Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void TestRemovalOfCompositeKeys_Commit()
            UserProduct retrievedUP = null;

            using (ADOCRUDContext context = new ADOCRUDContext(connectionString))
                UserProduct up = new UserProduct();
                up.UserId    = userId;
                up.ProductId = productId;

                context.Insert <UserProduct>(up);

            using (ADOCRUDContext context = new ADOCRUDContext(connectionString))
                // Makes sure user product being retreived exists
                UserProduct up = context.QueryItems <UserProduct>("select * from dbo.UserProduct where UserId = @userId and ProductId = @productId", new { userId = userId, productId = productId }).FirstOrDefault();
                Assert.IsTrue(up != null && up.UserId == userId && up.ProductId == productId);


                retrievedUP = context.QueryItems <UserProduct>("select * from dbo.UserProduct where UserId = @userId and ProductId = @productId", new { userId = userId, productId = productId }).FirstOrDefault();

            Assert.IsTrue(retrievedUP == null, "A problem occurred when trying to remove a composite key");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestInsert_NonNullablePropertiesWithValues()
            NonNullable n = new NonNullable();

            n.Integer64Value      = 64;
            n.ByteValue           = 1;
            n.ByteArrayValue      = new byte[4];
            n.ByteArrayValue[0]   = 0;
            n.ByteArrayValue[1]   = 1;
            n.ByteArrayValue[2]   = 2;
            n.ByteArrayValue[3]   = 3;
            n.BoolValue           = true;
            n.CharValue           = "a";
            n.DateTimeValue       = Convert.ToDateTime("01/11/1984");
            n.DateTimeOffsetValue = DateTimeOffset.MaxValue;
            n.DecimalValue        = 1.11m;
            n.FloatValue          = 22;
            n.DoubleValue         = 33;
            n.Integer32Value      = 44;
            n.Single         = 55;
            n.Integer16Value = 16;
            n.GuidValue      = guid;
            n.StringValue    = "Something";

            using (ADOCRUDContext context = new ADOCRUDContext(connectionString))

            NonNullable retrievedItem = null;

            using (ADOCRUDContext context = new ADOCRUDContext(connectionString))
                retrievedItem = context.QueryItems <NonNullable>("select * from Nullable where id = @id", new { id = n.Id }).FirstOrDefault();

            Assert.IsTrue(n != null &&
                          n.Integer64Value == 64 &&
                          n.ByteValue == 1 &&
                          n.ByteArrayValue[0] == 0 &&
                          n.ByteArrayValue[1] == 1 &&
                          n.ByteArrayValue[2] == 2 &&
                          n.ByteArrayValue[3] == 3 &&
                          n.BoolValue == true &&
                          n.CharValue == "a" &&
                          n.DateTimeValue == Convert.ToDateTime("01/11/1984") &&
                          n.DateTimeOffsetValue == DateTimeOffset.MaxValue &&
                          n.DecimalValue == 1.11m &&
                          n.FloatValue == 22 &&
                          n.DoubleValue == 33 &&
                          n.Integer32Value == 44 &&
                          n.Single == 55 &&
                          n.Integer16Value == 16 &&
                          n.GuidValue == guid &&
                          n.StringValue == "Something",
                          "Insert of values in non nullable properties failed");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void TestInsert_NullablePropertiesWithNullValues()
            Models.Nullable n = new Models.Nullable();
            n.Integer64Value      = null;
            n.ByteValue           = null;
            n.ByteArrayValue      = null;
            n.BoolValue           = null;
            n.CharValue           = null;
            n.DateTimeValue       = null;
            n.DateTimeOffsetValue = null;
            n.DecimalValue        = null;
            n.FloatValue          = null;
            n.DoubleValue         = null;
            n.Integer32Value      = null;
            n.Single         = null;
            n.Integer16Value = null;
            n.GuidValue      = null;
            n.StringValue    = null;

            using (ADOCRUDContext context = new ADOCRUDContext(connectionString))

            Models.Nullable retrievedItem = null;

            using (ADOCRUDContext context = new ADOCRUDContext(connectionString))
                retrievedItem = context.QueryItems <Models.Nullable>("select * from Nullable where id = @id", new { id = n.Id }).FirstOrDefault();

            Assert.IsTrue(n != null &&
                          !n.Integer64Value.HasValue &&
                          !n.ByteValue.HasValue &&
                          n.ByteArrayValue == null &&
                          !n.BoolValue.HasValue &&
                          string.IsNullOrEmpty(n.CharValue) &&
                          !n.DateTimeValue.HasValue &&
                          !n.DateTimeOffsetValue.HasValue &&
                          !n.DecimalValue.HasValue &&
                          !n.FloatValue.HasValue &&
                          !n.DoubleValue.HasValue &&
                          !n.Integer32Value.HasValue &&
                          !n.Single.HasValue &&
                          !n.Integer16Value.HasValue &&
                          !n.GuidValue.HasValue &&
                          "Insert of null values in nullable properties failed");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void TestMultipleDBCallsOnSingleTransaction_Commit()
            Product p1 = null;
            Product p2 = null;

            Product retreivedProduct1 = null;
            Product retreivedProduct2 = null;

            using (ADOCRUDContext context = new ADOCRUDContext(connectionString))
                p1             = new Product();
                p1.CategoryId  = 1;
                p1.Name        = "Football";
                p1.Description = "NFL Size";
                p1.Price       = 9.99m;

                p2             = new Product();
                p2.CategoryId  = 2;
                p2.Name        = "Shirt";
                p2.Description = "Made from cotton";
                p2.Price       = 15.99m;

                context.Insert <Product>(p1);
                context.Insert <Product>(p2);

            using (ADOCRUDContext context = new ADOCRUDContext(connectionString))
                retreivedProduct1 = context.QueryItems <Product>("select * from dbo.Product where Id = @id", new { id = p1.Id }).FirstOrDefault();
                retreivedProduct2 = context.QueryItems <Product>("select * from dbo.Product where Id = @id", new { id = p2.Id }).FirstOrDefault();

            Assert.IsTrue(retreivedProduct1 != null &&
                          retreivedProduct1.Id > 0 &&
                          retreivedProduct1.Name == "Football" &&
                          retreivedProduct1.Description == "NFL Size" &&
                          retreivedProduct1.Price == 9.99m, "An error occurred on first insert");

            Assert.IsTrue(retreivedProduct2 != null &&
                          retreivedProduct2.Id > 0 &&
                          retreivedProduct2.Name == "Shirt" &&
                          retreivedProduct2.Description == "Made from cotton" &&
                          retreivedProduct2.Price == 15.99m, "An error occurred on 2nd insert");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void TestInsertOfCompositeKeys_Commit()
            UserProduct retrievedUserProduct = null;

            using (ADOCRUDContext context = new ADOCRUDContext(connectionString))
                UserProduct ur = new UserProduct();
                ur.UserId    = userId;
                ur.ProductId = productId;

                context.Insert <UserProduct>(ur);

                retrievedUserProduct = context.QueryItems <UserProduct>("select * from UserProduct where userId = @userId and productId = @productId", new { userId = userId, productId = productId }).FirstOrDefault();

            Assert.IsTrue(retrievedUserProduct != null && retrievedUserProduct.UserId == userId && retrievedUserProduct.ProductId == productId, "An error occurred while inserting a composite key int crosswalk");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void TestRemove_Commit()
            using (ADOCRUDContext context = new ADOCRUDContext(connectionString))
                Product p = context.QueryItems <Product>("select * from dbo.Product where Id = @id", new { id = productId }).FirstOrDefault();

                Assert.IsTrue(p != null && p.Id > 0);


            using (ADOCRUDContext context = new ADOCRUDContext(connectionString))
                Product p = context.QueryItems <Product>("select * from dbo.Product where Id = @id", new { id = productId }).FirstOrDefault();

                Assert.IsTrue(p == null);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void TestNestedConnections_Commit()
            Product p = null;
            Product retreivedProduct = null;

            using (ADOCRUDContext context = new ADOCRUDContext(connectionString))
                using (ADOCRUDContext context2 = new ADOCRUDContext(connectionString))
                    p = context2.QueryItems <Product>("select * from dbo.Product where Id = @id", new { id = productId }).FirstOrDefault();

                p.Name = "Bowling ball";

                context.Update <Product>(p);

                retreivedProduct = context.QueryItems <Product>("select * from dbo.Product where Id = @id", new { id = productId }).FirstOrDefault();

            Assert.IsTrue(retreivedProduct != null && retreivedProduct.Name == "Bowling ball", "An error occurred with nested connections");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void TestUpdate_Commit()
            using (ADOCRUDContext context = new ADOCRUDContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["UnitTestDB"].ToString()))
                Product p = context.QueryItems <Product>("select * from Product where Id = @id", new { id = productId }).First();
                p.Name        = "Waffle Maker";
                p.CategoryId  = 3;
                p.Description = "Makes waffles";
                p.Price       = 29.99m;

                context.Update <Product>(p);

                Product retreivedProduct = context.QueryItems <Product>("select * from dbo.Product where Id = @id", new { id = p.Id }).FirstOrDefault();

                Assert.IsTrue(retreivedProduct != null &&
                              retreivedProduct.Id == p.Id &&
                              retreivedProduct.CategoryId == 3 &&
                              p.Name == "Waffle Maker" &&
                              p.Description == "Makes waffles" &&
                              p.Price == 29.99m, "An error occurred on update");
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void TestInsert_Commit()
            using (ADOCRUDContext context = new ADOCRUDContext(connectionString))
                Product p = new Product();
                p.CategoryId  = 1;
                p.Name        = "Basketball";
                p.Description = "NBA Size";
                p.Price       = 59.99m;

                context.Insert <Product>(p);

                Product retreivedProduct = context.QueryItems <Product>("select * from dbo.Product where Id = @id", new { id = p.Id }).FirstOrDefault();

                Assert.IsTrue(retreivedProduct != null &&
                              retreivedProduct.Id > 0 &&
                              retreivedProduct.CategoryId == 1 &&
                              retreivedProduct.Name == "Basketball" &&
                              retreivedProduct.Description == "NBA Size" &&
                              retreivedProduct.Price == 59.99m, "An error occurred on insert");