public WavAudioMediaData Copy(Time timeBegin, Time timeEnd)
            if (timeBegin == null || timeEnd == null)
                throw new exception.MethodParameterIsNullException("Clip begin or clip end can not be null");

            if (
                timeBegin.IsLessThan(Time.Zero) ||
                timeEnd.IsLessThan(Time.Zero) ||
                (timeEnd.IsGreaterThan(Time.Zero) && timeBegin.IsGreaterThan(timeEnd)) ||
                throw new exception.MethodParameterIsOutOfBoundsException(
                          String.Format("The given clip times are not valid, must be between 00:00:00.000 and {0} ([{1} --> {2})",
                                        AudioDuration, timeBegin, timeEnd));

            WavAudioMediaData copy = Copy();

            if (timeEnd.IsGreaterThan(Time.Zero) && timeEnd.IsLessThan(AudioDuration))
                copy.RemovePcmData(timeEnd, AudioDuration);

            if (timeBegin.IsGreaterThan(Time.Zero))
                copy.RemovePcmData(Time.Zero, timeBegin);

 /// <summary>
 /// Merges <c>this</c> with a given other <see cref="AudioMediaData"/>,
 /// appending the audio data of the other <see cref="AudioMediaData"/> to <c>this</c>,
 /// leaving the other <see cref="AudioMediaData"/> without audio data
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">The given other AudioMediaData</param>
 /// <exception cref="exception.MethodParameterIsNullException">
 /// Thrown when <paramref name="other"/> is <c>null</c>
 /// </exception>
 /// <exception cref="exception.InvalidDataFormatException">
 /// Thrown when the PCM format of <c>this</c> is not compatible with that of <paramref name="other"/>
 /// </exception>
 public override void MergeWith(AudioMediaData other)
     if (other == this)
         throw new exception.OperationNotValidException("Can not merge a AudioMediaData with itself");
     if (other is WavAudioMediaData)
         if (!PCMFormat.Data.IsCompatibleWith(other.PCMFormat.Data))
             throw new exception.InvalidDataFormatException(
                       "Can not merge this with a WavAudioMediaData with incompatible audio data");
         Time thisInsertPoint       = AudioDuration;
         WavAudioMediaData otherWav = (WavAudioMediaData)other;
         Time dur = otherWav.AudioDuration;
         NotifyAudioDataInserted(this, thisInsertPoint, dur);