Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Notifies the player that the current version of vMenu is outdated.
        /// </summary>
        private async void NotifyOutdatedVersion()
            Debug.Write("vMenu is outdated, please update asap.\n");
            await Delay(5000);

            cf.Log("Sending alert now.");
            Notify.Alert("vMenu is outdated, if you are the server administrator, please update vMenu as soon as possible.", true, true);
Beispiel #2
        private void CreateMenu()
            // Create the menu.
            menu = new UIMenu("Recording", "Recording Options", true)
                ScaleWithSafezone       = false,
                MouseControlsEnabled    = false,
                MouseEdgeEnabled        = false,
                ControlDisablingEnabled = false

            UIMenuItem startRec   = new UIMenuItem("Start Recording", "Start a new game recording using GTA V's built in recording.");
            UIMenuItem stopRec    = new UIMenuItem("Stop Recording", "Stop and save your current recording.");
            UIMenuItem openEditor = new UIMenuItem("Rockstar Editor", "Open the rockstar editor, note you might want to quit the session first before doing this to prevent some issues.");


            menu.OnItemSelect += async(sender, item, index) =>
                if (item == startRec)
                    if (IsRecording())
                        Notify.Alert("You are already recording a clip, you need to stop recording first before you can start recording again!");
                else if (item == stopRec)
                    if (!IsRecording())
                        Notify.Alert("You are currently NOT recording a clip, you need to start recording first before you can stop and save a clip.");
                else if (item == openEditor)
                    // wait for the editor to be closed again.
                    while (IsPauseMenuActive())
                        await BaseScript.Delay(0);
                    // then fade in the screen.
Beispiel #3
        private void CreateMenu()
            // Create the menu.
            menu = new Menu("Запись", "Опции записи");

            MenuItem startRec   = new MenuItem("Начать запись клипа", "");
            MenuItem stopRec    = new MenuItem("Остановить запись", "");
            MenuItem openEditor = new MenuItem("Открыть R* Editor (безопасно)", "Отключит Вас от сессии и откроет R* Editor.");


            menu.OnItemSelect += async(sender, item, index) =>
                if (item == startRec)
                    if (IsRecording())
                        Notify.Alert("You are already recording a clip, you need to stop recording first before you can start recording again!");
                else if (item == stopRec)
                    if (!IsRecording())
                        Notify.Alert("You are currently NOT recording a clip, you need to start recording first before you can stop and save a clip.");
                else if (item == openEditor)
                    if (GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_quit_session_in_rockstar_editor))
                    // wait for the editor to be closed again.
                    while (IsPauseMenuActive())
                        await BaseScript.Delay(0);
                    // then fade in the screen.
                    Notify.Alert("Вы были отключены от сессии, пожалуйста, перезайдите на сервер.", true, true);
Beispiel #4
        private void CreateMenu()
            // Create the menu.
            menu = new Menu("Recording", "Recording Options");

            MenuItem startRec   = new MenuItem("Start Recording", "Start a new game recording using GTA V's built in recording.");
            MenuItem stopRec    = new MenuItem("Stop Recording", "Stop and save your current recording.");
            MenuItem openEditor = new MenuItem("Rockstar Editor", "Open the rockstar editor, note you might want to quit the session first before doing this to prevent some issues.");


            menu.OnItemSelect += async(sender, item, index) =>
                if (item == startRec)
                    if (IsRecording())
                        Notify.Alert("You are already recording a clip, you need to stop recording first before you can start recording again!");
                else if (item == stopRec)
                    if (!IsRecording())
                        Notify.Alert("You are currently NOT recording a clip, you need to start recording first before you can stop and save a clip.");
                else if (item == openEditor)
                    if (GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_quit_session_in_rockstar_editor))
                    // wait for the editor to be closed again.
                    while (IsPauseMenuActive())
                        await BaseScript.Delay(0);
                    // then fade in the screen.
                    Notify.Alert("You left your previous session before entering the Rockstar Editor. Restart the game to be able to rejoin the server's main session.", true, true);
Beispiel #5
        private void CreateMenu()
            // Create the menu.
            menu = new Menu("錄製", "錄製選項");

            MenuItem startRec   = new MenuItem("開始錄製", "使用GTA V的內置錄影.");
            MenuItem stopRec    = new MenuItem("停止錄製", "停止錄製並保存您當前的錄製");
            MenuItem openEditor = new MenuItem("Rockstar 編輯器", "打開Rockstar編輯器,注意您可能要先退出戰局,然後再執行此操作以防止出現某些問題.");


            menu.OnItemSelect += async(sender, item, index) =>
                if (item == startRec)
                    if (IsRecording())
                else if (item == stopRec)
                    if (!IsRecording())
                else if (item == openEditor)
                    if (GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_quit_session_in_rockstar_editor))
                    // wait for the editor to be closed again.
                    while (IsPauseMenuActive())
                        await BaseScript.Delay(0);
                    // then fade in the screen.
                    Notify.Alert("在進入Rockstar編輯器之前,請先退出上一個連線重新啟動遊戲,以便能夠重新加入服務器.", true, true);
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Method for spawning entity with EntitySpawner. After entity is spawned you will be able to change
        /// position of entity with your mouse.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">model of entity as hash</param>
        /// <param name="coords">initial coords for the entity</param>
        /// <returns>true spawn was succesful</returns>
        public static async void SpawnEntity(uint model, Vector3 coords)
            if (!IsModelValid(model))

            if (CurrentEntity != null)
                Notify.Error("One entity is currently beeing processed");

            int handle = 0;

            while (!HasModelLoaded(model))
                await Delay(1);
            if (IsModelAPed(model))
                handle = CreatePed(4, model, coords.X, coords.Y, coords.Z, Game.PlayerPed.Heading, true, true);
            else if (IsModelAVehicle(model))
                int modelClass = GetVehicleClassFromName(model);
                if (!VehicleSpawner.allowedCategories[modelClass])
                    Notify.Alert("You are not allowed to spawn this vehicle, because it belongs to a category which is restricted by the server owner.");
                handle = CreateVehicle(model, coords.X, coords.Y, coords.Z, Game.PlayerPed.Heading, true, true);
                handle = CreateObject((int)model, coords.X, coords.Y, coords.Z, true, true, true);

            SetEntityAsMissionEntity(handle, true, true); // Set As mission to prevent despawning

            CurrentEntity = Entity.FromHandle(handle);

            if (!CurrentEntity.Exists())
                throw new Exception("Failed to create entity");

            if (!Active)
                Active = true;
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Notifies the player that the current version of vMenu is outdated.
        /// </summary>
        private async void NotifyOutdatedVersion()
            Debug.Write("\n\n\n\n[vMenu] vMenu is outdated, please update asap.\n\n\n\n");
            await Delay(5000);

            cf.Log("Sending alert now.");
            if (GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_outdated_version_notify_players))
                Notify.Alert("vMenu is outdated, if you are the server administrator, please update vMenu as soon as possible.", true, true);
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Kicks the current player from the specified vehicle if they're inside and don't own the vehicle themselves.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vehNetId"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleOwnedBy"></param>
        private async void GetOutOfCar(int vehNetId, int vehicleOwnedBy)
            if (NetworkDoesNetworkIdExist(vehNetId))
                int veh = NetToVeh(vehNetId);
                if (DoesEntityExist(veh))
                    Vehicle vehicle = new Vehicle(veh);

                    if (vehicle == null || !vehicle.Exists())

                    if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle(vehicle) && vehicleOwnedBy != Game.Player.ServerId)
                        if (!vehicle.IsStopped)
                            Notify.Alert("該車輛的擁有者正在找回他們的私人車輛。 您將在大約10秒鐘內被踢出這輛車。 立即停車,以免造成車子損壞.", false, true);

                        // Wait for the vehicle to come to a stop, or 10 seconds, whichever is faster.
                        var timer = GetGameTimer();
                        while (vehicle != null && vehicle.Exists() && !vehicle.IsStopped)
                            await Delay(0);

                            if (GetGameTimer() - timer > (10 * 1000)) // 10 second timeout

                        // just to make sure they're actually still inside the vehicle and the vehicle still exists.
                        if (vehicle != null && vehicle.Exists() && Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle(vehicle))
                            // Make the ped jump out because the car isn't stopped yet.
                            if (!vehicle.IsStopped)
                                TaskLeaveVehicle(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, vehicle.Handle, 4160);
                            // Make the ped exit gently.
                                TaskLeaveVehicle(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, vehicle.Handle, 0);
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Kicks the current player from the specified vehicle if they're inside and don't own the vehicle themselves.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vehNetId"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleOwnedBy"></param>
        private async void GetOutOfCar(int vehNetId, int vehicleOwnedBy)
            if (NetworkDoesNetworkIdExist(vehNetId))
                int veh = NetToVeh(vehNetId);
                if (DoesEntityExist(veh))
                    Vehicle vehicle = new Vehicle(veh);

                    if (vehicle == null || !vehicle.Exists())

                    if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle(vehicle) && vehicleOwnedBy != Game.Player.ServerId)
                        if (!vehicle.IsStopped)
                            Notify.Alert("The owner of this vehicle is reclaiming their personal vehicle. You will be kicked from this vehicle in about 10 seconds. Stop the vehicle now to avoid taking damage.", false, true);

                        // Wait for the vehicle to come to a stop, or 10 seconds, whichever is faster.
                        var timer = GetGameTimer();
                        while (vehicle != null && vehicle.Exists() && !vehicle.IsStopped)
                            await Delay(0);

                            if (GetGameTimer() - timer > (10 * 1000)) // 10 second timeout

                        // just to make sure they're actually still inside the vehicle and the vehicle still exists.
                        if (vehicle != null && vehicle.Exists() && Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle(vehicle))
                            // Make the ped jump out because the car isn't stopped yet.
                            if (!vehicle.IsStopped)
                                Notify.Info("You were warned, now you'll have to suffer the consequences!");
                                TaskLeaveVehicle(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, vehicle.Handle, 4160);
                            // Make the ped exit gently.
                                TaskLeaveVehicle(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, vehicle.Handle, 0);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Main OnTick task runs every game tick and handles all the menu stuff.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task OnTick()
            #region FirstTick
            // Only run this the first tick.
            if (firstTick)
                firstTick = false;
                // Clear all previous pause menu info/brief messages on resource start.

                // Request the permissions data from the server.

                // Wait until the data is received and the player's name is loaded correctly.
                while (!ConfigOptionsSetupComplete || !PermissionsSetupComplete || Game.Player.Name == "**Invalid**" || Game.Player.Name == "** Invalid **")
                    await Delay(0);
                if ((IsAllowed(Permission.Staff) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_menu_staff_only)) || GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_menu_staff_only) == false)
                    if (GetSettingsInt(Setting.vmenu_menu_toggle_key) != -1)
                        MenuToggleKey = (Control)GetSettingsInt(Setting.vmenu_menu_toggle_key);
                        //MenuToggleKey = GetSettingsInt(Setting.vmenu_menu_toggle_key);
                    if (GetSettingsInt(Setting.vmenu_noclip_toggle_key) != -1)
                        NoClipKey = GetSettingsInt(Setting.vmenu_noclip_toggle_key);
                    // Create the main menu.
                    Menu = new Menu(Game.Player.Name, "Main Menu");

                    // Add the main menu to the menu pool.
                    MenuController.MainMenu = Menu;

                    // Create all (sub)menus.
                    MenuController.MainMenu           = null;
                    MenuController.DisableMenuButtons = true;
                    MenuController.DontOpenAnyMenu    = true;
                    MenuController.MenuToggleKey      = (Control)(-1); // disables the menu toggle key

                // Manage Stamina
                if (PlayerOptionsMenu != null && PlayerOptionsMenu.PlayerStamina && IsAllowed(Permission.POUnlimitedStamina))
                    StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP0_STAMINA"), 100, true);
                    StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP1_STAMINA"), 100, true);
                    StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP0_STAMINA"), 0, true);
                    StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP1_STAMINA"), 0, true);
                // Manage other stats.
                StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP0_STRENGTH"), 100, true);
                StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP0_LUNG_CAPACITY"), 80, true); // reduced because it was over powered
                StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP0_WHEELIE_ABILITY"), 100, true);
                StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP0_FLYING_ABILITY"), 100, true);
                StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP0_SHOOTING_ABILITY"), 50, true); // reduced because it was over powered
                StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP0_STEALTH_ABILITY"), 100, true);
                StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP1_STRENGTH"), 100, true);
                StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP1_LUNG_CAPACITY"), 80, true); // reduced because it was over powered
                StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP1_WHEELIE_ABILITY"), 100, true);
                StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP1_FLYING_ABILITY"), 100, true);
                StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP1_SHOOTING_ABILITY"), 50, true); // reduced because it was over powered
                StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP1_STEALTH_ABILITY"), 100, true);

            // If the setup (permissions) is done, and it's not the first tick, then do this:
            if (ConfigOptionsSetupComplete && !firstTick)
                #region Handle Opening/Closing of the menu.

                var tmpMenu = GetOpenMenu();
                if (MpPedCustomizationMenu != null)
                    bool IsOpen()
                            (MpPedCustomizationMenu.appearanceMenu.Visible ||
                             MpPedCustomizationMenu.faceShapeMenu.Visible ||
                             MpPedCustomizationMenu.createCharacterMenu.Visible ||
                             MpPedCustomizationMenu.inheritanceMenu.Visible ||
                             MpPedCustomizationMenu.propsMenu.Visible ||
                             MpPedCustomizationMenu.clothesMenu.Visible ||

                    if (IsOpen())
                        if (tmpMenu == MpPedCustomizationMenu.createCharacterMenu)
                            MpPedCustomization.DisableBackButton = true;
                            MpPedCustomization.DisableBackButton = false;
                        MpPedCustomization.DontCloseMenus = true;
                        MpPedCustomization.DisableBackButton = false;
                        MpPedCustomization.DontCloseMenus    = false;

                if (Game.IsDisabledControlJustReleased(0, Control.PhoneCancel) && MpPedCustomization.DisableBackButton)
                    await Delay(0);

                    Notify.Alert("You must save your ped first before exiting, or click the ~r~Exit Without Saving~s~ button.");

                if (Game.CurrentInputMode == InputMode.MouseAndKeyboard)
                    if (!MenuController.IsAnyMenuOpen() || NoClipEnabled)
                        if (Game.IsControlJustPressed(0, (Control)NoClipKey) && IsAllowed(Permission.NoClip))
                            if (MenuController.IsAnyMenuOpen())
                                if (MenuController.GetCurrentMenu() != null && MenuController.GetCurrentMenu() != NoClipMenu)
                            if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle())
                                Vehicle veh = GetVehicle();
                                if (veh != null && veh.Exists() && veh.Driver == Game.PlayerPed)
                                    NoClipEnabled = !NoClipEnabled;
                                    MenuController.DontOpenAnyMenu = NoClipEnabled;
                                    NoClipEnabled = false;
                                    MenuController.DontOpenAnyMenu = NoClipEnabled;
                                    Notify.Error("This vehicle does not exist (somehow) or you need to be the driver of this vehicle to enable noclip!");
                                NoClipEnabled = !NoClipEnabled;
                                MenuController.DontOpenAnyMenu = NoClipEnabled;

                if (NoClipEnabled)
                    MenuController.DontOpenAnyMenu = true;


                // Menu toggle button.
                Game.DisableControlThisFrame(0, MenuToggleKey);
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the menu.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateMenu()
            string menuTitle = "YDDY:RP";

            #region Create menus and submenus
            // Create the menu.
            menu = new Menu(menuTitle, "Меню сохраненных автомобилей");

            MenuItem saveVehicle = new MenuItem("Сохранить текущий автомобиль", "");
            saveVehicle.LeftIcon = MenuItem.Icon.CAR;

            menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                if (item == saveVehicle)
                    if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle())
                        Notify.Error("You are currently not in any vehicle. Please enter a vehicle before trying to save it.");

            for (int i = 0; i < 22; i++)
                Menu categoryMenu = new Menu("Сохраненные", GetLabelText($"VEH_CLASS_{i}"));

                MenuItem categoryButton = new MenuItem(GetLabelText($"VEH_CLASS_{i}"), $"Все сохраненные автомобили категории {(GetLabelText($"VEH_CLASS_{i}"))}.");
                MenuController.AddSubmenu(menu, categoryMenu);
                categoryButton.Label = "→→→";
                MenuController.BindMenuItem(menu, categoryMenu, categoryButton);

                categoryMenu.OnMenuClose += (sender) =>

                categoryMenu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    UpdateSelectedVehicleMenu(item, sender);

            MenuItem unavailableModels = new MenuItem("Недоступные сохраненные автомобили", "")
                Label = "→→→"

            MenuController.BindMenuItem(menu, unavailableVehiclesMenu, unavailableModels);
            MenuController.AddSubmenu(menu, unavailableVehiclesMenu);

            MenuItem spawnVehicle   = new MenuItem("Заспавнить", "");
            MenuItem renameVehicle  = new MenuItem("Переименовать", "");
            MenuItem replaceVehicle = new MenuItem("~r~Заменить текущим", "");
            MenuItem deleteVehicle  = new MenuItem("~r~Удалить", "");

            selectedVehicleMenu.OnMenuClose += (sender) =>
                deleteButtonPressedCount = 0;
                deleteVehicle.Label      = "";

            selectedVehicleMenu.OnItemSelect += async(sender, item, index) =>
                if (item == spawnVehicle)
                    if (MainMenu.VehicleSpawnerMenu != null)
                        SpawnVehicle(currentlySelectedVehicle.Value.model, MainMenu.VehicleSpawnerMenu.SpawnInVehicle, MainMenu.VehicleSpawnerMenu.ReplaceVehicle, false, vehicleInfo: currentlySelectedVehicle.Value, saveName: currentlySelectedVehicle.Key.Substring(4));
                        SpawnVehicle(currentlySelectedVehicle.Value.model, true, true, false, vehicleInfo: currentlySelectedVehicle.Value, saveName: currentlySelectedVehicle.Key.Substring(4));
                else if (item == renameVehicle)
                    string newName = await GetUserInput(windowTitle : "Enter a new name for this vehicle.", maxInputLength : 30);

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newName))
                        if (StorageManager.SaveVehicleInfo("veh_" + newName, currentlySelectedVehicle.Value, false))
                            while (!selectedVehicleMenu.Visible)
                                await BaseScript.Delay(0);
                            Notify.Success("Your vehicle has successfully been renamed.");
                            currentlySelectedVehicle = new KeyValuePair <string, VehicleInfo>(); // clear the old info
                            Notify.Error("This name is already in use or something unknown failed. Contact the server owner if you believe something is wrong.");
                else if (item == replaceVehicle)
                    if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle())
                        Notify.Success("Your saved vehicle has been replaced with your current vehicle.");
                        Notify.Error("You need to be in a vehicle before you can relplace your old vehicle.");
                else if (item == deleteVehicle)
                    if (deleteButtonPressedCount == 0)
                        deleteButtonPressedCount = 1;
                        item.Label = "Press again to confirm.";
                        Notify.Alert("Are you sure you want to delete this vehicle? Press the button again to confirm.");
                        deleteButtonPressedCount = 0;
                        item.Label = "";
                        Notify.Success("Your saved vehicle has been deleted.");
                if (item != deleteVehicle) // if any other button is pressed, restore the delete vehicle button pressed count.
                    deleteButtonPressedCount = 0;
                    deleteVehicle.Label      = "";

Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates all the submenus depending on the permissions of the user.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateSubmenus()
            // Add the player options menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POMenu))
                PlayerOptionsMenu = new PlayerOptions();
                Menu     menu   = PlayerOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Персонаж", "Настройки вашего персонажа.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the vehicle options Menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.VOMenu))
                VehicleOptionsMenu = new VehicleOptions();
                Menu     menu   = VehicleOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Автомобиль", "Настройки вашего автомобиля.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the vehicle spawner menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.VSMenu))
                VehicleSpawnerMenu = new VehicleSpawner();
                Menu     menu   = VehicleSpawnerMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Заспавнить автомобиль", "Меню спавна автомобилей.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add Saved Vehicles menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.SVMenu))
                SavedVehiclesMenu = new SavedVehicles();
                Menu     menu   = SavedVehiclesMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Сохраненные автомобили", "Меню спавна/удаления и сохранения автомобилей.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);
                Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    if (item == button)

            // Add the Personal Vehicle menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.PVMenu))
                PersonalVehicleMenu = new PersonalVehicle();
                Menu     menu   = PersonalVehicleMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Персональный автомобиль", "Меню настроек личного автомобиля.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the player appearance menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.PAMenu))
                PlayerAppearanceMenu = new PlayerAppearance();
                Menu     menu   = PlayerAppearanceMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Внешний вид персонажа", "Меню выбора и кастомизации NPC/AI-персонажей.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

                MpPedCustomizationMenu = new MpPedCustomization();
                Menu     menu2   = MpPedCustomizationMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button2 = new MenuItem("Внешний вид MP-персонажа", "Меню создания и модификации MP персонажей.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu2, button2);

            // Add the time options menu.
            // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.TOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_time_sync))
                TimeOptionsMenu = new TimeOptions();
                Menu     menu   = TimeOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Time Options", "Change the time, and edit other time related options.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the weather options menu.
            // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.WOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_weather_sync))
                WeatherOptionsMenu = new WeatherOptions();
                Menu     menu   = WeatherOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Weather Options", "Change all weather related options here.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the weapons menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.WPMenu))
                WeaponOptionsMenu = new WeaponOptions();
                Menu     menu   = WeaponOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Оружие", "Меню добавления и редактирования оружия.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add Weapon Loadouts menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.WLMenu))
                WeaponLoadoutsMenu = new WeaponLoadouts();
                Menu     menu   = WeaponLoadoutsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Боезапасы", "Меню создания и редактирования боезапасов.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add Voice Chat Menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.VCMenu))
                VoiceChatSettingsMenu = new VoiceChat();
                Menu     menu   = VoiceChatSettingsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Голосовой чат", "Меню настроек голосового чата.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the online players menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.OPMenu))
                OnlinePlayersMenu = new OnlinePlayers();
                Menu     menu   = OnlinePlayersMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Игроки онлайн", "Все подключенные игроки.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);
                Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    if (item == button)
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.OPUnban) || IsAllowed(Permission.OPViewBannedPlayers))
                BannedPlayersMenu = new BannedPlayers();
                Menu     menu   = BannedPlayersMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Заблокированные игроки", "Посмотреть всех заблокированных игроков.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);
                Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    if (item == button)
                        TriggerServerEvent("vMenu:RequestBanList", Game.Player.Handle);

            // Add misc settings menu.
            //if (CommonFunctions.IsAllowed(Permission.MSMenu))
            // removed the permissions check, because the misc menu should've never been restricted in the first place.
            // not sure why I even added this before... saving of preferences and similar functions should always be allowed.
            // no matter what.
                MiscSettingsMenu = new MiscSettings();
                Menu     menu   = MiscSettingsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Прочие настройки", "Дополнительные опции и настройки меню сервера.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add About Menu.
            AboutMenu = new About();
            Menu     sub = AboutMenu.GetMenu();
            MenuItem btn = new MenuItem("О Меню", "Информация о меню.")
                Label = "→→→"

            AddMenu(sub, btn);

                RecordingMenu = new Recording();
                Menu     menu   = RecordingMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Редактор ~y~R*", "Запись и редактирование клипов в игре.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Refresh everything.
            MenuController.Menus.ForEach((m) => m.RefreshIndex());

            if (!GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_use_permissions))
                Notify.Alert("vMenu is set up to ignore permissions, default permissions will be used.");
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the menu.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateMenu()
            #region create menu and menu items
            // Create the menu.
            menu = new Menu(Game.Player.Name, "Player Options");

            // Create all checkboxes.
            MenuCheckboxItem playerGodModeCheckbox    = new MenuCheckboxItem("Godmode", "Makes you invincible.", PlayerGodMode);
            MenuCheckboxItem invisibleCheckbox        = new MenuCheckboxItem("Invisible", "Makes you invisible to yourself and others.", PlayerInvisible);
            MenuCheckboxItem unlimitedStaminaCheckbox = new MenuCheckboxItem("Unlimited Stamina", "Allows you to run forever without slowing down or taking damage.", PlayerStamina);
            MenuCheckboxItem fastRunCheckbox          = new MenuCheckboxItem("Fast Run", "Get ~g~Snail~s~ powers and run very fast!", PlayerFastRun);
            SetRunSprintMultiplierForPlayer(Game.Player.Handle, (PlayerFastRun && IsAllowed(Permission.POFastRun) ? 1.49f : 1f));
            MenuCheckboxItem fastSwimCheckbox = new MenuCheckboxItem("Fast Swim", "Get ~g~Snail 2.0~s~ powers and swim super fast!", PlayerFastSwim);
            SetSwimMultiplierForPlayer(Game.Player.Handle, (PlayerFastSwim && IsAllowed(Permission.POFastSwim) ? 1.49f : 1f));
            MenuCheckboxItem superJumpCheckbox             = new MenuCheckboxItem("Super Jump", "Get ~g~Snail 3.0~s~ powers and jump like a champ!", PlayerSuperJump);
            MenuCheckboxItem noRagdollCheckbox             = new MenuCheckboxItem("No Ragdoll", "Disables player ragdoll, makes you not fall off your bike anymore.", PlayerNoRagdoll);
            MenuCheckboxItem neverWantedCheckbox           = new MenuCheckboxItem("Never Wanted", "Disables all wanted levels.", PlayerNeverWanted);
            MenuCheckboxItem everyoneIgnoresPlayerCheckbox = new MenuCheckboxItem("Everyone Ignore Player", "Everyone will leave you alone.", PlayerIsIgnored);
            MenuCheckboxItem playerStayInVehicleCheckbox   = new MenuCheckboxItem("Stay In Vehicle", "When this is enabled, NPCs will not be able to drag you out of your vehicle if they get angry at you.", PlayerStayInVehicle);
            MenuCheckboxItem playerFrozenCheckbox          = new MenuCheckboxItem("Freeze Player", "Freezes your current location.", PlayerFrozen);

            // Wanted level options
            List <string> wantedLevelList = new List <string> {
                "No Wanted Level", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"
            MenuListItem setWantedLevel = new MenuListItem("Set Wanted Level", wantedLevelList, GetPlayerWantedLevel(Game.Player.Handle), "Set your wanted level by selecting a value, and pressing enter.");
            MenuListItem setArmorItem   = new MenuListItem("Set Armor Type", new List <string> {
                "No Armor", GetLabelText("WT_BA_0"), GetLabelText("WT_BA_1"), GetLabelText("WT_BA_2"), GetLabelText("WT_BA_3"), GetLabelText("WT_BA_4"),
            }, 0, "Set the armor level/type for your player.");

            MenuItem healPlayerBtn    = new MenuItem("Heal Player", "Give the player max health.");
            MenuItem cleanPlayerBtn   = new MenuItem("Clean Player Clothes", "Clean your player clothes.");
            MenuItem dryPlayerBtn     = new MenuItem("Dry Player Clothes", "Make your player clothes dry.");
            MenuItem wetPlayerBtn     = new MenuItem("Wet Player Clothes", "Make your player clothes wet.");
            MenuItem suicidePlayerBtn = new MenuItem("~r~Commit Suicide", "Kill yourself by taking the pill. Or by using a pistol if you have one.");

            Menu vehicleAutoPilot = new Menu("Auto Pilot", "Vehicle auto pilot options.");

            MenuController.AddSubmenu(menu, vehicleAutoPilot);

            MenuItem vehicleAutoPilotBtn = new MenuItem("Vehicle Auto Pilot Menu", "Manage vehicle auto pilot options.")
                Label = "→→→"

            List <string> drivingStyles = new List <string>()
                "Normal", "Rushed", "Avoid highways", "Drive in reverse", "Custom"
            MenuListItem drivingStyle = new MenuListItem("Driving Style", drivingStyles, 0, "Set the driving style that is used for the Drive to Waypoint and Drive Around Randomly functions.");

            // Scenarios (list can be found in the PedScenarios class)
            MenuListItem playerScenarios = new MenuListItem("Player Scenarios", PedScenarios.Scenarios, 0, "Select a scenario and hit enter to start it. Selecting another scenario will override the current scenario. If you're already playing the selected scenario, selecting it again will stop the scenario.");
            MenuItem     stopScenario    = new MenuItem("Force Stop Scenario", "This will force a playing scenario to stop immediately, without waiting for it to finish it's 'stopping' animation.");

            #region add items to menu based on permissions
            // Add all checkboxes to the menu. (keeping permissions in mind)
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POGod))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POInvisible))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POUnlimitedStamina))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POFastRun))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POFastSwim))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POSuperjump))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.PONoRagdoll))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.PONeverWanted))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POSetWanted))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POIgnored))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POStayInVehicle))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POMaxHealth))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POMaxArmor))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POCleanPlayer))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.PODryPlayer))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POWetPlayer))


            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POVehicleAutoPilotMenu))
                MenuController.BindMenuItem(menu, vehicleAutoPilot, vehicleAutoPilotBtn);


                MenuItem startDrivingWaypoint = new MenuItem("Drive To Waypoint", "Make your player ped drive your vehicle to your waypoint.");
                MenuItem startDrivingRandomly = new MenuItem("Drive Around Randomly", "Make your player ped drive your vehicle randomly around the map.");
                MenuItem stopDriving          = new MenuItem("Stop Driving", "The player ped will find a suitable place to stop the vehicle. The task will be stopped once the vehicle has reached the suitable stop location.");
                MenuItem forceStopDriving     = new MenuItem("Force Stop Driving", "This will stop the driving task immediately without finding a suitable place to stop.");
                MenuItem customDrivingStyle   = new MenuItem("Custom Driving Style", "Select a custom driving style. Make sure to also enable it by selecting the 'Custom' driving style in the driving styles list.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                MenuController.AddSubmenu(vehicleAutoPilot, CustomDrivingStyleMenu);
                MenuController.BindMenuItem(vehicleAutoPilot, CustomDrivingStyleMenu, customDrivingStyle);
                Dictionary <int, string> knownNames = new Dictionary <int, string>()
                    { 0, "Stop before vehicles" },
                    { 1, "Stop before peds" },
                    { 2, "Avoid vehicles" },
                    { 3, "Avoid empty vehicles" },
                    { 4, "Avoid peds" },
                    { 5, "Avoid objects" },

                    { 7, "Stop at traffic lights" },
                    { 8, "Use blinkers" },
                    { 9, "Allow going wrong way" },
                    { 10, "Go in reverse gear" },

                    { 18, "Use shortest path" },

                    { 22, "Ignore roads" },

                    { 24, "Ignore all pathing" },

                    { 29, "Avoid highways (if possible)" },
                for (var i = 0; i < 31; i++)
                    string name = "~r~Unknown Flag";
                    if (knownNames.ContainsKey(i))
                        name = knownNames[i];
                    MenuCheckboxItem checkbox = new MenuCheckboxItem(name, "Toggle this driving style flag.", false);
                CustomDrivingStyleMenu.OnCheckboxChange += (sender, item, index, _checked) =>
                    int style = GetStyleFromIndex(drivingStyle.ListIndex);
                    CustomDrivingStyleMenu.MenuSubtitle = $"custom style: {style}";
                    if (drivingStyle.ListIndex == 4)
                        Notify.Custom("Driving style updated.");
                        SetDriveTaskDrivingStyle(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, style);
                        Notify.Custom("Driving style NOT updated because you haven't enabled the Custom driving style in the previous menu.");



                vehicleAutoPilot.OnItemSelect += async(sender, item, index) =>
                    if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle() && item != stopDriving && item != forceStopDriving)
                        if (Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle != null && Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.Exists() && !Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.IsDead && Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.IsDriveable)
                            if (Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.Driver == Game.PlayerPed)
                                if (item == startDrivingWaypoint)
                                    if (IsWaypointActive())
                                        int style = GetStyleFromIndex(drivingStyle.ListIndex);
                                        Notify.Info("Your player ped is now driving the vehicle for you. You can cancel any time by pressing the Stop Driving button. The vehicle will stop when it has reached the destination.");
                                        Notify.Error("You need a waypoint before you can drive to it!");
                                else if (item == startDrivingRandomly)
                                    int style = GetStyleFromIndex(drivingStyle.ListIndex);
                                    Notify.Info("Your player ped is now driving the vehicle for you. You can cancel any time by pressing the Stop Driving button.");
                                Notify.Error("You must be the driver of this vehicle!");
                            Notify.Error("Your vehicle is broken or it does not exist!");
                    else if (item != stopDriving && item != forceStopDriving)
                        Notify.Error("You need to be in a vehicle first!");
                    if (item == stopDriving)
                        if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle())
                            Vehicle veh = GetVehicle();
                            if (veh != null && veh.Exists() && !veh.IsDead)
                                Vector3 outPos = new Vector3();
                                if (GetNthClosestVehicleNode(Game.PlayerPed.Position.X, Game.PlayerPed.Position.Y, Game.PlayerPed.Position.Z, 3, ref outPos, 0, 0, 0))
                                    Notify.Info("The player ped will find a suitable place to park the car and will then stop driving. Please wait.");
                                    TaskVehiclePark(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, veh.Handle, outPos.X, outPos.Y, outPos.Z, Game.PlayerPed.Heading, 3, 60f, true);
                                    while (Game.PlayerPed.Position.DistanceToSquared2D(outPos) > 3f)
                                        await BaseScript.Delay(0);
                                    SetVehicleHalt(veh.Handle, 3f, 0, false);
                                    Notify.Info("The player ped has stopped driving.");
                            Notify.Alert("Your ped is not in any vehicle.");
                    else if (item == forceStopDriving)
                        Notify.Info("Driving task cancelled.");

                vehicleAutoPilot.OnListItemSelect += (sender, item, listIndex, itemIndex) =>
                    if (item == drivingStyle)
                        int style = GetStyleFromIndex(listIndex);
                        SetDriveTaskDrivingStyle(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, style);
                        Notify.Info($"Driving task style is now set to: ~r~{drivingStyles[listIndex]}~s~.");

            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POFreeze))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POScenarios))

            #region handle all events
            // Checkbox changes.
            menu.OnCheckboxChange += (sender, item, itemIndex, _checked) =>
                // God Mode toggled.
                if (item == playerGodModeCheckbox)
                    PlayerGodMode = _checked;
                    TriggerServerEvent("ex_logger:SendLogBot", new
                        source       = GetPlayerServerId(Game.Player.Handle),
                        channel      = 645980012021022721,
                        content      = $"**Zmieniono status __GodMode__:** {_checked}",
                        scriptName   = "vMenu",
                        functionName = "playerGodModeCheckbox",
                // Invisibility toggled.
                else if (item == invisibleCheckbox)
                    PlayerInvisible = _checked;
                    SetEntityVisible(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, !PlayerInvisible, false);
                    TriggerServerEvent("ex_logger:SendLogBot", new
                        source       = GetPlayerServerId(Game.Player.Handle),
                        channel      = 645980012021022721,
                        content      = $"**Zmieniono status __Niewidzialnosc__:** {_checked}",
                        scriptName   = "vMenu",
                        functionName = "invisibleCheckbox",
                // Unlimited Stamina toggled.
                else if (item == unlimitedStaminaCheckbox)
                    PlayerStamina = _checked;
                    StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP0_STAMINA"), _checked ? 100 : 0, true);
                    TriggerServerEvent("ex_logger:SendLogBot", new
                        source       = GetPlayerServerId(Game.Player.Handle),
                        channel      = 645980077397508122,
                        content      = $"**Zmieniono status __Stamina__:** {_checked}",
                        scriptName   = "vMenu",
                        functionName = "unlimitedStaminaCheckbox",
                // Fast run toggled.
                else if (item == fastRunCheckbox)
                    PlayerFastRun = _checked;
                    SetRunSprintMultiplierForPlayer(Game.Player.Handle, (_checked ? 1.49f : 1f));
                    TriggerServerEvent("ex_logger:SendLogBot", new
                        source       = GetPlayerServerId(Game.Player.Handle),
                        channel      = 645980077397508122,
                        content      = $"**Zmieniono status __Szybkie bieganie__:** {_checked}",
                        scriptName   = "vMenu",
                        functionName = "fastRunCheckbox",
                // Fast swim toggled.
                else if (item == fastSwimCheckbox)
                    PlayerFastSwim = _checked;
                    SetSwimMultiplierForPlayer(Game.Player.Handle, (_checked ? 1.49f : 1f));
                    TriggerServerEvent("ex_logger:SendLogBot", new
                        source       = GetPlayerServerId(Game.Player.Handle),
                        channel      = 645980077397508122,
                        content      = $"**Zmieniono status __Szybkie plywanie__:** {_checked}",
                        scriptName   = "vMenu",
                        functionName = "fastSwimCheckbox",
                // Super jump toggled.
                else if (item == superJumpCheckbox)
                    PlayerSuperJump = _checked;
                    TriggerServerEvent("ex_logger:SendLogBot", new
                        source       = GetPlayerServerId(Game.Player.Handle),
                        channel      = 645980077397508122,
                        content      = $"**Zmieniono status __Wysokie skakanie__:** {_checked}",
                        scriptName   = "vMenu",
                        functionName = "superJumpCheckbox",
                // No ragdoll toggled.
                else if (item == noRagdollCheckbox)
                    PlayerNoRagdoll = _checked;
                    TriggerServerEvent("ex_logger:SendLogBot", new
                        source       = GetPlayerServerId(Game.Player.Handle),
                        channel      = 645980077397508122,
                        content      = $"**Zmieniono status __Brak ragdolla__:** {_checked}",
                        scriptName   = "vMenu",
                        functionName = "noRagdollCheckbox",
                // Never wanted toggled.
                else if (item == neverWantedCheckbox)
                    PlayerNeverWanted = _checked;
                    if (!_checked)
                // Everyone ignores player toggled.
                else if (item == everyoneIgnoresPlayerCheckbox)
                    PlayerIsIgnored = _checked;

                    // Manage player is ignored by everyone.
                    SetEveryoneIgnorePlayer(Game.Player.Handle, PlayerIsIgnored);
                    SetPoliceIgnorePlayer(Game.Player.Handle, PlayerIsIgnored);
                    SetPlayerCanBeHassledByGangs(Game.Player.Handle, !PlayerIsIgnored);
                else if (item == playerStayInVehicleCheckbox)
                    PlayerStayInVehicle = _checked;
                    TriggerServerEvent("ex_logger:SendLogBot", new
                        source       = GetPlayerServerId(Game.Player.Handle),
                        channel      = 645980077397508122,
                        content      = $"**Zmieniono status __Pozostan w pojezdzie__:** {_checked}",
                        scriptName   = "vMenu",
                        functionName = "playerStayInVehicleCheckbox",
                // Freeze player toggled.
                else if (item == playerFrozenCheckbox)
                    PlayerFrozen = _checked;

                    if (!MainMenu.NoClipEnabled)
                        FreezeEntityPosition(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, PlayerFrozen);
                    else if (!MainMenu.NoClipEnabled)
                        FreezeEntityPosition(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, PlayerFrozen);
                    TriggerServerEvent("ex_logger:SendLogBot", new
                        source       = GetPlayerServerId(Game.Player.Handle),
                        channel      = 645980077397508122,
                        content      = $"**Zmieniono status __Zamroz postac__:** {_checked}",
                        scriptName   = "vMenu",
                        functionName = "playerFrozenCheckbox",

            // List selections
            menu.OnListItemSelect += (sender, listItem, listIndex, itemIndex) =>
                // Set wanted Level
                if (listItem == setWantedLevel)
                    SetPlayerWantedLevel(Game.Player.Handle, listIndex, false);
                    SetPlayerWantedLevelNow(Game.Player.Handle, false);
                // Player Scenarios
                else if (listItem == playerScenarios)
                else if (listItem == setArmorItem)
                    Game.PlayerPed.Armor = (listItem.ListIndex) * 20;
                    TriggerServerEvent("ex_logger:SendLogBot", new
                        source       = GetPlayerServerId(Game.Player.Handle),
                        channel      = 645980185832849429,
                        content      = $"**Zmieniono status __Poziomu kamizelki__:** {Game.PlayerPed.Armor}",
                        scriptName   = "vMenu",
                        functionName = "setArmorItem",

            // button presses
            menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                // Force Stop Scenario button
                if (item == stopScenario)
                    // Play a new scenario named "forcestop" (this scenario doesn't exist, but the "Play" function checks
                    // for the string "forcestop", if that's provided as th scenario name then it will forcefully clear the player task.
                else if (item == healPlayerBtn)
                    Game.PlayerPed.Health = Game.PlayerPed.MaxHealth;
                    Notify.Success("Player healed.");
                    TriggerServerEvent("ex_logger:SendLogBot", new
                        source       = GetPlayerServerId(Game.Player.Handle),
                        channel      = 645980236860751912,
                        content      = $"**Uleczono gracza**",
                        scriptName   = "vMenu",
                        functionName = "healPlayerBtn",
                else if (item == cleanPlayerBtn)
                    Notify.Success("Player clothes have been cleaned.");
                else if (item == dryPlayerBtn)
                    Game.PlayerPed.WetnessHeight = 0f;
                    Notify.Success("Player is now dry.");
                else if (item == wetPlayerBtn)
                    Game.PlayerPed.WetnessHeight = 2f;
                    Notify.Success("Player is now wet.");
                else if (item == suicidePlayerBtn)
                    TriggerServerEvent("ex_logger:SendLogBot", new
                        source       = GetPlayerServerId(Game.Player.Handle),
                        channel      = 645980236860751912,
                        content      = $"**Samobojstwo**",
                        scriptName   = "vMenu",
                        functionName = "suicidePlayerBtn",
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates all the submenus depending on the permissions of the user.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateSubmenus()
            // Add the online players menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.OPMenu))
                OnlinePlayersMenu = new OnlinePlayers();
                Menu     menu   = OnlinePlayersMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("線上玩家列表", "當前在伺服器的所有玩家")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(Menu, menu, button);
                Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    if (item == button)
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.OPUnban) || IsAllowed(Permission.OPViewBannedPlayers))
                BannedPlayersMenu = new BannedPlayers();
                Menu     menu   = BannedPlayersMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("封鎖玩家列表", "當前在伺服器被封鎖的玩家名單")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(Menu, menu, button);
                Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    if (item == button)
                        TriggerServerEvent("vMenu:RequestBanList", Game.Player.Handle);

            MenuItem playerSubmenuBtn = new MenuItem("玩家相關選項", "查看與玩家相關的功能")
                Label = "→→→"


            // Add the player options menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POMenu))
                PlayerOptionsMenu = new PlayerOptions();
                Menu     menu   = PlayerOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("玩家選項", "可以查看常見的玩家功能.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu, button);

            MenuItem vehicleSubmenuBtn = new MenuItem("載具相關選項", "打開此子選單以獲取與載具相關的子類別.")
                Label = "→→→"

            // Add the vehicle options Menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.VOMenu))
                VehicleOptionsMenu = new VehicleOptions();
                Menu     menu   = VehicleOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("載具相關選項", "您可以更改常用的載具選項,以及調整和样式化您的載具.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(VehicleSubmenu, menu, button);

            // Add the vehicle spawner menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.VSMenu))
                VehicleSpawnerMenu = new VehicleSpawner();
                Menu     menu   = VehicleSpawnerMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("載具召喚", "召喚出任何一台載具.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(VehicleSubmenu, menu, button);

            // Add Saved Vehicles menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.SVMenu))
                SavedVehiclesMenu = new SavedVehicles();
                Menu     menu   = SavedVehiclesMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("載具管理", "可以用來管你的載具.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(VehicleSubmenu, menu, button);
                VehicleSubmenu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    if (item == button)

            // Add the Personal Vehicle menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.PVMenu))
                PersonalVehicleMenu = new PersonalVehicle();
                Menu     menu   = PersonalVehicleMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("私人車輛", "將一輛車設置為私人車輛,不再室內時還可以對該車輛進行某些操作.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(VehicleSubmenu, menu, button);

            // Add the player appearance menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.PAMenu))
                PlayerAppearanceMenu = new PlayerAppearance();
                Menu     menu   = PlayerAppearanceMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("玩家容貌", "選擇一個PED模型,對其進行自定義,儲存加載角色.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu, button);

                MpPedCustomizationMenu = new MpPedCustomization();
                Menu     menu2   = MpPedCustomizationMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button2 = new MenuItem("人物外觀選項", "創建、編輯、保存和加載外觀。 ~r~注意,您只能保存在此子選單中創建的外觀。 vMenu無法檢測到在此子選單之外創建的外觀。完全是由於GTA限制.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu2, button2);

            MenuItem worldSubmenuBtn = new MenuItem("世界相關選項", "打開與世界相關的子類別的子選單.")
                Label = "→→→"


            // Add the time options menu.
            // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.TOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_time_sync))
                TimeOptionsMenu = new TimeOptions();
                Menu     menu   = TimeOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("時間選項", "更改時間,並編輯其他與時間相關的選項.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(WorldSubmenu, menu, button);

            // Add the weather options menu.
            // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.WOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_weather_sync))
                WeatherOptionsMenu = new WeatherOptions();
                Menu     menu   = WeatherOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("天氣選項", "在此處更改所有與天氣相關的選項.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(WorldSubmenu, menu, button);

            // Add the weapons menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.WPMenu))
                WeaponOptionsMenu = new WeaponOptions();
                Menu     menu   = WeaponOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("武器選項", "添加/刪除武器,修改武器並設置彈藥選項.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu, button);

            // Add Weapon Loadouts menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.WLMenu))
                WeaponLoadoutsMenu = new WeaponLoadouts();
                Menu     menu   = WeaponLoadoutsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("武器裝載量", "管理,並生成節省的武器裝載.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu, button);

            if (IsAllowed(Permission.NoClip))
                MenuItem toggleNoclip = new MenuItem("切換 NoClip", "切換 NoClip 啟用或停用.");
                PlayerSubmenu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    if (item == toggleNoclip)
                        NoClipEnabled = !NoClipEnabled;

            // Add Voice Chat Menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.VCMenu))
                VoiceChatSettingsMenu = new VoiceChat();
                Menu     menu   = VoiceChatSettingsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("語音聊天設置", "在此處更改語音聊天選項.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(Menu, menu, button);

                RecordingMenu = new Recording();
                Menu     menu   = RecordingMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("錄影選項", "遊戲中的錄製選項.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(Menu, menu, button);

            // Add misc settings menu.
                MiscSettingsMenu = new MiscSettings();
                Menu     menu   = MiscSettingsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("其他設定", "可以在此處配置其他vMenu選項/設置。您也可以在此選單中保存設置.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(Menu, menu, button);

            // Add About Menu.
            AboutMenu = new About();
            Menu     sub = AboutMenu.GetMenu();
            MenuItem btn = new MenuItem("關於vMenu", "介紹 vMenu.")
                Label = "→→→"

            AddMenu(Menu, sub, btn);

            // Refresh everything.
            MenuController.Menus.ForEach((m) => m.RefreshIndex());

            if (!GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_use_permissions))

            if (PlayerSubmenu.Size > 0)
                MenuController.BindMenuItem(Menu, PlayerSubmenu, playerSubmenuBtn);

            if (VehicleSubmenu.Size > 0)
                MenuController.BindMenuItem(Menu, VehicleSubmenu, vehicleSubmenuBtn);

            if (WorldSubmenu.Size > 0)
                MenuController.BindMenuItem(Menu, WorldSubmenu, worldSubmenuBtn);

            if (MiscSettingsMenu != null)
                MenuController.EnableMenuToggleKeyOnController = !MiscSettingsMenu.MiscDisableControllerSupport;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the menu.
        /// </summary>
        void CreateMenu()
            #region Create menus and submenus
            // Create the menu.
            menu = new Menu("Saved Vehicles", "Manage Saved Vehicles");

            var saveVehicle = new MenuItem("Save Current Vehicle", "Save the vehicle you are currently sitting in.");
            saveVehicle.RightIcon = MenuItem.Icon.CAR;

            menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                if (item == saveVehicle)
                    if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle())
                        Notify.Error("You are currently not in any vehicle. Please enter a vehicle before trying to save it.");

            for (int i = 0; i < array.brands.Count(); i++)
                var categoryName = array.brands[i].brandName;

                var categoryMenu = new Menu("Saved Vehicles", categoryName);

                var categoryButton = new MenuItem(categoryName, $"All saved vehicles from the {categoryName} category.");

                MenuController.AddSubmenu(menu, categoryMenu);
                categoryButton.Label = "→→→";
                MenuController.BindMenuItem(menu, categoryMenu, categoryButton);

                categoryMenu.OnMenuClose += (sender) =>

                categoryMenu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    UpdateSelectedVehicleMenu(item, sender);

            var unavailableModels = new MenuItem("Unavailable Saved Vehicles", "These vehicles are currently unavailable because the models are not present in the game. These vehicles are most likely not being streamed from the server.")
                Label = "→→→"

            var spawnVehicle   = new MenuItem("Spawn Vehicle", "Spawn this saved vehicle.");
            var renameVehicle  = new MenuItem("Rename Vehicle", "Rename your saved vehicle.");
            var replaceVehicle = new MenuItem("~r~Replace Vehicle", "Your saved vehicle will be replaced with the vehicle you are currently sitting in. ~r~Warning: this can NOT be undone!");
            var deleteVehicle  = new MenuItem("~r~Delete Vehicle", "~r~This will delete your saved vehicle. Warning: this can NOT be undone!");

            selectedVehicleMenu.OnMenuOpen += (sender) =>
                spawnVehicle.Label = "(" + GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(currentlySelectedVehicle.Value.model).ToLower() + ")";

            selectedVehicleMenu.OnMenuClose += (sender) =>
                deleteButtonPressedCount = 0;
                deleteVehicle.Label      = "";

            selectedVehicleMenu.OnItemSelect += async(sender, item, index) =>
                if (item == spawnVehicle)
                    if (MainMenu.VehicleSpawnerMenu != null)
                        if (IsAllowed(Permission.VSSpawnByName))
                            SpawnVehicle(currentlySelectedVehicle.Value.model, MainMenu.VehicleSpawnerMenu.SpawnInVehicle, MainMenu.VehicleSpawnerMenu.ReplaceVehicle, false, vehicleInfo: currentlySelectedVehicle.Value, saveName: currentlySelectedVehicle.Key.Substring(4));
                            if (CanSpawn)
                                SpawnVehicle(currentlySelectedVehicle.Value.model, MainMenu.VehicleSpawnerMenu.SpawnInVehicle, MainMenu.VehicleSpawnerMenu.ReplaceVehicle, false, vehicleInfo: currentlySelectedVehicle.Value, saveName: currentlySelectedVehicle.Key.Substring(4));
                                int tmpTimer = GetGameTimer();
                                while (GetGameTimer() - tmpTimer < 6000) // wait 30 _real_ seconds
                                    await Delay(0);

                                    float carCoolDownState = (GetGameTimer() - (float)tmpTimer) / 6000f;
                                    spawnVehicle.Enabled     = false;
                                    spawnVehicle.Description = $"Cooldown: {Math.Ceiling(6f - (6f * carCoolDownState))}";

                                spawnVehicle.Enabled     = true;
                                spawnVehicle.Description = "Spawn this saved vehicle.";
                                Notify.Info("Wait for the 6 second cooldown before spawning another car");

                            MainMenu.SavedVehiclesMenu.GetMenu().CounterPreText = null;
                        SpawnVehicle(currentlySelectedVehicle.Value.model, true, true, false, vehicleInfo: currentlySelectedVehicle.Value, saveName: currentlySelectedVehicle.Key.Substring(4));
                else if (item == renameVehicle)
                    var newName = await GetUserInput(windowTitle : "Enter a new name for this vehicle.", maxInputLength : 30);

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newName))
                        if (StorageManager.SaveVehicleInfo("veh_" + newName, currentlySelectedVehicle.Value, false))
                            while (!selectedVehicleMenu.Visible)
                                await Delay(0);

                            Notify.Success("Your vehicle has successfully been renamed.");
                            currentlySelectedVehicle = new KeyValuePair <string, VehicleInfo>(); // clear the old info
                            Notify.Error("This name is already in use or something unknown failed. Contact the server owner if you believe something is wrong.");
                else if (item == replaceVehicle)
                    if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle())
                        Notify.Success("Your saved vehicle has been replaced with your current vehicle.");
                        Notify.Error("You need to be in a vehicle before you can relplace your old vehicle.");
                else if (item == deleteVehicle)
                    if (deleteButtonPressedCount == 0)
                        deleteButtonPressedCount = 1;
                        item.Label = "Press again to confirm.";
                        Notify.Alert("Are you sure you want to delete this vehicle? Press the button again to confirm.");
                        deleteButtonPressedCount = 0;
                        item.Label = "";
                        Notify.Success("Your saved vehicle has been deleted.");

                if (item != deleteVehicle) // if any other button is pressed, restore the delete vehicle button pressed count.
                    deleteButtonPressedCount = 0;
                    deleteVehicle.Label      = "";

Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the menu.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateMenu()
            string menuTitle = "Saved Vehicles";

            #region Create menus and submenus
            // Create the menu.
            menu = new Menu(menuTitle, "Manage Saved Vehicles");

            MenuItem saveVehicle = new MenuItem("Save Current Vehicle", "Save the vehicle you are currently sitting in.");
            saveVehicle.LeftIcon = MenuItem.Icon.CAR;

            menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                if (item == saveVehicle)
                    if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle())
                        Notify.Error("You are currently not in any vehicle. Please enter a vehicle before trying to save it.");

            for (int i = 0; i < 23; i++)
                Menu categoryMenu = new Menu("Saved Vehicles", GetLabelText($"VEH_CLASS_{i}"));

                MenuItem categoryButton = new MenuItem(GetLabelText($"VEH_CLASS_{i}"), $"All saved vehicles from the {(GetLabelText($"VEH_CLASS_{i}"))} category.");
                MenuController.AddSubmenu(menu, categoryMenu);
                categoryButton.Label = "→→→";
                MenuController.BindMenuItem(menu, categoryMenu, categoryButton);

                categoryMenu.OnMenuClose += (sender) =>

                categoryMenu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    UpdateSelectedVehicleMenu(item, sender);

            MenuItem unavailableModels = new MenuItem("Unavailable Saved Vehicles", "These vehicles are currently unavailable because the models are not present in the game. These vehicles are most likely not being streamed from the server.")
                Label = "→→→"

            MenuController.BindMenuItem(menu, unavailableVehiclesMenu, unavailableModels);
            MenuController.AddSubmenu(menu, unavailableVehiclesMenu);

            MenuItem spawnVehicle   = new MenuItem("Spawn Vehicle", "Spawn this saved vehicle.");
            MenuItem renameVehicle  = new MenuItem("Rename Vehicle", "Rename your saved vehicle.");
            MenuItem replaceVehicle = new MenuItem("~r~Replace Vehicle", "Your saved vehicle will be replaced with the vehicle you are currently sitting in. ~r~Warning: this can NOT be undone!");
            MenuItem deleteVehicle  = new MenuItem("~r~Delete Vehicle", "~r~This will delete your saved vehicle. Warning: this can NOT be undone!");

            selectedVehicleMenu.OnMenuOpen += (sender) =>
                spawnVehicle.Label = "(" + GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(currentlySelectedVehicle.Value.model).ToLower() + ")";

            selectedVehicleMenu.OnMenuClose += (sender) =>
                deleteButtonPressedCount = 0;
                deleteVehicle.Label      = "";

            selectedVehicleMenu.OnItemSelect += async(sender, item, index) =>
                if (item == spawnVehicle)
                    if (MainMenu.VehicleSpawnerMenu != null)
                        SpawnVehicle(currentlySelectedVehicle.Value.model, MainMenu.VehicleSpawnerMenu.SpawnInVehicle, MainMenu.VehicleSpawnerMenu.ReplaceVehicle, false, vehicleInfo: currentlySelectedVehicle.Value, saveName: currentlySelectedVehicle.Key.Substring(4));
                        TriggerServerEvent("tallerik:logMessage", GetPlayerName(PlayerId()) + " spawnt ein Fahrzeug (" + currentlySelectedVehicle.Value.model + ")");
                        SpawnVehicle(currentlySelectedVehicle.Value.model, true, true, false, vehicleInfo: currentlySelectedVehicle.Value, saveName: currentlySelectedVehicle.Key.Substring(4));
                        TriggerServerEvent("tallerik:logMessage", GetPlayerName(PlayerId()) + " spawnt ein Fahrzeug (" + currentlySelectedVehicle.Value.model + ")");
                else if (item == renameVehicle)
                    string newName = await GetUserInput(windowTitle : "Enter a new name for this vehicle.", maxInputLength : 30);

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newName))
                        if (StorageManager.SaveVehicleInfo("veh_" + newName, currentlySelectedVehicle.Value, false))
                            while (!selectedVehicleMenu.Visible)
                                await BaseScript.Delay(0);
                            Notify.Success("Your vehicle has successfully been renamed.");
                            currentlySelectedVehicle = new KeyValuePair <string, VehicleInfo>(); // clear the old info
                            Notify.Error("This name is already in use or something unknown failed. Contact the server owner if you believe something is wrong.");
                else if (item == replaceVehicle)
                    if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle())
                        Notify.Success("Your saved vehicle has been replaced with your current vehicle.");
                        Notify.Error("You need to be in a vehicle before you can relplace your old vehicle.");
                else if (item == deleteVehicle)
                    if (deleteButtonPressedCount == 0)
                        deleteButtonPressedCount = 1;
                        item.Label = "Press again to confirm.";
                        Notify.Alert("Are you sure you want to delete this vehicle? Press the button again to confirm.");
                        deleteButtonPressedCount = 0;
                        item.Label = "";
                        Notify.Success("Your saved vehicle has been deleted.");
                if (item != deleteVehicle) // if any other button is pressed, restore the delete vehicle button pressed count.
                    deleteButtonPressedCount = 0;
                    deleteVehicle.Label      = "";
            unavailableVehiclesMenu.InstructionalButtons.Add(Control.FrontendDelete, "Delete Vehicle!");

            unavailableVehiclesMenu.ButtonPressHandlers.Add(new Menu.ButtonPressHandler(Control.FrontendDelete, Menu.ControlPressCheckType.JUST_RELEASED, new Action <Menu, Control>((m, c) =>
                if (m.Size > 0)
                    int index = m.CurrentIndex;
                    if (index < m.Size)
                        MenuItem item = m.GetMenuItems().Find(i => i.Index == index);
                        if (item != null && (item.ItemData is KeyValuePair <string, VehicleInfo> sd))
                            if (item.Label == "~r~Are you sure?")
                                Log("Unavailable saved vehicle deleted, data: " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sd));
                                item.Label = "~r~Are you sure?";
                            Notify.Error("Somehow this vehicle could not be found.");
                        Notify.Error("You somehow managed to trigger deletion of a menu item that doesn't exist, how...?");
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the menu.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateMenu()
            string menuTitle = "儲存載具";

            #region Create menus and submenus
            // Create the menu.
            menu = new Menu(menuTitle, "管理已保存的載具");

            MenuItem saveVehicle = new MenuItem("保存當前載具", "保存您當前坐入之載具.");
            saveVehicle.LeftIcon = MenuItem.Icon.CAR;

            menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                if (item == saveVehicle)
                    if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle())
                        Notify.Error("您目前不在任何車輛中。 請先輸入車輛再嘗試保存.");

            for (int i = 0; i < 22; i++)
                Menu categoryMenu = new Menu("儲存車輛", GetLabelText($"VEH_CLASS_{i}"));

                MenuItem categoryButton = new MenuItem(GetLabelText($"VEH_CLASS_{i}"), $"從中保存的所有車輛 {(GetLabelText($"VEH_CLASS_{i}"))} 類型.");
                MenuController.AddSubmenu(menu, categoryMenu);
                categoryButton.Label = "→→→";
                MenuController.BindMenuItem(menu, categoryMenu, categoryButton);

                categoryMenu.OnMenuClose += (sender) =>

                categoryMenu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    UpdateSelectedVehicleMenu(item, sender);

            MenuItem unavailableModels = new MenuItem("車輛遺失", "在遊戲文件中找不到該模組。可能原因這是一個附加載具,並且伺服器當前未對其進行處理.")
                Label = "→→→"

            MenuController.BindMenuItem(menu, unavailableVehiclesMenu, unavailableModels);
            MenuController.AddSubmenu(menu, unavailableVehiclesMenu);

            MenuItem spawnVehicle   = new MenuItem("生成車輛", "生成此已保存的車輛.");
            MenuItem renameVehicle  = new MenuItem("重命名車輛", "重命名您保存的車輛.");
            MenuItem replaceVehicle = new MenuItem("~r~更換車輛", "您保存的車輛將被您當前所坐的車輛代替。~r~警告:這無法撤消!");
            MenuItem deleteVehicle  = new MenuItem("~r~刪除車輛", "~r~這將刪除您保存的車輛。警告:這不能撤消!");

            selectedVehicleMenu.OnMenuOpen += (sender) =>
                spawnVehicle.Label = "(" + GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(currentlySelectedVehicle.Value.model).ToLower() + ")";

            selectedVehicleMenu.OnMenuClose += (sender) =>
                deleteButtonPressedCount = 0;
                deleteVehicle.Label      = "";

            selectedVehicleMenu.OnItemSelect += async(sender, item, index) =>
                if (item == spawnVehicle)
                    if (MainMenu.VehicleSpawnerMenu != null)
                        SpawnVehicle(currentlySelectedVehicle.Value.model, MainMenu.VehicleSpawnerMenu.SpawnInVehicle, MainMenu.VehicleSpawnerMenu.ReplaceVehicle, false, vehicleInfo: currentlySelectedVehicle.Value, saveName: currentlySelectedVehicle.Key.Substring(4));
                        SpawnVehicle(currentlySelectedVehicle.Value.model, true, true, false, vehicleInfo: currentlySelectedVehicle.Value, saveName: currentlySelectedVehicle.Key.Substring(4));
                else if (item == renameVehicle)
                    string newName = await GetUserInput(windowTitle : "輸入此車輛的新名稱.", maxInputLength : 30);

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newName))
                        if (StorageManager.SaveVehicleInfo("veh_" + newName, currentlySelectedVehicle.Value, false))
                            while (!selectedVehicleMenu.Visible)
                                await BaseScript.Delay(0);
                            currentlySelectedVehicle = new KeyValuePair <string, VehicleInfo>(); // clear the old info
                            Notify.Error("此名稱已被使用或未知失敗。 如果您認為有問題,請與服務器所有者聯繫。");
                else if (item == replaceVehicle)
                    if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle())
                else if (item == deleteVehicle)
                    if (deleteButtonPressedCount == 0)
                        deleteButtonPressedCount = 1;
                        item.Label = "再按一次確認.";
                        Notify.Alert("您確定要刪除這輛車嗎? 再按一次按鈕確認.");
                        deleteButtonPressedCount = 0;
                        item.Label = "";
                if (item != deleteVehicle) // if any other button is pressed, restore the delete vehicle button pressed count.
                    deleteButtonPressedCount = 0;
                    deleteVehicle.Label      = "";
            unavailableVehiclesMenu.InstructionalButtons.Add(Control.FrontendDelete, "刪除載具!");

            unavailableVehiclesMenu.ButtonPressHandlers.Add(new Menu.ButtonPressHandler(Control.FrontendDelete, Menu.ControlPressCheckType.JUST_RELEASED, new Action <Menu, Control>((m, c) =>
                if (m.Size > 0)
                    int index = m.CurrentIndex;
                    if (index < m.Size)
                        MenuItem item = m.GetMenuItems().Find(i => i.Index == index);
                        if (item != null && (item.ItemData is KeyValuePair <string, VehicleInfo> sd))
                            if (item.Label == "~r~您確定嗎?")
                                Log("Unavailable saved vehicle deleted, data: " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sd));
                                item.Label = "~r~您確定嗎?";
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Main OnTick task runs every game tick and handles all the menu stuff.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task OnTick()
            #region FirstTick
            // Only run this the first tick.
            if (firstTick)
                firstTick = false;
                switch (GetSettingsInt(Setting.vmenu_pvp_mode))
                case 1:
                    SetCanAttackFriendly(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, true, false);

                case 2:
                    SetCanAttackFriendly(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, false, false);

                case 0:
                // Clear all previous pause menu info/brief messages on resource start.

                // Request the permissions data from the server.

                // Wait until the data is received and the player's name is loaded correctly.
                while (!ConfigOptionsSetupComplete || !PermissionsSetupComplete || Game.Player.Name == "**Invalid**" || Game.Player.Name == "** Invalid **")
                    await Delay(0);
                if ((IsAllowed(Permission.Staff) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_menu_staff_only)) || GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_menu_staff_only) == false)
                    if (GetSettingsInt(Setting.vmenu_menu_toggle_key) != -1)
                        MenuToggleKey = (Control)GetSettingsInt(Setting.vmenu_menu_toggle_key);
                        //MenuToggleKey = GetSettingsInt(Setting.vmenu_menu_toggle_key);
                    if (GetSettingsInt(Setting.vmenu_noclip_toggle_key) != -1)
                        NoClipKey = GetSettingsInt(Setting.vmenu_noclip_toggle_key);

                    // Create the main menu.
                    Menu           = new Menu("Administration", "Main Menu");
                    PlayerSubmenu  = new Menu(Game.Player.Name, "Player Related Options");
                    VehicleSubmenu = new Menu(Game.Player.Name, "Vehicle Related Options");
                    WorldSubmenu   = new Menu(Game.Player.Name, "World Options");

                    // Add the main menu to the menu pool.
                    MenuController.MainMenu = Menu;

                    MenuController.AddSubmenu(Menu, PlayerSubmenu);
                    MenuController.AddSubmenu(Menu, VehicleSubmenu);
                    MenuController.AddSubmenu(Menu, WorldSubmenu);

                    // Create all (sub)menus.
                    MenuController.MainMenu           = null;
                    MenuController.DisableMenuButtons = true;
                    MenuController.DontOpenAnyMenu    = true;
                    MenuController.MenuToggleKey      = (Control)(-1); // disables the menu toggle key

                // Manage Stamina
                if (PlayerOptionsMenu != null && PlayerOptionsMenu.PlayerStamina && IsAllowed(Permission.POUnlimitedStamina))
                    StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP0_STAMINA"), 100, true);
                    StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP0_STAMINA"), 0, true);

                // Manage other stats, in order of appearance in the pause menu (stats) page.
                StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP0_SHOOTING_ABILITY"), 100, true);        // Shooting
                StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP0_STRENGTH"), 100, true);                // Strength
                StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP0_STEALTH_ABILITY"), 100, true);         // Stealth
                StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP0_FLYING_ABILITY"), 100, true);          // Flying
                StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP0_WHEELIE_ABILITY"), 100, true);         // Driving
                StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP0_LUNG_CAPACITY"), 100, true);           // Lung Capacity
                StatSetFloat((uint)GetHashKey("MP0_PLAYER_MENTAL_STATE"), 0f, true);    // Mental State

            // If the setup (permissions) is done, and it's not the first tick, then do this:
            if (ConfigOptionsSetupComplete && !firstTick)
                #region Handle Opening/Closing of the menu.

                var tmpMenu = GetOpenMenu();
                if (MpPedCustomizationMenu != null)
                    bool IsOpen()
                            (MpPedCustomizationMenu.appearanceMenu.Visible ||
                             MpPedCustomizationMenu.faceShapeMenu.Visible ||
                             MpPedCustomizationMenu.createCharacterMenu.Visible ||
                             MpPedCustomizationMenu.inheritanceMenu.Visible ||
                             MpPedCustomizationMenu.propsMenu.Visible ||
                             MpPedCustomizationMenu.clothesMenu.Visible ||

                    if (IsOpen())
                        if (tmpMenu == MpPedCustomizationMenu.createCharacterMenu)
                            MpPedCustomization.DisableBackButton = true;
                            MpPedCustomization.DisableBackButton = false;
                        MpPedCustomization.DontCloseMenus = true;
                        MpPedCustomization.DisableBackButton = false;
                        MpPedCustomization.DontCloseMenus    = false;

                if (Game.IsDisabledControlJustReleased(0, Control.PhoneCancel) && MpPedCustomization.DisableBackButton)
                    await Delay(0);

                    Notify.Alert("You must save your ped first before exiting, or click the ~r~Exit Without Saving~s~ button.");

                if (Game.CurrentInputMode == InputMode.MouseAndKeyboard)
                    if (Game.IsControlJustPressed(0, (Control)NoClipKey) && IsAllowed(Permission.NoClip) && UpdateOnscreenKeyboard() != 0)
                        if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle())
                            Vehicle veh = GetVehicle();
                            if (veh != null && veh.Exists() && veh.Driver == Game.PlayerPed)
                                NoClipEnabled = !NoClipEnabled;
                                NoClipEnabled = false;
                                Notify.Error("This vehicle does not exist (somehow) or you need to be the driver of this vehicle to enable noclip!");
                            NoClipEnabled = !NoClipEnabled;


                // Menu toggle button.
                Game.DisableControlThisFrame(0, MenuToggleKey);
Beispiel #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Kill this player, poor thing, someone wants you dead... R.I.P.
 /// </summary>
 private void KillMe(string sourceName)
     Notify.Alert($"You have been killed by <C>{GetSafePlayerName(sourceName)}</C>~s~ using the ~r~Kill Player~s~ option in vMenu.");
     SetEntityHealth(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, 0);
Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates all the submenus depending on the permissions of the user.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateSubmenus()
            // Add the online players menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.OPMenu))
                OnlinePlayersMenu = new OnlinePlayers();
                Menu     menu   = OnlinePlayersMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Joueurs en ligne", "")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(Menu, menu, button);
                Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    if (item == button)
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.OPUnban) || IsAllowed(Permission.OPViewBannedPlayers))
                BannedPlayersMenu = new BannedPlayers();
                Menu     menu   = BannedPlayersMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Joueurs bannis", "")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(Menu, menu, button);
                Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    if (item == button)
                        TriggerServerEvent("vMenu:RequestBanList", Game.Player.Handle);

            MenuItem playerSubmenuBtn = new MenuItem("Options du joueur", "")
                Label = "→→→"


            // Add the player options menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POMenu))
                PlayerOptionsMenu = new PlayerOptions();
                Menu     menu   = PlayerOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Outils", "")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu, button);

            MenuItem vehicleSubmenuBtn = new MenuItem("Options du véhicule", "")
                Label = "→→→"

            // Add the vehicle options Menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.VOMenu))
                VehicleOptionsMenu = new VehicleOptions();
                Menu     menu   = VehicleOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Outils", "")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(VehicleSubmenu, menu, button);

            // Add the vehicle spawner menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.VSMenu))
                VehicleSpawnerMenu = new VehicleSpawner();
                Menu     menu   = VehicleSpawnerMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Spawner", "")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(VehicleSubmenu, menu, button);

            // Add Saved Vehicles menu.

            /*if (IsAllowed(Permission.SVMenu))
             * {
             *  SavedVehiclesMenu = new SavedVehicles();
             *  Menu menu = SavedVehiclesMenu.GetMenu();
             *  MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Saved Vehicles", "Save new vehicles, or spawn or delete already saved vehicles.")
             *  {
             *      Label = "→→→"
             *  };
             *  AddMenu(VehicleSubmenu, menu, button);
             *  VehicleSubmenu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
             *  {
             *      if (item == button)
             *      {
             *          SavedVehiclesMenu.UpdateMenuAvailableCategories();
             *      }
             *  };
             * }
             * // Add the Personal Vehicle menu.
             * if (IsAllowed(Permission.PVMenu))
             * {
             *  PersonalVehicleMenu = new PersonalVehicle();
             *  Menu menu = PersonalVehicleMenu.GetMenu();
             *  MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Personal Vehicle", "Set a vehicle as your personal vehicle, and control some things about that vehicle when you're not inside.")
             *  {
             *      Label = "→→→"
             *  };
             *  AddMenu(VehicleSubmenu, menu, button);
             * } */

            // Add the player appearance menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.PAMenu))
                PlayerAppearanceMenu = new PlayerAppearance();
                Menu     menu   = PlayerAppearanceMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Player Appearance", "Choose a ped model, customize it and save & load your customized characters.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu, button);

                MpPedCustomizationMenu = new MpPedCustomization();
                Menu     menu2   = MpPedCustomizationMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button2 = new MenuItem("MP Ped Customization", "Create, edit, save and load multiplayer peds. ~r~Note, you can only save peds created in this submenu. vMenu can NOT detect peds created outside of this submenu. Simply due to GTA limitations.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu2, button2);

            MenuItem worldSubmenuBtn = new MenuItem("Options Météo-Heure", "")
                Label = "→→→"


            // Add the time options menu.
            // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.TOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_time_sync))
                TimeOptionsMenu = new TimeOptions();
                Menu     menu   = TimeOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Heure du jeu", "")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(WorldSubmenu, menu, button);

            // Add the weather options menu.
            // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.WOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_weather_sync))
                WeatherOptionsMenu = new WeatherOptions();
                Menu     menu   = WeatherOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Météo", "")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(WorldSubmenu, menu, button);

            // Add the weapons menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.WPMenu))
                WeaponOptionsMenu = new WeaponOptions();
                Menu     menu   = WeaponOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Options des Armes", "")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu, button);

            // Add Weapon Loadouts menu.

            /* if (IsAllowed(Permission.WLMenu))
             * {
             *   WeaponLoadoutsMenu = new WeaponLoadouts();
             *   Menu menu = WeaponLoadoutsMenu.GetMenu();
             *   MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Weapon Loadouts", "Mange, and spawn saved weapon loadouts.")
             *   {
             *       Label = "→→→"
             *   };
             *   AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu, button);
             * }*/

            if (IsAllowed(Permission.NoClip))
                MenuItem toggleNoclip = new MenuItem("Toggle NoClip", "Toggle NoClip on or off.");
                PlayerSubmenu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    if (item == toggleNoclip)
                        NoClipEnabled = !NoClipEnabled;

                RecordingMenu = new Recording();
                Menu     menu   = RecordingMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Recording Options", "In-game recording options.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(Menu, menu, button);

            // Add misc settings menu.
                MiscSettingsMenu = new MiscSettings();
                Menu     menu   = MiscSettingsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Divers", "")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(Menu, menu, button);

            // Add About Menu.

             * AboutMenu = new About();
             * Menu sub = AboutMenu.GetMenu();
             * MenuItem btn = new MenuItem("About vMenu", "Information about vMenu.")
             * {
             *  Label = "→→→"
             * };
             * AddMenu(Menu, sub, btn);

            // Refresh everything.
            MenuController.Menus.ForEach((m) => m.RefreshIndex());

            if (!GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_use_permissions))
                Notify.Alert("vMenu is set up to ignore permissions, default permissions will be used.");

            if (PlayerSubmenu.Size > 0)
                MenuController.BindMenuItem(Menu, PlayerSubmenu, playerSubmenuBtn);

            if (VehicleSubmenu.Size > 0)
                MenuController.BindMenuItem(Menu, VehicleSubmenu, vehicleSubmenuBtn);

            if (WorldSubmenu.Size > 0)
                MenuController.BindMenuItem(Menu, WorldSubmenu, worldSubmenuBtn);

            if (MiscSettingsMenu != null)
                MenuController.EnableMenuToggleKeyOnController = !MiscSettingsMenu.MiscDisableControllerSupport;
Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the menu.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateMenu()
            #region create menu and menu items
            // Create the menu.
            menu = new Menu("YDDY:RP", "Меню настроек персонажа");

            // Create all checkboxes.
            MenuCheckboxItem playerGodModeCheckbox    = new MenuCheckboxItem("Godmode", "Makes you invincible.", PlayerGodMode);
            MenuCheckboxItem invisibleCheckbox        = new MenuCheckboxItem("Невидимый", "Делает персонажа невидимым. Как шляпа-невидимка.", PlayerInvisible);
            MenuCheckboxItem unlimitedStaminaCheckbox = new MenuCheckboxItem("Unlimited Stamina", "Allows you to run forever without slowing down or taking damage.", PlayerStamina);
            MenuCheckboxItem fastRunCheckbox          = new MenuCheckboxItem("Fast Run", "Get ~g~Snail~s~ powers and run very fast!", PlayerFastRun);
            SetRunSprintMultiplierForPlayer(Game.Player.Handle, (PlayerFastRun && IsAllowed(Permission.POFastRun) ? 1.49f : 1f));
            MenuCheckboxItem fastSwimCheckbox = new MenuCheckboxItem("Fast Swim", "Get ~g~Snail 2.0~s~ powers and swim super fast!", PlayerFastSwim);
            SetSwimMultiplierForPlayer(Game.Player.Handle, (PlayerFastSwim && IsAllowed(Permission.POFastSwim) ? 1.49f : 1f));
            MenuCheckboxItem superJumpCheckbox             = new MenuCheckboxItem("Super Jump", "Get ~g~Snail 3.0~s~ powers and jump like a champ!", PlayerSuperJump);
            MenuCheckboxItem noRagdollCheckbox             = new MenuCheckboxItem("No Ragdoll", "Disables player ragdoll, makes you not fall off your bike anymore.", PlayerNoRagdoll);
            MenuCheckboxItem neverWantedCheckbox           = new MenuCheckboxItem("Never Wanted", "Disables all wanted levels.", PlayerNeverWanted);
            MenuCheckboxItem everyoneIgnoresPlayerCheckbox = new MenuCheckboxItem("Игнорировать персонажа", "Все оставят вас в покое.", PlayerIsIgnored);
            MenuCheckboxItem playerStayInVehicleCheckbox   = new MenuCheckboxItem("Stay In Vehicle", "When this is enabled, NPCs will not be able to drag you out of your vehicle if they get angry at you.", PlayerStayInVehicle);
            MenuCheckboxItem playerFrozenCheckbox          = new MenuCheckboxItem("Заморозить персонажа", "Как в криокамере!", PlayerFrozen);

            // Wanted level options
            List <string> wantedLevelList = new List <string> {
                "No Wanted Level", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"
            MenuListItem setWantedLevel = new MenuListItem("Set Wanted Level", wantedLevelList, GetPlayerWantedLevel(Game.Player.Handle), "Set your wanted level by selecting a value, and pressing enter.");
            MenuListItem setArmorItem   = new MenuListItem("Set Armor Type", new List <string> {
                "No Armor", GetLabelText("WT_BA_0"), GetLabelText("WT_BA_1"), GetLabelText("WT_BA_2"), GetLabelText("WT_BA_3"), GetLabelText("WT_BA_4"),
            }, 0, "Set the armor level/type for your player.");

            MenuItem healPlayerBtn    = new MenuItem("Heal Player", "Give the player max health.");
            MenuItem cleanPlayerBtn   = new MenuItem("Очистить одежду", "Убрать засохшую кровь одной кнопкой.");
            MenuItem dryPlayerBtn     = new MenuItem("Высушить одежду", "На 20% безопаснее, чем промышленным феном.");
            MenuItem wetPlayerBtn     = new MenuItem("Намочить одежду", "Ну вот опять.");
            MenuItem suicidePlayerBtn = new MenuItem("~r~Самоубийство", "Съесть 6 аскорбинок или воспользоваться пистолетом?");

            Menu vehicleAutoPilot = new Menu("Auto Pilot", "Vehicle auto pilot options.");

            MenuController.AddSubmenu(menu, vehicleAutoPilot);

            MenuItem vehicleAutoPilotBtn = new MenuItem("Vehicle Auto Pilot Menu", "Manage vehicle auto pilot options.")
                Label = "→→→"

            List <string> drivingStyles = new List <string>()
                "Normal", "Rushed", "Avoid highways", "Drive in reverse", "Custom"
            MenuListItem drivingStyle = new MenuListItem("Driving Style", drivingStyles, 0, "Set the driving style that is used for the Drive to Waypoint and Drive Around Randomly functions.");

            // Scenarios (list can be found in the PedScenarios class)
            MenuListItem playerScenarios = new MenuListItem("Анимации", PedScenarios.Scenarios, 0, "Enter - выбрать/отменить анимацию.");
            MenuItem     stopScenario    = new MenuItem("Отменить анимацию", "Отменяет выполнение анимации за 0.22 мс.");

            #region add items to menu based on permissions
            // Add all checkboxes to the menu. (keeping permissions in mind)
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POGod))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POInvisible))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POUnlimitedStamina))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POFastRun))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POFastSwim))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POSuperjump))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.PONoRagdoll))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.PONeverWanted))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POSetWanted))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POIgnored))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POStayInVehicle))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POMaxHealth))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POMaxArmor))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POCleanPlayer))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.PODryPlayer))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POWetPlayer))


            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POVehicleAutoPilotMenu))
                MenuController.BindMenuItem(menu, vehicleAutoPilot, vehicleAutoPilotBtn);


                MenuItem startDrivingWaypoint = new MenuItem("Drive To Waypoint", "Make your player ped drive your vehicle to your waypoint.");
                MenuItem startDrivingRandomly = new MenuItem("Drive Around Randomly", "Make your player ped drive your vehicle randomly around the map.");
                MenuItem stopDriving          = new MenuItem("Stop Driving", "The player ped will find a suitable place to stop the vehicle. The task will be stopped once the vehicle has reached the suitable stop location.");
                MenuItem forceStopDriving     = new MenuItem("Force Stop Driving", "This will stop the driving task immediately without finding a suitable place to stop.");
                MenuItem customDrivingStyle   = new MenuItem("Custom Driving Style", "Select a custom driving style. Make sure to also enable it by selecting the 'Custom' driving style in the driving styles list.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                MenuController.AddSubmenu(vehicleAutoPilot, CustomDrivingStyleMenu);
                MenuController.BindMenuItem(vehicleAutoPilot, CustomDrivingStyleMenu, customDrivingStyle);
                Dictionary <int, string> knownNames = new Dictionary <int, string>()
                    { 0, "Stop before vehicles" },
                    { 1, "Stop before peds" },
                    { 2, "Avoid vehicles" },
                    { 3, "Avoid empty vehicles" },
                    { 4, "Avoid peds" },
                    { 5, "Avoid objects" },

                    { 7, "Stop at traffic lights" },
                    { 8, "Use blinkers" },
                    { 9, "Allow going wrong way" },
                    { 10, "Go in reverse gear" },

                    { 18, "Use shortest path" },

                    { 22, "Ignore roads" },

                    { 24, "Ignore all pathing" },

                    { 29, "Avoid highways (if possible)" },
                for (var i = 0; i < 31; i++)
                    string name = "~r~Unknown Flag";
                    if (knownNames.ContainsKey(i))
                        name = knownNames[i];
                    MenuCheckboxItem checkbox = new MenuCheckboxItem(name, "Toggle this driving style flag.", false);
                CustomDrivingStyleMenu.OnCheckboxChange += (sender, item, index, _checked) =>
                    int style = GetStyleFromIndex(drivingStyle.ListIndex);
                    CustomDrivingStyleMenu.MenuSubtitle = $"custom style: {style}";
                    if (drivingStyle.ListIndex == 4)
                        Notify.Custom("Driving style updated.");
                        SetDriveTaskDrivingStyle(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, style);
                        Notify.Custom("Driving style NOT updated because you haven't enabled the Custom driving style in the previous menu.");



                vehicleAutoPilot.OnItemSelect += async(sender, item, index) =>
                    if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle() && item != stopDriving && item != forceStopDriving)
                        if (Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle != null && Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.Exists() && !Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.IsDead && Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.IsDriveable)
                            if (Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.Driver == Game.PlayerPed)
                                if (item == startDrivingWaypoint)
                                    if (IsWaypointActive())
                                        int style = GetStyleFromIndex(drivingStyle.ListIndex);
                                        Notify.Info("Your player ped is now driving the vehicle for you. You can cancel any time by pressing the Stop Driving button. The vehicle will stop when it has reached the destination.");
                                        Notify.Error("You need a waypoint before you can drive to it!");
                                else if (item == startDrivingRandomly)
                                    int style = GetStyleFromIndex(drivingStyle.ListIndex);
                                    Notify.Info("Your player ped is now driving the vehicle for you. You can cancel any time by pressing the Stop Driving button.");
                                Notify.Error("You must be the driver of this vehicle!");
                            Notify.Error("Your vehicle is broken or it does not exist!");
                    else if (item != stopDriving && item != forceStopDriving)
                        Notify.Error("You need to be in a vehicle first!");
                    if (item == stopDriving)
                        if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle())
                            Vehicle veh = GetVehicle();
                            if (veh != null && veh.Exists() && !veh.IsDead)
                                Vector3 outPos = new Vector3();
                                if (GetNthClosestVehicleNode(Game.PlayerPed.Position.X, Game.PlayerPed.Position.Y, Game.PlayerPed.Position.Z, 3, ref outPos, 0, 0, 0))
                                    Notify.Info("The player ped will find a suitable place to park the car and will then stop driving. Please wait.");
                                    TaskVehiclePark(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, veh.Handle, outPos.X, outPos.Y, outPos.Z, Game.PlayerPed.Heading, 3, 60f, true);
                                    while (Game.PlayerPed.Position.DistanceToSquared2D(outPos) > 3f)
                                        await BaseScript.Delay(0);
                                    SetVehicleHalt(veh.Handle, 3f, 0, false);
                                    Notify.Info("The player ped has stopped driving.");
                            Notify.Alert("Your ped is not in any vehicle.");
                    else if (item == forceStopDriving)
                        Notify.Info("Driving task cancelled.");

                vehicleAutoPilot.OnListItemSelect += (sender, item, listIndex, itemIndex) =>
                    if (item == drivingStyle)
                        int style = GetStyleFromIndex(listIndex);
                        SetDriveTaskDrivingStyle(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, style);
                        Notify.Info($"Driving task style is now set to: ~r~{drivingStyles[listIndex]}~s~.");

            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POFreeze))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POScenarios))

            #region handle all events
            // Checkbox changes.
            menu.OnCheckboxChange += (sender, item, itemIndex, _checked) =>
                // God Mode toggled.
                if (item == playerGodModeCheckbox)
                    PlayerGodMode = _checked;
                // Invisibility toggled.
                else if (item == invisibleCheckbox)
                    PlayerInvisible = _checked;
                    SetEntityVisible(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, !PlayerInvisible, false);
                // Unlimited Stamina toggled.
                else if (item == unlimitedStaminaCheckbox)
                    PlayerStamina = _checked;
                    StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP0_STAMINA"), _checked ? 100 : 0, true);
                // Fast run toggled.
                else if (item == fastRunCheckbox)
                    PlayerFastRun = _checked;
                    SetRunSprintMultiplierForPlayer(Game.Player.Handle, (_checked ? 1.49f : 1f));
                // Fast swim toggled.
                else if (item == fastSwimCheckbox)
                    PlayerFastSwim = _checked;
                    SetSwimMultiplierForPlayer(Game.Player.Handle, (_checked ? 1.49f : 1f));
                // Super jump toggled.
                else if (item == superJumpCheckbox)
                    PlayerSuperJump = _checked;
                // No ragdoll toggled.
                else if (item == noRagdollCheckbox)
                    PlayerNoRagdoll = _checked;
                // Never wanted toggled.
                else if (item == neverWantedCheckbox)
                    PlayerNeverWanted = _checked;
                    if (!_checked)
                // Everyone ignores player toggled.
                else if (item == everyoneIgnoresPlayerCheckbox)
                    PlayerIsIgnored = _checked;

                    // Manage player is ignored by everyone.
                    SetEveryoneIgnorePlayer(Game.Player.Handle, PlayerIsIgnored);
                    SetPoliceIgnorePlayer(Game.Player.Handle, PlayerIsIgnored);
                    SetPlayerCanBeHassledByGangs(Game.Player.Handle, !PlayerIsIgnored);
                else if (item == playerStayInVehicleCheckbox)
                    PlayerStayInVehicle = _checked;
                // Freeze player toggled.
                else if (item == playerFrozenCheckbox)
                    PlayerFrozen = _checked;

                    if (MainMenu.NoClipMenu != null && !MainMenu.NoClipEnabled)
                        FreezeEntityPosition(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, PlayerFrozen);
                    else if (!MainMenu.NoClipEnabled)
                        FreezeEntityPosition(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, PlayerFrozen);

            // List selections
            menu.OnListItemSelect += (sender, listItem, listIndex, itemIndex) =>
                // Set wanted Level
                if (listItem == setWantedLevel)
                    SetPlayerWantedLevel(Game.Player.Handle, listIndex, false);
                    SetPlayerWantedLevelNow(Game.Player.Handle, false);
                // Player Scenarios
                else if (listItem == playerScenarios)
                else if (listItem == setArmorItem)
                    Game.PlayerPed.Armor = (listItem.ListIndex) * 20;

            // button presses
            menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                // Force Stop Scenario button
                if (item == stopScenario)
                    // Play a new scenario named "forcestop" (this scenario doesn't exist, but the "Play" function checks
                    // for the string "forcestop", if that's provided as th scenario name then it will forcefully clear the player task.
                else if (item == healPlayerBtn)
                    Game.PlayerPed.Health = Game.PlayerPed.MaxHealth;
                    Notify.Success("Player healed.");
                else if (item == cleanPlayerBtn)
                    Notify.Success("Player clothes have been cleaned.");
                else if (item == dryPlayerBtn)
                    Game.PlayerPed.WetnessHeight = 0f;
                    Notify.Success("Player is now dry.");
                else if (item == wetPlayerBtn)
                    Game.PlayerPed.WetnessHeight = 2f;
                    Notify.Success("Player is now wet.");
                else if (item == suicidePlayerBtn)
Beispiel #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the menu.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateMenu()
            #region create menu and menu items
            // Create the menu.
            menu = new Menu(Game.Player.Name, "Player Options");

            // Create all checkboxes.
            MenuCheckboxItem playerGodModeCheckbox    = new MenuCheckboxItem("Godmode", "Makes you invincible.", PlayerGodMode);
            MenuCheckboxItem invisibleCheckbox        = new MenuCheckboxItem("Invisible", "Makes you invisible to yourself and others.", PlayerInvisible);
            MenuCheckboxItem unlimitedStaminaCheckbox = new MenuCheckboxItem("Unlimited Stamina", "Allows you to run forever without slowing down or taking damage.", PlayerStamina);
            MenuCheckboxItem fastRunCheckbox          = new MenuCheckboxItem("Fast Run", "Get ~g~Snail~s~ powers and run very fast!", PlayerFastRun);
            SetRunSprintMultiplierForPlayer(Game.Player.Handle, (PlayerFastRun ? 1.49f : 1f));
            MenuCheckboxItem fastSwimCheckbox = new MenuCheckboxItem("Fast Swim", "Get ~g~Snail 2.0~s~ powers and swim super fast!", PlayerFastSwim);
            SetSwimMultiplierForPlayer(Game.Player.Handle, (PlayerFastSwim ? 1.49f : 1f));
            MenuCheckboxItem superJumpCheckbox             = new MenuCheckboxItem("Super Jump", "Get ~g~Snail 3.0~s~ powers and jump like a champ!", PlayerSuperJump);
            MenuCheckboxItem noRagdollCheckbox             = new MenuCheckboxItem("No Ragdoll", "Disables player ragdoll, makes you not fall off your bike anymore.", PlayerNoRagdoll);
            MenuCheckboxItem neverWantedCheckbox           = new MenuCheckboxItem("Never Wanted", "Disables all wanted levels.", PlayerNeverWanted);
            MenuCheckboxItem everyoneIgnoresPlayerCheckbox = new MenuCheckboxItem("Everyone Ignore Player", "Everyone will leave you alone.", PlayerIsIgnored);
            MenuCheckboxItem playerFrozenCheckbox          = new MenuCheckboxItem("Freeze Player", "Freezes your current location.", PlayerFrozen);

            // Wanted level options
            List <string> wantedLevelList = new List <string> {
                "No Wanted Level", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"
            MenuListItem setWantedLevel = new MenuListItem("Set Wanted Level", wantedLevelList, GetPlayerWantedLevel(Game.Player.Handle), "Set your wanted level by selecting a value, and pressing enter.");
            MenuListItem setArmorItem   = new MenuListItem("Set Armor Type", new List <string> {
                "No Armor", GetLabelText("WT_BA_0"), GetLabelText("WT_BA_1"), GetLabelText("WT_BA_2"), GetLabelText("WT_BA_3"), GetLabelText("WT_BA_4"),
            }, 0, "Set the armor level/type for your player.");

            MenuItem healPlayerBtn    = new MenuItem("Heal Player", "Give the player max health.");
            MenuItem cleanPlayerBtn   = new MenuItem("Clean Player Clothes", "Clean your player clothes.");
            MenuItem dryPlayerBtn     = new MenuItem("Dry Player Clothes", "Make your player clothes dry.");
            MenuItem wetPlayerBtn     = new MenuItem("Wet Player Clothes", "Make your player clothes wet.");
            MenuItem suicidePlayerBtn = new MenuItem("~r~Commit Suicide", "Kill yourself by taking the pill. Or by using a pistol if you have one.");

            Menu vehicleAutoPilot = new Menu("Auto Pilot", "Vehicle auto pilot options.");

            MenuController.AddSubmenu(menu, vehicleAutoPilot);

            MenuItem vehicleAutoPilotBtn = new MenuItem("Vehicle Auto Pilot Menu", "Manage vehicle auto pilot options.");
            vehicleAutoPilotBtn.Label = "→→→";

            List <string> drivingStyles = new List <string>()
                "Normal", "Rushed", "Avoid highways", "Drive in reverse"
            MenuListItem drivingStyle = new MenuListItem("Driving Style", drivingStyles, 0, "Set the driving style that is used for the Drive to Waypoint and Drive Around Randomly functions.");

            // Scenarios (list can be found in the PedScenarios class)
            MenuListItem playerScenarios = new MenuListItem("Player Scenarios", PedScenarios.Scenarios, 0, "Select a scenario and hit enter to start it. Selecting another scenario will override the current scenario. If you're already playing the selected scenario, selecting it again will stop the scenario.");
            MenuItem     stopScenario    = new MenuItem("Force Stop Scenario", "This will force a playing scenario to stop immediately, without waiting for it to finish it's 'stopping' animation.");

            #region add items to menu based on permissions
            // Add all checkboxes to the menu. (keeping permissions in mind)
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POGod))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POInvisible))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POUnlimitedStamina))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POFastRun))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POFastSwim))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POSuperjump))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.PONoRagdoll))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.PONeverWanted))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POSetWanted))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POIgnored))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POMaxHealth))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POMaxArmor))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POCleanPlayer))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.PODryPlayer))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POWetPlayer))


            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POVehicleAutoPilotMenu))
                MenuController.BindMenuItem(menu, vehicleAutoPilot, vehicleAutoPilotBtn);


                MenuItem startDrivingWaypoint = new MenuItem("Drive To Waypoint", "Make your player ped drive your vehicle to your waypoint.");
                MenuItem startDrivingRandomly = new MenuItem("Drive Around Randomly", "Make your player ped drive your vehicle randomly around the map.");
                MenuItem stopDriving          = new MenuItem("Stop Driving", "The player ped will find a suitable place to stop the vehicle. The task will be stopped once the vehicle has reached the suitable stop location.");
                MenuItem forceStopDriving     = new MenuItem("Force Stop Driving", "This will stop the driving task immediately without finding a suitable place to stop.");



                vehicleAutoPilot.OnItemSelect += async(sender, item, index) =>
                    if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle() && item != stopDriving && item != forceStopDriving)
                        if (Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle != null && Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.Exists() && !Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.IsDead && Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.IsDriveable)
                            if (Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.Driver == Game.PlayerPed)
                                if (item == startDrivingWaypoint)
                                    if (IsWaypointActive())
                                        int style = GetStyleFromIndex(drivingStyle.ListIndex);
                                        Notify.Info("Your player ped is now driving the vehicle for you. You can cancel any time by pressing the Stop Driving button. The vehicle will stop when it has reached the destination.");
                                        Notify.Error("You need a waypoint before you can drive to it!");
                                else if (item == startDrivingRandomly)
                                    int style = GetStyleFromIndex(drivingStyle.ListIndex);
                                    Notify.Info("Your player ped is now driving the vehicle for you. You can cancel any time by pressing the Stop Driving button.");
                                Notify.Error("You must be the driver of this vehicle!");
                            Notify.Error("Your vehicle is broken or it does not exist!");
                    else if (item != stopDriving && item != forceStopDriving)
                        Notify.Error("You need to be in a vehicle first!");
                    if (item == stopDriving)
                        if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle())
                            Vehicle veh = GetVehicle();
                            if (veh != null && veh.Exists() && !veh.IsDead)
                                Vector3 outPos = new Vector3();
                                if (GetNthClosestVehicleNode(Game.PlayerPed.Position.X, Game.PlayerPed.Position.Y, Game.PlayerPed.Position.Z, 3, ref outPos, 0, 0, 0))
                                    Notify.Info("The player ped will find a suitable place to park the car and will then stop driving. Please wait.");
                                    TaskVehiclePark(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, veh.Handle, outPos.X, outPos.Y, outPos.Z, Game.PlayerPed.Heading, 3, 60f, true);
                                    while (Game.PlayerPed.Position.DistanceToSquared2D(outPos) > 3f)
                                        await BaseScript.Delay(0);
                                    SetVehicleHalt(veh.Handle, 3f, 0, false);
                                    Notify.Info("The player ped has stopped driving.");
                            Notify.Alert("Your ped is not in any vehicle.");
                    else if (item == forceStopDriving)
                        Notify.Info("Driving task cancelled.");

                vehicleAutoPilot.OnListItemSelect += (sender, item, listIndex, itemIndex) =>
                    if (item == drivingStyle)
                        int style = GetStyleFromIndex(listIndex);
                        SetDriveTaskDrivingStyle(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, style);
                        Notify.Info($"Driving task style is now set to: ~r~{drivingStyles[listIndex]}~s~.");

            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POFreeze))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POScenarios))

            #region handle all events
            // Checkbox changes.
            menu.OnCheckboxChange += (sender, item, itemIndex, _checked) =>
                // God Mode toggled.
                if (item == playerGodModeCheckbox)
                    PlayerGodMode = _checked;
                // Invisibility toggled.
                else if (item == invisibleCheckbox)
                    PlayerInvisible = _checked;
                    SetEntityVisible(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, !PlayerInvisible, false);
                // Unlimited Stamina toggled.
                else if (item == unlimitedStaminaCheckbox)
                    PlayerStamina = _checked;
                    StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP0_STAMINA"), _checked ? 100 : 0, true);
                // Fast run toggled.
                else if (item == fastRunCheckbox)
                    PlayerFastRun = _checked;
                    SetRunSprintMultiplierForPlayer(Game.Player.Handle, (_checked ? 1.49f : 1f));
                // Fast swim toggled.
                else if (item == fastSwimCheckbox)
                    PlayerFastSwim = _checked;
                    SetSwimMultiplierForPlayer(Game.Player.Handle, (_checked ? 1.49f : 1f));
                // Super jump toggled.
                else if (item == superJumpCheckbox)
                    PlayerSuperJump = _checked;
                // No ragdoll toggled.
                else if (item == noRagdollCheckbox)
                    PlayerNoRagdoll = _checked;
                // Never wanted toggled.
                else if (item == neverWantedCheckbox)
                    PlayerNeverWanted = _checked;
                // Everyone ignores player toggled.
                else if (item == everyoneIgnoresPlayerCheckbox)
                    PlayerIsIgnored = _checked;

                    // Manage player is ignored by everyone.
                    SetEveryoneIgnorePlayer(Game.Player.Handle, PlayerIsIgnored);
                    SetPoliceIgnorePlayer(Game.Player.Handle, PlayerIsIgnored);
                    SetPlayerCanBeHassledByGangs(Game.Player.Handle, !PlayerIsIgnored);
                // Freeze player toggled.
                else if (item == playerFrozenCheckbox)
                    PlayerFrozen = _checked;

                    if (MainMenu.NoClipMenu != null && !MainMenu.NoClipEnabled)
                        FreezeEntityPosition(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, PlayerFrozen);
                    else if (!MainMenu.NoClipEnabled)
                        FreezeEntityPosition(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, PlayerFrozen);

            // List selections
            menu.OnListItemSelect += (sender, listItem, listIndex, itemIndex) =>
                // Set wanted Level
                if (listItem == setWantedLevel)
                    SetPlayerWantedLevel(Game.Player.Handle, listIndex, false);
                    SetPlayerWantedLevelNow(Game.Player.Handle, false);
                // Player Scenarios
                else if (listItem == playerScenarios)
                else if (listItem == setArmorItem)
                    Game.PlayerPed.Armor = (listItem.ListIndex) * 20;

            // button presses
            menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                // Force Stop Scenario button
                if (item == stopScenario)
                    // Play a new scenario named "forcestop" (this scenario doesn't exist, but the "Play" function checks
                    // for the string "forcestop", if that's provided as th scenario name then it will forcefully clear the player task.
                else if (item == healPlayerBtn)
                    Game.PlayerPed.Health = Game.PlayerPed.MaxHealth;
                    Notify.Success("Player healed.");
                else if (item == cleanPlayerBtn)
                    Notify.Success("Player clothes have been cleaned.");
                else if (item == dryPlayerBtn)
                    Game.PlayerPed.WetnessHeight = 0f;
                    Notify.Success("Player is now dry.");
                else if (item == wetPlayerBtn)
                    Game.PlayerPed.WetnessHeight = 2f;
                    Notify.Success("Player is now wet.");
                else if (item == suicidePlayerBtn)
Beispiel #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates all the submenus depending on the permissions of the user.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateSubmenus()
            // Add the online players menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.OPMenu))
                OnlinePlayersMenu = new OnlinePlayers();
                Menu     menu   = OnlinePlayersMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Online Players", "All currently connected players.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(Menu, menu, button);
                Menu.OnItemSelect += async(sender, item, index) =>
                    if (item == button)

                        await OnlinePlayersMenu.UpdatePlayerlist();

            if (IsAllowed(Permission.OPUnban) || IsAllowed(Permission.OPViewBannedPlayers))
                BannedPlayersMenu = new BannedPlayers();
                Menu     menu   = BannedPlayersMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Banned Players", "View and manage all banned players in this menu.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(Menu, menu, button);
                Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    if (item == button)
                        TriggerServerEvent("vMenu:RequestBanList", Game.Player.Handle);

            MenuItem playerSubmenuBtn = new MenuItem("Player Related Options", "Open this submenu for player related subcategories.")
                Label = "→→→"


            // Add the player options menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POMenu))
                PlayerOptionsMenu = new PlayerOptions();
                Menu     menu   = PlayerOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Player Options", "Common player options can be accessed here.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu, button);

            MenuItem vehicleSubmenuBtn = new MenuItem("Vehicle Related Options", "Open this submenu for vehicle related subcategories.")
                Label = "→→→"

            // Add the vehicle options Menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.VOMenu))
                VehicleOptionsMenu = new VehicleOptions();
                Menu     menu   = VehicleOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Vehicle Options", "Here you can change common vehicle options, as well as tune & style your vehicle.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(VehicleSubmenu, menu, button);

            // Add the vehicle spawner menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.VSMenu))
                VehicleSpawnerMenu = new VehicleSpawner();
                Menu     menu   = VehicleSpawnerMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Vehicle Spawner", "Spawn a vehicle by name or choose one from a specific category.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(VehicleSubmenu, menu, button);

            // Add Saved Vehicles menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.SVMenu))
                SavedVehiclesMenu = new SavedVehicles();
                Menu     menu   = SavedVehiclesMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Saved Vehicles", "Save new vehicles, or spawn or delete already saved vehicles.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(VehicleSubmenu, menu, button);
                VehicleSubmenu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    if (item == button)

            // Add the Personal Vehicle menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.PVMenu))
                PersonalVehicleMenu = new PersonalVehicle();
                Menu     menu   = PersonalVehicleMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Personal Vehicle", "Set a vehicle as your personal vehicle, and control some things about that vehicle when you're not inside.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(VehicleSubmenu, menu, button);

            // Add the player appearance menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.PAMenu))
                PlayerAppearanceMenu = new PlayerAppearance();
                Menu     menu   = PlayerAppearanceMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Player Appearance", "Choose a ped model, customize it and save & load your customized characters.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu, button);

                MpPedCustomizationMenu = new MpPedCustomization();
                Menu     menu2   = MpPedCustomizationMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button2 = new MenuItem("MP Ped Customization", "Create, edit, save and load multiplayer peds. ~r~Note, you can only save peds created in this submenu. vMenu can NOT detect peds created outside of this submenu. Simply due to GTA limitations.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu2, button2);

            MenuItem worldSubmenuBtn = new MenuItem("World Related Options", "Open this submenu for world related subcategories.")
                Label = "→→→"


            // Add the time options menu.
            // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.TOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_time_sync))
                TimeOptionsMenu = new TimeOptions();
                Menu     menu   = TimeOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Time Options", "Change the time, and edit other time related options.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(WorldSubmenu, menu, button);

            // Add the weather options menu.
            // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.WOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_weather_sync))
                WeatherOptionsMenu = new WeatherOptions();
                Menu     menu   = WeatherOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Weather Options", "Change all weather related options here.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(WorldSubmenu, menu, button);

            // Add the weapons menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.WPMenu))
                WeaponOptionsMenu = new WeaponOptions();
                Menu     menu   = WeaponOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Weapon Options", "Add/remove weapons, modify weapons and set ammo options.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu, button);

            // Add Weapon Loadouts menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.WLMenu))
                WeaponLoadoutsMenu = new WeaponLoadouts();
                Menu     menu   = WeaponLoadoutsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Weapon Loadouts", "Mange, and spawn saved weapon loadouts.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(PlayerSubmenu, menu, button);

            if (IsAllowed(Permission.NoClip))
                MenuItem toggleNoclip = new MenuItem("Toggle NoClip", "Toggle NoClip on or off.");
                PlayerSubmenu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    if (item == toggleNoclip)
                        NoClipEnabled = !NoClipEnabled;

            // Add Voice Chat Menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.VCMenu))
                VoiceChatSettingsMenu = new VoiceChat();
                Menu     menu   = VoiceChatSettingsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Voice Chat Settings", "Change Voice Chat options here.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(Menu, menu, button);

                RecordingMenu = new Recording();
                Menu     menu   = RecordingMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Recording Options", "In-game recording options.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(Menu, menu, button);

            // Add misc settings menu.
                MiscSettingsMenu = new MiscSettings();
                Menu     menu   = MiscSettingsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Misc Settings", "Miscellaneous vMenu options/settings can be configured here. You can also save your settings in this menu.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(Menu, menu, button);

            // Add About Menu.
            AboutMenu = new About();
            Menu     sub = AboutMenu.GetMenu();
            MenuItem btn = new MenuItem("About vMenu", "Information about vMenu.")
                Label = "→→→"

            AddMenu(Menu, sub, btn);

            // Refresh everything.
            MenuController.Menus.ForEach((m) => m.RefreshIndex());

            if (!GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_use_permissions))
                Notify.Alert("vMenu is set up to ignore permissions, default permissions will be used.");

            if (PlayerSubmenu.Size > 0)
                MenuController.BindMenuItem(Menu, PlayerSubmenu, playerSubmenuBtn);

            if (VehicleSubmenu.Size > 0)
                MenuController.BindMenuItem(Menu, VehicleSubmenu, vehicleSubmenuBtn);

            if (WorldSubmenu.Size > 0)
                MenuController.BindMenuItem(Menu, WorldSubmenu, worldSubmenuBtn);

            if (MiscSettingsMenu != null)
                MenuController.EnableMenuToggleKeyOnController = !MiscSettingsMenu.MiscDisableControllerSupport;
Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the menu.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateMenu()
            #region create menu and menu items
            // Create the menu.
            menu = new Menu(Game.Player.Name, "玩家選單");

            // Create all checkboxes.
            MenuCheckboxItem playerGodModeCheckbox    = new MenuCheckboxItem("無敵", "使您變無敵.", PlayerGodMode);
            MenuCheckboxItem invisibleCheckbox        = new MenuCheckboxItem("隱身", "使您隱身,其他人看不見.", PlayerInvisible);
            MenuCheckboxItem unlimitedStaminaCheckbox = new MenuCheckboxItem("無限體力", "使您可以永遠的跑步,而不會疲勞造成減速.", PlayerStamina);
            MenuCheckboxItem fastRunCheckbox          = new MenuCheckboxItem("快速跑步", "獲得 ~g~超級~s~ 的力量快速游泳!", PlayerFastRun);
            SetRunSprintMultiplierForPlayer(Game.Player.Handle, (PlayerFastRun && IsAllowed(Permission.POFastRun) ? 1.49f : 1f));
            MenuCheckboxItem fastSwimCheckbox = new MenuCheckboxItem("快速游泳", "獲得 ~g~超級 2.0~s~ 的游泳速度!", PlayerFastSwim);
            SetSwimMultiplierForPlayer(Game.Player.Handle, (PlayerFastSwim && IsAllowed(Permission.POFastSwim) ? 1.49f : 1f));
            MenuCheckboxItem superJumpCheckbox             = new MenuCheckboxItem("超級跳躍", "獲得 ~g~超級 3.0~s~ 的力量跳躍!", PlayerSuperJump);
            MenuCheckboxItem noRagdollCheckbox             = new MenuCheckboxItem("停止摔車", "發生車禍時不會再摔車.", PlayerNoRagdoll);
            MenuCheckboxItem neverWantedCheckbox           = new MenuCheckboxItem("永不通輯", "永遠都不會有通緝.", PlayerNeverWanted);
            MenuCheckboxItem everyoneIgnoresPlayerCheckbox = new MenuCheckboxItem("無視所有玩家", "所有人遠離此玩家.", PlayerIsIgnored);
            MenuCheckboxItem playerStayInVehicleCheckbox   = new MenuCheckboxItem("待在車內", "啟用功能後,如果NPC對您發火,無法將您拖出車外.", PlayerStayInVehicle);
            MenuCheckboxItem playerFrozenCheckbox          = new MenuCheckboxItem("凍結玩家", "把該玩家定住在原地.", PlayerFrozen);

            // Wanted level options
            List <string> wantedLevelList = new List <string> {
                "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"
            MenuListItem setWantedLevel = new MenuListItem("設置通緝等級", wantedLevelList, GetPlayerWantedLevel(Game.Player.Handle), "選擇一個值來設置目前通緝等輯");
            MenuListItem setArmorItem   = new MenuListItem("設置護甲", new List <string> {
                "無護甲", GetLabelText("WT_BA_0"), GetLabelText("WT_BA_1"), GetLabelText("WT_BA_2"), GetLabelText("WT_BA_3"), GetLabelText("WT_BA_4"),
            }, 0, "Set the armor level/type for your player.");

            MenuItem healPlayerBtn    = new MenuItem("治癒玩家", "給予玩家最大生命值.");
            MenuItem cleanPlayerBtn   = new MenuItem("清潔衣服", "清潔衣服.");
            MenuItem dryPlayerBtn     = new MenuItem("烘乾衣服", "烘乾衣服.");
            MenuItem wetPlayerBtn     = new MenuItem("撥濕衣服", "撥濕衣服.");
            MenuItem suicidePlayerBtn = new MenuItem("~r~自殺", "服用藥物殺死自己,或者如過手上有手槍將會開槍自盡.");

            Menu vehicleAutoPilot = new Menu("自動駕駛", "管理載具自動駕駛選項.");

            MenuController.AddSubmenu(menu, vehicleAutoPilot);

            MenuItem vehicleAutoPilotBtn = new MenuItem("自動駕駛選單", "管理載具自動駕駛選項.")
                Label = "→→→"

            List <string> drivingStyles = new List <string>()
                "正常", "衝刺", "避開高速公路", "倒車", "自訂"
            MenuListItem drivingStyle = new MenuListItem("駕駛風格", drivingStyles, 0, "將用於'駕駛' 的駕駛方式設置為'導航點'和'隨機駕駛'");

            // Scenarios (list can be found in the PedScenarios class)
            MenuListItem playerScenarios = new MenuListItem("玩家場景", PedScenarios.Scenarios, 0, "選擇一個場景,然後按Enter鍵以啟動它。 選擇另一個方案將覆蓋當前方案。 如果您已經在玩家選定的場景,再次選擇它將會停止該場景.");
            MenuItem     stopScenario    = new MenuItem("強制停止場景", "這將迫使正在播放的場景立即停止,而無需等待其完成“停止”動畫.");

            #region add items to menu based on permissions
            // Add all checkboxes to the menu. (keeping permissions in mind)
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POGod))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POInvisible))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POUnlimitedStamina))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POFastRun))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POFastSwim))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POSuperjump))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.PONoRagdoll))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.PONeverWanted))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POSetWanted))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POIgnored))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POStayInVehicle))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POMaxHealth))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POMaxArmor))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POCleanPlayer))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.PODryPlayer))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POWetPlayer))


            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POVehicleAutoPilotMenu))
                MenuController.BindMenuItem(menu, vehicleAutoPilot, vehicleAutoPilotBtn);


                MenuItem startDrivingWaypoint = new MenuItem("開至導航點", "開到地圖上的標記點.");
                MenuItem startDrivingRandomly = new MenuItem("隨機行駛", "在地圖上隨便亂開.");
                MenuItem stopDriving          = new MenuItem("停止行駛", "會先找到一個停靠點在停止行使.");
                MenuItem forceStopDriving     = new MenuItem("強制停止行駛", "立即停在駕駛");
                MenuItem customDrivingStyle   = new MenuItem("自訂駕駛風格", "選擇自訂駕駛風格.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                MenuController.AddSubmenu(vehicleAutoPilot, CustomDrivingStyleMenu);
                MenuController.BindMenuItem(vehicleAutoPilot, CustomDrivingStyleMenu, customDrivingStyle);
                Dictionary <int, string> knownNames = new Dictionary <int, string>()
                    { 0, "在車輛前停車" },
                    { 1, "在人之前停車" },
                    { 2, "避開車輛" },
                    { 3, "避開空車" },
                    { 4, "避開人" },
                    { 5, "避開物體" },

                    { 7, "在紅綠燈處停下" },
                    { 8, "使用紅綠燈" },
                    { 9, "允行開錯路" },
                    { 10, "倒檔" },

                    { 18, "使用最短程的捷徑" },

                    { 22, "無視道路" },

                    { 24, "無視所有捷徑" },

                    { 29, "避免行駛高速公路 (如果可能的話)" },
                for (var i = 0; i < 31; i++)
                    string name = "~r~未知選項";
                    if (knownNames.ContainsKey(i))
                        name = knownNames[i];
                    MenuCheckboxItem checkbox = new MenuCheckboxItem(name, "開關駕駛風格選項", false);
                CustomDrivingStyleMenu.OnCheckboxChange += (sender, item, index, _checked) =>
                    int style = GetStyleFromIndex(drivingStyle.ListIndex);
                    CustomDrivingStyleMenu.MenuSubtitle = $"自訂駕駛風格: {style}";
                    if (drivingStyle.ListIndex == 4)
                        SetDriveTaskDrivingStyle(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, style);



                vehicleAutoPilot.OnItemSelect += async(sender, item, index) =>
                    if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle() && item != stopDriving && item != forceStopDriving)
                        if (Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle != null && Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.Exists() && !Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.IsDead && Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.IsDriveable)
                            if (Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.Driver == Game.PlayerPed)
                                if (item == startDrivingWaypoint)
                                    if (IsWaypointActive())
                                        int style = GetStyleFromIndex(drivingStyle.ListIndex);
                                        Notify.Info("您的司機現在正在為您駕駛車輛。 您可以隨時按“停止駕駛”按鈕取消。 車輛到達目的地後將停止.");
                                else if (item == startDrivingRandomly)
                                    int style = GetStyleFromIndex(drivingStyle.ListIndex);
                                    Notify.Info("您的司機現在正在為您駕駛車輛。 您可以隨時按“停止駕駛”按鈕取消.");
                    else if (item != stopDriving && item != forceStopDriving)
                    if (item == stopDriving)
                        if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle())
                            Vehicle veh = GetVehicle();
                            if (veh != null && veh.Exists() && !veh.IsDead)
                                Vector3 outPos = new Vector3();
                                if (GetNthClosestVehicleNode(Game.PlayerPed.Position.X, Game.PlayerPed.Position.Y, Game.PlayerPed.Position.Z, 3, ref outPos, 0, 0, 0))
                                    Notify.Info("司機將找到合適的停車位,然後停止駕駛。 請耐心等待.");
                                    TaskVehiclePark(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, veh.Handle, outPos.X, outPos.Y, outPos.Z, Game.PlayerPed.Heading, 3, 60f, true);
                                    while (Game.PlayerPed.Position.DistanceToSquared2D(outPos) > 3f)
                                        await BaseScript.Delay(0);
                                    SetVehicleHalt(veh.Handle, 3f, 0, false);
                    else if (item == forceStopDriving)

                vehicleAutoPilot.OnListItemSelect += (sender, item, listIndex, itemIndex) =>
                    if (item == drivingStyle)
                        int style = GetStyleFromIndex(listIndex);
                        SetDriveTaskDrivingStyle(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, style);
                        Notify.Info($"駕駛風格現在設置為: ~r~{drivingStyles[listIndex]}~s~.");

            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POFreeze))
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POScenarios))

            #region handle all events
            // Checkbox changes.
            menu.OnCheckboxChange += (sender, item, itemIndex, _checked) =>
                // God Mode toggled.
                if (item == playerGodModeCheckbox)
                    PlayerGodMode = _checked;
                // Invisibility toggled.
                else if (item == invisibleCheckbox)
                    PlayerInvisible = _checked;
                    SetEntityVisible(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, !PlayerInvisible, false);
                // Unlimited Stamina toggled.
                else if (item == unlimitedStaminaCheckbox)
                    PlayerStamina = _checked;
                    StatSetInt((uint)GetHashKey("MP0_STAMINA"), _checked ? 100 : 0, true);
                // Fast run toggled.
                else if (item == fastRunCheckbox)
                    PlayerFastRun = _checked;
                    SetRunSprintMultiplierForPlayer(Game.Player.Handle, (_checked ? 1.49f : 1f));
                // Fast swim toggled.
                else if (item == fastSwimCheckbox)
                    PlayerFastSwim = _checked;
                    SetSwimMultiplierForPlayer(Game.Player.Handle, (_checked ? 1.49f : 1f));
                // Super jump toggled.
                else if (item == superJumpCheckbox)
                    PlayerSuperJump = _checked;
                // No ragdoll toggled.
                else if (item == noRagdollCheckbox)
                    PlayerNoRagdoll = _checked;
                // Never wanted toggled.
                else if (item == neverWantedCheckbox)
                    PlayerNeverWanted = _checked;
                    if (!_checked)
                // Everyone ignores player toggled.
                else if (item == everyoneIgnoresPlayerCheckbox)
                    PlayerIsIgnored = _checked;

                    // Manage player is ignored by everyone.
                    SetEveryoneIgnorePlayer(Game.Player.Handle, PlayerIsIgnored);
                    SetPoliceIgnorePlayer(Game.Player.Handle, PlayerIsIgnored);
                    SetPlayerCanBeHassledByGangs(Game.Player.Handle, !PlayerIsIgnored);
                else if (item == playerStayInVehicleCheckbox)
                    PlayerStayInVehicle = _checked;
                // Freeze player toggled.
                else if (item == playerFrozenCheckbox)
                    PlayerFrozen = _checked;

                    if (!MainMenu.NoClipEnabled)
                        FreezeEntityPosition(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, PlayerFrozen);
                    else if (!MainMenu.NoClipEnabled)
                        FreezeEntityPosition(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, PlayerFrozen);

            // List selections
            menu.OnListItemSelect += (sender, listItem, listIndex, itemIndex) =>
                // Set wanted Level
                if (listItem == setWantedLevel)
                    SetPlayerWantedLevel(Game.Player.Handle, listIndex, false);
                    SetPlayerWantedLevelNow(Game.Player.Handle, false);
                // Player Scenarios
                else if (listItem == playerScenarios)
                else if (listItem == setArmorItem)
                    Game.PlayerPed.Armor = (listItem.ListIndex) * 20;

            // button presses
            menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                // Force Stop Scenario button
                if (item == stopScenario)
                    // Play a new scenario named "forcestop" (this scenario doesn't exist, but the "Play" function checks
                    // for the string "forcestop", if that's provided as th scenario name then it will forcefully clear the player task.
                else if (item == healPlayerBtn)
                    Game.PlayerPed.Health = Game.PlayerPed.MaxHealth;
                else if (item == cleanPlayerBtn)
                else if (item == dryPlayerBtn)
                    Game.PlayerPed.WetnessHeight = 0f;
                else if (item == wetPlayerBtn)
                    Game.PlayerPed.WetnessHeight = 2f;
                else if (item == suicidePlayerBtn)
Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the menu.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateMenu()
            string menuTitle = "Saved Vehicles";

            #region Create menus and submenus
            // Create the menu.
            menu = new Menu(menuTitle, "Manage Saved Vehicles");

            MenuItem saveVehicle = new MenuItem("Save Current Vehicle", "Save the vehicle you are currently sitting in.");
            saveVehicle.LeftIcon = MenuItem.Icon.CAR;

            menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                if (item == saveVehicle)
                    if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle())
                        Notify.Error("You are currently not in any vehicle. Please enter a vehicle before trying to save it.");

            for (int i = 0; i < 22; i++)
                Menu categoryMenu = new Menu("Saved Vehicles", GetLabelText($"VEH_CLASS_{i}"));

                MenuItem categoryButton = new MenuItem(GetLabelText($"VEH_CLASS_{i}"), $"All saved vehicles from the {(GetLabelText($"VEH_CLASS_{i}"))} category.");
                MenuController.AddSubmenu(menu, categoryMenu);
                categoryButton.Label = "→→→";
                MenuController.BindMenuItem(menu, categoryMenu, categoryButton);

                categoryMenu.OnMenuClose += (sender) =>

                categoryMenu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    UpdateSelectedVehicleMenu(item, sender);

            MenuItem unavailableModels = new MenuItem("Unavailable Saved Vehicles", "These vehicles are currently unavailable because the models are not present in the game. These vehicles are most likely not being streamed from the server.");

            unavailableModels.Label = "→→→";

            MenuController.BindMenuItem(menu, unavailableVehiclesMenu, unavailableModels);
            MenuController.AddSubmenu(menu, unavailableVehiclesMenu);

            MenuItem spawnVehicle   = new MenuItem("Spawn Vehicle", "Spawn this saved vehicle.");
            MenuItem renameVehicle  = new MenuItem("Rename Vehicle", "Rename your saved vehicle.");
            MenuItem replaceVehicle = new MenuItem("~r~Replace Vehicle", "Your saved vehicle will be replaced with the vehicle you are currently sitting in. ~r~Warning: this can NOT be undone!");
            MenuItem deleteVehicle  = new MenuItem("~r~Delete Vehicle", "~r~This will delete your saved vehicle. Warning: this can NOT be undone!");

            selectedVehicleMenu.OnMenuClose += (sender) =>
                deleteButtonPressedCount = 0;
                deleteVehicle.Label      = "";

            selectedVehicleMenu.OnItemSelect += async(sender, item, index) =>
                if (item == spawnVehicle)
                    if (MainMenu.VehicleSpawnerMenu != null)
                        SpawnVehicle(currentlySelectedVehicle.Value.model, MainMenu.VehicleSpawnerMenu.SpawnInVehicle, MainMenu.VehicleSpawnerMenu.ReplaceVehicle, false, vehicleInfo: currentlySelectedVehicle.Value, saveName: currentlySelectedVehicle.Key.Substring(4));
                        SpawnVehicle(currentlySelectedVehicle.Value.model, true, true, false, vehicleInfo: currentlySelectedVehicle.Value, saveName: currentlySelectedVehicle.Key.Substring(4));
                else if (item == renameVehicle)
                    string newName = await GetUserInput(windowTitle : "Enter a new name for this vehicle.", maxInputLength : 30);

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newName))
                        if (StorageManager.SaveVehicleInfo("veh_" + newName, currentlySelectedVehicle.Value, false))
                            while (!selectedVehicleMenu.Visible)
                                await BaseScript.Delay(0);
                            Notify.Success("Your vehicle has successfully been renamed.");
                            currentlySelectedVehicle = new KeyValuePair <string, VehicleInfo>(); // clear the old info
                            Notify.Error("This name is already in use or something unknown failed. Contact the server owner if you believe something is wrong.");
                else if (item == replaceVehicle)
                    if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle())
                        Notify.Success("Your saved vehicle has been replaced with your current vehicle.");
                        Notify.Error("You need to be in a vehicle before you can relplace your old vehicle.");
                else if (item == deleteVehicle)
                    if (deleteButtonPressedCount == 0)
                        deleteButtonPressedCount = 1;
                        item.Label = "Press again to confirm.";
                        Notify.Alert("Are you sure you want to delete this vehicle? Press the button again to confirm.");
                        deleteButtonPressedCount = 0;
                        item.Label = "";
                        Notify.Success("Your saved vehicle has been deleted.");
                if (item != deleteVehicle) // if any other button is pressed, restore the delete vehicle button pressed count.
                    deleteButtonPressedCount = 0;
                    deleteVehicle.Label      = "";

Beispiel #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Main OnTick task runs every game tick and handles all the menu stuff.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task OnTick()
            // If the setup (permissions) is done, and it's not the first tick, then do this:
            if (ConfigOptionsSetupComplete)
                #region Handle Opening/Closing of the menu.
                var tmpMenu = GetOpenMenu();
                if (MpPedCustomizationMenu != null)
                    bool IsOpen()
                            (MpPedCustomizationMenu.appearanceMenu.Visible ||
                             MpPedCustomizationMenu.faceShapeMenu.Visible ||
                             MpPedCustomizationMenu.createCharacterMenu.Visible ||
                             MpPedCustomizationMenu.inheritanceMenu.Visible ||
                             MpPedCustomizationMenu.propsMenu.Visible ||
                             MpPedCustomizationMenu.clothesMenu.Visible ||

                    if (IsOpen())
                        if (tmpMenu == MpPedCustomizationMenu.createCharacterMenu)
                            MpPedCustomization.DisableBackButton = true;
                            MpPedCustomization.DisableBackButton = false;
                        MpPedCustomization.DontCloseMenus = true;
                        MpPedCustomization.DisableBackButton = false;
                        MpPedCustomization.DontCloseMenus    = false;

                if (Game.IsDisabledControlJustReleased(0, Control.PhoneCancel) && MpPedCustomization.DisableBackButton)
                    await Delay(0);

                    Notify.Alert("You must save your ped first before exiting, or click the ~r~Exit Without Saving~s~ button.");

                if (Game.CurrentInputMode == InputMode.MouseAndKeyboard)
                    if (Game.IsControlJustPressed(0, (Control)NoClipKey) && IsAllowed(Permission.NoClip) && UpdateOnscreenKeyboard() != 0)
                        if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle())
                            Vehicle veh = GetVehicle();
                            if (veh != null && veh.Exists() && veh.Driver == Game.PlayerPed)
                                NoClipEnabled = !NoClipEnabled;
                                NoClipEnabled = false;
                                Notify.Error("This vehicle does not exist (somehow) or you need to be the driver of this vehicle to enable noclip!");
                            NoClipEnabled = !NoClipEnabled;


                // Menu toggle button.
                Game.DisableControlThisFrame(0, MenuToggleKey);
Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates all the submenus depending on the permissions of the user.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateSubmenus()
            // Add the online players menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.OPMenu))
                OnlinePlayersMenu = new OnlinePlayers();
                Menu     menu   = OnlinePlayersMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Online Players", "All currently connected players.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);
                Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    if (item == button)
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.OPUnban) || IsAllowed(Permission.OPViewBannedPlayers))
                BannedPlayersMenu = new BannedPlayers();
                Menu     menu   = BannedPlayersMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Banned Players", "View and manage all banned players in this menu.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);
                Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    if (item == button)
                        TriggerServerEvent("vMenu:RequestBanList", Game.Player.Handle);

            // Add the player options menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POMenu))
                PlayerOptionsMenu = new PlayerOptions();
                Menu     menu   = PlayerOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Player Options", "Common player options can be accessed here.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the vehicle options Menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.VOMenu))
                VehicleOptionsMenu = new VehicleOptions();
                Menu     menu   = VehicleOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Vehicle Options", "Here you can change common vehicle options, as well as tune & style your vehicle.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the vehicle spawner menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.VSMenu))
                VehicleSpawnerMenu = new VehicleSpawner();
                Menu     menu   = VehicleSpawnerMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Vehicle Spawner", "Spawn a vehicle by name or choose one from a specific category.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add Saved Vehicles menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.SVMenu))
                SavedVehiclesMenu = new SavedVehicles();
                Menu     menu   = SavedVehiclesMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Saved Vehicles", "Save new vehicles, or spawn or delete already saved vehicles.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);
                Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    if (item == button)

            // Add the Personal Vehicle menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.PVMenu))
                PersonalVehicleMenu = new PersonalVehicle();
                Menu     menu   = PersonalVehicleMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Personal Vehicle", "Set a vehicle as your personal vehicle, and control some things about that vehicle when you're not inside.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the player appearance menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.PAMenu))
                PlayerAppearanceMenu = new PlayerAppearance();
                Menu     menu   = PlayerAppearanceMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Player Appearance", "Choose a ped model, customize it and save & load your customized characters.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

                MpPedCustomizationMenu = new MpPedCustomization();
                Menu     menu2   = MpPedCustomizationMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button2 = new MenuItem("MP Ped Customization", "Create, edit, save and load multiplayer peds. ~r~Note, you can only save peds created in this submenu. vMenu can NOT detect peds created outside of this submenu. Simply due to GTA limitations.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu2, button2);

            // Add the time options menu.
            // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.TOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_time_sync))
                TimeOptionsMenu = new TimeOptions();
                Menu     menu   = TimeOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Time Options", "Change the time, and edit other time related options.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the weather options menu.
            // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.WOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_weather_sync))
                WeatherOptionsMenu = new WeatherOptions();
                Menu     menu   = WeatherOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Weather Options", "Change all weather related options here.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the weapons menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.WPMenu))
                WeaponOptionsMenu = new WeaponOptions();
                Menu     menu   = WeaponOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Weapon Options", "Add/remove weapons, modify weapons and set ammo options.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add Weapon Loadouts menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.WLMenu))
                WeaponLoadoutsMenu = new WeaponLoadouts();
                Menu     menu   = WeaponLoadoutsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Weapon Loadouts", "Mange, and spawn saved weapon loadouts.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add Voice Chat Menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.VCMenu))
                VoiceChatSettingsMenu = new VoiceChat();
                Menu     menu   = VoiceChatSettingsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Voice Chat Settings", "Change Voice Chat options here.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

                RecordingMenu = new Recording();
                Menu     menu   = RecordingMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Recording Options", "In-game recording options.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add misc settings menu.
            //if (CommonFunctions.IsAllowed(Permission.MSMenu))
            // removed the permissions check, because the misc menu should've never been restricted in the first place.
            // not sure why I even added this before... saving of preferences and similar functions should always be allowed.
            // no matter what.
                MiscSettingsMenu = new MiscSettings();
                Menu     menu   = MiscSettingsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Misc Settings", "Miscellaneous vMenu options/settings can be configured here. You can also save your settings in this menu.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add About Menu.
            AboutMenu = new About();
            Menu     sub = AboutMenu.GetMenu();
            MenuItem btn = new MenuItem("About vMenu", "Information about vMenu.")
                Label = "→→→"

            AddMenu(sub, btn);

            // Refresh everything.
            MenuController.Menus.ForEach((m) => m.RefreshIndex());

            if (!GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_use_permissions))
                Notify.Alert("vMenu is set up to ignore permissions, default permissions will be used.");
Beispiel #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Kill this player, poor thing, someone wants you dead... R.I.P.
 /// </summary>
 private void KillMe(string sourceName)
     Notify.Alert($"您被 {GetSafePlayerName(sourceName)}~s~ 殺了");
     SetEntityHealth(Game.PlayerPed.Handle, 0);