = r.ReadSingle(); float y2 = r.ReadSingle(); float z2 = r.ReadSingle(); float w = r.ReadSingle(); transform.localRotation = new Quaternion(x2, y2, z2, w); } int length1 = r.ReadInt32(); int length2 = r.ReadInt32(); int length3 = r.ReadInt32(); // oriVert.VCount = length1; // oriVert.nSubMeshCount = length2; gameObject2.AddComponent(typeof(SkinnedMeshRenderer)); gameObject1.AddComponent(typeof(Animation)); SkinnedMeshRenderer component = gameObject2.GetComponent <Renderer>() as SkinnedMeshRenderer; component.updateWhenOffscreen = true; // if (!bodyskin.body.boMAN) // { // if (slotname == "head") // component.castShadows = false; // if (bodyskin.Category == "chikubi") // component.castShadows = false; // if (bodyskin.Category.IndexOf("seieki_") == 0) // component.castShadows = false; // } // bodyskin.listDEL.Add((UnityEngine.Object) gameObject2); Transform[] transformArray = new Transform[length3]; for (int index = 0; index < length3; ++index) { string str4 = r.ReadString(); if (!hashtable.ContainsKey((object)str4)) { Debug.LogError((object)("nullbone= " + str4)); } else { GameObject gameObject3 = !hashtable.ContainsKey((object)(str4 + "&_SCL_")) ? (GameObject)hashtable[(object)str4] : (GameObject)hashtable[(object)(str4 + "&_SCL_")]; transformArray[index] = gameObject3.transform; } } component.bones = transformArray; Mesh mesh1 = new Mesh(); component.sharedMesh = mesh1; Mesh mesh2 = mesh1; // bodyskin.listDEL.Add((UnityEngine.Object) mesh2); Matrix4x4[] matrix4x4Array = new Matrix4x4[length3]; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < length3; ++index1) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 16; ++index2) { matrix4x4Array[index1][index2] = r.ReadSingle(); } } mesh2.bindposes = matrix4x4Array; Vector3[] vector3Array1 = new Vector3[length1]; Vector3[] vector3Array2 = new Vector3[length1]; Vector2[] vector2Array = new Vector2[length1]; BoneWeight[] boneWeightArray = new BoneWeight[length1]; for (int index = 0; index < length1; ++index) { float new_x1 = r.ReadSingle(); float new_y1 = r.ReadSingle(); float new_z1 = r.ReadSingle(); vector3Array1[index].Set(new_x1, new_y1, new_z1); float new_x2 = r.ReadSingle(); float new_y2 = r.ReadSingle(); float new_z2 = r.ReadSingle(); vector3Array2[index].Set(new_x2, new_y2, new_z2); float new_x3 = r.ReadSingle(); float new_y3 = r.ReadSingle(); vector2Array[index].Set(new_x3, new_y3); } mesh2.vertices = vector3Array1; mesh2.normals = vector3Array2; mesh2.uv = vector2Array; // oriVert.vOriVert = vector3Array1; // oriVert.vOriNorm = vector3Array2; int length4 = r.ReadInt32(); if (length4 > 0) { Vector4[] vector4Array = new Vector4[length4]; for (int index = 0; index < length4; ++index) { float x = r.ReadSingle(); float y = r.ReadSingle(); float z = r.ReadSingle(); float w = r.ReadSingle(); vector4Array[index] = new Vector4(x, y, z, w); } mesh2.tangents = vector4Array; } for (int index = 0; index < length1; ++index) { boneWeightArray[index].boneIndex0 = (int)r.ReadUInt16(); boneWeightArray[index].boneIndex1 = (int)r.ReadUInt16(); boneWeightArray[index].boneIndex2 = (int)r.ReadUInt16(); boneWeightArray[index].boneIndex3 = (int)r.ReadUInt16(); boneWeightArray[index].weight0 = r.ReadSingle(); boneWeightArray[index].weight1 = r.ReadSingle(); boneWeightArray[index].weight2 = r.ReadSingle(); boneWeightArray[index].weight3 = r.ReadSingle(); } mesh2.boneWeights = boneWeightArray; mesh2.subMeshCount = length2; // oriVert.bwWeight = boneWeightArray; // oriVert.nSubMeshCount = length2; // oriVert.nSubMeshOriTri = new int[length2][]; for (int submesh = 0; submesh < length2; ++submesh) { int length5 = r.ReadInt32(); int[] triangles = new int[length5]; for (int index = 0; index < length5; ++index) { triangles[index] = (int)r.ReadUInt16(); } // oriVert.nSubMeshOriTri[submesh] = triangles; mesh2.SetTriangles(triangles, submesh); } int length6 = r.ReadInt32(); Material[] materialArray = new Material[length6]; for (int index = 0; index < length6; ++index) { Material material = ReadMaterial(r, null); materialArray[index] = material; } component.materials = materialArray; r.Close(); return(gameObject1); } }
public static MenuInfo LoadMenu(string menuFileName) { AFileBase file = GameUty.FileOpen(menuFileName); if (!file.IsValid() || file.GetSize() == 0) { string name = menuFileName.Replace(@"menu\", ""); file = GameUty.FileOpen(name); if (file.GetSize() == 0 || !file.IsValid()) { name = menuFileName.Replace(@"menu\man\", ""); file = GameUty.FileOpen(name); if (file.GetSize() == 0 || !file.IsValid()) { throw new FileNotFoundException(name); } } } MenuInfo mi = new MenuInfo(); mi.menuFileName = menuFileName; BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(file.ReadAll()), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); string str1 = binaryReader.ReadString(); NDebug.Assert(str1 == "CM3D2_MENU", "ProcScriptBin 例外 : ヘッダーファイルが不正です。" + str1); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); string path = binaryReader.ReadString(); binaryReader.ReadString(); binaryReader.ReadString(); binaryReader.ReadString(); long num1 = (long)binaryReader.ReadInt32(); string sss = string.Empty; string str2 = string.Empty; string empty1 = string.Empty; try { while (true) { string stringCom; string[] stringList; do { do { do { MaidParts.PARTS_COLOR partsColor = MaidParts.PARTS_COLOR.NONE; do { sss = readCom(binaryReader); if (sss == null) { goto label_61; } stringCom = UTY.GetStringCom(sss); stringList = UTY.GetStringList(sss); if (readMenuProp(stringCom, stringList, ref partsColor, ref mi) == true) { goto label_40; } }while (stringList.Length != 6); string str4 = stringList[5]; try { partsColor = (MaidParts.PARTS_COLOR)Enum.Parse(typeof(MaidParts.PARTS_COLOR), str4.ToUpper()); } catch { NDebug.Assert("無限色IDがありません。" + str4); } mi.partsColor = partsColor; continue; label_40: if (stringCom == "icon" || stringCom == "icons") { mi.iconTextureName = stringList[1]; } }while (stringCom == "iconl" || stringCom == "setstr" || stringCom == "アイテムパラメータ"); if (stringCom == "saveitem") { string str3 = stringList[1]; if (str3 == string.Empty) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("err SaveItem \"" + str3); } if (str3 == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("err SaveItem null=\"" + str3); } } }while (stringCom == "catno"); if (stringCom == "additem") { mi.modelName = stringList[1]; } else if (stringCom == "delitem" || stringCom == "unsetitem") { mi.delOnly = true; } else if (stringCom == "priority") { mi.priority = float.Parse(stringList[1]); } }while (!(stringCom == "メニューフォルダ") || !(stringList[1].ToLower() == "man")); mi.isMan = true; } } catch { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Failed to parse menu file " + Path.GetFileName(path)); // UnityEngine.Debug.LogError(("Exception " + Path.GetFileName(path) + " 現在処理中だった行 = " + sss + " 以前の行 = " + str2 + " " + ex.Message + "StackTrace:\n" + ex.StackTrace)); throw; } label_61: binaryReader.Close(); return(mi); }
// Token: 0x0600006A RID: 106 RVA: 0x000B857C File Offset: 0x000B757C public static Material ReadMaterial(BinaryReader r, TBodySkin bodyskin, Material existmat, string filename) { existmat = null; if (ImportCM2.m_hashPriorityMaterials == null) { ImportCM2.m_hashPriorityMaterials = new Dictionary <int, KeyValuePair <string, float> >(); string[] list = GameUty.FileSystem.GetList("prioritymaterial", ListType.AllFile); if (list != null && 0 < list.Length) { for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++) { if (Path.GetExtension(list[i]) == ".pmat") { string text = list[i]; using (AFileBase afileBase = GameUty.FileOpen(text, null)) { NDebug.Assert(afileBase.IsValid(), text + "を開けませんでした"); byte[] buffer = afileBase.ReadAll(); using (BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(buffer), Encoding.UTF8)) { string a = binaryReader.ReadString(); NDebug.Assert(a == "CM3D2_PMATERIAL", "ヘッダーエラー\n" + text); int num = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); int key = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); string key2 = binaryReader.ReadString(); float value = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); NDebug.Assert(!ImportCM2.m_hashPriorityMaterials.ContainsKey(key), "すでにハッシュが登録されています"); ImportCM2.m_hashPriorityMaterials.Add(key, new KeyValuePair <string, float>(key2, value)); } } } } } } string name = r.ReadString(); string text2 = r.ReadString(); string str = r.ReadString(); string path = "DefMaterial/" + str; Material material2; if (existmat == null) { Material material = Resources.Load(path, typeof(Material)) as Material; if (material == null) { return(material); } material2 = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate <Material>(material); } else { material2 = existmat; NDebug.Assert( == text2, "マテリアル入れ替えエラー。違うシェーダーに入れようとしました。 " + text2 + " -> " +; } = name; int hashCode =; if (ImportCM2.m_hashPriorityMaterials != null && ImportCM2.m_hashPriorityMaterials.ContainsKey(hashCode)) { KeyValuePair <string, float> keyValuePair = ImportCM2.m_hashPriorityMaterials[hashCode]; if (keyValuePair.Key == { material2.SetFloat("_SetManualRenderQueue", keyValuePair.Value); material2.renderQueue = (int)keyValuePair.Value; } } Vector2 value2; Vector2 value3; Color value4; Vector4 value5; for (;;) { string a2 = r.ReadString(); if (a2 == "end") { break; } string name2 = r.ReadString(); if (a2 == "tex") { string a3 = r.ReadString(); if (a3 == "null") { material2.SetTexture(name2, null); } else if (a3 == "tex2d") { try { string text3 = r.ReadString(); string text4 = r.ReadString(); byte[] data = ImportCM.LoadTexture(GameUty.FileSystem, text3 + ".tex", false).data; value2.x = r.ReadSingle(); value2.y = r.ReadSingle(); value3.x = r.ReadSingle(); value3.y = r.ReadSingle(); if (filename == null || !filename.Contains(".mate")) { Texture2D texture2D = new Texture2D(1, 1, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); texture2D.LoadImage(data); = text3; texture2D.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; material2.SetTexture(name2, texture2D); material2.SetTextureOffset(name2, value2); material2.SetTextureScale(name2, value3); } } catch { break; } } else if (a3 == "texRT") { string text5 = r.ReadString(); string text6 = r.ReadString(); } } else if (a2 == "col") { value4.r = r.ReadSingle(); value4.g = r.ReadSingle(); value4.b = r.ReadSingle(); value4.a = r.ReadSingle(); material2.SetColor(name2, value4); } else if (a2 == "vec") { value5.x = r.ReadSingle(); value5.y = r.ReadSingle(); value5.z = r.ReadSingle(); value5.w = r.ReadSingle(); material2.SetVector(name2, value5); } else if (a2 == "f") { float value6 = r.ReadSingle(); material2.SetFloat(name2, value6); } } if (filename != null && filename.Contains(".mate")) { try { using (AFileBase afileBase = GameUty.FileOpen(filename, null)) { if (ImportCM2.m_matTempFile == null) { ImportCM2.m_matTempFile = new byte[Math.Max(10000, afileBase.GetSize())]; } else if (ImportCM2.m_matTempFile.Length < afileBase.GetSize()) { ImportCM2.m_matTempFile = new byte[afileBase.GetSize()]; } afileBase.Read(ref ImportCM2.m_matTempFile, afileBase.GetSize()); } } catch { } BinaryReader binaryReader2 = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(ImportCM2.m_matTempFile), Encoding.UTF8); string text7 = binaryReader2.ReadString(); NDebug.Assert(text7 == "CM3D2_MATERIAL", "ProcScriptBin 例外 : ヘッダーファイルが不正です。" + text7); int num2 = binaryReader2.ReadInt32(); string text8 = binaryReader2.ReadString(); r = binaryReader2; name = r.ReadString(); text2 = r.ReadString(); str = r.ReadString(); path = "DefMaterial/" + str; if (existmat == null) { Material material = Resources.Load(path, typeof(Material)) as Material; if (material == null) { return(material); } material2 = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate <Material>(material); } else { material2 = existmat; NDebug.Assert( == text2, "マテリアル入れ替えエラー。違うシェーダーに入れようとしました。 " + text2 + " -> " +; } = name; hashCode =; if (ImportCM2.m_hashPriorityMaterials != null && ImportCM2.m_hashPriorityMaterials.ContainsKey(hashCode)) { KeyValuePair <string, float> keyValuePair = ImportCM2.m_hashPriorityMaterials[hashCode]; if (keyValuePair.Key == { material2.SetFloat("_SetManualRenderQueue", keyValuePair.Value); material2.renderQueue = (int)keyValuePair.Value; } } for (;;) { string a2 = r.ReadString(); if (a2 == "end") { break; } string name2 = r.ReadString(); if (a2 == "tex") { string a3 = r.ReadString(); if (a3 == "null") { material2.SetTexture(name2, null); } else if (a3 == "tex2d") { try { string text3 = r.ReadString(); string text4 = r.ReadString(); byte[] data = ImportCM.LoadTexture(GameUty.FileSystem, text3 + ".tex", false).data; Texture2D texture2D = new Texture2D(1, 1, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); texture2D.LoadImage(data); = text3; texture2D.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; material2.SetTexture(name2, texture2D); value2.x = r.ReadSingle(); value2.y = r.ReadSingle(); material2.SetTextureOffset(name2, value2); value3.x = r.ReadSingle(); value3.y = r.ReadSingle(); material2.SetTextureScale(name2, value3); } catch { break; } } else if (a3 == "texRT") { string text5 = r.ReadString(); string text6 = r.ReadString(); } } else if (a2 == "col") { value4.r = r.ReadSingle(); value4.g = r.ReadSingle(); value4.b = r.ReadSingle(); value4.a = r.ReadSingle(); material2.SetColor(name2, value4); } else if (a2 == "vec") { value5.x = r.ReadSingle(); value5.y = r.ReadSingle(); value5.z = r.ReadSingle(); value5.w = r.ReadSingle(); material2.SetVector(name2, value5); } else if (a2 == "f") { float value6 = r.ReadSingle(); material2.SetFloat(name2, value6); } } } return(material2); }
// Token: 0x06000237 RID: 567 RVA: 0x00014590 File Offset: 0x00012790 public FileBaseStream(AFileBase file) { this.filebase = file; }
public static void PmatHandler() { FieldInfo m_hashPriorityMaterials = typeof(ImportCM).GetField("m_hashPriorityMaterials", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); var pmadt_dic_value = m_hashPriorityMaterials.GetValue(null); Dictionary <int, KeyValuePair <string, float> > pmatlist = new Dictionary <int, KeyValuePair <string, float> > (); Dictionary <int, string> DupFilter = new Dictionary <int, string>(); if (pmadt_dic_value == null) { string[] gamepmat = GameUty.FileSystem.GetList("prioritymaterial", AFileSystemBase.ListType.AllFile); string[] modpmat = GameUty.m_ModFileSystem.GetFileListAtExtension(".pmat"); if (modpmat != null && 0 < modpmat.Length) { for (int i = 0; i < modpmat.Length; i++) { if (Path.GetExtension(modpmat[i]) == ".pmat") { string filename = Path.GetFileName(modpmat[i]); using (AFileBase aFileBase = GameUty.FileSystemMod.FileOpen(filename)) { if (aFileBase.IsValid()) { byte[] buffer = aFileBase.ReadAll(); using (BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(buffer), Encoding.UTF8)) { string a = binaryReader.ReadString(); if (a == "CM3D2_PMATERIAL") { int num = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); int key = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); string key2 = binaryReader.ReadString(); float value = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); if (!pmatlist.ContainsKey(key)) { DupFilter.Add(key, filename); pmatlist.Add(key, new KeyValuePair <string, float>(key2, value)); } else { Debug.LogWarning($"Skipping {filename} because its target material has already been changed by {DupFilter[key]} "); } } else { Debug.Log("ヘッダーエラー\n" + filename + "File header of Mod .pmat file is invalid! skipping it!"); } } } else { Debug.Log(filename + "を開けませんでした ( Mod .pmat file is invalid! skipping it)"); } } } } } if (gamepmat != null && 0 < gamepmat.Length) { for (int i = 0; i < gamepmat.Length; i++) { if (Path.GetExtension(gamepmat[i]) == ".pmat") { string text = gamepmat[i]; using (AFileBase aFileBase = GameUty.FileSystem.FileOpen(text)) { if (aFileBase.IsValid()) { byte[] buffer = aFileBase.ReadAll(); using (BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(buffer), Encoding.UTF8)) { string a = binaryReader.ReadString(); if (a == "CM3D2_PMATERIAL") { int num = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); int key = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); string key2 = binaryReader.ReadString(); float value = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); if (!pmatlist.ContainsKey(key)) { pmatlist.Add(key, new KeyValuePair <string, float>(key2, value)); } } else { { Debug.Log("ヘッダーエラー\n" + text + "File header of official .pmat file or Mod override is invalid! skipping it!"); } } } } else { { Debug.Log(text + "を開けませんでした ( Official .pmat file or Mod override is invalid! skipping it)"); } } } } } } m_hashPriorityMaterials.SetValue(null, pmatlist); } }
// add data from *phot_bg_object_list*.nei files to PhotoBGObjectData.bg_data_ public static void PhotoBGobjext() { string[] BgObj_list = null; BgObj_list = GameUty.FileSystemMod.GetList("PhotoBG_OBJ_NEI", AFileSystemBase.ListType.AllFile); if (BgObj_list == null || 0 == BgObj_list.Length) { return; } foreach (string str in BgObj_list) { string nei_filename = Path.GetFileName(str); if (Path.GetExtension(nei_filename) == ".nei" && nei_filename != "phot_bg_object_list.nei") { using (AFileBase aFileBase = GameUty.FileSystemMod.FileOpen(nei_filename)) { using (CsvParser csvParser = new CsvParser()) { if (csvParser.Open(aFileBase)) { for (int i = 1; i < csvParser.max_cell_y; i++) { int num = 1; PhotoBGObjectData photoBGObjectData = new PhotoBGObjectData(); // this requires prepatched assembly to compile = 0; // not sure if't necessary for id to actually have a value photoBGObjectData.category = csvParser.GetCellAsString(num++, i); = csvParser.GetCellAsString(num++, i); photoBGObjectData.create_prefab_name = csvParser.GetCellAsString(num++, i); photoBGObjectData.create_asset_bundle_name = csvParser.GetCellAsString(num++, i); //assign id from rpefab/bundles string //this is done because save/load of objects in photomode is based on id if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(photoBGObjectData.create_prefab_name)) { = photoBGObjectData.create_prefab_name.GetHashCode(); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(photoBGObjectData.create_asset_bundle_name)) { = photoBGObjectData.create_asset_bundle_name.GetHashCode(); } string check = csvParser.GetCellAsString(num++, i); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(check) || GameUty.BgFiles.ContainsKey(photoBGObjectData.create_asset_bundle_name.ToLower() + ".asset_bg")) { PhotoBGObjectData.bg_data_.Add(photoBGObjectData); } } } else { Debug.Log($"Skipping invalid file: Mod/{str}"); } } } } } }
// 外部DLL依存 public void Copy(AFileBase infile, string outfilepath) { const int buffSize = 8196; using ( var writer = new BinaryWriter(File.OpenWrite(outfilepath)) ) { var buff = new byte[buffSize]; int length = 0; while ((length = infile.Read(ref buff, buffSize)) > 0) { writer.Write(buff, 0, length); } } }
public FileBaseStream(AFileBase file) { this.filebase = file; }
private static MenuObj getMenu(string menuFileName) { //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Fetching Menu " + menuFileName); MenuObj menu = new MenuObj(); byte[] cd; using (AFileBase afileBase = GameUty.FileOpen(menuFileName, (AFileSystemBase)null)) { if (afileBase != null && afileBase.IsValid()) { //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Reading bytes"); cd = afileBase.ReadAll(); using (BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader((Stream) new MemoryStream(cd), Encoding.UTF8)) { //Useless header info??? //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Reading header"); menu.header.CM3D2_MENU = binaryReader.ReadString(); menu.header.temp1 = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); menu.header.temp2 = binaryReader.ReadString(); menu.header.temp3 = binaryReader.ReadString(); menu.header.temp4 = binaryReader.ReadString(); menu.header.temp5 = binaryReader.ReadString(); menu.header.temp6 = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); bool end = false; //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Reading commands"); //Blocks do { MenuCommandObj command = new MenuCommandObj(); string str4; do { byte byt = binaryReader.ReadByte(); command.byt = byt; int num2 = (int)byt; str4 = string.Empty; if (num2 != 0) { for (int index = 0; index < num2; ++index) { string str = binaryReader.ReadString(); command.nativeStrings.Add(str); str4 = str4 + "\"" + str + "\" "; } } else { end = true; } }while (str4 == string.Empty && !end); if (!end) { string stringCom = UTY.GetStringCom(str4); string[] stringList = UTY.GetStringList(str4); command.stringCom = stringCom; command.stringList = stringList; menu.commands.Add(command); if (stringCom.Equals("category")) { //Get the category menu.category = stringList[1]; } } }while (!end); } } else { if (afileBase == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Split Hair Sliders: null AFileBase"); } else { if (!afileBase.IsValid()) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Split Hair Sliders: invalid AFileBase"); } } } } return(menu); }
public static bool InitMenuItemScript(SceneEdit.SMenuItem mi, string f_strMenuFileName, bool f_bMan, out string IconTex) { var fetchedField = AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(SceneEdit), "m_byItemFileBuffer"); var fetchedVal = fetchedField.GetValue(@this) as byte[]; IconTex = null; if (f_strMenuFileName.IndexOf("mod_") == 0) { string modPathFileName = Menu.GetModPathFileName(f_strMenuFileName); return(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(modPathFileName) && SceneEdit.InitModMenuItemScript(mi, modPathFileName)); } try { using (AFileBase afileBase = GameUty.FileOpen(f_strMenuFileName, null)) { NDebug.Assert(afileBase.IsValid(), "メニューファイルが存在しません。 :" + f_strMenuFileName); if (fetchedVal == null) { fetchedVal = new byte[System.Math.Max(500000, afileBase.GetSize())]; } else if (fetchedVal.Length < afileBase.GetSize()) { fetchedVal = new byte[afileBase.GetSize()]; } afileBase.Read(ref fetchedVal, afileBase.GetSize()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Main.logger.LogError(string.Concat(new string[] { "メニューファイルがが読み込めませんでした。 : ", f_strMenuFileName, " : ", ex.Message, " : StackTrace :\n", ex.StackTrace })); throw ex; } BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(fetchedVal), Encoding.UTF8); string text = binaryReader.ReadString(); NDebug.Assert(text == "CM3D2_MENU", "ProcScriptBin 例外 : ヘッダーファイルが不正です。" + text); int num = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); string path = binaryReader.ReadString(); string text2 = binaryReader.ReadString(); string text3 = binaryReader.ReadString(); string text4 = binaryReader.ReadString(); long num2 = (long)binaryReader.ReadInt32(); int num3 = 0; string text5 = null; string text6 = string.Empty; string text7 = string.Empty; try { for (; ;) { int num4 = (int)binaryReader.ReadByte(); text7 = text6; text6 = string.Empty; if (num4 == 0) { break; } for (int i = 0; i < num4; i++) { text6 = text6 + "\"" + binaryReader.ReadString() + "\" "; } if (!(text6 == string.Empty)) { string stringCom = UTY.GetStringCom(text6); string[] stringList = UTY.GetStringList(text6); if (stringCom == "name") { string text8 = stringList[1]; string text9 = string.Empty; string arg = string.Empty; int j = 0; while (j < text8.Length && text8[j] != '\u3000' && text8[j] != ' ') { text9 += text8[j]; j++; } while (j < text8.Length) { arg += text8[j]; j++; } mi.m_strMenuName = text9; } else if (stringCom == "setumei") { mi.m_strInfo = stringList[1]; mi.m_strInfo = mi.m_strInfo.Replace("《改行》", "\n"); } else if (stringCom == "category") { string strCateName = stringList[1].ToLower(); mi.m_strCateName = strCateName; try { mi.m_mpn = (MPN)Enum.Parse(typeof(MPN), mi.m_strCateName); } catch { Main.logger.LogWarning("カテゴリがありません。" + mi.m_strCateName); mi.m_mpn = MPN.null_mpn; } } else if (stringCom == "color_set") { try { mi.m_eColorSetMPN = (MPN)Enum.Parse(typeof(MPN), stringList[1].ToLower()); } catch { Main.logger.LogWarning("カテゴリがありません。" + mi.m_strCateName); } if (stringList.Length >= 3) { mi.m_strMenuNameInColorSet = stringList[2].ToLower(); } } else if (stringCom == "tex" || stringCom == "テクスチャ変更") { MaidParts.PARTS_COLOR pcMultiColorID = MaidParts.PARTS_COLOR.NONE; if (stringList.Length == 6) { string text10 = stringList[5]; try { pcMultiColorID = (MaidParts.PARTS_COLOR)Enum.Parse(typeof(MaidParts.PARTS_COLOR), text10.ToUpper()); } catch { NDebug.Assert("無限色IDがありません。" + text10, false); } mi.m_pcMultiColorID = pcMultiColorID; } } else if (stringCom == "icon" || stringCom == "icons") { text5 = stringList[1]; } else if (!(stringCom == "iconl")) { if (!(stringCom == "setstr")) { if (!(stringCom == "アイテムパラメータ")) { if (stringCom == "saveitem") { string text11 = stringList[1]; if (text11 == string.Empty) { Main.logger.LogError("err SaveItem \"" + text11); } if (text11 == null) { Main.logger.LogError("err SaveItem null=\"" + text11); } if (text11 != string.Empty) { } } else if (!(stringCom == "catno")) { if (stringCom == "additem") { num3++; } else if (stringCom == "unsetitem") { mi.m_boDelOnly = true; } else if (stringCom == "priority") { mi.m_fPriority = float.Parse(stringList[1]); } else if (stringCom == "メニューフォルダ" && stringList[1].ToLower() == "man") { mi.m_bMan = true; } } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex2) { Main.logger.LogError(string.Concat(new string[] { "Exception ", Path.GetFileName(path), " 現在処理中だった行 = ", text6, " 以前の行 = ", text7, " ", ex2.Message, "StackTrace:\n", ex2.StackTrace })); throw ex2; } if (text5 != null && text5 != string.Empty) { try { IconTex = text5; //mi.m_texIcon = ImportCM.CreateTexture(text5); } catch (Exception) { Main.logger.LogError("Error:"); } } binaryReader.Close(); return(true); }
static void YotogiStage_CreateData() { //Get the Dictionary Dictionary <int, YotogiStage.Data> basicsData = (Dictionary <int, YotogiStage.Data>) typeof(YotogiStage).GetField("basicDatas", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(null); //Create folders if they dont exist string mainPath = UTY.gameProjectPath + "\\Mod\\[YotogiAnywhere]\\[NewStages]"; if (!Directory.Exists(mainPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(mainPath); } if (YotogiAnywhere.newStageIds == null) { YotogiAnywhere.newStageIds = new List <int>(); } //Get the data in folders string[] newStagesDirs = Directory.GetDirectories(mainPath); for (int i = 0; i < newStagesDirs.Length; i++) { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(newStagesDirs[i]); string stageName = di.Name; //Wow this is bad I should have done something better than a bunch of if statements if (Directory.Exists(mainPath + "\\" + stageName + "\\[Day]")) { if (Directory.Exists(mainPath + "\\" + stageName + "\\[Night]")) { int maxId = -1; YotogiStage.Data stageData = null; //Try to find stage in existing data foreach (KeyValuePair <int, YotogiStage.Data> kvp in basicsData) { if (kvp.Value.uniqueName.Equals(stageName)) { stageData = kvp.Value; break; } //Also get the max Id maxId = System.Math.Max(maxId,; } //Create new if it does not exist if (stageData == null) { //Increment from max Id maxId += 10; //Add to list of new ones if (!YotogiAnywhere.newStageIds.Contains(maxId)) { YotogiAnywhere.newStageIds.Add(maxId); CsvCommonIdManager commonIdManager = (CsvCommonIdManager)typeof(YotogiStage).GetField("commonIdManager", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(null); commonIdManager.idMap.Add(maxId, new KeyValuePair <string, string>(stageName, "")); commonIdManager.nameMap.Add(stageName, maxId); typeof(YotogiStage).GetField("commonIdManager", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(null, commonIdManager); } //CsvParser is a pain, and the YotogiStage.Data constructor is a pain, so reuse yotogi_stage_list //It wont find the id so it will be ok string f_strFileName = "yotogi_stage_list.nei"; AFileBase afileBase = GameUty.FileSystem.FileOpen(f_strFileName); CsvParser csvParser = new CsvParser(); csvParser.Open(afileBase); stageData = new YotogiStage.Data(-1, csvParser); //Set id, only field we really need right now typeof(YotogiStage.Data).GetField("id", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).SetValue(stageData, maxId); //Cleanup csvParser.Dispose(); } //Get BG and Thumbnail from folders string prefab_bg = null; string prefab_bg_night = null; //Day if (Directory.GetFiles(mainPath + "\\" + stageName + "\\[Day]").Where(f => f.EndsWith(".asset_bg")).ToList().Count != 0) { prefab_bg = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(new FileInfo(Directory.GetFiles(mainPath + "\\" + stageName + "\\[Day]").Where(f => f.EndsWith(".asset_bg")).ToList()[0]).Name); } else if (Directory.GetFiles(mainPath + "\\" + stageName + "\\[Day]").Where(f => f.EndsWith(".room")).ToList().Count != 0) { prefab_bg = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(new FileInfo(Directory.GetFiles(mainPath + "\\" + stageName + "\\[Day]").Where(f => f.EndsWith(".room")).ToList()[0]).Name); } else { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("No.asset_bg or .room [Day] file found for " + stageName); } //Night if (Directory.GetFiles(mainPath + "\\" + stageName + "\\[Night]").Where(f => f.EndsWith(".asset_bg")).ToList().Count != 0) { prefab_bg_night = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(new FileInfo(Directory.GetFiles(mainPath + "\\" + stageName + "\\[Night]").Where(f => f.EndsWith(".asset_bg")).ToList()[0]).Name); } else if (Directory.GetFiles(mainPath + "\\" + stageName + "\\[Night]").Where(f => f.EndsWith(".room")).ToList().Count != 0) { prefab_bg_night = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(new FileInfo(Directory.GetFiles(mainPath + "\\" + stageName + "\\[Night]").Where(f => f.EndsWith(".room")).ToList()[0]).Name); } else { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("No.asset_bg or .room [Night] file found for " + stageName); } string thumbnail = null; string thumbnail_night = null; //Day if (Directory.GetFiles(mainPath + "\\" + stageName + "\\[Day]").Where(f => f.EndsWith(".tex")).ToList().Count != 0) { thumbnail = new FileInfo(Directory.GetFiles(mainPath + "\\" + stageName + "\\[Day]").Where(f => f.EndsWith(".tex")).ToList()[0]).Name; } else { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("No .tex [Day] thumbnail file found for " + stageName); } //Night if (Directory.GetFiles(mainPath + "\\" + stageName + "\\[Night]").Where(f => f.EndsWith(".tex")).ToList().Count != 0) { thumbnail_night = new FileInfo(Directory.GetFiles(mainPath + "\\" + stageName + "\\[Night]").Where(f => f.EndsWith(".tex")).ToList()[0]).Name; } else { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("No .tex [Night] thumbnail file found for " + stageName); } if (prefab_bg == null || prefab_bg_night == null || thumbnail == null || thumbnail_night == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("YotogiAnywhere failed to create Location found for " + stageName); break; } //Create a settings json if it doesnt exist if (!File.Exists(mainPath + "\\" + stageName + "/settings.json")) { YotogiStage_Data_Json newSetting = new YotogiStage_Data_Json(); File.WriteAllText(mainPath + "\\" + stageName + "/settings.json", Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newSetting)); } //Settings from Directory typeof(YotogiStage.Data).GetField("uniqueName", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).SetValue(stageData, stageName); typeof(YotogiStage.Data).GetField("drawName", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).SetValue(stageData, stageName); typeof(YotogiStage.Data).GetField("prefabName", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).SetValue(stageData, new string[] { prefab_bg, prefab_bg_night }); typeof(YotogiStage.Data).GetField("thumbnailName", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).SetValue(stageData, new string[] { thumbnail, thumbnail_night }); //Some Generic settings we do not worry about typeof(YotogiStage.Data).GetField("sortId", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).SetValue(stageData,; typeof(YotogiStage.Data).GetField("drawClubGrade", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).SetValue(stageData, 1); typeof(YotogiStage.Data).GetField("requestClubGrade", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).SetValue(stageData, 1); typeof(YotogiStage.Data).GetField("requestFacilityIds", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).SetValue(stageData, new int[] { }); //Settings file YotogiStage_Data_Json settings = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <YotogiStage_Data_Json>(File.ReadAllText(mainPath + "\\" + stageName + "/settings.json")); typeof(YotogiStage.Data).GetField("bgmFileName", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).SetValue(stageData, settings.bgm); typeof(YotogiStage.Data).GetField("stageSelectCameraData", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).SetValue(stageData, new YotogiStage.Data.Camera(new UnityEngine.Vector3(settings.camera_pos_x, settings.camera_pos_y, settings.camera_pos_z), new UnityEngine.Vector2(settings.camera_rot_x, settings.camera_rot_y), settings.camera_radius)); typeof(YotogiStage.Data).GetField("skillSelectcharacterData", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).SetValue(stageData, new YotogiStage.Data.Character(new UnityEngine.Vector3(settings.kasuko_x, settings.kasuko_y, settings.kasuko_z), new UnityEngine.Vector3(settings.kasuko_rot_x, settings.kasuko_rot_y, settings.kasuko_rot_z), new UnityEngine.Vector2(settings.skill_x, settings.skill_y))); typeof(YotogiStage.Data).GetField("skillSelectLightData", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).SetValue(stageData, new YotogiStage.Data.Light(new UnityEngine.Vector3(settings.light_x, settings.light_y, settings.light_z), settings.light_intensity)); //Update the entry basicsData[] = stageData; } else { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("YotogiAnywhere: YotogiStage_CreateData Missing: " + mainPath + "\\" + stageName + "\\[Night]"); } } else { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("YotogiAnywhere: YotogiStage_CreateData Missing: " + mainPath + "\\" + stageName + "\\[Day]"); } } //Update entire dictionary as precaution typeof(YotogiStage).GetField("basicDatas", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(null, basicsData); }