public void DbDelete(DbConnection myDbCon)
            string sqlCommand = "DELETE FROM MOVIE_SITECONTENTS ";
            sqlCommand += "WHERE ID = @pId ";

            MovieFileContentsParent parent = new MovieFileContentsParent();

            SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();

            command = new SqlCommand(sqlCommand, myDbCon.getSqlConnection());

            SqlParameter[] sqlparams = new SqlParameter[1];

            sqlparams[0] = new SqlParameter("@pId", SqlDbType.Int);
            sqlparams[0].Value = Id;

        public void DbUpdate(DbConnection myDbCon)
            string sqlCommand = "UPDATE MOVIE_SITECONTENTS ";
            sqlCommand += "SET SITE_NAME = @pSiteName, NAME = @pName, PARENT_PATH = @pParentPath, MOVIE_NEWDATE = @pMovieNewDate, MOVIE_COUNT = @pMovieCount, PHOTO_COUNT = @pPhotoCount, EXTENSION = @pExtension ";
            sqlCommand += "WHERE ID = @pId ";

            MovieFileContentsParent parent = new MovieFileContentsParent();

            SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();

            command = new SqlCommand(sqlCommand, myDbCon.getSqlConnection());

            SqlParameter[] sqlparams = new SqlParameter[8];
            // Create and append the parameters for the Update command.
            sqlparams[0] = new SqlParameter("@pSiteName", SqlDbType.VarChar);
            sqlparams[0].Value = SiteName;

            sqlparams[1] = new SqlParameter("@pName", SqlDbType.VarChar);
            sqlparams[1].Value = Name;

            sqlparams[2] = new SqlParameter("@pParentPath", SqlDbType.VarChar);
            sqlparams[2].Value = ParentPath;

            sqlparams[3] = new SqlParameter("@pMovieNewDate", SqlDbType.DateTime);
            if (MovieNewDate.Year >= 2000)
                sqlparams[3].Value = MovieNewDate;
                sqlparams[3].Value = Convert.DBNull;

            sqlparams[4] = new SqlParameter("@pMovieCount", SqlDbType.VarChar);
            sqlparams[4].Value = MovieCount;

//            sqlparams[4] = new SqlParameter("@pSellDate", SqlDbType.DateTime);
//            if (data.SellDate.Year >= 2000)
//                sqlparams[4].Value = data.SellDate;
//            else
//                sqlparams[4].Value = Convert.DBNull;

            sqlparams[5] = new SqlParameter("@pPhotoCount", SqlDbType.VarChar);
            sqlparams[5].Value = PhotoCount;

            sqlparams[6] = new SqlParameter("@pExtension", SqlDbType.VarChar);
            sqlparams[6].Value = Extension;

            sqlparams[7] = new SqlParameter("@pId", SqlDbType.Int);
            sqlparams[7].Value = Id;
