Beispiel #1
        public IEnumerable<CategoryNode> ReadDB(int? catalogID, int? parentID)
            IEnumerable<CategoryNode> iCatNode;
            CategoryNodeDataContext db = new CategoryNodeDataContext();
            CategoryDataContext dbCategory = new CategoryDataContext();

            iCatNode = db.ZNodeCategoryNodes.AsEnumerable()
                        _CatNode => _CatNode.CategoryID,
                        _Category => _Category.CategoryID,

                    (_CatNode, _Category) => new
                    (row => new CategoryNode
                            catalogID = (!row.CatalogID.HasValue) ? 0 : (int)row.CatalogID,
                            isActive = row.ActiveInd,
                            theme = row.Theme,
                            masterPage = row.MasterPage,
                            dateStart = row.BeginDate,
                            dateEnd = row.EndDate,
                            CSS = row.CSS,
                            title = row.Title,
                            categoryNodeID = row.CategoryNodeID,
                            categoryID = row.CategoryID,
                            parentCategoryNodeID = row.ParentCategoryNodeID,
                            displayOrder = (!row.DisplayOrder.HasValue) ? 0 : (int)row.DisplayOrder

            if (catalogID.HasValue)
                iCatNode = iCatNode
                    .OrderBy ( x => x.displayOrder)
                    .ThenBy ( x => x.title)
                    .Where ( row => row.catalogID == catalogID );

            if (parentID.HasValue)
                iCatNode = iCatNode
                    .OrderBy(x => x.displayOrder)
                    .ThenBy(x => x.title)
                    .Where(row => row.parentCategoryNodeID == parentID);

            return iCatNode;
Beispiel #2
        public Boolean Keywords(string searchtext, string fieldname, string mode)
            //TODO: DEBUG_DAO create a function to build these filters. using brute force right now
            // need to add quoted phrases, exclude operators, whole or partial wor support
            // algorithm not always returning values, or sometimes rturns multiple when there should be one

            PortalCatalogDataContext dbPortalCatalog = new PortalCatalogDataContext();
            PortalDataContext dbPortal = new PortalDataContext();
            CategoryNodeDataContext dbCategoryNode = new CategoryNodeDataContext();
            ProductCategoryDataContext dbProductCategory = new ProductCategoryDataContext();
            ProductDataContext dbProduct = new ProductDataContext();
            CategoryDataContext dbCategories = new CategoryDataContext();

            PortalCatalog portal = new PortalCatalog();

            Boolean fStatus = false;

            // Work through the database  to find all products associated with a portal ID.
            // Znode has a few tables that simply act as relationship tables, hence the complexity of this query.

            var listPortalCatalog = portal.ReadDB(PortalID);

            var _productlist = listPortalCatalog.AsEnumerable()

                    // staring with the portal ID, grab all catalogs for that portal

                    // get mapping of catalogs to various categories
                            joinedPortalCatalogs => joinedPortalCatalogs.catalogID,
                            tempCategoryNode => tempCategoryNode.CatalogID,
                                (joinedPortalCatalogs, tempCategoryNode) => new
                                { joinedPortalCatalogs = joinedPortalCatalogs, tempCategoryNode = tempCategoryNode }
                        ) // produces joinedCategoryNode
                    // get mapping of all product IDs within categories
                            joinedCategoryNode => joinedCategoryNode.tempCategoryNode.CategoryID,
                            tempProductCategories => tempProductCategories.CategoryID,
                                (joinedCategoryNode, tempProductCategories) => new
                                { joinedCategoryNode = joinedCategoryNode, tempProductCategories = tempProductCategories }
                        ) // produces joinedProductCategories
                    // get mapping of all products to categories and get product details
                            joinedProductCategories => joinedProductCategories.tempProductCategories.ProductID,
                            tempProducts => tempProducts.ProductID,
                                (joinedProductCategories, tempProducts) => new
                                { joinedProductCategories = joinedProductCategories, tempProducts = tempProducts }
                        )  // produces final product list (tempProducts)
                        (row => new Product
                                productID = row.tempProducts.ProductID,
                                parentCategoryID = row.joinedProductCategories.tempProductCategories.CategoryID,
                                categoryID = row.joinedProductCategories.joinedCategoryNode.tempCategoryNode.CategoryID,
                                shortDescription = row.tempProducts.ShortDescription,
                                description = row.tempProducts.Description,
                                productNumber = row.tempProducts.ProductNum,
                                imageFile = row.tempProducts.ImageFile,
                                displayOrder = (!row.tempProducts.DisplayOrder.HasValue) ? 0 : (int)row.tempProducts.DisplayOrder,
                                imageAltTag = row.tempProducts.ImageAltTag,
                                title = row.tempProducts.Name,
                                salePrice = row.tempProducts.SalePrice,
                                retailPrice = row.tempProducts.RetailPrice,
                                isOnSale = (row.tempProducts.SalePrice.HasValue) ? true : false,
                                portalID = (!row.tempProducts.PortalID.HasValue) ? 0 : (int)row.tempProducts.PortalID

            // set operational modes
            //fieldName = all | title | description    mode = all | exact | any

            if ((fieldname != null) && (fieldname.Length > 0))
                fieldname = fieldname.ToLower();
                fieldname = null;

            if ((mode != null) && (mode.Length > 0))
                mode = mode.ToLower();
                mode = null;

            // get any search terms

            String[] searchTerms = new String[] { };
            string[] separators = { ",", ".", "!", "?", ";", ":", " " };

            if (mode != null)
                mode = mode.ToLower();
                if (mode == "all" || mode == "any" || mode==null)
                    searchTerms = searchtext.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    searchTerms = null; // use searctext for an exact phrase matching

            if (fieldname == "all" || fieldname == null)
                if (mode == "exact")
                    _productlist = _productlist
                                            row => row.title.ToLower().Contains(searchtext) ||
                                            row.description.ToLower().Contains(searchtext) ||
                                            row.keywords.ToLower().Contains(searchtext) ||
                                            row.shortDescription.ToLower().Contains(searchtext) ||
                                            row.SEOKeywords.ToLower().Contains(searchtext) ||
                                            row.SEOTitle.ToLower().Contains(searchtext) ||
                else if ((mode == "any") || (mode == null))
                    var p1 = _productlist
                            row => searchTerms.Any
                                term => row.title.ToLower().Contains(term)
                    var p2 = _productlist
                                row => searchTerms.Any
                                    term => row.description.ToLower().Contains(term)
                    var p3 = _productlist
                                row => searchTerms.Any
                                    term => row.keywords.ToLower().Contains(term)

                    _productlist = p1.Union(p2).ToList();

                else if (mode == "all")

                    var p1 = _productlist
                                    row => searchTerms.All
                                        term => row.title.ToLower().Contains(term)
                    var p2 = _productlist
                                row => searchTerms.All
                                    term => row.description.ToLower().Contains(term)
                    var p3 = _productlist
                                row => searchTerms.All
                                    term => row.keywords.ToLower().Contains(term)

                    _productlist = p1.Union(p2).ToList();


            else if (fieldname == "title")
                if (mode == "exact")
                    _productlist = _productlist
                                            row => row.title.ToLower().Contains(searchtext)
                else if ((mode == "any") || (mode == null))
                    _productlist = _productlist
                            row => searchTerms.Any
                                    term => row.title.ToLower().Contains(term)
                else if (mode == "all")
                    _productlist = _productlist
                                row => searchTerms.All
                                        term => row.title.ToLower().Contains(term)
            else if (fieldname == "description")
                if (mode == "exact")
                    _productlist = _productlist
                                            row => row.description.ToLower().Contains(searchtext)
                else if ((mode == "any") || (mode == null))
                    _productlist = _productlist
                            row => searchTerms.Any
                                    term => row.description.ToLower().Contains(term)
                else if (mode == "all")
                    _productlist = _productlist
                            row => searchTerms.All
                                    term => row.description.ToLower().Contains(term)

            else if (fieldname == "keywords")
                if (mode == "exact")
                    _productlist = _productlist
                                            row => row.keywords.ToLower().Contains(searchtext)
                else if ((mode == "any") || (mode == null))
                    _productlist = _productlist
                            row => searchTerms.Any
                                    term => row.keywords.ToLower().Contains(term)
                else if (mode == "all")
                    _productlist = _productlist
                            row => searchTerms.All
                                    term => row.keywords.ToLower().Contains(term)


            _productlist = _productlist
                            .OrderBy(row => row.productCategoryID);

            if (_productlist != null)
                try {
                    fStatus = true;
                    Count = _productlist.Count();
                    ProductList = _productlist;
                catch (Exception e)
                    Count = 0;
                    ProductList = null;

            return fStatus;