Beispiel #1
 private void placeWordVert(string word, int x, int y)
     //Place the word in the datatable vertically
     for (int i3 = 0; i3 < word.ToCharArray().Length; i3++)
         dt.Rows[y + i3][x] = word.ToCharArray()[i3];
     //Store the main grid or datatable location coordinates
     if (findWord(word) == null)
         location l = new location();
         l.word = word;
         l.hAlign = false;
         l.x = x;
         l.y = y;
Beispiel #2
 private void placeWordHoriz(string word, int x, int y)
     //Place the word in the datatable horizontally
     for (int i2 = 0; i2 < word.ToCharArray().Length; i2++)
         dt.Rows[y][x + i2] = word.ToCharArray()[i2];
     //Store the main grid or datatable location coordinates
     if (findWord(word) == null)
         location l = new location();
         l.word = word;
         l.hAlign = true;
         l.x = x;
         l.y = y;