Beispiel #1
        }         //

        public static void MapFromDB(DBEntity from, ThisEntity to)
            to.Id                   = from.Id;
            to.RowId                = from.RowId;
            to.EntityStateId        = from.EntityStateId;
            to.FrameworkName        = from.FrameworkName;
            to.CTID                 = from.CTID;
            to.OrganizationCTID     = from.OrganizationCTID ?? "";
            to.SourceUrl            = from.SourceUrl;
            to.FrameworkUri         = from.FrameworkUri;
            to.CredentialRegistryId = from.CredentialRegistryId ?? "";
            //this should be replace by presence of CredentialRegistryId
            to.ExistsInRegistry = (bool)from.ExistsInRegistry;
            if (from.Created != null)
                to.Created = ( DateTime )from.Created;
            if (from.LastUpdated != null)
                to.LastUpdated = (DateTime)from.LastUpdated;

            //soon to be obsolete
            //to.FrameworkUrl = from.FrameworkUrl;
Beispiel #2
        }        //

        public static ThisEntity GetByCtid(string ctid)
            ThisEntity entity = new ThisEntity();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ctid))
                using (var context = new EntityContext())
                    //lookup by frameworkUri, or SourceUrl
                    DBEntity item = context.EducationFramework
                                    .FirstOrDefault(s => s.CTID.ToLower() == ctid.ToLower());

                    if (item != null && item.Id > 0)
                        MapFromDB(item, entity);
            catch (Exception ex)
                LoggingHelper.LogError(ex, thisClassName + ".GetByUrl");
        }        //
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a competency record
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="profileId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ThisEntity Get(int profileId)
            ThisEntity entity = new ThisEntity();

            if (profileId == 0)
                using (var context = new EntityContext())
                    DBEntity item = context.EducationFramework
                                    .SingleOrDefault(s => s.Id == profileId);

                    if (item != null && item.Id > 0)
                        MapFromDB(item, entity);
            catch (Exception ex)
                LoggingHelper.LogError(ex, thisClassName + ".Get");
        }        //
Beispiel #4
        public bool ValidateProfile(ThisEntity profile, ref SaveStatus status)
            status.HasSectionErrors = false;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profile.FrameworkName))
                status.AddWarning("An educational framework name must be entered");

            //if we don't require url, we can't resolve potentially duplicate framework names

Beispiel #5
        }        //

        public static void MapToDB(ThisEntity from, DBEntity to)
            //want to ensure fields from create are not wiped
            //to.Id = from.Id;

            to.FrameworkName        = from.FrameworkName;
            to.SourceUrl            = from.SourceUrl ?? "";
            to.FrameworkUri         = from.FrameworkUri ?? "";
            to.CredentialRegistryId = from.CredentialRegistryId ?? "";
            //will want to extract from FrameworkUri (for now)
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(from.CTID) && from.CTID.Length == 39)
                to.CTID = from.CTID;
                if (to.FrameworkUri.ToLower().IndexOf("") > -1 ||
                    to.FrameworkUri.ToLower().IndexOf("") > -1)
                    to.CTID = from.FrameworkUri.Substring(from.FrameworkUri.IndexOf("/ce-") + 1);
                //else if ( from.FrameworkUri.ToLower().IndexOf("") > -1 )
                //    to.CTID = from.FrameworkUri.Substring(from.FrameworkUri.IndexOf("/ce-") + 1);
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(from.OrganizationCTID) && from.OrganizationCTID.Length == 39)
                to.OrganizationCTID = from.OrganizationCTID;
            //TODO - have to be consistent in having this data
            //this may done separately. At very least setting false will be done separately
            //actually the presence of a ctid should only be for registry denizen
            if (from.ExistsInRegistry || (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(to.CredentialRegistryId) && to.CredentialRegistryId.Length == 36))
                to.EntityStateId    = 3;
                to.ExistsInRegistry = from.ExistsInRegistry;
                //dont think there is a case to set to 1
                to.EntityStateId = 2;
        }         //
Beispiel #6
        }        //

        public int Lookup_OR_Add(string frameworkUri, string frameworkName)
            int frameworkId = 0;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(frameworkUri))

            //*** no data for frameworkURL, just frameworkUri or sourceUrl
            ThisEntity entity = GetByUrl(frameworkUri);

            if (entity != null && entity.Id > 0)
            //skip if no name
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(frameworkName))
            SaveStatus status = new SaveStatus();

            entity.FrameworkName = frameworkName;
            //this could an external Url, or a registry Uri
            if (frameworkUri.ToLower().IndexOf("") > -1 ||
                frameworkUri.ToLower().IndexOf("") > -1)
                entity.FrameworkUri = frameworkUri;
                entity.SourceUrl = frameworkUri;
            Save(entity, ref status);
            if (entity.Id > 0)

        }        //
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if the provided framework has already been sync'd.
        /// If not, it will be added.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <param name="userId"></param>
        /// <param name="messages"></param>
        /// <param name="frameworkId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        //public bool HandleFrameworkRequest( CassFramework request,
        //		int userId,
        //		ref SaveStatus status,
        //		ref int frameworkId )
        //	bool isValid = true;
        //	if ( request == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request._IdAndVersion) )
        //	{
        //		status.AddWarning( "The Cass Request doesn't contain a valid Cass Framework class." );
        //		return false;
        //	}
        //	ThisEntity item = Get( request._IdAndVersion );
        //	if (item != null && item.Id > 0)
        //	{
        //		//TODO - do we want to attempt an update - if changed
        //		//		- if we plan to implement a batch refresh of sync'd content, then not necessary
        //		frameworkId = item.Id;
        //		return true;
        //	}
        //	//add the framework...
        //	ThisEntity entity = new ThisEntity();
        //	entity.Name = request.Name;
        //	entity.Description = request.Description;
        //	entity.FrameworkUrl = request.Url;
        //	entity.RepositoryUri = request._IdAndVersion;

        //	//TDO - need owning org - BUT, first person to reference a framework is not necessarily the owner!!!!!
        //	//actually, we may not care here. Eventually get a ctid from CASS
        //	//entity.OwningOrganizationId = 0;

        //	isValid = Save( entity, userId, ref status );
        //	frameworkId = entity.Id;
        //	return isValid;

        //actually not likely to have a separate list of frameworks
        //public bool SaveList( List<ThisEntity> list, ref SaveStatus status )
        //	if ( list == null || list.Count == 0 )
        //		return true;

        //	bool isAllValid = true;
        //	foreach ( ThisEntity item in list )
        //	{
        //		Save( item, ref status );
        //	}

        //	return isAllValid;

        /// <summary>
        /// Add/Update a EducationFramework
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity"></param>
        /// <param name="messages"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Save(ThisEntity entity,
                         ref SaveStatus status, bool addingActivity = false)
            bool isValid = true;
            int  count   = 0;

            DBEntity efEntity = new DBEntity();

                using (var context = new EntityContext())
                    if (ValidateProfile(entity, ref status) == false)

                    if (entity.Id == 0)
                        efEntity = new DBEntity();
                        MapToDB(entity, efEntity);

                        efEntity.Created = efEntity.LastUpdated = DateTime.Now;

                        if (IsValidGuid(entity.RowId))
                            efEntity.RowId = entity.RowId;
                            efEntity.RowId = Guid.NewGuid();


                        count = context.SaveChanges();

                        entity.Id    = efEntity.Id;
                        entity.RowId = efEntity.RowId;
                        if (count == 0)
                            status.AddWarning(string.Format(" Unable to add Profile: {0} <br\\> ", string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.FrameworkName) ? "no description" : entity.FrameworkName));
                            if (addingActivity)
                                //add log entry
                                SiteActivity sa = new SiteActivity()
                                    ActivityType     = "CompetencyFramework",
                                    Activity         = "Import",
                                    Event            = "Add",
                                    Comment          = string.Format("New Competency Framework was found by the import. Name: {0}, URI: {1}", entity.FrameworkName, entity.FrameworkUri),
                                    ActivityObjectId = entity.Id
                                new ActivityManager().SiteActivityAdd(sa);
                        efEntity = context.EducationFramework.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == entity.Id);
                        if (efEntity != null && efEntity.Id > 0)
                            entity.RowId = efEntity.RowId;
                            MapToDB(entity, efEntity);
                            //has changed?
                            if (HasStateChanged(context))
                                efEntity.LastUpdated = DateTime.Now;
                                count = context.SaveChanges();
                                if (addingActivity)
                                    //add log entry
                                    SiteActivity sa = new SiteActivity()
                                        ActivityType     = "CompetencyFramework",
                                        Activity         = "Import",
                                        Event            = "Update",
                                        Comment          = string.Format("Updated Competency Framework found by the import. Name: {0}, URI: {1}", entity.FrameworkName, entity.FrameworkUri),
                                        ActivityObjectId = entity.Id
                                    new ActivityManager().SiteActivityAdd(sa);
            }catch (Exception ex)
                LoggingHelper.LogError(ex, "EducationFrameworkManager.Save()");
