Beispiel #1
        /* Beginning of image interaction functions.*/

        // Clicking on the image pops out a box displaying what the color is or is most similar to.
        private void pictureDisplay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (imageLoaded)
                // Get mouse coordinates relative to the pictureBox.
                MouseEventArgs me = (MouseEventArgs)e;
                int            x  = me.Location.X;
                int            y  = me.Location.Y;

                Color       pixel = originalImage.GetPixel(x, y);
                DRGBNcolors color = new DRGBNcolors();
                color.findColor(pixel.R, pixel.G, pixel.B, this.Location.X + this.pictureDisplay.Location.X + x,
                                this.Location.Y + this.pictureDisplay.Location.Y + y);
Beispiel #2
        /* Beginning of image interaction functions.*/
        // Clicking on the image pops out a box displaying what the color is or is most similar to.
        private void pictureDisplay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (imageLoaded)
                // Get mouse coordinates relative to the pictureBox.
                MouseEventArgs me = (MouseEventArgs)e;
                int x = me.Location.X;
                int y = me.Location.Y;

                Color pixel = originalImage.GetPixel(x, y);
                DRGBNcolors color = new DRGBNcolors();
                color.findColor(pixel.R, pixel.G, pixel.B, this.Location.X + this.pictureDisplay.Location.X + x,
                    this.Location.Y + this.pictureDisplay.Location.Y + y);