Beispiel #1
        public static bool HasAddressChanged(ThisEntity from, EM.Entity_Address to)
            bool hasChanged = false;

            if (to.Address1 != from.Address1 ||
                to.Address2 != from.Address2 ||
                to.City != from.City ||
                to.PostalCode != from.PostalCode ||
                to.Region != from.AddressRegion ||
                to.Country != from.Country)
                hasChanged = true;


        public static MicroProfile ConvertAddressToMicroProfile(MC.Address item)
            return(new MicroProfile()
                Id = item.Id,
                RowId = item.RowId,
                Name = item.Name,
                Properties = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "Address1", item.StreetAddress },
                    { "City", item.AddressLocality },
                    { "Region", item.AddressRegion },
                    { "PostalCode", item.PostalCode },
                    { "Country", item.AddressCountry }
                    //{ "CountryId", item.CountryId }
Beispiel #3
        }        //

        //public static ThisEntity Entity_Address_Get( int profileId )
        //	ThisEntity entity = new ThisEntity();
        //	try
        //	{

        //		using ( var context = new EntityContext() )
        //		{
        //			DBEntity item = context.Entity_Address
        //					.SingleOrDefault( s => s.Id == profileId );

        //			if ( item != null && item.Id > 0 )
        //			{
        //				MapFromDB( item, entity );
        //			}
        //		}
        //	}
        //	catch ( Exception ex )
        //	{
        //		LoggingHelper.LogError( ex, thisClassName + string.Format( ".Entity_Address_Get. profileId: {0}", profileId ) );
        //	}
        //	return entity;
        public static void MapFromDB(EM.Entity_Address from, ThisEntity to)
            to.Id       = from.Id;
            to.RowId    = from.RowId;
            to.ParentId = from.EntityId;
            if (from.Entity != null)
                to.ParentRowId = from.Entity.EntityUid;

            to.Name                = from.Name;
            to.IsMainAddress       = from.IsPrimaryAddress ?? false;
            to.Address1            = from.Address1;
            to.Address2            = from.Address2 ?? "";
            to.PostOfficeBoxNumber = from.PostOfficeBoxNumber ?? "";
            to.City                = from.City;
            to.PostalCode          = from.PostalCode;
            to.AddressRegion       = from.Region;
            to.Country             = from.Country;
            //to.CountryId = ( int ) ( from.CountryId ?? 0 );
            //if ( from.Codes_Countries != null )
            //	to.Country = from.Codes_Countries.CommonName;
            to.Latitude  = from.Latitude ?? 0;
            to.Longitude = from.Longitude ?? 0;

            //to.ContactPoint = Entity_ContactPointManager.GetAll( to.RowId );

            if (IsValidDate(from.Created))
                to.Created = ( DateTime )from.Created;

            if (IsValidDate(from.LastUpdated))
                to.LastUpdated = ( DateTime )from.LastUpdated;
            //get address specific contacts
            //address could be empty
            to.ContactPoint = Entity_ContactPointManager.GetAll(to.RowId);
Beispiel #4
        public static List <ThisEntity> QuickSearch(string address1, string city, string postalCode, int pageNumber, int pageSize, ref int pTotalRows)
            List <ThisEntity> list   = new List <ThisEntity>();
            ThisEntity        entity = new ThisEntity();

            address1   = CleanTerm(address1);
            city       = CleanTerm(city);
            postalCode = CleanTerm(postalCode);

            int skip = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize;

            using (var context = new EntityContext())
                List <DBEntity> results = context.Entity_Address
                                          .Where(s =>
                                                 (address1 == "" || s.Address1.Contains(address1)) &&
                                                 (city == "" || s.City.Contains(city)) &&
                                                 (postalCode == "" || s.PostalCode.Contains(postalCode))
                                          .OrderBy(s => s.Address1)

                if (results != null && results.Count > 0)
                    foreach (DBEntity item in results)
                        entity = new ThisEntity();
                        MapFromDB(item, entity);


                    //Other parts

Beispiel #5
        public static List <ThisEntity> GetAll(Guid parentUid, ref List <ContactPoint> orphanContacts)
            ThisEntity        entity = new ThisEntity();
            List <ThisEntity> list   = new List <ThisEntity>();

                using (var context = new EntityContext())
                    List <EM.Entity_Address> results = context.Entity_Address
                                                       .Where(s => s.Entity.EntityUid == parentUid)
                                                       .OrderByDescending(s => s.IsPrimaryAddress)
                                                       .ThenBy(s => s.Id)

                    if (results != null && results.Count > 0)
                        foreach (EM.Entity_Address item in results)
                            entity = new ThisEntity();
                            MapFromDB(item, entity);
                            if (entity.HasAddress() == false && entity.HasContactPoints())
            catch (Exception ex)
                LoggingHelper.LogError(ex, thisClassName + string.Format(".GetAll. Guid parentUid: {0}", parentUid));
        }        //
Beispiel #6
        public static List <ThisEntity> QuickSearch(string keyword, int pageNumber, int pageSize, ref int pTotalRows)
            List <ThisEntity> list   = new List <ThisEntity>();
            ThisEntity        entity = new ThisEntity();

            keyword = CleanTerm(keyword);

            int skip = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize;

            using (var context = new EntityContext())
                //turn off - so Entity et will not be included!!!!
                context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;

                var addresses = context.Entity_Address
                                .Where(s => keyword == "" ||
                                       s.Entity.EntityBaseName.Contains(keyword) ||
                                       s.Address1.Contains(keyword) ||
                                       s.City.Contains(keyword) ||
                                .GroupBy(a => new
                    Name          = a.Name,
                    Address1      = a.Address1,
                    Address2      = a.Address2 ?? "",
                    City          = a.City,
                    PostalCode    = a.PostalCode,
                    AddressRegion = a.Region,
                    Country       = a.Country ?? ""
                                .Select(g => new ThisEntity
                    Name          = g.Key.Name,
                    Address1      = g.Key.Address1,
                    Address2      = g.Key.Address2 ?? "",
                    City          = g.Key.City,
                    PostalCode    = g.Key.PostalCode,
                    AddressRegion = g.Key.AddressRegion,
                    Country       = g.Key.Country
                                .OrderByDescending(a => a.Address1)
                                .ThenByDescending(a => a.City);

                pTotalRows = addresses.Count();
                List <ThisEntity> results = addresses
                                            .OrderBy(s => s.Address1)
                if (results != null && results.Count > 0)
                    list = results;
                    //return list;

Beispiel #7

        public static void UpdateGeo(CM.Address from, EM.Entity_Address to)
            //GoogleGeocoding.Results results = GeoServices.GeocodeAddress( from.DisplayAddress() );
            bool doingExpandOfRegion = UtilityManager.GetAppKeyValue("doingExpandOfRegion", false);
            //Try with a looser address if 0/0 lat/lng
            var hasLatLng      = false;
            var results        = new GoogleGeocoding.Results();
            var addressesToTry = new List <string>()
                from.PostalCode ?? "",
                from.AddressRegion ?? ""
                //,from.Country ?? ""

            foreach (var test in addressesToTry)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(test) || test.Trim().Length < 5)

                results = TryGetAddress(test, ref hasLatLng);
                if (hasLatLng)
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000);   //Don't spam the Geocoding API

            if (results != null)
                GoogleGeocoding.Location location = results.GetLocation();
                if (location != null)
                    to.Latitude  =;
                    to.Longitude = location.lng;
                    if (results.results.Count > 0)
                        //this is inconsistant [0] -postal code, [5]-country, [4] region
                        //                  int pIdx = 0;// results.results[ 0 ].address_components.Count - 1;
                        //int cIdx = results.results[ 0 ].address_components.Count - 1;
                        //                  int regionIdx = results.results[ 0 ].address_components.Count - 2;
                        string postalCode = ""; // results.results[ 0 ].address_components[ 0 ].short_name;
                        string country    = ""; // results.results[ 0 ].address_components[ cIdx ].long_name;
                        string fullRegion = ""; // results.results[ 0 ].address_components[ regionIdx ].long_name;
                        //can we expand the region here? - determine the index number of the region
                        string suffix = "";
                        //want to at least implement in the import
                        foreach (var part in results.results[0].address_components)
                            if (part.types.Count > 0)
                                if (part.types[0] == "country")
                                    country = part.long_name;
                                else if (part.types[0] == "administrative_area_level_1")
                                    fullRegion = part.long_name;
                                else if (part.types[0] == "postal_code")
                                    postalCode = part.long_name;
                                else if (part.types[0] == "postal_code_suffix")
                                    suffix      = part.long_name;
                                    postalCode += "-" + suffix;

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(to.PostalCode) ||
                            to.PostalCode != postalCode)
                            //?not sure if should assume the google result is accurate
                            to.PostalCode = postalCode;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(country) &&
                            to.CountryId == null)
                            //set country string, and perhaps plan update process.
                            to.Country = country;
                            //do lookup, OR at least notify for now
                            //probably should make configurable - or spin off process to attempt update
                            //EmailManager.NotifyAdmin( "CTI Missing country to update", string.Format( "Address without country entered, but resolved via GoogleGeocoding.Location. entity.ParentId: {0}, country: {1}", from.ParentId, country ) );
                        //expand region
                        if (doingExpandOfRegion &&
                            (to.Region ?? "").Length < fullRegion.Length)
                            to.Region = fullRegion;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    LoggingHelper.LogError(ex, thisClassName + "UpdateGeo");
Beispiel #8
        public bool Save(ThisEntity entity, Guid parentUid, ref SaveStatus status)
            bool isValid = true;

            if (!IsValidGuid(parentUid))
                status.AddError("Error: a valid parent identifier was not provided.");

            int    count  = 0;
            Entity parent = EntityManager.GetEntity(parentUid);

            if (parent == null || parent.EntityBaseId == 0)
                status.AddError("Error - the parent entity was not found.");

                using (var context = new EntityContext())
                    DBEntity efEntity = new DBEntity();
                    if (ValidateProfile(entity, parent, ref status) == false)
                    bool resetIsPrimaryFlag = false;

                    if (entity.Id == 0)
                        efEntity          = new DBEntity();
                        efEntity.EntityId = parent.Id;
                        entity.ParentId   = parent.Id;
                        MapToDB(entity, efEntity, ref resetIsPrimaryFlag);

                        //could just have contact points without address
                        if (entity.HasAddress())
                            efEntity.Created = efEntity.LastUpdated = DateTime.Now;
                            if (IsValidGuid(entity.RowId))
                                efEntity.RowId = entity.RowId;
                                efEntity.RowId = Guid.NewGuid();

                            count = context.SaveChanges();

                            //update profile record so doesn't get deleted
                            entity.Id       = efEntity.Id;
                            entity.ParentId = parent.Id;
                            entity.RowId    = efEntity.RowId;
                            if (count == 0)
                                status.AddError(string.Format(" Unable to add address. parentUid: {0}, City: {1}, Region: {2} <br\\> ", parentUid, efEntity.City, efEntity.Region));
                                if (resetIsPrimaryFlag)
                                    Reset_Prior_ISPrimaryFlags(efEntity.EntityId, entity.Id);
                        //handle contact points
                        //if address present, these need to be closely related
                        if (entity.Id > 0)
                            new Entity_ContactPointManager().SaveList(entity.ContactPoint, entity.RowId, ref status);
                            // put under parent
                            //should log this. If under parent should onlybe an org, and delete all has already been done.
                            new Entity_ContactPointManager().SaveList(entity.ContactPoint, parentUid, ref status, false);
                        entity.ParentId = parent.Id;

                        efEntity = context.Entity_Address.SingleOrDefault(s => s.Id == entity.Id);
                        if (efEntity != null && efEntity.Id > 0)
                            entity.RowId = efEntity.RowId;
                            MapToDB(entity, efEntity, ref resetIsPrimaryFlag);
                            //has changed?
                            if (HasStateChanged(context))
                                efEntity.LastUpdated = System.DateTime.Now;

                                count = context.SaveChanges();
                            if (resetIsPrimaryFlag)
                                Reset_Prior_ISPrimaryFlags(entity.ParentId, entity.Id);

                            //handle contact points - very wierd approach, but shouldn't have updates
                            new Entity_ContactPointManager().SaveList(entity.ContactPoint, entity.RowId, ref status);
            catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbex)
                string message = HandleDBValidationError(dbex, thisClassName + ".Save() ", "Address Profile");
                status.AddError("Error - the save was not successful. " + message);
                LoggingHelper.LogError(dbex, thisClassName + string.Format(".Save(), Parent: {0} ({1})", parent.EntityBaseName, parent.EntityBaseId));
                isValid = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string message = FormatExceptions(ex);
                status.AddError("Error - the save was not successful. " + message);
                LoggingHelper.LogError(ex, thisClassName + string.Format(".Save(), Parent: {0} ({1})", parent.EntityBaseName, parent.EntityBaseId));
                isValid = false;
Beispiel #9
        public List <ThisEntity> ResolveMissingGeodata(ref string messages, int maxRecords = 100)
            ThisEntity        entity      = new ThisEntity();
            List <ThisEntity> list        = new List <ThisEntity>();
            List <string>     messageList = new List <string>();
            bool   resetIsPrimaryFlag     = false;
            string prevAddr       = "";
            string prevAddr2      = "";
            string prevCity       = "";
            string prevRegion     = "";
            string prevFullRegion = "";
            string prevPostalCode = "";
            double prevLat        = 0.0;
            double prevLng        = 0.0;
            int    cntr           = 0;

                using (var context = new EntityContext())
                    List <EM.Entity_Address> results = context.Entity_Address
                                                       .Where(s => (s.Latitude == null || s.Latitude == 0.0) ||
                                                              (s.Longitude == null || s.Longitude == 0.0))
                                                       .OrderBy(s => s.Address1).ThenBy(s => s.Address2).ThenBy(s => s.City).ThenBy(s => s.PostalCode).ThenBy(s => s.Region)

                    if (results != null && results.Count > 0)
                        foreach (EM.Entity_Address efEntity in results)
                            entity = new ThisEntity();
                            if ((efEntity.City ?? "").ToLower() == "city" ||
                                (efEntity.Address1 ?? "").ToLower() == "address" ||
                                (efEntity.Address1 ?? "").ToLower().IndexOf("123 main") > -1 ||
                                (efEntity.Address1 ?? "").ToLower().IndexOf("some street") > -1 ||
                                (efEntity.Region ?? "").ToLower().IndexOf("state") == 0

                            //quick approach, map to address, which will call the geo code. If there was an update, update the entity
                            //check if the same address to avoid many hits against google endpoint
                            if (efEntity.Address1 == prevAddr &&
                                (efEntity.Address2 ?? "") == prevAddr2 &&
                                (efEntity.City ?? "") == prevCity &&
                                (efEntity.Region ?? "") == prevRegion &&
                                (efEntity.PostalCode ?? "") == prevPostalCode
                                efEntity.Latitude  = prevLat;
                                efEntity.Longitude = prevLng;
                                //save prev region now, in case it gets expanded, although successive ones will not be expanded!
                                prevRegion = efEntity.Region ?? "";
                                MapFromDB(efEntity, entity);
                                MapToDB(entity, efEntity, ref resetIsPrimaryFlag);
                            if (HasStateChanged(context))
                                efEntity.LastUpdated = System.DateTime.Now;
                                //efEntity.LastUpdatedById = userId;

                                int count = context.SaveChanges();
                                messageList.Add(string.Format("___Updated address: {0}", DisplayAddress(efEntity)));
                                prevLat = ( double )(efEntity.Latitude ?? 0.0);
                                prevLng = ( double )(efEntity.Longitude ?? 0.0);
                                //addresses that failed
                            prevAddr  = efEntity.Address1 ?? "";
                            prevAddr2 = efEntity.Address2 ?? "";
                            prevCity  = efEntity.City ?? "";
                            //prevRegion = efEntity.Region ?? "";
                            prevPostalCode = efEntity.PostalCode ?? "";
                            if (maxRecords > 0 && cntr > maxRecords)
                                messages = string.Format("Early completion. Processed {0} of {1} candidate records.", cntr, results.Count);
            catch (Exception ex)
                LoggingHelper.LogError(ex, thisClassName + ".ResolveMissingGeodata");

            messages += string.Join("<br/>", messageList.ToArray());

Beispiel #10
        public static void MapToDB(ThisEntity from, EM.Entity_Address to, ref bool resetIsPrimaryFlag)
            resetIsPrimaryFlag = false;

            //NOTE: the parentId - currently orgId, is handled in the update code
            to.Id   = from.Id;
            to.Name = from.Name;
            //if this address is primary, and not previously primary, set indicator to reset existing settings
            //will need setting to default first address to primary if not entered
            if (from.IsMainAddress && ( bool )(!(to.IsPrimaryAddress ?? false)))
                //initially attempt to only allow adding new primary,not unchecking
                resetIsPrimaryFlag = true;
            to.IsPrimaryAddress = from.IsMainAddress;

            //bool hasChanged = false;
            //bool hasAddress = false;

            //if ( from.HasAddress() )
            //	hasAddress = true;
            //	if ( to.Latitude == null || to.Latitude == 0
            //	  || to.Longitude == null || to.Longitude == 0 )
            //		hasChanged = true;
            //if ( hasChanged == false )
            //	if ( to.Id == 0 )
            //		hasChanged = true;
            //	else
            //		hasChanged = HasAddressChanged( from, to );

            to.Address1            = from.Address1;
            to.Address2            = GetData(from.Address2, null);
            to.PostOfficeBoxNumber = GetData(from.PostOfficeBoxNumber, null);
            to.City       = from.City;
            to.PostalCode = from.PostalCode;
            to.Region     = from.AddressRegion ?? "";
            to.Country    = from.Country;
            //likely provided
            to.Latitude  = from.Latitude;
            to.Longitude = from.Longitude;

            if (from.HasAddress())
                //check if lat/lng were not provided with address
                //may want to always do this to expand region!
                if (to.Latitude == null || to.Latitude == 0 ||
                    to.Longitude == null || to.Longitude == 0 ||
                    (to.Region ?? "").Length == 2
                    UpdateGeo(from, to);

            //these will likely not be present?
            //If new, or address has changed, do the geo lookup
            //if ( hasAddress )
            //	if ( hasChanged )
            //	{
            //		UpdateGeo( from, to );
            //	}
            //	to.Latitude = 0;
            //	to.Longitude = 0;
Beispiel #11
        public bool ValidateProfile(ThisEntity profile, Entity parent, ref SaveStatus status)
            status.HasSectionErrors = false;
            //note can have an address with just contact points, no actual address!
            //check minimum
            //if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( profile.Address1 )
            //&& string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( profile.PostOfficeBoxNumber )
            //	)
            //	status.AddWarning( "Please enter at least Street Address 1 or a Post Office Box Number" );
            //if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( profile.City ) )
            //	status.AddWarning( "Please enter a valid Locality/City" );
            //if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( profile.AddressRegion ) )
            //	status.AddWarning( "Please enter a valid Region/State/Province" );
            //if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( profile.PostalCode )
            //   )
            //	status.AddWarning( "Please enter a valid Postal Code" );
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profile.Name))
                //if for org, always default to org name
                if (parent.EntityTypeId == CodesManager.ENTITY_TYPE_ORGANIZATION)
                    profile.Name = parent.EntityBaseName;
                    if (profile.Id == 0)
                    //status.AddError( "A profile name must be entered" );
                    //isValid = false;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profile.City))
                        profile.Name = profile.City;
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profile.Address1))
                        profile.Name = profile.Address1;
                        profile.Name = "Main Address";

            if ((profile.Name ?? "").Length > 200)
                status.AddError("The address name must be less than 200 characters");
            if ((profile.Address1 ?? "").Length > 200)
                status.AddError("The address1 must be less than 200 characters");
            if ((profile.Address2 ?? "").Length > 200)
                status.AddError("The address2 must be less than 200 characters");
